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Lv 623,194 points

Baffο Rasta

Favorite Answers63%

Diplomato con 100 in informatica. Studente di Ingegneria Informatica. 30 e lode in Programmazione C/C++ 30 e lode in Fisica I e II 30 in Ricerca operativa 30 in Teoria dei segnali 30 e lode in Fondamenti di automatica 30 in Algoritmi e strutture dati 30 e lode in metodi matematici

  • What does 'being melted down' mean in this sentence? (10 points to the best)?

    "Your bank's deposit rate is so low. Money is being melted down inside the saving account. I hope to earn more.".

    Here's the frame: An old woman is complaining with a bank employee that she doesn't earn enough with her current investments. I thought it could just mean that money are running low. Is that possible or it's actually something else?

    Any suggestion is appreciated.

    2 AnswersLanguages3 years ago
  • Marginal Product of a Leontief function?


    the Leontief function is min{aL, bK},

    Which is the marginal product of Labor and Capital?

    1 AnswerEconomics4 years ago
  • Esercizio su Massimo trasferimento di potenza, come procedere? 10 punti al migliore?

    Salve a tutti, dovrei portare a termine questo esercizio sul massimo trasferimento di potenza. Per poter portarlo a termine sarei dovuto passare dalla dimostrazione di una sua versione alternativa prevedente fattore di potenza fissato e possibilità di variare solo il modulo. La mia conclusione è stata che si ha MTP quando i moduli dell'impedenza del generatore reale e del carico coincidono, oppure quando il fattore di potenza è 0 (i.e. φ = ±π/2).

    Ho a disposizione queste informazioni:

    Tensione generatore :Vg = 20V RMS,

    Frequenza = 1kHz

    Resistenza del carico ∈ [0 , 1200] Ω

    Reattanza del carico ∈ [-1200 , 0] Ω

    Impedenza del generatore: Zg = 1000 + j1500Ω

    Devo calcolare il valore della potenza sul carico e i valori di R e C (il carico è ohmico-capacitivo).

    Innanzitutto calcolo la pulsazione: f = ω/2π, i.e. 1000 = ω/2π -> ω = 2000π

    Il modulo dell'impedenza del generatore è √(1500² + 1000²) = 500√13

    Con i vincoli imposti non si riesce ad eguagliare il modulo dell'impedenza del carico a quella del generatore, per cui prenderei i valori per cui la somma in valore assoluto è massima, cioè è massimo |R|+|X|. I valori che realizzano tale condizione sono quelli estremali. Re[Zc] = 1200 e Im[Zc] = -1200. Il modulo allora vale √(2*1200²) = 1200√2.

    Essendo questa la configurazione di un partitore di tensione, la tensione efficace sul carico, in modulo vale |Vg(Zc)| = (|Vg|*|Zc|)/(|Zc|+|Zg|) = (20*1200√2)/(1200+500√13) = √13/325

    1 AnswerIngegneria4 years ago
  • Huge derivative, 10 points to the best answer!?

    Hi everybody, this is the function I'm trying do derive (variable is Z, everything else are constants:

    f(Z) = (1/2) { (Zcos(θ)|V|^2) / [ ( R+Zcos(θ) )² + ( X+Zsin(θ) )² ] }

    Here's what I thought: by the fact that I just need to find where the derivative is 0, I can safely ignore (1/2)|V|^2, my problem specifies that V cannot be 0, so here's what I need to calculate:

    f(Z) = { Zcos(θ) / [ ( R+Zcos(θ) )² + ( X+Zsin(θ) )² ] }

    Numerator: g(Z) = Zcos(θ); g'(Z) = cos(θ)

    Denumerator: h(Z) = [ ( R+Zcos(θ) )² + ( X+Zsin(θ) )² ]

    h'(Z) = 2( R+Zcos(θ) ) + 2( X+Zsin(θ) ) = 2(R + X + Z( cos(θ) + sin(θ) ) )

    (g/h)'(z) = {2Zcos(θ)(R + X + Z( cos(θ) + sin(θ) ) ) -

    cos(θ)[ ( R+Zcos(θ) )² + ( X+Zsin(θ) )² ] } / [ ( R+Zcos(θ) )² + ( X+Zsin(θ) )² ]².

    From this I only care about numerator. To be the derivative null, the numerator must be null, so

    cos(θ){ 2Z(R + X + Z( cos(θ) + sin(θ) ) ) - [ ( R+Zcos(θ) )² + ( X+Zsin(θ) )² ]} = 0

    1 AnswerMathematics4 years ago
  • Passaggio da samsung a Huawei?

    Salve, di questi tempi il mio bellissimo Samsung Galaxy A3 (vecchio modello) mi ha lasciato per sempre, o -che è lo stesso, ha esalato il suo ultimo respiro. Adesso non so se acquistare un nuovo Samsung (anche l'A3 modello nuovo volendo) oppure se acquistare un Huawei P8 Lite. Voi cosa consigliereste, e perché? Grazie!

    2 AnswersCellulari e piani tariffari4 years ago
  • Valore di verità e Frege?


    mi risulta secondo gli studi di Gottlob Frege che il valore di verità di una proposizione, ricondotta alla funzione x+1=2 è l'argomento (1) che rende vera la funzione. Per esempio "...conquistò la Gallia" in cui 1 = Giulio Cesare, con Giulio Cesare valore di verità. Ciò significa che senza "Giulio Cesare" allora la proposizione "conquistò la gallia" [x+1=2] è priva di valore di verità?

    1 AnswerFilosofia4 years ago
  • Doubt about the meaning of one English sentence?

    The sentence is:

    It's my memory.

    CONTEXT: A hero gets kidnapped by a woman.

    This hero dreams often of the girl of his destiny, who he has already met before they were born. When they first met (in the womb), the girl told him that she would sing a song.

    The kidnapped hero hears a friend of his (she was kidnapped, too) singing the song. After a few minutes, the kidnapper tells him that she [=the kidnapper] taught the song to the kidnapped girl and that

    "It's my memory".

    I'd like to know whether she means "remembrance" by memory or if it has another meaning.


    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • Traduzione di una parola inglese?

    Il vocabolo in questione è "cosplayer". Vorrei un termine corrispondente.


    4 AnswersLingue5 years ago
  • Aiuto su un vocabolo da tradurre in italiano?

    Salve, devo tradurre "psychics", che indica una persona con poteri mentali paranormali -preveggenza, telecinesi, teletrasporto, chiaroveggenza...

    Mi servirebbe di tradurlo con un singolo vocabolo, massimo due perché sto traducendo sottotitoli e la sintensi è un'esigenza insopprimibile.


    3 AnswersLingue5 years ago
  • Cosa ne pensate dell'operatore 3 italia?

    Pensavo di passare da TIM a 3 Italia perché le offerte sono più economiche. Qualcuno ha esperienze? Ho sentito dire che ladra di brutto ma vorrei delle conferme.

    4 AnswersCellulari e piani tariffari5 years ago
  • "Cept for the labs we've missed!" What does this mean? 10 points to the first one!!!?

    Here's the scene: starting at 1:19

    I report the full dialogue:

    - Did you hear about Bill getting busted?

    - Yeah, yeah.

    - For possession and dealing.

    - I heard all about it.

    He's pushing at the junior high.

    - Junior high? What--what if he's, uhm...

    says things about his connections?

    - Now, look ladies, two more facts of life:

    one, he's not gonna say anything.

    Nobody's gonna say anything.

    Two, anybody wants to pay for a high,

    is gonna find a source. Right? So, junior high or senior high,

    somebody's gonna make the bread,

    - might as well be us, baby!

    It's like penny candy for these pre-meds to get this stuff!

    The whole scene, whatever anyone's bag is... all they want.

    Yeah, we don't have the time to push, Ritchie baby.

    - Yeah but, you know, in schools, and in our car,

    and, you know, it's taking a chance, isn't it?

    - It's worth taking the chance! Except for the labs we've missed... <--- What's the sense here?

    I don't think he's talking about missing a school lab class, it wouldn't make much sense in my opinion.

    But then, what is this "lab"?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • What does this mean in English?

    --> I've dishonored you in this matter,

    an inexcusable offence.

    I'm not sure about the meaning of "in this matter" here, I think matter stands for "situation" in this sentence, but I need to be sure.

    2 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • The meaning of two English sentences?

    1) It doesn't earn a penny [, but they're good at it]. What does it mean the first part of the sentence? Does it mean that it's worth nothing?

    2) - In the past women didn't speak back to teir husbands.

    - Like a kept woma.

    What's the meaning of "kept woman" here?


    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • I don't understand the meaning of two English sentences?

    1) That old lady sure plucked on...

    A Master thinks that someone died in the neighbourhood.

    I don't understand the meaning of "plucked on". Then he says "she couldn't keep on like this forever".

    2) Show him upstairs.

    During a cat's funeral two women are talking. The youngest one thinks that a lord is going to go and visit her family, and she tells to the other one: "Show him upstairs."

    Even just one can be really helpful, thanks!

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • I need help with the comprehension of two sentences, please read, 10 points to the best answer!?

    In this video:

    at 4:47 the voice-over says:

    "But as nice as he is, I hope I don't [ what here? ] him the way I... did with drugs".

    In this video:

    at 2:21 the woman says: "Well she, uh, she gets a lot of [studying?] done on her new sitter's jub but... maybe she's being too conscientious, we'll try to persuade her!"

    If my take is correct, what's the meaning of "getting (some) studying done"?

    Thanks in advance!

    10 points to the best one.

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • Help with the meaning of a few English sentences?

    *Traffic's a pain so lay a track.

    What does "to lay a track" mean here?

    -[Not to marry and being happy means turning one's back]

    -*Then I'm always turned around.

    I don't understand the full last sentence.

    *Seeing the woman bathing

    the raven, falls in love.

    There is a crow on a brach and a woman bathing below the branch. A man gets on the stage and pronounces this sentences. What does it mean "to bath the raven"? The crow is above the woman.

    Even just one can be really helpful, thanks!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • Help with the meaning of a few English sentences?

    1) *My husband's in business, a poor judge of men.

    What does it mean here "he's in business"?

    2) *That painted mouth like a *hungry maul!

    CONTEXT: Two men are talking about a rich woman who put a lot of her lipstick on her lips.

    DOUBT: What an "hungry maul" is?

    3) Left over from last century,

    shop soiled -

    Talking about of the same woman's face. I'd like you to analyze the whole sentence.

    4) [- SHE HATES CATS] *-What do you think she told our baby was a cat's cry?

    What's the general meaning of the sentence?

    5) *We do and make do.

    A man is talking about his family.

    General meaning?

    Even one can be very helpful, thanks!

    3 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • Help! I need to know what a thing is?

    What the heck is a "textured block"? I only know that it should be something which should help the blind.


    2 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • Hi I need help to understand a few sentences.?

    * The seeing eye dog is trained to safely guide the blind.

    What does he mean with "the seeing eye dog"?

    * More appeals for the traffic light beeping signals and textured blocks.

    I'd like to know what the textured blocks are, and whether they help the blind in any way.

    *That day's incident was a major jam.

    Context: This is said as narration to a scene. In the scene you see a blind man walking around with his guide dog and many cars behind him (a lot of traffic). What does it mean?

    Thanks! Even just one can be determinating and really helpful.

    I award the best answer with 10 points!

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago