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    Why do People Lie?

    A Lie or the Act of Lying falls in four categories, A Person Lie, A Absolute Lie, A Social accepted Lie and A Unknowing Lie.

    A personal Lie is basically involes a every day Lie that people tell themselves to basically get through the Day. For example I'm going to be rich one day, most people at the moment don't realise unless you own a business. Working for someone is not going to get you rich.

    A Absolute Lie is when everybody knows it's flat out not true, for example if a male dresses up as a female and acts like it. We normally don't get fooled but if he takes one step further saying that God made a mistake, then getting surgery to change himself into a female. Is very deceptive.

    A socially accepted Lie is when People Basically decide wrong or right according to main stream media, even though it should be wrong. They even have job's that fit this criteria. Actors, Politician and Lawyer's such people are manipulators of what is socially acceptable or not.

    A Unkowing Lie is just pure ignorance of what the truth is, this could happen because of misinformation, indoctrination or simple just spiritual confusion. We all know it's wrong to kill but what if God told you to do it? Such a person should know automatically that it says in the bible "Thou shall not Kill" not "Thou shall not kill accept if God says so"

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
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    Where was Space Before the Big Bang?

    This might be a strange question but according to the Big Bang Theory, the event not the series... Space, Time and Matter Exploded in a singularity and created everything we see today.

    Hang on, if Space didn't exist before the Big Bang then where was this spinning dot of our universe in? Maybe the Contruct of the Matrix? Or is this just a bunch of Balony.

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space3 years ago
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    What is Artificial intelligence?

    Is it the fact that computers are getting smart? Or is it just down to the functionality of how many things a computer can do? Based on the process of devolping a device called a radom clock generator, these devices you find in a slot machine at a casino. Perhaps they radomly select a particular function in doing a specific task.

    To truly be Inteligent the memory capacity has to increase in size, creating more or extra funtion that the android could utilized. Such a requirement would envolve human correction or human intervention. This is not Artificial intelligence at all, any silicon based life forms has limitations of the memory capacity and ingenuity that Artificial intelligence lack.

    Only if you incorporate a organic self sustained brain, that can interact with silicon based tech to improve itself to create more memory/synapses this could artificially assimilate into a new form.

    Perhaps its not possible to create such a crude manner of Intelligence, we all have a fear that Androids are going to take over. But believe it or not, it's just a tin can with lots of different funtions...

    With out a basic self replicating system in place that can evolve and create new things on it's own. It's not much more important than a toaster or microwave.

  • Are you an Alien?

    Sometimes I feel like I'm not part of the normal part of society, but does this mean I'm not from Earth? Is it ok to seek out new form of life and intelligence?

    Or is Humans just a sub species of an ape like creature? We often create our own reality, yet feeling Alienated from society doesn't mean your not from Earth, just means you don't conform to the mainstream media and society of norm. If being an individual is setting me apart from the normal way of life.... then yeah I'm an Extra Terrestrial.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
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    Is it the Beginning of the End?

    First Seal: The Conqueror

    6 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals;[a] and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

    I know this first seal is the Beginning of the end, and I have identified the Person on the white horse. Yes the same President that Demacrates hate, well just because his a republican. DONALD TRUMP...

    You might be thinking, no way not possible. But think of how much he has acomplished in one year, and this is only the start of his campain, it all fits togeather because the next seal involves... yes you guessed it people turning on each other. So are we to take warning over the signs of the End, or could it just be explained away by natural selection.

    All I know is it has began and the 4 horse man are ready to ride onto the Earth.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
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    Why don’t people have an open mind?

    I will never understand the need to put your own trials and errors before God and say “if I can’t do it, God can’t do it” this lake of understanding about who God is, is basically killing our society. Faith is a concept that comes from Jesus and grace is a gift from God. Yet people don’t seek spiritual guidance but Earthly knowledge

    Those of us who seek will find the truth, but problem with people today they take everything at face value, they do not want the (shield of faith) They put their own limitations of what is possible on God and fail to understand the physical realm

    So let us get a bit technical God is eternal, this means he always existed. This is a hard concept to understand but it’s true. If you understand that the body and spirit used to be one, you can easily see that we would have been immortal. But the tree of knowledge have separated the spirit and body. This created an imbalance in the world and everything suffers from the second law of thermodynamics

    This basically created more matter particles, and inverted the spiritual antimatter particles in the universe causing the particles to shift their state into the spiritual dimension. This is evidence that we are not supposed to die in this realm, but because we sinned it did this causing an imbalance within our universe and separating us from the spiritual dimension

    To put order back to its original state is why Jesus had to die, but he did not die for your physical body, but he died for your spiritual body

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore5 years ago
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    Has anyone had a Miracle in there lives?

    I'm not talking about natural event that can be explained by just saying "oh it's my lucky day" I'm talking about you being sick with cancer and the next day someone prays over you, and the cancer all of a sudden disappears. Doctors are shocked but explain it away by saying their equipment was faulty.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
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    Do you Believe in Aliens, if you a Christian?

    So much effort is put into hiding the truth, but is truth stranger than fiction? Are we programmed by the TV and government to think a certain way? I'm tired of these people thinking that E.T is in our back yard

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
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    Why do Scientist reject the supernatural and always come up with natural solutions to their existence?

    The supernatural seems to be fantasy according to most people, and everyone who is part of this world Blames God for things that go wrong in their lives What about the Devil? is he Blameless? How do people go through life not questioning the spiritual influence of the spiritual world. Demonic forces are real, I've seen shadow s in my room, turning the light on seem to scare them away, but I almost felt like these Demonic spirits where looking back at me. How do you explain that, logically through Scientific means?

    26 AnswersOther - Science5 years ago
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    Why do Christian say that God used the Big Bang to create the universe?

    Do you actual know what the big bang teaches? 20 billion years ago all the dust in the universe was compressed into a condense spot and exploded (inflation) this is called the singularity and space time and matter expanded, the stars kept exploding cause rocks and dust particles to accumulate and under intense gravity clump together and over several million years started forming planets. This eventually through asteroid bombardment solidified because the earth and other planets was still hot from the sun. Then about 4.7 billion years ago Out of nowhere it rained for millions of years on the rocks. This cause a bubbling broth of primordial soup to spur life. From this life the first self replicating systems must have emerged...

    But the Bible teaches 1 In the Begging God created the Heaven and Earth, the Earth 2 And the Earth was without void - This puts a damper on the big bang theory. Because the Earth was always there. He then creates The Sky, ground and Oceans Then after creating all the trees, plants and grass lands He creates the Sun, moon and stars. This doesn't sound like a big bang at all, God creates animals individually from one another and birds in the sky then fish in the Oceans. Does any of this sound like Billions of years of work? From the Bible perspective I don't see how the Big Bang fits into this story. Basically Creationist and Evolutionist both must resort to faith, What if God did tell people and they did write it down - Oh they did it's called THE BIBLE

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
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    Is My Little Pony Evil?

    I downloaded my Little Pony for my Nephews just to keep them busy, I've seen almost all of the episodes from season 1 to season 5, It has the Omega Symbol in almost every episode. Cleverly disguised upside down and sometimes it changes right side up in certain episode. It also is filled with symbolism with different cuttie marks and tons of magic, unicorns and flying ponies. The stories are very nice teaching people to be loyal, honest and to be kind towards your fellow Pony. But my father thinks it comes straight from Hell and he moans every time the kids watch it.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation5 years ago
  • To those Evolutionst, why are we living in the year 2015 if the world began 4.5 million years ago?

    This is always bugged me, the odd thing is that if you don't believe in Jesus Christ then why would you after 4500 years suddenly start from 0 again. Then even if you don't believe in all that you'll have ask yourself why AC or BC? Is this just a mistake for those who don't believe or are they grasping at straws.

    15 AnswersOther - Science6 years ago
  • Is the world really all about good vs evil?

    When I became a Christian, I thought life was a simple thing. Good vs Bad, instead I found myself perplexed at the way people go about their lives. Sort of like nothing is your fault, they talk about a white lie like it's not a lie.

    And sin like their is no consequence to their action, who decides what's right and wrong? And they come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful ways of not believing in God.

    What if God is real? What if he really sent his son to die for our sins? What if... What if!?

    Are you willing to roll the dice on your future? Is life really so boring, you must mix it up with drugs, alcohol and woman.

    All I want from people is to accept the truth and the truth will set you free. Yet the world is not in black and white but there are many shades of grey. Some even see the colors that shine through, admit it and you'll find that it's not that you change but the world around you.

    You living in a Dream world, one where you need Jesus Christ to save you. This world is a fabrication of the real. The spirit realm is more real than you are led to belief.

    "Wake up and ask for Jesus, before its too late!" And it might be that the one day you'll open up your real eyes.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What is Faith?

    How do you define faith? I don't simply believe that it is a belief. Could their be more to this than just saying it's a belief.

    Lots of people believe in certain things but Jesus Christ said "Faith is like a mustard seed" if only we as human had a little bit of faith then we can do miracles. Some peoples belief is quite big, yet this doesn't mean they can walk on water.

    Are we yet to understand spiritual things, before just claiming that it's fantasy? I hope I could understand faith before another family member dies. He is not well and I want to help.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is Spiritual Healing Real?

    The topic of spiritual healing goes back to the time of Jesus Christ. That's almost 2000 years ago, I have asked for the healing powers from God. But I don't have the type of faith required, maybe one day I'll realize the Glory of Healing.

    Not to sound like a non believer, but is it real? Can people cast out Demons and heal the sick and blind?

    Do you know how it's done? Have u seen such miracles. I don't know how it's done, it seems like I have to throw away all I know about medicine, doctors and science in order to have faith, then maybe I can heal people like Jesus did.

    All comes down to faith, but what is faith? Is it just the ability to believe or is there more to this. Perhaps if I had faith as a mustard seed I could do miracles. Those who state the power of the mind could do anything, have not known the power of Jesus Christ because true power comes from Jesus.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • I believe in God, why can't you?

    Founding Fathers

    You do well to wish to learn our arts and way of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ....Congress will do everything they can to assist you in the wise intention.

    George Washington

    The first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention is the Bible.

    John Quincy Adams

    History will also afford frequent opportunities of showing the necessity of a public religion....and the excellency of the Christian religion above all others, ancient or modern.

    Benjamin Franklin

    [The Bible] is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed.

    Patrick Henry

    Bibles are strong entrenchments. Where they abound, men cannot pursue wicket courses.

    James McHenry, signer of the Constitution

    The Bible is the one supreme source of revelation of God and spiritual nature and need of men. It is the only guide of life which really leads the spirit in the way of peace and salvation.

    Woodrow Wilson

    The Bible is not just a book, but a collection of sixty-six books written by at least forty authors over approximately a fifteen-hundred year period. The authors were historians, military generals, prophets, kings, politicians, a doctor, a rabbi, fishermen, and even tax collector. It was written on three continents and in 3 different languages: Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic.

    There are now more than 5,300 known Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. & over 10,000 Latin Vulgate and at least 9.300 other early versions.

    Why do you still not believe?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Is talking in tongues Real?

    I've been a Christian nearly all my life, although I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, and read the Bible for the inspiration of the word of God and have guidance of the Holy spirit. I ask myself do I really need to talk tongues? What is this all about?

    I'm very spiritual and have ask God to give me this gift but I never spoke in tongues and don't know what to expect, is this a necessary part of a Christian life or is this just a gimmick.

    And if you do speak in tongues, what does this mean? Are we to look for this in our ministry to truly say. God is with us? Or is this just for the Saints, those people who are pure of heart.

    Perhaps I just don't understand the language and if so is this an angelic language or just a human language like Hebrew or Greek.

    Is there a specific prey you have to pray, or must you go to your pastor to get this Devine anointment. Hope someone with more knowledge than me can teach me about talking in tongue's.

    13 AnswersLanguages6 years ago
  • Are Christian People a Dying species?

    Are we living in a world where true God fearing Christians are hard to come by? Is it possible that more and more people get trapped in the Entertainment theme.

    Smart phones, tablets, PC, technologies, Games, playstation 4, crime, drugs and rock and rock. Even so called Christian people live adultery, alcohol, lie, stealing and cheating. When question about their beliefs, they just simply say "who is perfect?" And "you must not be judgmental!"

    Are people going into an age where, good moral ways are frowned upon? That the youth must party until they puke, that if you don't take drugs, then your not cool

    Is this world gone mad? Or am I just paranoid, Christian people are just forever hiding in the shadows and fear the main stream public.

    I grew up in school where to be a Christian was an accepted healthy choice, today people are afraid to proclaim their beliefs in public schools, why? Because of ridicule and mocking the Christian faith.

    Who believes in a sky daddy? Well I do. If you don't you better ask yourself an important question.

    Where do you go, when you die?

    If can answer this question as a evolutionist or atheist and be truthful with yourself. Then life after death doesn't exist.

    News flash, you'll be going to Hell.

    But if you believe in Jesus Christ son of God, and he have a relationship with God then Heaven is your reward. Isn't that great.

    I'm a Christian no matter what anybody say's, I believe Jesus is coming very very soon. And life without Jesus is not life

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
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    People seem to think that God Doesn't exist, why?

    Did you know Hitler taught evolution, you guys probably don't like Nazi Germans yet you believe in what they do.

    Evolution is the biggest joke in History.

    Yes I said it, the idea that we came from nothing is the most strangest thing I've ever heard. Can't believe some crack pot dreamt up this theory.

    How could a highly intelligent human being believe we come from a rock? Millions and millions of years ago, kind of sounds like a fairytale. Please explain how long is 20 billion years ago, did they actual see it? No. Can they actual prove it? No.

    Evolution is a thought process, imagine a common ancestor changing from one species to another. How did plant life evolve? Did it come from the oceans, or was it random like the theory?

    We christian have a historical book called the Bible, it tells us...

    1) who created the earth

    2) How he created the earth

    3) why he created the earth

    4) and what our purpose in life is on planet earth.

    God lives in Heaven, heaven is part of a spiritual dimension that is not in the physical world and one day when you die you'll go there.

    Unfortunately we have millions of people that are brain washed and need help, READ YOUR BIBLE sorry if your not educated about spiritual things. But if you don't like what I'm saying..

    Then what are you doing in this section you atheistic pagan dude, that enjoys Atari 8 bit games and nothing else, grow up take a spiritual pill, Jesus want to be with you. Give him a chance, take a leap of faith, before it's too late

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
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    why is Hollywood spending millions of Dollars into Fantasy, Science Fiction and the imaginary world of Aliens?

    Does Hollywood got an agenda? Is there a fine line between the real world and Hollywood's world of fantasy, the children these days are brain washed into believing that Spiderman is real.

    Seriously I could understand the difference between reality and fantasy, but these movies are aimed at the children. Is there a psychological affect on the children. And why do most cartoon's have aliens in them?, are they programing children in believing in something that not real.

    We all know Aliens aren't real but why is Hollywood filling our subconscious minds with movie upon movie with Alien crap?

    Then is that not bad enough, people are more likely to believe in superman than they are in Jesus Christ.

    And yes superman is an Alien 👽 yet we accept him with open arms, because he looks human. The so called radiation that is beneficial to mankind, is a lie. Look how badly radiation affect Japan. The type of people to come from a nuclear fallout is mutants and diseased people more likely to die than to become super.

    Why oh Hollywood, you lie to the children? What's wrong with you? People that say the Bible is a fairytale is more likely to believe in Hollywood crap than Jesus, are you mad. Or are you just a bunch of crazy people. Believe in your harry pot head, will he save you when you go to hell?

    Don't waste your life in front of a Tv 📺 please accept Jesus Christ before it's too late, he wants to be in your heart, give him a try. He is more real than the incredible Hulk.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago