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  • What pain meds do not cause urinary retention?

    I am having surgery in three weeks and have my pre-op tomorrow. I was wondering if you all knew of any pain meds that do not cause bladder retention? After my last c section I had MAJOR bladder retention. It was so bad I actually had to have the cath reinserted :( After that I refused all pain meds besides motrin, as hyrdocodone had this effect on me once before. Is there anything I can take that will not cause this? I am having IV sedation, so I do not know if that would make matters worse or not.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Do not know what to do about my almost 2 year old?

    About a month ago, my daughters personality completely changed. She used to be the happiest little girl who loved bath/bed time and hanging out with daddy. She is 22 months old now, and she cries hysterically when it is time for bath and bed. She cries so hard her face turns purple and she will usually not stop except when I am holding her. She also ONLY wants me, all the time. If she thinks there is any chance my husband is going to take her away from where I am at, she wants nothing to do with him. She will cry and run towards me, and will not give him a hug or anything. But then when he leaves, she will sometimes cry for him. At the time all of this started she stopped using the toilet for #2. She had been consistently using it for that for at least a month, and even though she says she has to go, but when I take her to the toilet she just wants down. She throws fits and will hit out of frustration, and say, "no." We have tried time outs, talked to her calmly, leaving the room, laughing etc. When she went through a hitting phase 6 months ago, we tried spanking a few times but that only made it worse, so we stopped. I really do not want to do that again, because for her, it did not make a difference. I know she is toddler, and yes I realize they can be difficult, but I would like some advice. I feel like she is so unhappy now, and I hate to see her sad. Thoughts?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • What color hair do you think my son has?

    I am a red head (more auburn) and my hubby is a brunette. I am the only redhead in our immediate family. Our daughter had dark eyebrows and hair from birth. We also have no blondes in our immediate family. I know he is mostly bald, but I am thinking I see a bit of red on the sides where there is more hair. What do you all think? He also looks identical to me as a baby.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Toddlers teeth scrape bottom of sippy cup?

    My daughter just turned 19 months old. She uses a sippy cup with not much of a spout. (playtex) She only drinks water or milk. Never juice. I have noticed that all of her sippy cups are scraped from her bottom teeth. I can't imagine this is good for her. She was resistant to get off of the bottle so she was late starting the sippy. Anyone else's baby do this?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • 3 back to back pregnancies, I have bald spots!?

    I had my 1st baby 12-09, 2nd 3-11, 3rd 5-12. I think my hair has always been a little on the thin side by my temples, but I am noticing big thinning spots! I am freaking out. I have to wear my hair back for work which I am sure isn't good for the thinning. I know that you lose hair after you have a baby, but this much? I am wondering if because I have had 3 pregnancies relatively close together, that my hair never really had a good chance to grow back. What do you think?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Breastfeeding help, thinking I need to switch to formula?

    My son is three weeks old. I recently went back to work. I am only getting 6 oz per 8 hour day and pump 2 oz a session. At daycare he is eating 12 oz at daycare. I drink a bunch of water, I don't know what to do. I feel like my son isn't thriving. He was in the 20% percentile at his 2 month check up. I have a great pump, I don't know what to do, thoughts?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Is it possible for my baby to have blue eyes?

    My son is three months old and has blue eyes. They seem lighter than my daughters were when she was his age. I am wondering if he is going to keep his blue eyes? I have green eyes , hubby has green with a tiny bit of brown. Our daughters are hazel. My moms are hazel and my dads are brown. My mother in laws are blue. We do not know about my hubby's bio dad as he was a sperm donor. We assume green or brown cause my husbands are green. Could my little boy keep his blue eyes?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Anyone else able to feel their iud?

    I got my copper iud on saturday. I checked the strings and they are there, but I can feel my iud. Not with fingers but just a pressure/slight cramp on my cervix. I even get a cramp that runs down my theigh off and on durin the day. Anyone else have this? Is this just my body adjusting to it? If this is how it is going to be for the next 5 years, I can not deal with this. Anyone?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Stay at home mom or school?

    I am so on the fence about starting school or being a stay at home mom. I have two kids, 18 mo and 10 weeks. I was on maternity leave for 4 months and went back 3 weeks ago. I am 25 and work for Kaiser on call. Basically, I get offered shifts and I pick and chose which ones I want. As long as I work one day a week, I keep my employment. I have always wanted to become a nurse. I attended a local JC to pursue this before I had my kids. Our plan was always for me to get my education first and then have babies. But, we had an oops baby, who was born prematurely. She only lived 8 short days. After that, we were parents without a child. Thankfully, we had a healthy girl 15 months later. My hubby has a great job, and we bought our first house last year. Because no local college will accept my transcripts into their RN program, we put my school on hold. My only option was a double bachlors from Samual Merritt. My local state schools rn program has a median acceptance GPA of 3.87, I knew I could never obtain that. Anyway, hubby decided to take the LSAT and begin law school. We decided he was going to further his education at night , and I would stay home with the kids or work my one day a week for sanity. He took the LSAT, but has not applied to school yet. He is doing so well at his current job, and he makes more than what an attorney makes starting out. Not to mention law school is 150 k. Well, when I was 6 months pregnant with out 10 week old, my friend told me about this new school opening up in my city. She got into the first cohort. They have other locations around the nation, but this would be the first in Cali. It is a 27 month rn program. The entrance exam was free so I took it twice and scored a 91.5%. They accept the top 30 scores. Well, I got in. The school is accredited and cost 54 k. In order for us to afford the extra costs of daycare and gas we would need to borrow 500 a month from my mom in law. She is an rn too, who went through school when her kids were little. She offered to help us out financially. This may sound stupid, but I am sort of sad I got in. I was looking forward to be a SAHM. I missed out on so much when my 18 month old was in daycare. I used to work full time. I am completly torn as to what to do. If I do not go to school now, I will probably never become a nurse. But, at the end of the day what is the most important? My kids, or my career? Plus I hate the cost and having to borrow money from my mom in law. What would you do? Oh ya, I have a family friend who can guarentee me a job at Kaiser once I graduate. There is no new grad program, so you can only work as a new nurse if you know someone...starting pay is 85 k...

    8 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • I am so irritated with my husband?

    I have a 6 week old and a 16 month old. I have been home for the past four months as my dr took me off of work. My husband is pretty much no help when it comes to anything difficult with he kids. He has always been a great dad with our oldest but ever since the baby came along he acts like he cannot do anything. I cook, clean, and watch the kids during the day. The baby is usually my responsibilty, but the past couple weeks I have been trying to get him to help more. Not just with the baby but both at the same time. I go back to work in about a week and he will have to watch both of them, sometimes at night. When I ask him to do something he acts like he doesn't know what to do, when I get frusterated then all of a sudden he knows what to do. I thought it was just him asking for reassurance but it is the same thing day after day. He is also so insensitive to me, especially when it comes to sleep. Last night the baby didnt go to sleep till 12 am and woke up every hour and then was wide awake at 5. So I got up with him he went back to sleep an hour later in the swing. My husband got up do I decided to go for a run. I'm gone 2 minutes and he is calling saying what do I do if he wakes up? Obviously give him

    A bottle if he is hungrey. He calls again and again so I come home. Whatever I was over it. We run errands and at 6 I ask him to cook dinner. He says ya and I lay down on the couch. The baby was

    Passed out too so I figured I would take a nap. I'm asleep 20 minutes and he wakes me up to ask if I will put out 16 month old down. I cry and say I slept 3 hours! I multi task with the kids all the time, she wasn't even tired yet, so I was woken up for nothing. Half hour later I put her down and the baby wakes

    up. I go upstairs and shut our bedroom door. Well, it is 11 pm and baby is awake so again I don't sleep while he sleeps downstairs peacefully. I am so angry with him! I feel like he isn't even trying and i don't know why. He is so loving towards me and the kids. I just don't get it. I try to talk about it and he says, "your better with him than me." Help!

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Dog possibly has broken paw?

    My toddler was in my husbands arms and had a ball like toy. It has a weight in it so it makes noise when you shake it. She threw it and we think it hit our cairn terrier. Now she is not putting weight on her leg. Even when laying down and she is panting like crazy. I can touch her leg and she doesn't cry. She will growl but she growls when I touch her paws anyway. She will not settle down and lay. We cannot afford a vet right now, do not have good credit and our family will not help. Does this sound broken?

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • 3 week old baby help?

    My son is three weeks old. For the past week every night around the same time he gets very fussy. The only thing that soothes his is using me as a paci. He does not like pacifiers. I am not sure if this is colic as he will stop crying once he is on me. But last night even when I would put him on me, he would shake his head furiously and would open his mouth rooting. Even thought nipple was right there. He would go on and off and fuss in between. Is colic non stop crying only? Cuz like I said he will settle down. He was also very gassy last night so I thought I would try cutting dairy out of my diet. Today he is as fussy as usual. Wants to pacify on my all the time, only sleeping in my arms for 15 min at a time. He isn't much of a burper either. I try every time but rarely get one, thinking he may have tummy pains. He also recently has only been eating a few minutes and then falling asleep on the breast. Any advice would be appreciated! My daughter was not like this at all so I am kind of at a loss as to what to do. I should mention she is 15 months old and needs my attention as well.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 3 week old will not sleep?

    He has been awake for 4 hours now. He is changed, fed, and will not even sleep in my arms. He starts to drift asleep and then his eyes open. He is now in my Moby wrap and awake. Tried everything! Maybe he will sleep more tonight because he is awake now. Mommy really wants to shower :(

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Colic or just fussiness?

    My son is 2.5 weeks old. The past two nights around the same time he fusses nonstop. He will only stop if I lay him down next to me and nurse him to sleep. He doesn't seem in pain, just unhappy. Is this colic?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Body not responding to breast pump?

    My son is 2 weeks old and a week ago I started to add a pump session here and there to build up my freezer supply for work. I have a 15 month old who I was only able to BF for 3 months. As soon as I went back to work I only was able to pump a total of 4 oz a day! That's with three fifteen minute sessions with my high end Medela pump. I go back to work at the end of July and I am really worried about not being able to provide for little man. I have tried all the tricks, and even took Fenugreek and a perscription from my OB to increase my supply with my daughter. The past 4 pumping sessions I have tried recently I got maybe 1/4 oz total! Usually I pump an hour after he eats. I get more if I pump while he is on the other side, but that's not something that will work while working. Help Mamas?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 39 weeks, going to the bathroom right after I eat...normal?

    Ever since 33 weeks or so I have been having to use the bathroom (#2) within 30 min after I eat anything. This is my third pregnancy and I do not remember this with the others. Anyone else gone through this? I figured it was normal just because baby is taking up so much room.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • What does my OB mean by this?

    Thanks to a new study by the March Of Dimes, elective c sections cannot be done before 39 weeks. My c section is scheduled for the 29th. Hubby will only be able to stay for the birth and then has to go right back to work while I am alone in the hospital for 4 days. I delivered my daughter in 2011 at 38 weeks via planned c section. I went in today to see if we could change the date to a Friday so hubby could spend more time with baby and I. Unfortunately it cannot be changed as I am 39 weeks on memorial day. But on my way out he said, " In order for me to be able to do the c section before 39 weeks all you need is somewhat regular contraction which I bet you are already having at night. Maybe you should be a little more observant" he then squeezed my shoulder. Do you think he means I should go in to L&D on Thursday or Friday night?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How to attach sheer fabric to belly cast?

    I am trying to figure out how to decorate my pregnancy belly cast. I know what I am doing with the belly but I can't figure out how to do the breast are. I was thinking of a sheer fabric to cover the breasts almost like a tube top. How can I attach it? I don't want it to hang loosely over it but to be stuck on it in spots. Like this:

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Anyone successful in having their OB change induction or c section?

    I have my csection scheduled for the 29th. My husband just got work that he has a few bids that have to go out on that day. He is the only estimator so he is the only one who can do it. I cannot bare the thought of him missing our sons birth. My csection is scheduled so I will be 39w1d. I have a pre op appointmet this Thursday and was going to ask my OB if we can do it on Friday do hubby won't miss his bid day. I will be 38w4d at that point. I don't know what to do. I also cannot go into labor either due to my classical c section.

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Back pain and then contraction?

    I am 38 weeks. I am having a lot of back pain (lower) it started off gradual but it is getting worse. After the back pain I get a contraction and then feel pressure and crampy. Sound like labor?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago