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  • what is your sister name?

    another question gave me this idea. many of you are probably familiar with the sisters of perpetual indulgence and they all pick cheeky names for their sister name.

    what would you pick as yours?

    i think i'd want to be Sister Annie Cock-a-doodle-do. I'd make sure all my sister outfits had chickens on them. and wear rubber chicken earrings.

  • In retrospect, do you think John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate was a bad idea?

    the vice presidential candidate should augment and be the number one cheerleader to the presidential candidate. right now, Palin is definitely overshadowing McCain in news coverage and at the convention. in fact, none of the issues are really being discussed because, for better or worse, Palin is the center of all the news coverage. when the debates happen, it'll be McCain vs Obama...not Palin vs. Obama. while Palin certainly has generated a lot of excitement, do you think this choice will ultimately backfire?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has anyone here seen the documentary "call me troy"?

    it's a very moving film about the beginnings of the LGBT rights movement in LA and the beginning of the MCC. i saw this for the first time this weekend and found it amazing. i'd met Rev. Troy Perry before but was so unaware of everything he went through.

    if you've seen it, what are your thoughts?

    if you haven't seen it, i highly recommend it.

    info about the film at

  • Do you think the repetitiveness of questions in the LGBT section happens in other sections?

    you know how we always get the "am i gay?", "how do i know if he/she is gay?"questons ad nauseum. well, do you think it happens in other sections too?

    for instance, could you see the pregnancy section getting "how do i know i'm pregnant?" every day.

    or the pets section getting "why does my dog rub his butt on the carpet?"

    or the men's health section "is my penis big enough?"

    or the politics section "mccain or obama?"

    what are some repetitive questions you've encountered in other sections? lets make it a game

  • is it out of line for a gay man to give his straight friend (girl) lingerie for her birthday?

    so here's what happened? i gave a good friend a gift card to Victoria Secret for her birthday. She's very busty and likes the make of their tops for support (plus, their bra's show off her goods really well). plus, she spends A LOT on bra's and panties and it makes her feel sexy. i thought that a gift card would be great b/c like many other gay men, i know squat about picking stuff out for women. anyway, her boyfriend is now angry at me, saying it is out of line for a guy (gay or not) to give a woman lingerie if she has a bf. it's not like i picked something out for her-plus, i thought it was something they could go shop for together!

    was i wrong? i just know she appreciates good quality underwear and thought i was doing a good thing.

  • are religious texts living documents that we should add to or are they rigid and unchanging?

    so i was thinking about this in reference to an earlier question asked about the relevance of jesus to the life of people today. wrt christianity (but any religion really), doesn't it seem important to add to the gospel and word of god in a way that shows the growth of society and religion. certainly history shows many christians were inspired by god but where are the religious texts that tell their stories. wouldn't writers be inspired by god to share that good news, too? who will write the gospel of Mother Theresa's selfless life, no doubt inspired by her devotion to faith. who will write the testaments to others who have given so much of their lives to live as christ did? don't you think their stories are just as relevant as the story of christ b/c they have lived by his example? the way in which a text is added to a religious work is probably a separate question but it seems that some religions only focus on what happened thousands of years ago and not what is happening recently.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why is the CA gay marriage ruling an example of "judicial activism"?

    all i hear from gay marriage opponents is that the overturn of the gay marriage ban is "judicial activism". They claim judges have overstepped their bounds and subverted the will of the people (proposition 22, a voter initiative). But isn't the point of the judicary to determine when the legislature and the voters have overstepped their bounds? WHile the majority rules,t he rights of the minority must be protected. According to the CA state constitution, Prop 22 violated minority rights. reality, the CA supreme court did exactly what it was supposed to do-declare the voter initiative unconstitutional based on the CA state constitution.

    Methinks "judicial activism" is just a whiney way of complaining when things don't go your way.

  • Regarding flagging and the gay hanky this obsolete or still relevant to you?

    i was having a discussion about this with a friend about it's historical significance and it's use today and wanted to hear other's thoughts. do you think flagging is still important in gay life? do you flag at all or do you think your dating life might be easier if you did?

  • how does LGBT media affect body image and health?

    i'm trying to do some community work/awareness wrt body image, health, and self-esteem in the gay community. i'm looking for personal feelings on how gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and the transgendered are affected by media images within the community. Do you feel that seeing certain body types or identification portrayed more often makes you feel left out? have media images ever made you less likely to be part of cultural/political/social events in the LBGT community? Do you think media plays a role in contributing to negative body image or poor decisions/life styles (eating disorders, drug use, unsafe sex, etc.)? How would you go about changing this (if you feel it needs to be) and what types of awareness/activities do you think could help those who might feel marginalized within the LBGT community?

  • To the trolls: is your life so empty and boring that you have nothing better to do with your time?

    than to come in here and spout out soundbites about LGBT (that reflect you aren't critical thinkers and you're just miming something some charlatan bigot says)? i mean there are legitimate questions from people who disagree (which is fine), and then there is the harrassment. do you really think the LGBT community, for whom this part of the Y! Answers page is designed, really cares about your opinion? do all of you trolls really have nothing better to do on a friday afternoon/evening? how sad and pathetic are you all really?

  • Bearing false witness?

    so, lots of religious types would like for the same-sex oriented to "give up" their lifestyles and live a straight life. but wouldn't that be lying, or bearing false witness? which is a sin...a big one even (one of the ten commandments). so basically, they are asking us to give up one type of sin, and commit another? How do they justify that when the idea of their religions is to recognize and correct sinful behavior.

    mind you all, i don't feel homosexual acts are sinful. just an interesting philosophical question.