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Most of you should know from my answers that I am a Druid. Some think I'm nuts for being one, but hey... Nature Laughs Last. I don't mind a good discussion on religion, I just don't like the "It's my way or the highway" stance some of these Bible-fanatics take. I'm all for religious freedom. I'm a Druid, I'm proud of it, and I'll never be anything else, so get used to it. Anyways, if anyone wants to strike up a good conversation, feel free to contact me. I'm told that I'm pretty easy to get along with, and I enjoy meeting new people. So throw a line my way soon, maybe you'll make a new friend. /|\ Ár nDraíocht Féin Support the PLM!

  • Strange growth, what to do next?

    Starting early last October, I was having intense pain and sensitivity around my thighs. I noticed that my left testicle was getting large and red. sometime in late November or early December, the pain vanished, and I was left with a very large, hard and swollen testicle. It hurts sometimes, and flares up and becomes bright red at times, but the growth seems to slowly be getting larger.

    I work at a job where I barely make enough to survive, so having health insurance is not a possibility. And I can't afford to see a doctor, much less have any type of surgery.

    I'm just wondering what to do next? I live in Idaho, and I don't know if there are any groups or clinics that can help me out. Also, I can't really afford to miss much work. I'd like to have the growth removed so I can be a little more comfortable, but if there isn't any options, I'm afraid I'll be stuck with it.

    And no, I'm not disabled, handicapped, or a veteran, so I can't sign up for any type of benefits based off of those.

    I'm just wondering... what I should do?

    4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • A friend's new boyfriend hates others... what can I do?

    I've been close friends with a girl for a while, and not too long ago, she picked up a new boyfriend. He doesn't want me or any of her other male friends spending time with her or even just talking with her.

    Here's an example, I went to dinner one night with them. Everytime I would say something to my friend, I either got interupted, or told to leave her alone. If I call her on her house phone and he answers, he tell me that I need to leave her alone and then hangs up.

    I've told my friend that her boyfriend doesn't want me around her, and she says I'm just imagining things. I don't know how she could be so blind to his behavior.

    Is there anything I can do about this?

    I don't want to quit being friends with someone just because of a super-jealous-over-possessive jerk.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Weapon Editor for BF2 Game?

    I'm wanting to build my own Mod for the EA game, BattleField 2 or the Special Forces addon. I've got the levels almost finished, and am wanting to know how I go about building new armies, such as Austrian or German, and building new weapons for them. Do I need a special program for it, and is there one out there that is fairly simple to use?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Tips on writing a Gothic story.?

    I'm working with some ideas for a new story. It's a modern tale of dark sorcery. The time period setting I've having some issues with, but this doesn't deal with that. Right now I'm looking for some good suggestions on how to make it as dark and gothic as possible without loosing the main story.

    What does it take to write a decent dark/gothic story? What elements do I need?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Fellow Pagans, what do you think?

    A few weeks ago I was completely upset and angered over something (not saying what), and all that I could think of was revenge. While waiting for the little light to say it was safe to cross an intersection, I started thinking about how I could cause chaos and mahem to the people who had upset me. As I stood there and waited, black birds, not just a few, but hundreds of them descended into the middle of the intersection, disrupting traffic and creating all sorts of problems for people. I'm a Druid, and am wondering if the birds somehow reacted to my current thoughts, or simply a coincidence. It wasn't like the birds were landing to feed, traffic was moving when they went into the street and the birds seemed like they refused to move.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Disney and Druidism?

    Was it just me, or was Merlin's hut in Shrek 3 covered in Druid symbols? I saw at least one Triskele on the wall. This raises another question...

    If you all remember the religious hype the zealots threw up about the Golden Compass movie. Disney is using Pagan symbols in their movies, why aren't they protesting that? Children might get curious about those symbols and go researching them, and who knows... They might even decide to become Druids. Then again, nothing wrong with that, is there?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is It Possible to give myself too much work?

    I've been writing for a few years now and I'd like to get something published, but I always get beaten by the same problem. I get one piece going, and then a ways into it I get ideas for another and start working on a new story, and so on. At the moment I've got anywhere from 4-6 pieces of writing going at the same time. I'd like to know if there is a way to fix this so I can actually get something finished. I've tried just taking notes, but those notes tend to quickly turn into a story with me. Should I just ignore the ideas?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Story Character Generation?

    Anyone know of a good random character generator that works well for people who write?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Online cookbooks?

    I'm trying to find an online cook book or webstie that lets you list the ingredients you have readily available, and spits out a list of things you can make. Anyone know of any?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How to improve my writing.?

    As an author, I play with various themes and ideas in the sci-fi and fantasy areas. My main problem is I've noticed that all my female characters, main or secondary, come out as somewhat timid and submissive, no matter how hard I try to make them stronger and more assertive, they always revert back to that same submissiveness... And it's driving me nuts. Any suggestions?

    Oh, and just a another simple question... is it thier or their?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Who cares what religion the next president is?

    Atheist, Wiccan, Druid, Muslim, Mormon, Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or even Hindu. Does it really matter what faith the next president is or is not? I think the point is to elect someone who will do a better job than the last guy, at least it was last time I checked. We'll be voting to decide which leader will do a better job, and if you're voting to simply try and gain religious control over the country, you're voting for the wrong reason. This country is great because of the freedom I have to practice any religion I wish, and as the founder of the newly formed PLM, I'll gladly fight to keep that freedom.

    So, does it really matter what faith the next president chooses to be? As long as his or her decisions aren't influenced by thier church, I see no reason to complain.

    *For those wondering what the PLM is, click the link in my profile*

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Golden Compass vs Christianity Debate?

    As a Druid, I have a single, simple question to the christians and their automatic nay saying to any movie that depicts views on the world beside those of the christians. What are you whining about? Sure, Harry Potter depicts witches and wizards, and the Golden Compass is authored by an Agnostic and depicts a battle against a church, they are merely movies, sources of entertainment. What is all the fuss about? I've got scottish blood in my viens, but I never went up in arms about the movie Braveheart. I've also got German blood in me, but I don't get all huffy about WW2 flicks. Nor do I get upset over any movie that depicts Witches, Wiccans or Pagans as the villians. Sorry, but not everything can be done with the sensitive christians in mind. Grow a thick shell and move on, please, and while you're at it, please let me know why you're really whining.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Druids and Animals?

    What does it mean when a Druid relates more to predatory animals than any other animal? As a Druid, I've always been more in touch with animals that hunt and kill than any others, and am just curious as to what others might think this means.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Holy Books?

    I've often wondered, why some religions require a book to justify their beliefs. I always thought that religion was supposed to help enlighten people. Does this really require a book? All I've ever seen come out of using a book as the backbone for a faith is war and death in the name of those books. So, do we really need books to have a religion?

    So basically, I have two questions here... Other than weapons, what do these holy books have purposes for? And, do you think it is possible to have faith and find enlightenment without need for a book to justify it with?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • School and Religion?

    Ok, most of the High Schools I saw in my hometown only had Catholic Seminary classes available as electives. My question is, why stop there? Why not have Wiccan or Druidic classes as well? Why can't we have an Islamic Studies course available as well?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Looking for a Pagan Group?

    I'm looking for a good online Pagan group for people who are having problems with their lives. Someplace where someone can go and vent their frustrations and find support from others without having to hear someone go "That's just what god has planned for you," or "Put god in your heart in all will fine." If anyone knows of any such groups that exsist online, please let me know.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Unwanted Eating Problem?

    About 2-3 weeks ago, I had a battle with food poisioning, and although I got over the illness quickly, I've seemed to develop a few unwanted habits lately. What I eat has been drastically cut back, to the point that I'm eating just a single sandwich or less a day. This isn't per meal, but for the whole day. If I eat anything more than that my stomach becomes upset and I get nauseated. It's not like I'm willingly cutting back my intake, for some reason my body just doesn't want to eat. Is it possible I'm not completely over the illness yet, or is my body reacting the way it is for another reason? Basically I'd like to get back to eating 3 full meals a day, because I'm tired of being hungry. Anyone with any good suggestions on how to get back to a healthy diet?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Religion: By Force or By Choice?

    Do you believe that people should be forced into a single religion, or allowed to choose what faith they wish to practice?

    Let's word this another way. I never felt comfortable or right in the Lutheran faith, the religion my parents tried to force me into at an early age. When I was old enough to understand religion, I decided to follow the Druidic religion. People say I'm wrong for not staying as a Lutheran and that I should switch back or be condemned. Would you force someone like me into a religion I don't wish to be a part of, or would you be happy to let me find my own path?

    Personally, I feel the act of finding the religion one does or doesn't belong to is part of finding one's self. I'm not saying people should be banned from spreading information about their faith, but should refrain from the "You're going to hell for your faith," comments.

    So what do you think? Religion: accept it through force, or the right to choose?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Sex: A Sin or A Gift?

    What is your religious stance on this? Do you believe that the only purpose for sex is to reproduce, and having it for pleasure is a sin? Or do you believe that sex is a gift that is to be enjoyed, and not to be treated as if it is were a disgusting evil act?

    Give me your best answer to this. Remember, I'm looking for answers based upon religion. Thanks!

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • About becoming clergy?

    I've been a Druid for a few years, and I've been getting more and more interested in becoming a member of the clergy. Is there a certain school one needs to go to in order to become a legally ordained priest of their chosen faith? Is there any specific studying I should do? Input from any Pagan Clergy members will be greatly appreciated, but all answers will be welcome. Thanks!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago