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what are some cool looking semi-automatic or automatic guns to get as a tattoo?
I have a pistol tattoo on my right arm and I love it.. I want a cool looking gun on my left arm as well. What are some cool looking ones that are actually sweet guns to shoot as well? I've shot the one on my right, but obviously never handled an automatic before.. Lol! So any ideas?!
6 AnswersTattoos10 years agowhat is a good love song to play on bass?
So, I want to learn a love song to play for my babe. But I don't really listen to love songs.. So I don't know any. I'm pretty decent at bass, so I really want something with a good sounding bass line. It has to be kinda sweet or romantic and have a good challenging bass line to it. We both mostly listen to rock but a little mellow is alright too.. If anyone could give me some good ideas to listen to that would be wicked! Thanks!
3 AnswersOther - Music10 years agoDo cans of soup go bad?
I'm running low on food and am using the last few cans of soup in my cupboard.. Can creamy soups like clam chowder go bad?? theyve been in there for a few years i think.. ^_^
4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoI'm alone and scared?
My fiancee went to jail and left me with nothing. im lonely and depressed and scared. i wish i could curl up and hide but now everyone is watching what i do. im supposed to leave him and move on but i still love him. i love him but i also know we'll never have a good life together. i dont know what to do anymore..
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow much deoes it cost to get a large dog neutered in Red Deer, AB?
i need to get my dog fixed, but i need to know what price range i am looking at.. Anyone!?!
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoMy finacee's father just died...?
His whole family is really messed up. He shot himself and they had to find him. My finacee can't sleep, and when he does he has horrible nightmares. His whole family can't eat and they cry all the time. It's only been a few weeks, so im hopeing that it's normal. I've never had anyone close to me die so im not sure what to do or say... I'm just trying to be there for him. Any ideas of what could help?? Am i doing the right thing?? We're fighting too, and we usually don't. Is it because of the greif?? Should i ignore it? What should i do??
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoWhat is the best way to quit smokeing????
I want to quit so badly!!! But i live with two guys who smoke, my family all smokes and ive been smokeing for probably 10 years now.. I know its not hopeless but i need some help. I refuse to take pills tho!! It's horrible and expensive and my lungs hurt. I want to quit!!! Any helpful ideas?!?! How did you quit?!?
6 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoIt's almost jan 2008!! Anyone have a good workout routine? I want to wear a bikini by summer!!!?
This summer I'm getting married. I want to be able to wear a bikini for my honeymoon.. I've never been able to wear one before because I'm really tall and I can never get my stomach to look good enough. (My inner thighs suck too!!) I just bought an elliptical trainer and have been useing it for a week now. I plan to stay on it ( i love it!) but i was wondering what else I can do? I dont have a gym in this town that i can afford.. So i have to do it all at home. I havnt been working so i have a lot of time. Altho i might be working nights soon... I'm 5foot 9inches and i weigh 180 lbs right now. I'd like to be 150-155 by summer, is this possible??
I try to eat well but i live with two men. gaaah!
Any sudgesstions for routines or websites to check out???
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWhere would be the most romantic (and not too expensive) place in the world to go on a honeymoon??? (^_^)?
I just got engaged... yaaay! ^_^ and while he's thinking of the wedding (i really dont want to do the big thing..) i really only care about the honeymoon... Where do you think would be an awesome place to go?? We have passports, and we live in Canada so we'd like to go somewhere else. We both love water, hikeing, camping, fishing, swimming, snowboarding, hockey, travelling, and takeing pictures of beautiful scenery. We love nature and animals!!! The problem is we both come from not rich familys and we're going to have to pay for it all by ourselves... so really expensive places afre out. We're starting to save up for it already tho. If you could recommend a few places and maybe how much to save aproxamately, that would be awesome!!! thanks!!! ^_^
11 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade agoDoes Anger Management actually work??
My boyfriend has anger problems. He's really sweet but sometimes he can't control it. For the sake of our relationship he's concidering takeing anger management classes or something like that. Has anyone taken it or know of someone who has??? Does it seem to work in most cases?? He really wants to change it but needs some help getting the tools to control his anger. What do you think??
6 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoGross question but.... i need help!?
My boyfriend keeps sh!tting blood... not a little, a lot!! It's not clotting, it always seems fresh (yeah, i asked) And he's in pain a lot. He cant afford medical so I'm trying to figure it out as best i can... Any ideas what it could be? Could working on the oil rigs affect it at all?
27 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoHydroxycut Question...?
Ok, so i've heard that it works and i've heard that it doesnt. I'm already on a new excersize plan so i was thinking that it might just speed my results up a bit.. Has anyone ever tried it with success?
Or is it just another scam? Thanks! ^_^
21 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoHepatitis B?
I just found out that my boyfriend's mom has Hep B. I was wondering how it is spread and how contagious it is. Could he have it and could he give it to me easily? What are the affects of this disease? I'm really worried but I don't want to ask him and embarrace him. Thanks!
5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoabusive relationship..?
Ok, I have a friend who has been in a really long relationship where the guy hits her and verbaly abuses her. She finally dumped his sorry butt but she still loves him and still tries to do things for him, even though he treats her like crap. How can I help her to get over him without being insensitive? He's bad for her but she doesnt care.
17 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoTeeth question..?
Ok, I have this weird thing about people's teeth. I can't help but look. A bit crooked is fine, I don't care. But I can't stand it when people don't brush them and take care of them. It's really hard for me to talk to people with rot and lots of plaque and grossness in their mouth. I can't help but stare and I definitly could never kiss a guy like that.. *shudder* Am I really shallow or do other people think it's gross??
11 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade agoHow do I get the last 4 puzzle pieces in the Virtual Villagers game?
I need the one with the baby, the flower with stars, the butterflies and the cave. Anyone know?!?! Thanks! ^_^
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhy do guys...?
Only seem to like pink, girly type girls? Don't any guys find a girl that likes to rock, speak her mind and wear a lot of black sexy?
I'm a rocker, and my bf is not. He hates it. Should i change how i look for him or be true to myself and alone?
22 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoO.B.E. Have you ever...?
Have you ever successfully acheived an out of body experiance? If so, how and what did you see?
If not, do you believe they are possible?
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoMy arm is numb...?
I recently got pushed really hard into cement and i did something to my rotator cuff in my left shoulder. It wasnt broken but i had to go to the hospital and wear a sling for 2 weeks. It doesn't hurt anymore but I'm finding it harder and harder to control my fingers and my entire arm is numb.. especially the fingers. I'm kind of worried as it seems to be getting worse. Is it the nerves just repairing and will it get better or should i get this checked out?
8 AnswersInjuries1 decade agoTounge ring question...(guys only plz.)?
Do blow jobs feel better with a tounge ring or does it make much of a difference? (concidering getting one 4 my bf)
What about lip rings? (have one)
7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago