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  • What should I do?

    What should I do? My boyfriend got a dog from the pound last year. I have been the one who takes care of it. I clean after it feed it walk it give it baths. I do not like dog's and I have voiced this to my bf many times. I am getting tired of taking care of this miserable beast of burden. Every time I say I want to get rid of it my bf says ok. But at the same time he puts me on a guilt trip saying that we both got the dog and that it is ours. I never wanted the dog. He did. So now I want to get rid of it but I feel bad. Not too sure what to do... Should I feel guilty for wanting to find the dog a new home?

    14 AnswersDogs6 years ago

    this goes out to the perfect being(s) that is/are in charge of this WORLD/PLANET/EARTH/SPECIES HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS...


    1 AnswerOther - Social Science8 years ago
  • relationship advice What am I doing wrong?

    I am in a relationship with a man that I love very much. We have been together for almost 2 years. we have had a very unique and rough relationship. He gave me a ring in Nov.2012, even though at the time he just got it to keep men away, He now says its a promise ring , but he only says that to me. He tells everyone else we are engaged. I am not sure if I want to be with him anymore due to his lack of compassion towards me. He rarely gives me any compliments. If I want to talk with him about myself I have to ask in a way that is like walking on eggshells. He gets upset easily and has an extremely hard time paying any attention to what I have to say. I have to start an argument just to get him to listen to me. And It's not about bs, It's about our life (how we feel about each other or our finances, normal relationship stuff). I can't even be myself because it is offensive to him, or at least I think so, He gets very negative when I'm being myself. I gave up my home and my life for him.(I know stupid). I am a full time college student and mother of 2 toddlers(I have them with me 24/7- I cant afford childcare and when I could my man made plans with his cuz and friend to go out). He provides us with a place to live and our basic necessities of life.( we share rent and expenses). I have left him a few times but I love him so much. I don't know what to do I've had 2 previous marriages both men cheated on me and lied to me. I don't want to lose another relationship. I guess I just want to know if maybe I'm being too selfish. I have put all my wants and desires on the back burner because he always makes me feel like My wants and desires are stupid. Am I stupid? I really need some advice any advice. I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for about 13 years now. I have no family or friends to talk with, my first husband made sure of that and my current man is the same. Thanks for any advice.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • I need to know the name of this movie Please!!!?

    I cant remember the name of this movie or the actors all I can remember is a line from it... One of the character's says; three in the head you know their dead.... Please help me... This has been stuck in my head for almost a month now....

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Divorced/Adultery Charges... Military?

    I was married to an active duty Air Force member. Our divorce was final on June 1st 2009... During our separation period I got pregnant by a different Air Force member. Now my Ex husband is telling me that the Air Force will charge my New Boyfriend *The other AF member* with Adultery... Can The Air Force really charge Him with Adultery even though we are divorced now...? He also keeps telling me that if My boyfriend claims the baby, the AF will force a paternity test and then charge him with adultery if the baby is his... Please let me know if any of this is true...?!?! *Just to let you know I divorced my Ex cause he was cheating on me. I walked in on him... I don't have any proof that he was cheating tho...*

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Divorced/ Adultery charges in Air Force...?

    I was married to an active duty Air Force member. Our divorce was final on June 1st 2009... During our separation period I got pregnant by a different Air Force member. Now my Ex husband is telling me that the Air Force will charge my New Boyfriend *The other AF member* with Adultery... Can The Air Force really charge Him with Adultery even though we are divorced now...? He also keeps telling me that if My boyfriend claims the baby, the AF will force a paternity test and then charge him with adultery if the baby is his... Please let me know if any of this is true...?!?! *Just to let you know I divorced my Ex cause he was cheating on me. I walked in on him... I don't have any proof that he was cheating tho...*

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Divorce paperwork needs to be signed and stamped by notary...?

    Ok, I have filed for divorce in Lincoln County Washington.. All I have to do is get my final forms signed and stamped by a notary... Now, I can't send my final forms in until April 28th because there is a 90 day separation period in this state... Can I have a Notary sign and stamp the forms now and then just hold onto them until April or will that kind of stuff expire.. Like Does the signatures and dates have to be close to the day I send them to the court or does it matter as long as they have been signed...? Sorry I can't ever seem to get right to the Thanks for any advice...

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Marriage Counseling for Active Duty military?

    I just posted the question asking if I need professional help so if I do decide to seek counseling where can we go to that is free..? Is there a place on base that we can go to... We are stationed at McChord AFB,WA.... Thanks for any advice....

    16 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Do I need to seek Professional Help or Can I work this out on my own?

    I have been With my husband for over 10 years now,I am 26 we have 3 beautiful children ages 7,5, and 18 months... We are military so the normal lifestyles that most have are different for us.. ok, now my issues.. I am at this dead end with my husband... I love him but I'm not in love with him anymore... It's been like this since the second year of our relationship... I have felt like leaving him for 8 years now... But I'm so worried that he will do something stupid like kill himself.. *the only reason I say that is because he told me 8 years ago that if I ever left him that he would have nothing to live for so thats why I worry...I'm so confused right now I can't even think of how to put what I feel into words... I am an outgoing fun loving people person... My husband hates partying *even if it's only once a year HE hates it* He doesn't like crowds or having company over unless it's one of the 2 people that he actually likes... He Is perfectly content with coming home from work and sitting inside watching tv until bed time... I on the other hand have been at home all day with our children and desperately want to get out of the house... He does offer to let me go out and do stuff but when I do go out he will call 30 minutes after I leave asking me where I'm at and what I'm doing and When I'm going to be home...Then when I do get home he is all pissed off at me... He will be all snappy when I ask him how his night was and then he ignores me for a few days..It feels like I'm a prisoner in my own home... And Like I said before he is not physically abusive... I feel that he is mentally abusive to me though and not in the manner that he's calling me names he doesn't do that but anytime I am having fun he has to be rude to the point that I'm crying and never want to do anything... I know that I'm probably not making much sense but I am stretched so thin right now... I just want to move back to my home state with my kids and forget all of this...Like I said before I have felt this way for 8 years, I probably would have left him already but I don't want to put our kids through a divorce and have him off himself... I felt happier when my hubby deployed last year, is that wrong for me to feel like that...? Am I crazy for feeling this way? And Am I just being selfish for wanting to get out and have a few drinks or just go driving around and listen to music without my husband.. Although he doesn't do either of those things and when he use to go out he would gripe at me the entire time telling me that I'm doing everything wrong... Can any of you give me any advice on what I should do.... Please help me out... Thanks

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do I need to seek Professional Help or Can I work this out on my own?

    I have been With my husband for over 10 years now, we have 3 beautiful children ages 7,5, and 18 months... We are military so the normal lifestyles that most have are different for us.. ok, now my issues.. I am at this dead end with my husband... I love him but I'm not in love with him anymore... It's been like this since the second year of our relationship... I have felt like leaving him for 8 years now... But I'm so worried that he will do something stupid like kill himself.. *the only reason I say that is because he told me 8 years ago that if I ever left him that he would have nothing to live for so thats why I worry...I'm so confused right now I can't even think of how to put what I feel into words... I am an outgoing fun loving people person... My husband hates partying *even if it's only once a year HE hates it* He doesn't like crowds or having company over unless it's one of the 2 people that he actually likes... He Is perfectly content with coming home from work and sitting inside watching tv until bed time... I on the other hand have been at home all day with our children and desperately want to get out of the house... He does offer to let me go out and do stuff but when I do go out he will call 30 minutes after I leave asking me where I'm at and what I'm doing and When I'm going to be home...Then when I do get home he is all pissed off at me... He will be all snappy when I ask him how his night was and then he ignores me for a few days..It feels like I'm a prisoner in my own home... And Like I said before he is not physically abusive... I feel that he is mentally abusive to me though and not in the manner that he's calling me names he doesn't do that but anytime I am having fun he has to be rude to the point that I'm crying and never want to do anything... I know that I'm probably not making much sense but I am stretched so thin right now... I just want to move back to my home state with my kids and forget all of this...Like I said before I have felt this way for 8 years, I probably would have left him already but I don't want to put our kids through a divorce and have him off himself... I felt happier when my hubby deployed last year, is that wrong for me to feel like that...? Am I crazy for feeling this way? And Am I just being selfish for wanting to get out and have a few drinks or just go driving around and listen to music without my husband.. Although he doesn't do either of those things and when he use to go out he would gripe at me the entire time telling me that I'm doing everything wrong... Can any of you give me any advice on what I should do.... Please help me out... Thanks

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Stimulus payment?

    I got my notice from the IRS on the 5th of this month it says that I should have my check by May 9th.. But When I check online it says that it is scheduled to be mailed on the 9th... so which would it be...? If anyone knows... And has anyone else in the same situation.. the last two of my ss# is 05...b.t.w....

    6 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • USAA Account question?

    I am new to USAA, My tax refund was just deposited into my account, It says depending direct deposit but when I went to my atm it says the money is in there... So can I spend the money or do I have to wait until the online account no longer says pending... Thank you so much for any advice...

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • I'm trying to access this site and I keep getting the same error message?

    The site is

    I'm trying to access this site and everytime I do the screen comes up saying that my browser connections are wrong... I've changed my connection and it's still giving the following error...


    I've tried getting to the site by clicking on links but it still comes up with this error... please help me... I need to pay my bill on this site very soon...

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Substitute for 1 teaspoon of worcestershire sauce?

    I'm fixing wild mushroom beef stew tomorrow but I'm out of Wrocestershire sauce... The recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of it... Is there anything else I could use....???

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • LES question "Save Pay"?

    I just looked at my husbands LES... He is currently deployed and he is enlisted Air Force... He has been getting HFP/DP, but I just checked the newly posted LES and it says they are paying us something called *Save Pay*... What is save pay... We have had some issues with them paying us for things that they are not suppose to be... We are currently paying back $7,000 that they over paid us... I didn't spend any of it... And they wont let us pay it all back at once... I'm just worried that this Save Pay is something else they have screwed up... Please help me out... Thank you so much

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • How to kill fleas on my cat?

    My cat has fleas he is an indoor cat that I took in a month ago... I have 3 small children and I want to know if there are any child/pet friendly methods to kill the fleas..

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about Infant cold medicines being pulled?

    Is any one besides myself Kinda upset that they pulled infants cough and cold medicines off store shelves? I have been using these products safely since 2001. I actually pay attention to the labels and the directions on dosage... I don't think it's right that they are doing this because some parents are too daft to pay attention to something as important as the directions on the label...Now I will have to pay even more money to take my kids to the doctor just to get some meds that I use to buy over the counter.... I don't want to offend any one but I Was just wondering if anyone else agreed with me...

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Infant cold Medicine being pulled?

    Is any one besides myself Kinda upset that they pulled infants cough and cold medicines off store shelves? I have been using these products safely since 2001. I actually pay attention to the labels and the directions on dosage... I don't think it's right that they are doing this because some parents are too daft to pay attention to something as important as the directions on the label...Now I will have to pay even more money to take my kids to the doctor just to get some meds that I use to buy over the counter.... I don't want to offend any one but I Was just wondering if anyone else agreed with me...

    17 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What would you do for SEX?

    Don't take that the wrong way... What is the oddest thing you have done to get someone in bed with you...???

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what would you do for sex?

    Don't take that the wrong way... What is the oddest thing you have done to get someone in bed with you...???

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago