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Canine hip dysplasia, and sudden pain question....?
My 1 year old lab got diagnosed with hip dysplasia and arthritis (due to his bad hips). About a week ago, he started having this would seem to paralyze him, and he'd lift his right front paw in pain. We thought that maybe he had broke it, but the vet said it all looked fine, no cuts on his paws or anything (and xray was clear too). On Sunday, he had three of these "episodes". I took him to the vet Monday, and he's been fine until today.
After this episode of severe yelping and lifting his paw, he doesn't want to move. It takes him about 15 min. He also acts disoriented and starts salivating and panting a lot. The vet only gave me Cosequin, and said he was too young to start pain relievers. Are these episodes related to his hips? I feel so bad for him :( We adopted him from Animal Control as a little pup.
So yea, anyone have this problem? Maybe I can lead the vet into the right direction?
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat are some great London restaurants?
I am helping my friend with her search for some restaurants (and things to do), while visiting London over Christmas break. She's on a budget (basically 5£ for breakfast, and between 7-10£ for lunch/dinner). If she should make that budget higher, then let me know! heh.
She's looking for a cheap place to eat around the Buckingham Palace as well?
Is there a great site that you could recommend with a bunch of restaurants and price ranges, that would be great.
For a bonus, what are some great things to do that doesn't cost much, and isn't too touristy?
5 AnswersLondon1 decade agoBaby aquatic turtle habitat help.?
I know I need maybe a plant, a full spectrum light....but otherwise, how does my habitat look?
He doesn't want anything to do with the ramp to get to his basking spot. Is it because it's a new habitat? Any tips for an aquatic turtle? Thanks.
And I will upgrade his/her tank when it gets bigger! This is just a starter. I will eventually make a pond for it.
6 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoWhat kind of flower is this....?
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWhy do people who live in the city own trucks?
And why in the heck do people with 0-2 kids have a huge, gas guzzling SUV?
It boogles my mind. I think it's really wasteful, and not being very environmentally conscious.
18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoI made the mistake of buying Sentry Pro, can I somehow wash it off, and just get Frontline instead?
I just put it on my dog yesterday. Thoughts?
1 AnswerDogs1 decade agoCan't figure this one out, anatomy & physiology question...?
Frank has been fasting for several days and he begins to notice a strong smell of ammonia in his urine. He begins to worry and borrows some pH paper from the chemistry lab and finds that his urine is also very acidic. What would account for these observations?
3 AnswersBiology1 decade agoAuto collision claims process?
I am getting super frustrated, and need advice because my insurance isn't being too helpful.
Somebody crashed into my car on Saturday. I filed a claim a couple hours later (Sunday at like 2am). I also called, but apparently the offices are closed on Sundays even tho the website said 24/7. So then on Monday it starts. Tuesday, I sent the police report in the morning via fax. Nobody has come to look at my car yet. The other person's insurance hasn't contacted me. I leave out of town on Friday, so how can I speed up the process?
When will someone come usually, to look at my car? I am hoping to have things done by tomorrow.
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoAnatomy and Physiology question...Lacteals?
I can't seem to find the answer to this question!
a) secrete digestive enzymes
b) produce hormones
c) increase the surface area of the mucosa of the sm. intestine
d) produce new cells for the mucosa of the sm. intestine
e) carry products of digestion that will not pass thru the walls of blood capillaries.
Biology1 decade agoCar accident, not my I still need to file a claim to my insurance?
It's my first car accident. Basically someone went straight on a left turn only lane, and yea...they hit my car. They got a citation for that.
Now my does the insurance work? I have full coverage. Do I just call the insurance company and make a claim? The cop didn't leave me with the insurance information of the at fault driver, but rather a number to get the info (retarded...yes).
My car is now missing a headlight and is a little bent on the bumper (I have an '06 Malibu) and fender. How long will it take to fix? I'm supposed to leave on a 2k drive on Friday. Ugh!!!
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoCar making a scraping noise?
I have a 2006 Chevrolet Malibu, automatic with 44,000 miles on it. Just recently, while driving, I'm starting to notice a scraping noise. It sounds like metal against metal. I don't notice it when I press the gas, but while breaking, or coasting at slow speeds, it's really obvious. My FIL took the rear tire off (it sounds like it's coming from there), and the brakes and rotor and everything looked fine.
Any ideas? It sounded a bit louder today =/ I want to have a bit of an idea before taking it to a mechanic.
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agocan someone guess my dog's breeds?
I have a one year old dog. She's pretty medium sized. About 45lbs, and a very shy temperament. We were told she was a boxer mix...but a mix with what? So guess!!
18 AnswersDogs1 decade agoMy mother is Spanish. How can I obtain Spanish citizenship while being a US citizen?
Just wondering. =D Is it even possible? I was born here. My mother left Spain when she was 18 to marry my father in 1971.
8 AnswersImmigration1 decade agoKind of agnostic, going back to religion?
I went through a terrible moot point, when I was molested as a youngster by two people (one i trusted, the other I didn't know), and then I went through this terrible depression during my teen years. During this whole time, I questioned, and wondered how could there be a God who would allow this. So I sorta started disbelieving. But now, as I got older and wiser (well just started happening recently), I started to realize there was probably a reason all that happened. Maybe God somewhat caused all that to make me stronger, and to help others who fall in the same path.
But you see, I'm not sure if I turned my back on God, and I was reading that it is considered something that will never be forgiven. I've always known something existed, but wasn't quite sure who. I also haven't gone to church in years. I don't really do any "mortal" sins, but yea.
Will be forgiven? O.o
[feels stupid asking this on an online board]
But yea, I'm going to confession on Thursday. Let's see how that goes
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoScratches on my nonstick cookware?
My brother was saying that nonstick skillets are only dangerous when they have scratches on them, therefore releasing the chemical that might cause cancer.
Any truth to this?
Looking at my cookware, I might have to replace all the items. Most of them were my mothers. I've already bought two 10" (One Regal brand, and one Wearever), and a 8" one. I forgot what brand.
Just want to be on the safe side!!
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWireless connection?
On our laptop, we have a wireless router, or something, that was built in and well today, my daughter (4 yrs old), clicked on the Mozilla Firefox, and the internet actually worked. I guess we had the wifi locater on or something. But yea, it connected, and my husband checked where the connection was coming from.
It said it was connected from linksys or something like that, and that it was "available to all", or something like that.
What does it mean? Right away I told my husband to log off because it was illegal to get on someone's network without permission. And would they know it was us logging on (like does it show a physical address to our house or something)?
3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoHow much money does my husband need while deployed?
We are getting ready for our first deployment, and at the FRG meeting they mentioned about the Eagle Cash card. While he's deployed, I want to work on paying off all our debts as well as putting more into our savings account.
The thing though, is how much money does he need each month while over there? Will he still need to pay to eat at the DFAC? What kind of expenses will he have?
Another thing is that we have a family plan cell phone? It only has him and myself on it? What happens with the family plan cell phone?
We have like 6 weeks left before he gets deployed, and I just want to tie up loose ends so it will be less stressful!! I'd rather not worry about this stuff in the last few days when I should be concentrating all my time on him. Ah!
5 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoConfused student?
Ok, well I started off at a 4 year university. Then I started getting lots of anxiety and depression, and basically thought I screwed up. I left the uni with a 2.5 GPA. So then I started at a community college, and my GPA is all the way down to 1.5. I resolved my issues, and am doing good this semester (A's and stuff), and want to restart at the university. Will my bad GPA be transfered?
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoWhich is better: 30 min on the elliptical or a 90 min walk?
So far, I've been exercising about 4 times a week (MWFS), and I can do the elliptical on each of those days, or I can walk in the desert near my house (which has some hills, and it's not paved). I still do strength training 2-3 times a week.
For a weight stand point, I'm a 22 y/o female weighing 190lbs, and standing at 5'4''
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoExcess weight...and no periods?
I have shitty doctors. They have ruled out I suppose everything, and it's been a year since my last period. Now they are just going with the "you are overweight, and the excess weight is causing your hormone levels to mess up."
Can someone elaborate? How can it be that seriously obese women can sometimes still get periods and get pregnant, while I'm moderately overweight (ok, well borderline obese, I'm 30 lbs overweight but I'm working on my weight loss!)?
And my history is that I gained 70lbs in the course of two years, and I'm having a hard time losing weight (I go the gym 4-5 times a week, and eat well). No thyroid malfunction, and no PCOS.
I'm frustrated!!!!!
27 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago