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  • Corporate Christmas Gifts?

    I have to order gifts for my bosses clients. I dont know what to get, the gift baskets are disappointing

    7 AnswersOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • Dream Interpretation?

    I went to meet my husbands family in Peru. Everyone was very kind to me. I went to take a shower but there were so many people in the house they came into the bathroom and saw my nakedness. I was not embarassed but they asked me to wear a bathing suit in the bathroom.

    Then later, we were sitting on the porch and i saw the house was in a cove of a river. I asked if i could go swim. As i ran towards the water I saw all these people swimming and I started swimming and as I began to swim the water dried up behind me and people were running behind me on dry ground was like marathon runners.

    What does it mean? My feelings swimming (i used to be a swimmer) were elation and exhaultation.

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Resignation Question - How much am I expected to train.?

    I have been working as a Bookkeeper (then legal assistant, personal asssistant and bookkeeper) in a law office for a year and a half. When i came there was no accounting system in place, i built a very traditional system with Quickbooks and Timeslips -any bookkeeper can take it over. We agreed on a preliminary pay below my desired pay with the promise of a raise in two weeks.

    A year and a half later with much of that spent as a full time "contractor" not employee (no bonus, no overtime, no vacation, no sick days) he wants to reduce my hours to a level that is not sustainable to me. I am afraid when i resign he is going to try to get me to train a girl who doesnt have any background in bookkeeping without paying me extra to confer this knowledge.

    Should i bite the bullet and train her to keep him as a reference or do i say no and stand my ground..

    I want to know before i submit my letter.

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Did anyone who was skeptical of getting married, do it a love it?

    I rushed to marry my boyfriend so he could stay in the country with me. He came for vacation and we fell in love. We dated three months, then we moved in together and got married within a month. Our relationship is serious and wonderful, but i wasn't really taking the "to death do us part" aspect seriously.

    However, since i did it I am elated. I feel so secure and stable. I feel so in love and happy. There is an inner peace i have found which i was never expecting. OMG the sex since we got married is amazing.

    Was anyone else skeptical of marriage only to do it and love it?

    I love my husband! I want to be with him forever. Hes so awesome and so awesome for me.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • I need help editing my website with Joomla?

    I need to edit my website with joomla. When i log it there is no help. I am really frustrated can someone tell me how to edit my articls and menus.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • how did you know he was the one?

    for those of you who are with "the one" how did you know they were the one, and did everything run smoothly?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Raising funds for a Rental Deposit?

    My love just returned to my life. He was off on adventure and i was living home studying. e is coming to my city broke and we need to get an apartment ASAP. The problem is while i have enough for the first month's rent, i dont have enough for the rent and deposit.

    I am going to be making a lot more money in the coming months when my second job comes through, in the mean time does anyone have an ideas how i can get $1000 fronted to me, my credit is bad, but my income is steady and my credit will be good soon as i am slowly paying off all i owe.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • poem: baptism by fire the aftermath?

    Baptism by Fire the Aftermath

    June 15, 2010 at 11:49am

    I met you, my soul was tired

    Hadnt felt inspired in a while

    into my world to take me higher

    walk with faith not counting the miles

    since we were baptized in the fire

    My heart burns - eternal desire

    keep me creative and so inspired

    as i let go, I know there will be trials

    I reflect upon the unburned hands

    shattering uninspired plans

    made the way for me to understand

    life ever submitting to Gods command

    i know the meaning of being human

    to create and live this golden second

    now is all i have to do what i can

    create a castle where you see a pile of sand

    I cant help but believe in our dream

    I believe in magic and spiritual things

    you understand the essence of my being

    i understand all the love you bring

    Magnetic, things are attracted to we

    dont tie each other up in emotional strings

    when we're together i hear freedom ring

    Praise God let us dance and sing

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Love with a Man my Family Hates - is this selfishness?

    When i was 23 i dated a man. He was a wanderer and i decided it might be fun to wander with him for a while (i have a degree in chemistry with a minor in philosophy but that is nothing compared to artistic openness and spiritual openness). I took him to my parent, who hated him (he said some wrong wrong wrong things). I went with him anyway. I ended up getting arrested and coming home to handle my case (it was possession). While i was arrested, he was mad cause i had cheated on him, he called my dad and sister and told them i was a slut. My case has been dismissed. Family ties re-sewn. Debt under control. Ended up pursuing music that we had been making together.

    Then i went to new orleans to visit him. I thought, its a place to stay, we have a great time together, it'll only be for a week. We hadnt spoken in two years and we are both 25. He is just getting on his feet, still needs some help to completely get stable and establish himself. The problem is, I feel like he is my soul mate. I feel my higher self come alive when he is around me. I feel so free so happy so creative. The lovemaking is just outta this world.

    So now i love him. He is in louisiana but wants to come out here. I am tryin to discipline myself and scramble to make enough money to move out cause im still living with my parents. THey are going to freak out and may not speak to me anymore.

    When i visited i saw how much he had grown and how much progress he has made emotionally. I really want to give it another try with him and will be devastated internally if i dont.

    My question is, is that out of control selfishness to be with him again? Just as i am getting restabilized and things are under control?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Im a feeling attracted to another woman, not sure how to proceed?

    I met this girl at a party. She was all about me, trying to touch me gently on my neck and waist. etc. I was shocked and ran away (i was at the party with my male crush ironically enough he does not like me).

    She found me on facebook. Started inviting me to dinner. It always felt like she was asking me out on a date, but im a little dense about these things.

    So friday (several months have passed since we first met) we met at a bar with some of her friends to go out. she touched my back, but thats it. told me how great it was to see me.

    we hung out all the next day too in a group of four people. one was a full blown lesbian and sort of dominated the landscape. the thing is im feeling my girl. I am really attracted to her and want to touch her.

    but then we hung out sunday too and it was just me and her and nothing. and i never considered myself (and still dont) bi sexual. so i feel like it would be too much to make the first move cause i might freak out since i have never experienced anything like that.

    how do i test the waters. im not looking to date her, just sort of experiement and be friends.

    what do y'all think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ethiopian Orthodox Fasting Rules?

    my ex is ethiopian.

    I really liked his mothers fasting schedule.

    i am in a baptist church.

    does anyone know the fasting schedule for orthodox ethiopians? and/or how i can translate it to the baptish calendar?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • gOT SOME rANDOM girl pregnant?

    My first love and i dated of four years.We have been broken up but remain best friends talking daily or multiple times a week.

    I just found out that he has been dating a woman for a month and Got her pregnant. She is a month or so along.

    I am so heartbroken.

    He doesnt love her, but is going to move in with her to help support the baby.

    Has anyone been through that sort of an arrangement. Do you think their love will bloom as her pregnancy progresses?

    What happens when a man had a baby with a woman he barely knows.

    i know it not my business and i need to let go. I am in shock and just wondering what you all think.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is the outlook for my father kidney failure, diabetes,?

    My dad has kidney failure, congestive heart failure, both eye diseases caused by diabetes. But hes eems to be maintaining now what he got on dialysis. His blood pressure is always very high.

    He finally got some tubes in his chest so he can go to dialysis which could keep him out of the hospital.

    My question is how long has he got a year, five years, a decade , twenty years\?

    I am totally overwhelmed by the care he needs and i need to get some help. He has drs appointments all the time, dialysis three times a week, phsyical therapy three times a week, and we have to get him groceries, cook him meals.

    He refuses to get a cane to make it easier for him to get around, he lives far away from me and wont move closer, and he is clinging to this dream of moving to reno by himself. The thing is drs wontt ell me how serious or managable this all is. I dont know if i should keep him close cause things will deteriorate. Let him go to reno because he is going to need to get used to this.

    I need to know how long to plan for so i know how to use the insurance and what our options are. I am so exhausted.

    Does anyone have any advice for taking care of someone you cant stand to be around?

    9 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Need My documents of one computer accessable on another comps desktop?

    We have a three computer network. All important files saved on one computer. How can i map create a shortcut so i can access that computers my documents on my desktop?

    Windows xp professional

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Unemployment for a year vs. temporary employment for four months?

    my friend was laid off last friday.

    i have a job that he can do for the next three and a half months.

    i am wondering if he takes the job with us, then he forefeits his unemployment claim.

    so in this economy is it better for him to go on unemployment because it lasts for a year rather than take a temporary job that will be over in four months?

    any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Dream about me getting pregnant?

    Last night the guy i just started seeing had a NIGHTMARE (as he described it). Here is how it went. We went to ireland together becasue his uncle passed away (in real life his uncle is passing in ireland). Then I told him i was pregnant and he started freaking out.

    REAL LIFE: This morning i arrived at work and had a frantic email from him asking if i was pregnant. We did have some irresponsible relations on Sat., but i knew that at that point in my cycle i could not get pregnant (NO EXCUSE).

    So how should i interpret this. Is he just scared that i was pregnant or does me pregnant in his dream symbolize something else?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Master Cleanse - Question about salt water flush?


    I am in my sixth day of a master cleanse. The salt water flush makes me throw up. I cant drink salt water.

    Is the smooth move laxative tea work jsut as well? any tips for completing the salt water flush?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Looking into Traditional Chinese Medicine Graduate Degrees?

    i am wondering what kind of degree will allow me to do herbs, exercise, energy work, and acupuncture

    i dont mind learning acupuncture but dont really want to practice.

    i am looking to eventually get my Dr. if all goes well.

    want some advice about schools in san francisco, los angeles, or new york, or CHINA.

    I already have a B.S. in Chemistry if that makes a difference.

    Any advice?

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • How can you playfully "punish" a guy?

    This guy im talking to said jokingly "maybe you can punish me sometime". what are some playful ways to punish a man that you are just starting to become involved with. i have never dome bdsm and am not interested. however, what are some ways to punish him playfully but flirtatiously.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago