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  • Which Countries Ban religious Street Preachers ?

    I heard that France, Canada and China do not allow street preachers. Is this true? and are there any other countries that do not allow Religious street preachers ?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What punishment should the Pope receive for hindering the course of Justice?

    There are plans to issue an arrest warrant if the Pope comes to the UK.

    What punishment would you like to see the Pope receive? Here are some ideas...

    Suspended Prison sentance.

    Custodial Sentence.

    Community Service .

    40 Lashes.

    No Punishment.

    ( The UK does not have the power to defrock the Pope, nor remove him from office. )

    Does he need to be made an Example of , in order to deter other people of faith who would be tempted to follow the Popes lead and cover up pedophile offences?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists / secularists - What is a good name for a political party ? ?

    I am looking for suggestions for a nice ‘ Party political’ name . That will catch the eye of level headed voters . People with normal L-dopamine levels in their head and don’t think they are talking to god every Wednesday afternoon at tea time .

    The ‘ As the evidence indicates , The countries with less religion and less faith leads to less crime and less social problems ‘ Party. Doesn’t seem to have the correct Ring to it … any suggestions ?

    Apparently there are 3 empty local council seats in my local borough !

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Atheists / secularists - What is a good name for a political party ? ?

    I am looking for suggestions for a nice ‘ Party political’ name . That will catch the eye of level headed voters . People with normal L-dopamine levels in their head and don’t think they are talking to god every Wednesday afternoon at tea time .

    The ‘ As the evidence indicates , The countries with less religion and less faith leads to less crime and less social problems ‘ Party. Doesn’t seem to have the correct Ring to it … any suggestions ?

    Apparently there are 3 empty local council seats in my local borough !

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question for Jews about calling the Tanak the ‘Old Testament’ .?

    When the Christians call your Tanak ‘ The Old Testament’ do you feel that your Jewish belief system is being undermined , do you feel insulted or offended ? To me it looks like the Christians have won a propaganda victory by renaming the Tanak as an Old ( outdated ) Testament.

    I wonder how Christians would feel if their Gospels where called the Old Koran , or if the Koran was called the Final Testament – implying that the Christian Gospels were past their sell-by-date ?

    Recently I have tried to stop using the phrase Old Testament and I now use the phrase Hebrew Bible or Tanak – does this meet with your Jewish approval ? or is there a better name I should be using for your Scripture ?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question about the Pollution in Beijing …?

    Does anyone know how it compares to the pollution levels in western olympic Host cities in the past ?

    For example , I assume there are not too many lead particles floating about in BJ since that had been removed from motor fuels and I would hope Smoking will be banned , thus eliminating the effects of secondary smoking.

    1 or 2 Athletes have already pulled out of the games because of Health fears , I am wondering if there was more danger in London ( 1948 ) , Rome ( 1960 ) Tokyo ( 1964 ) , Mexico City ( 1968 ) and Moscow ( 1980 ) than there is in BJ today ?

    9 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts about the UK 11 year olds given detention for NOT Praying to Allah ?

    Is this a case in favour of Atheism ?

    How could such an environment develop in 21st century UK where kids are punished for not praying to Allah , Jehovah , Jesus or even Zeus? Where did this Teacher get his morals from ?

    It is the case the Teacher had isolated himself from the 72% Christians and 15-20% Atheists who also happen to live in the UK ? Muslim are only 2.8% of the UK population , yet they seem to influence society far beyond their numbers.

    It is time for Atheists to begin a political movement to help stamp out such idiocy from our country ?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • UK Atheists – Who will you vote for on the 12 June ?

    The Lady who believes in Flying Horses or the Man who believes in Unicorns ?

    You get the Idea ! Are you going to vote for someone who believes in the supernatural ?

    I got my 1st canvasser today. Eventually he told me what religion my local Lib Dem candidate was … she believes in Flying Horses.

    Naturally , I will not be voting for the Lib Dems nor anyone else who is insane enough to believe in Flying Horses.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • UK Atheists – Who will you vote for on the 12 June ?

    The Lady who believes in Flying Horses or the Man who believes in Unicorns ?

    You get the Idea ! Are you going to vote for someone who believes in the supernatural ?

    I got my 1st canvasser today. Eventually he told me what religion my local Lib Dem candidate was … she believes in Flying Horses.

    Naturally , I will not be voting for the Lib Dems nor anyone else who is insane enough to believe in Flying Horses.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should I get a little revenge and save a stranger from a broken heart and financial loss. ?

    8 years ago, through the non-action of the ex-boyfriend of the woman I was dating , I went through 2 years of hell and nearly ended up a drunk on the streets . At any time the ex-boyfriend could have warned me about his ex-girlfriend but he never did.

    Today , I am in a position where I can also say nothing and potentially allow a man to go through a similar hell that I endured. This man is planning to marry a girl who just wants a passport and his money. How do I know … because I was engaged to that girl for 18 months , the difference being I wanted to live in her country , all through the 18 months she was on internet dating sites looking for another man and taking my money and gifts , with promises of marriage . Only after 18 months did she admit she wanted a passport.

    My opinion is that this girls’ behavior is wrong and she needs to be taught a lesson .

    I can contact this new man , he may not listen to me , especially if he is madly in love.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • It there an alternative name for the set of books known as the New Testament ?

    Since learning a lot about Judaism ( especially on R&S ) I am feeling uncomfortable calling it the New Testament ,since that pre-supposes it has its roots in the Hebrew Bible and supercedes the Hebrew Bible ( Aka Old Testament ).

    I wonder how Christians would feel if the Koran was called the ‘ Final Testament ‘ , implying it supercedes their New Testament .?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If I said ‘ God is the most perfect shape’ – what shape would God be ?

    I mean I often hear things like ‘ God is the most Perfect being ‘ - for me that means God was Marilyn Monroe with bells and whistles.

    God is Peace = God is Mahat Magandi

    God is Love = That insane feeling I had when I married my 3rd wife.

    God is Truth = 1+1 =2 what Shape is the Lord / Allah / Jesus / God / Zeus etc

    What is the most Perfect shape ? The Human shape ? a Circle ? Cube ? A Trinity / Triangle , a Sphere ?

    What is your idea ( or opinion ) ?

    Or am I just barking up the wrong Tree ?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why am I seeing so many Carl Sagan tributes on You Tube?

    Is Carl the Messiah of Atheism ?

    I remember Mr Sagan saying some dodgy stuff in the late 70’s and early 80’s . I guess earning a Million or two helped him clarify his thoughts and appeal to his fan base , just like Jesus did ( or didn’t ) .

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does Faith and Religion put too much stress on the foundations of Science ?

    Let Science find out how life evolved and how the universe was created ... then IF science says ‘ God Did It ‘ , we can all be happy.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Gravitational influence ...?

    Are we saying that a dust particle in a galaxy 14 Billion light years away has a gravitational effect here on earth ? The Gravitational effect , travels across infinity at the speed of light ?

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Why ( in general ) do people say ‘ The Devil ‘ and not ‘ The God ‘?

    Why is there no ‘ The ‘ , before God ????

    The God , The Devil .

    The devil did it , The god did it .

    The god created the evil serpent that spoke to Eve ?

    Help me a little , I am just an ignorant B’stard who Only knows right from wrong .

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why would a lesbian get sterilised ?

    My sister has been in a Lesbian relationship with the same woman for about 20 years . They have lived together for the past 15 years and even had a Civil ceremony . Some of our family were having a casual chat about having kids. As part of the conversation my sister remarked that she had been sterilised ( had her tubes tied ) many years ago .

    Now I come to think about it , it seems a rather odd thing to do for a Lesbian in a monogamous relationship. I can’t think of any health benefits and the monthly cycle would continue as normal.

    Can anyone enlighten this Heterosexual male - Why would a lesbian get sterilised ?

  • Which Bishop is / was more correct about Jesus . Bishop Irenaeus or Bishop Epiphanius ?

    Bishop Irenaeus is a 2nd century Bishop and said Jesus was still alive between 98-117 CE .

    Bishop Epiphanius is a 4th century Bishop and said Jesus was born between 73-4 BCE .

    Or , did Jesus live until he was 120 years old and they are both correct ?

    All answers have severe problems fitting Jesus into a Historical framework.

    ( Please Note , I don’t think Jesus ever Existed , I just want to know the lie of the land in Christendom among believers of the faith. )

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How does the concept of Free Will apply to a baby who dies at Birth ?

    Are people saying that Eve is responsible for that babies death ? – Inherent sin from the original sin passed down through the genes ?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Scenario : You are in an open plan office ..!?!?

    ... The Devils servants come to take away the guy who helped you the best in these past 2 years...

    Do you.

    1) Pray to God.

    2) Prey on God.

    3) Declare this guy an Atheist .

    4) Throw a Chair at the Devils servants.

    5) Laugh at the Joke ( from the local College )

    6) Join the queue for the Restroom – ( you S*it your pants )

    7) Take a sick day / personal day.

    8) Continue with what you were doing and ask for some quite in the office .

    9) Offer yourself to be Judged first.

    10 .. What is your answer ?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago