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Bro. Mike's 1-B church is not excessive?
He claims he wants to be President to help the poor 1-B would have helped a lot of poor. If the President attends a 1-m dinner it is considered EXCESSIVE by public and media and he spends 1-b on a church and it is not criticized in the media and the general public is not protesting. To me BOTH are excessive and a disgrace even more disgraceful for someone who claims to be a "man of God."
3 AnswersPhilippines1 decade agoWhy do the people of the Philippines rely on the Catholic Church to lead a moral revolution?
Once again a prominent Catholic priest in Davao has demonstrated although he preaches morality, transparency, honor, anti-corruption in government and criticizes the local Mayor and Vice Mayor he himself is corrupt, dishonorable and immoral. Yet, the people fall in line in the streets every time the Church calls them. The Church needs to demonstrate they are not corrupt before accusing others.
5 AnswersHistory1 decade agoWhy do middle class and upper class Filipinos discriminate against those they deem beneath them?
It happen again last night. My attorney saw me in the mall and he knows my care giver because he goes to his office with me. He walks up and speaks to me, shakes my hand and does not even acknowledge my care giver of three years. This has happen with the lady working in my home when we are out buying groceries. People will come up and say "Oh hello Father" but never acknowledge the hired help. I will never get use to this. People or people regardless of their status in life and as long as they are doing honest work in my opinion a lawyer, doctor, priest, business owner, teacher is not a darn bit better than a house keeper or a person going through the trash looking for items to salvage. Do not tell me it does not happen because it does. They take the kids Nanny with them to the restaurant and then do not let her sit at the table with them and most time do not feed her. Why take the kid to the restaurant?
9 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoWith the statement made in today's paper I have given up on the bishops what about you?
In today's paper the Bishops of the Philippines stated that wrong information has been circulating since the bill on artificial birth control came up before the congress. They stated Catholic married couples where one or both are infected with H.I.V. or full blown A.I.D.S. cannot use condom's. I cannot believe my God wants one partner to infect the other or even if both are infected to pass on a sickness that one may have to the other weaking the partner or killing them.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy does the Catholic Church inflict their beliefs on all of the Philippines?
The over population of any country creates poverty. I do not see how anyone can dispute that. The Middle Class and upper class in the Philippines have and average of 2 children while the extreme poor average 6. I would say that the poor do not have access to the information the middle and upper class do. If the Catholic Church as its way they will never have access to the information and over population will continue to contribute to the poverty in the Philippines.
The people of the Catholic Church do not believe what we are teaching or we are doing a poor job of teaching them. If they believed our teachings and we were doing a good job teaching those doctines then we would have no need to force our beliefts upon an entire nation. What right do we have to try and force our beliefts on 15 percent of the population that are not Catholic?
We do not want birth control in the Ph. because the membership roles of our Church would start to decline as it has in Western Country.
9 AnswersPhilippines1 decade agoThe majority of the Philippine Officials graduates of what Univ.?
I wonder how many government officials of the Philippines are graduates of the University of the Philippines and various Catholic Universities? These are the universities that seem to always be calling for People Power Revolutions. I am sure a lot of the politicians and government officials attended these schools. Obviously they are failing to teach their students professional ethics. Perhaps the Bishops of the Philippines should be more interested in what is being taught in their universities than trying to destabliize the government and overthrow the government by other than Constitutional means. I myself am a product of a good Catholic education and do not believe everyone that attended UP or a Catholic Institution is corrupt, but the system is certainly failing some of the alumi that seek public office in the Philippines later in life.
10 AnswersPhilippines1 decade agoOpinion on Catholic Church asking condom ads be ban in Philippines?
The Catholic Church has a lawsuit filed that condom ads violate the media standards established by law and is asking they not be allowed in any media form. They are also asking Congress to make a law clearly banning any and all advertisement for condoms. In addition the Catholic Church Bishop Cruz is asking Congress to change the legal age for marriage in the Philippine from 18 to 24. What do you think? How long will the citizens of the Philippines allow the Catholic Church to run their country especially the Non-Catholic Citizens?
21 AnswersPhilippines1 decade agoWhat can the President/Government do to make my life better?
Why do the people of the Philippines keep asking what can the President do or Government do to make my life better? Why don't they assume responsibilty for their own lives and make life better? Over 100,000 Call Center Jobs could be available in one year, but they will go to other Asian Countries because the youth of the Philippines are loosing their proficiency in English. Laws say the teachers must be proficient in English, yet the children 12 to 16 in public schools today cannot carry on a conversation in English. The teachers cannot carry on a conversation in English. Why are the parents not DEMANDING their children be taught English instead of placing the blame on the politicians. The politicians do not want to loose the votes of the teachers but there are far more parents voting than teachers. People be responsible citizens and parents for God sakes. I only care that your children speak English because it is good for them and they can stay at home to work.
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoCan anyone suggest something for Bong to do in the Philippines that relates to travel of course?
My heart really goes out to Bong. It seems the poor person has nothing to do but sit and type the same answer over and over - report people for not sticking to travel questions in the Philippine Travel Site. Maybe some of you guys can find him something more interesting to do in the Philippines - now be sure you keep your answers related to travel. This is a travel question Bong because I am looking to help you find something more interesting to do in the Philippines than you obviously have now to do.
10 AnswersPhilippines1 decade agoIs there really anyone that interprets the Bible literally?
Many claim to interprete the Bible literally and obey yet these same Christians will ignore many of the scriptures such as - women cover your heads when praying, do not wear jewelry, do not speak in church, do not teach men, kill children that talk back to parrents, worship on Saturday, men do not shave, etc. It is not as if they simply screw up sometimes they totally ignore some scripture for convenience and swear up and down they interprete scripture literally and obey. It does not bother me they don't follow it all. What bothers me is their hyprocrisy that keeps others from becoming Christians. I believe the authors sometimes had personal agendas and were influenced by culture. But, I do believe the Bible is essential to our faith history and should be read and studied by Christians in order to know who they serve and why. Why don't we as Christians try to be honest with ourselves and others for a change?
9 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago