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Lv 59,038 points

Sean C

Favorite Answers9%

Hello! I'm Sean, 29 yrs old, I live in York, PA. I'm a professional, X military guy, who loves a good glass of wine with dinner, and fine dining. I'm married to a very beautiful woman (who resembles Julia Roberts, seriously) with a house a dog and a cat.

  • Want to leave my wife, but unsure how to get started. It's complicated...?

    Marriedfor 10 years. 7 of those years were rocky. Very few good time, but we had to stay together for financial reason. I mean, I could have gotten out plenty of times but I always had a good job but I always worried that she would not be set. Now I'm in a new state, and all the promises she made when we moved have not been kept (she's basically an alcoholic, and emotionally/physically abusive to me) Earlier this month, more promises were made when we found a nice house to rent instead of a 1 bedroom apartment and she made those same promises to stop drinking every day and try to stop smoking (it would save us a but load of money to do normal things)

    Now I'm seriously regretting that decision and I want her gone! Everyday I'm walking on eggshells. I can't be with her anymore. It's killing me inside. The recent time when I was dead serious and we were going to split, she cried her eyes out to me and made more promises etc and I like a idiot said "ok." My entire family has my back on this (I know because I asked them about it)

    So why am I so hung up on this woman still when we really have nothing going good for us? Why can't I just pull the trigger on this?

    Any advice?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • My wife is physically and mentally abusive, what should I do?

    Ok, before all of you go calling me a pussy for putting up with this, know this: I am an army combat veteran who was always taught to respect and never lay a finger on a female. With that said, where does the lone cross? When is it ok for me to just stand there and take abuse from a female even though in my head I want to push her head through a wall? Get divorced, ok, yes I want to, desperately want to. But easier said than done, right? I want peace, I want a peacefully home, a peaceful separation, a peacefulness life. But I how can I get that with an unpeqceful person? How? Anyone ever been in this situation before? And if so how would you handle it? I ve asked for a divorce many times, only to be flooded with sorrys and. "I ll do better." But it doesn t help. I need some advice/motivation. Help please. Thanks

    26 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • What should I Do?

    Long story short: we've been married for almost 10 years. During those 10 years she's become an alcoholic who thinks there is no problem, has become physically and mentally abusive to me. Has had extreme blow up at my family (who would be happy to see her go) and I finally came to my breaking point and told her that I no longer want to be with her. After hearing that (of course she was drunk) I heard about how crappy of a guy I am and worse. Now today she's crying on the phone saying she doesn't want to us to end, and she'll do anything it takes to keep me. Do I trust that she will hold to all of this? No. but then again, I'm at work and wasn't about to hear her suggestions and let her hear mine. My heart is no longer in this. I know I'd be better off with out her and vice versa. Do I fold, yet again and give her yet another chance, or call it quits finally. This is such a tough decision. Has anyone else ever been in this situation before? I'd like to hear about it.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • My cat is peeing on throw rugs. Why?

    I just washed a throw rug that he's peed on before. He's done this as far back as I can remember since we've moved into this house (4 years). It's not that the litter boxes are filled up. I just washed this rug today and decided to try once again to see if he'd do it. (this rug hasn't been by this door in almost a year) Not 5 hours later my wife caught him in the act.

    I've read other articles on this and they say the ones with rubber backings attract them because of the amonia in the glue or whatever. this does not have rubber. The cat is male, neutered, about 10 years old. We do have 2 other cats, and he is the ruler of the roost. but the other cats don't do this. We have other throw rugs and he doesn't touch them, just the one by the front door.

    I can live with out this throw rug. I'm just curious to know why he does this.


    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Talking to this woman...?

    I ask this here because Singles and Dating is filled with kids who are texting answers in from class....that and I'm no longer married. so I haven't played the field in a while.

    Hey I'm a 30 year old guy and There is a woman who lives across the street from me. well not directly across the street but next to the the dopes across the street from me. She is very attractive looks to be around my age which is great. We've talked a couple times before but only briefly. Perhaps she's the shy type, likes to keep to herself, (like me).

    My question is, How can I talk to her? I know she works at some restaurant as a bar tender. I thought about going to have a drink at this place to kind of break the ice. And quite honestly with a drink in me, I'll be able to relax (No I won't be hammered) Would this be a good idea? Any other suggestions? I'm not just going to go an knock on her door. She's only outside to walk to her car and if I'm out there she usually does wave and smile.

    I'm not really looking for a date (that would be awesome) but I'm more interested in just being a friend....

    Ok I'm looking for a date.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Talking to the girl...?

    Hey I'm a 30 year old guy and There is a woman who lives across the street from me. well not directly across the street but next to the the dopes across the street from me. She is very attractive looks to be around my age which is great. We've talked a couple times before but only briefly. Perhaps she's the shy type, likes to keep to herself, (like me).

    My question is, How can I talk to her? I know she works at some restaurant as a bar tender. I thought about going to have a drink at this place to kind of break the ice. And quite honestly with a drink in me, I'll be able to relax (No I won't be hammered) Would this be a good idea? Any other suggestions? I'm not just going to go an knock on her door. She's only outside to walk to her car and if I'm out there she usually does wave and smile.

    I'm not really looking for a date (that would be awsome) but I'm more interested in just being a friend....Ok I'm looking for a date.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does Anyone else find........?

    I got laid off right before Christmas, so I have a lot of time on my hands anymore..

    Does anyone else find that Vince guy that advertises the ShamWow (and now the chopper thingy) annoying as hell? Who is this guy? He's worse than Billy Mayes (or whatever) who yells everything he advertises.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Thanksgiving...What did you do? How was it?

    How was everyone's Thanksgiving weekend? What did you and your spouse, family do to celebrate, besides the obvious eat too much, sleep too much, and watch the all day "House" marathon on USA? (Maybe you watched Football)

    My weekends was fun. Went to my sister's place for Thanksgiving day. Did all of the above. Friday, we went up to Scranton. Saturday in Scranton went to see my wife's family for the day. Saturday night, was my 10 year High School reunion. I had a lot of fun, drank way too much. Sunday was hungover, and we drove home. That's my weekend in a nutshell.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Bad Day Before Thanksgiving......?

    Normally I have a pretty good attitude about life, the universe and everything. My wife and I are really looking forward to Thanksgiving this year, as it seems more than other years. However, today seemed like a pretty crappy day for me and the wife and here's why.

    Question 1: WHy does the economy suck so freakin bad (this is more of a hypothetical question, I this should be lowest on your answer priority list)

    Question 2: Why, isn't anyone hiring my poor wife who has years of good work experience, a BA in communications and a A.S in Graphic Design? WTF?

    Question 3: I'll prempt this with today, bad story. Last week she was basically accepted for a job. Come to find this morning (the last day at her other job, not her choice it was only temporary) that she might not be able to start on Monday as previously thought and she may not be able to start at all becasue of the whole economic meltdown of everything around these parts (the USA as a whole) Needless to say she is pretty bummed out, upset, scared because we we loose a big chunk of income.

    With this setback, I don't want our good Thanksgiving outlook to go down the crapper. What would you all suggest I do to help ease this situation?

    Sorry to state the drama, but I too am pretty bummed out. I feel so bad for her.

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can I get a show of hands....?

    Hello Folks,

    Raise your hand if you've ever been in the middle of "the act" and something happened around you that just made you or your SO burst out laughing. What was it, and what did you or your spouse do?

    My hand is raised....

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • In the movie Wedding Crashers....?

    I've watched this movie quite a few times, It's a good one. Anyway my wife and I watched over the weekend. Every time I watch it I hear Owen Wilson call Vince Vaughn something that I don't know the meaning behind. He calls him Bubba-ga-noosh or something to that effect.

    Does anyone know the meaning behind this, where does it come from, Or is it just one of those story techniques to let the audience know that they are good buddies?

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • There's this woman across the street.....?

    There's a woman who lives across the street from me. She is very nice, and very attractive. My wife picks on me, calls her my girlfriend. "Oh look there's your girlfriend!" she says. And then laughs when I make a B line for the window (I do this for her amusement only, although I will say she is nice to look at.) Anyway, this women (not really sure how old she is, has to be in her 20's) is selling her house. I talked to her realtor a couple times, who just so happens to be her mother about selling our house because at the time I though we'd be moving to FL. So I've talked to her mother for a couple hours one day at an open house, very nice lady. So last night I go up to the gas station to get gas (as one would normally get at a gas station) and who is at the pump next to me but my girl friend. We exchange hello's I ask her how the selling is going, times are tough, no buyers yet for her. But I caught her checking me out. Do you think it's possible, being that I talked to her mother quite a bit that her mother made commetns to her about me, I mean I'm sure it's possible, she lives right across from me. Its almost as if this chick looked at me in a differnt way while I talked to her last night. I caught her looking at me while I did my gas thing and had some kind of a little smile on her face.

    So please for the sake of my ego and to make me feel good this dreary Friday morning, tell me folks, could she have a little crush on me?

    Not that it makes a big difference,I'm married, she knows I'm married (of course that never stops some women anyway). Could I personally have a thing for her which is why I'm so curious now? Again, not that I would or should pursue anything being that I am married. Just need to reiterate that for all of those who are going to jump to the "Disengage all contance now" and "You''re a pig" type answers which I'm sure to get now that I've mentioned them....

    where am I going with this? I have no clue. Just having fun..

    23 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Hey Everyone. Will this be.......?

    Hey Yahooligans,

    Do you think I'm going to have a good weekend? And why do you think it will or will not?

    I Know you're not all mind readers and Psychics. I'm just trying to have a little fun.

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Last night my wife had a dream....?

    Wife tells me this morning she had a bad dream about me last night...I asked what about? SHe said she had a dream that I was cheating on her with some chick from "Hollywood Video." I never once stepped foot inside nor do I know anyone from Hollywood Video, but that's no the point of this question.

    Do you think she had this dream because she knows that her lack of sex drive and the fact that she knows subconsciously she's not satisfying me in that department any more? She knows that it makes me miserable that we haven't done it in quite some time. Do you think she'll take this dream as a wake up call to show more interest in my feelings, not just regarding sex, but others as well?

    I hope so for our relationship's sake. Not that I would cheat on her, but there are women out there who look more and more enticing as days go by as my sexual frustration gets worse and worse.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • This morning my wife.......(women and men who want to be women only)?

    This morning I stepped out of the shower, dried off a bit and then waked into the bedroom. I was naked, had no clothes on, and wasn't wearing anything.

    My wife looks at me and says her usual me coming out of the shower greeting. "Hi Naked." I said, hi.

    As she went to walk out of the room, I looked directly at my crotch and then her eyes checked out the rest of my body.

    Now. My wife has little to no sex drive, which is unfortunate for both of us right now. What was she thinking when she checked me out like that if she has no sexual interest? Keep in mind I'm a very fit, good looking, well endowed indavidual. What would you ladies think?

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • It's our 3rd year anniversary today!?

    Unfortunately we can't celebrate tonigh becasue I have to work my night job also, We're celebrating this weekend.

    This last year has been the toughest year for us. We've been on the brink of divorce, financial crises, She's been emotionally abusive toward me. She's needs a job, I want to make this year a huge inprovement. I's like her to get her passion back for me this year, I've already done some sweet thing for her this morning and promise to give her more the next coupe of days.

    What I need, besides the obvious flowers which was slightly done this morning, and will happen again, Can anyone give me some really good idea that I can do these next couple of days that is different and really tug at hear heart? We plan on celebrating on satuday, I'm making dinner. What can I get/do that won't cost anything or will cost very little to make this the most memorable anniversary yet? Need some ideas, I have plenty but I'm always up for something new and different.

    Thanks everyone.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Weekend approaching in less than 24 hours...?

    In case you didn't know, it's Friday today. This means tomorrow is Saturday.

    So what are you and your significant other or pet going to do with yourselves this weekend?

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I've never been on one of these before, but the wife and I and another couple got tickets as a gift for a tour of a bunch of the haunted places in Gettysburg, PA. If I catch something on camera, I'll be sure to post it here for you. Should be a fun day. Living a half hour away from Gettysburg for a little over 4 years now, we've never walked around the area. We drove through it, it's such a nice looking place.

    What are you doing?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Where are nice, affordable places to live around Tampa?

    When I say nice, I mean with nice neighborhoods, low crime, safe, affordable homes around the 110,000 to teh 150,000 range.

    My job may be moving me to Tampa if they give me what I'd like, so I need to look for housing. I checked on line found some places but I'm not sure if they are in god areas, I looke in Brandon and Riverside so far. We'd like to live in Sarasota or Bradenton, I know there is a commute but we love that area.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    3 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • Guys, Do any other wives do this? (and ladies if you can admit you do this..)?

    Currently my wife works from 8 to 3. She has worked until 3 before too....Now this is one of those things tat always kind of irked me about her....

    She calls me up and tells me what she needs me to get from the store. AS SHE IS ON HER WAY HOME!!!! I don't get off until 5:30 at the earliest.

    WHy, why can't she get this stuff on teh way home herself? Why do I have to do it? SHe's not doing anyhting special before I get home anyway and its not like she had a hard rough day today. This just ticks me off becasue if I asked her to get something in this situation, I'd be accused of being lazy.

    Do any other wives do this to their husbands? Why?

    Don't get me wrong if it's late in the day and I'm on my way home and she thinks of it, I'll get it, no problem, but she makes this request as soon as she leaves her building Or worse when She's still in work. It makes me a little mad.

    36 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Tough Decision. What do I do? What would you do?

    I have a tough decision ahead of me. Not just me but me and my wife.

    The major points:

    - I put in for a transfer to FL, I live in PA with the company I work for.

    -The wife has been in school, just graduated last Saturday.

    -She had a job interview yesterday and is very qualified for the position, would love the work she'd be doing, and we would finally have 2 incomes to make our lives much much more comfortable financially which is what we need right now.

    -The FL people want to fly me down the next week to talk face to face with them after 2 phone interviews.

    -We've been wanting to move there for quite some time now. And this is an opportunity to do it.

    Here's the dilemma: If we move, yes I'll have a job down there, but we'd have to sell our house (not easy in today's market) and she would have to start job hunting again down there. If we stay in PA and she gets this job, we will finally have 2 incomes and not have to live paycheck to paycheck anymore, AND she will be happy because we have extra money as a cushion and she will like the work she wil be doing.

    So, basically we're waiting to see if she gets this job, but even if she does, do we follow our dream to move down there or do we wait and take a break for ourselves financially and actually live comfortable for once in our married lives?

    Would you move into the unknown, or stay? This is a tough decision for us.

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago