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  • 10 year old son has a fever after swimming in a lake?

    After hearing a few stories recently about naegleria fowleri (the brain eating amoeba), I am concerned about my son. Do I actually think it's that? No. I hope not. We went tubing in the lake in Bethel Island CA on Labor Day, the water was about 75°. He came home from school yesterday (not even 24 hours after swimming in the lake) and he looked "dull" around his eyes(idk how else to describe it). He said had a sore throat. He has a cough and has developed a fever, and as of right now it's only at 100° . He said water went up his nose several times that day. My question is, do you think something in the lake water could have caused him to be sick? I am calling his Dr. today, but in the mean time I guess I just wanted some ideas on what it could be.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • Had a dream about an old friend from Elementary school?

    I had a really vivid dream about this guy that I knew from Elementary school, Jr High and High school. Him and I were at the prom together. The weird thing is that this guy committed suicide about 2 months ago :(. We talked briefly on Facebook about a year ago, but since high school(which was 20 years ago) I never saw or talked to him. This dream was so vivid. He was also sort of mean in my dream, which was the furthest from what I remember about him. It not only had him in it, but a few other people from school. But it was just him and I interacting together. I kinda have been weirded out all day. Does this dream mean anything? Any answers are appreciated

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Why are my nipples so sore? They hurt!!?

    They are so sore and hurt worse when I touch them. This has never happened to me before. Anyone have some reasons as to why this is happening?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Can you still have a thyroid issue if....?

    Can if you still have hypothyroidism WITHOUT a goiter? I went to the Dr today and with the symptoms I'm having he said it sounds like I'm having a thyroid problem. I show signs of both Hyper and Hypo. He checked for a goiter and said I don't have one but he still gave me a blood test to check for thyroid ( and other things). Has anyone had thyroid issues without a goiter? I thought you had to have a goiter...

    My symptoms

    Excess sweating

    Heat intolerance

    Short cycles (period)

    Excess facial hair

    Chest pain ocassionally lasting no more than 3 minutes ( which I've been to a cardiologist and my heart is fine)

    Slight thinning of hair where my bangs are

    No patience


    Panic attacks ( occasionally)

    Sensitivity to noise

    Slight muscle pain every once in a while

    Infertility. Trying for over a year ( seeing a gyno on the 7th).

    Dry skin

    Does it sound like a thyroid problem?

    Any opinions will be helpful

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • CPS question. Please help?

    Hopefully this wont be too long of a story.

    Anyways, up until 2 weeks ago I lived in a 2 bedroom apartment above this lady's garage. My husband and I along with our 2 sons moved there Nov. of last year. Well my husband got a new job and we decided to move to be closer to his new job. Well 2 week ago we gave her a 30 day notice. A day after we gave her notice her demeanor completely changed. We came home one day and she was in our apartment!! She claimed that she was just there to close our windows because she saw our windows open and we had the air conditioner on. WTH? The next day we come home and there is a 3 day pay or quit notice on our door. And our cat was gone. She claimed she was concerned it didn't have water so she gave her away to SPCA. WHAT!!!! Umm ok??? By this time my husband is pissed. And since we were moving in with my sister we were able to move whenever we wanted. So we did. We packed up our stuff, cleaned the place and moved in a matter of 3 days. And since we were on a week to week basis with our rent we owe her no money. Well she has be blowing up our phone stating that she is going to replace the carpet (which is fairly new) and she wants us to pay for that. We refused. And she is claiming we owe her money for ALL of July. UH NO! I went down to the county and found out that our Apartment was not permitted and and pretty much an illegal dwelling. The reason why I did that is because I had my suspicions that something wasn't right in January when she came to us and said that if anyone asks us to tell them that we don't pay rent and we only help out with utilities. That made me think something was up. But we left it alone at the time. So jump forward to today I get home and my sister says that CPS was here and I need to call them. I called a lawyer first and then called the social worker back and left a message. I know it was my ex landlord because I forgot to mention to you that she did an online search to find out where my mom lives and went to her house!!! When my mom basically told her to go to hell then my ex landlord precedes to tell my mom that if we don't comply with her wishes she will call CPS and tell them how I verbally abuse my sons. WTH???? I would never...I have never did such a thing. I never would have imagined she would actually do it. She has gone crazy and I don't know why. Im so confused! Now my question is, do I have grounds to file criminal charges against her? I called a lawyer but he didn't give me much info without a 1000 dollar retainer fee. Any advice,or opinions on my situation will be greatly appreciated. Im literally losing sleep at the thought that I could lose my child because of someones spite and craziness.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • My son has been vomiting! What is this!?

    I woke up to the sound of my 7 year old son vomiting a lot

    at 3am. Within an hour he puked 2 more times. He is finally

    asleep, but he has excessive gas and his stomach is

    growling on and off really loud, like abnormally loud (he's

    laying right next to me)! He has no fever though. Should I

    be concerned? This happened last year, but he only puked

    once then he was fine. I did let him and his brother have a

    cupcake before bed and earlier in the day they had a

    Slurpee. So maybe it was too much sugar. Anyways, what

    do you think it could be. Should I take him to the ER?

    His symptoms


    Bad gas

    LOUD growling stomach

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Insomnia! Help! Suggestions?

    Ok so its almost 4 am where I live. I can't fall asleep. I wake up at 6 am everyday and still can't fall asleep until at least 4 am. I've only gotten like 18 hours of sleep in the last week. What can I do? I've tried everything!

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Was it just me or did Chris Jericho look like?

    he was high? My husband said he couldn't tell, but to me he looked stoned. Did anyone else think so? Not that it matters, I'm just curious if it was just me that thought so.

    3 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • What's one of your most favorite smells?

    Mine is bread right out of the oven :) What's yours?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What did you have for breakfast?

    I had a cinnamon and brown sugar pop tart and coffee. How about you?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Baby names help please?

    I have 2 sons, Austin and Isaac. I need help with boy and girl names that start with either an E, O or U.

    BQ: What do you think of the name Iva for a girl?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    4 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Is there a chance i could be pregnant?

    I'm a going to test on Fri. But in the meantime I was wondering if you ladies can give me your opinion. I have normal 21 day cycles which the only time its been off was in Dec. when I had a 20 day cycle. And my cycles even though they are shorter than the norm I am perfectly healthy. Anyways I should of started my period 2 days ago but I haven't yet. Well about 6 hours ago when I went to the restroom I wiped clear discharge with a tiny light brown string of mucus. But since then its been totally clear. I haven't had any symtoms of pregnancy or any pms. But since last night I've been getting these aches in my breast but they aren't sore to the touch. Do you think there is a chance I could be pregnant? Did anyone experience brown mucus before you got your bfp? Been ttc baby #2 for awhile and would love to be pregnant. Any advice would be appreciated. I am going to test on Friday if the witch doesn't show by then but I cant sleep and would love to hear from you ladies. Thanks!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • Finding it hard to believe my Dr?!!?

    First let me start off by saying I suffer from anxiety. It's been as worse as it's ever been since December. In December I started getting chest pains in the far left side of my chest. Sometimes a dull throb, sometimes a sharp pain and sometimes pinching. All only lasting 15 seconds tops. But for the most part only about 1-5 seconds. I went to the ER the first time in Jan. I had an ekg( which I wasn't having chest pain while they did the test) a chest xray and blood work. All normal. My diagnosis was Costochondritis and Anxiety disorder. They prescribed me anti inflammatories and I still haven't took one. Anyways in Feb the chest pains were still there happening up to 5 times every couple of days. I freaked out again and went back to the ER. This time the did EVERYTHING from ekg, xray, full blood work up, stress test to a ct scan and everything short of shooting dye into my bloodstream. I stayed overnight and got a clean bill of health. Diagnosis again was Costochondritis and anxiety disorder. So here I am now getting a chest pain again. This time it only lasted about a second because as soon as I change positions it goes away. Or it goes away as soon as I get my breathing under control. But most of the time it triggers a full blown panic attack! So my question is, can Costochondritis last this long and can the pain be brought on without taking a deep breath? Because I read that Costochondritis chest pains only hurt when breathing deeply. My Dr says that's not the case. I also seen my primary Dr and she said that's not always the case(which was her diagnosis for me as well) Anyone have experience with Costochondritis? My ribs also hurt to the touch most of the time. These pains bring on major panic attacks and I feel like I can't breath, there's a lump in my throat and I get horrible thoughts in my head. I wish I could just believe my Dr and live my life without constant fear. I sitting here debating whether or not to go to the er again. Can I trust the dr

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Blown/Cracked Head Gasket or something else?

    I have a 2003 Dodge Stratus and it was overheating so I had the water pump and thermostat replaced. Almost a week after that it started overheating again! But it seems to only overheat if Im going under 40mph and the heater blows cold too at that point. If im at a red light it shoots up pretty fast. My oil looks fine, no smoke coming from the exhaust. I am going to take it in on Monday but I was just wondering if this sounds like a head gasket problem. If so what is the typical cost to get that fixed. I know its not cheap. You think it could be fixed for under 2k? Thanks

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Dumb question?!? Ease my mind!?

    Me and dh have been ttc #2 for over a year now. Been to Dr everything is fine. Anyways around 2 dpo I developed a cold. I am 6 dpo and my congestion is better but my cough is horrible. My question is, will this ruin my chances of conception this month. I know your body sees the egg as a foreign body and tries to get rid of it ( at least that's what I've read) but since my body is trying to get rid of this cold, can it make the chances even slimmer of conception? Sorry if I'm not making any sense. It's so frustrating to have nothing wrong with me and it being so hard to conceive. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • Question about having a cold and bad cough 2ww?

    Me and dh have been ttc #2 for over a year now. Been to Dr everything is fine. Anyways around 2 dpo I developed a cold. I am 6 dpo and my congestion is better but my cough is horrible. My question is, will this ruin my chances of conception this month. I know your body sees the egg as a foreign body and tries to get rid of it ( at least that's what I've read) but since my body is trying to get rid of this cold, can it make the chances even slimmer of conception? Sorry if I'm not making any sense. It's so frustrating to have nothing wrong with me and it being so hard to conceive. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • CA voters! What's your position on....?

    PROP 34?

    A YES vote on this measure means: No offenders could be sentenced to death under state law. Offenders who are currently under a sentence of death would be resentenced to life without the possibility of parole. The state would provide a total of $100 million in grants to local law enforcement agencies over the next four years.

    A NO vote on this measure means: Certain offenders convicted for murder could continue to be sentenced to death. The status of offenders currently under a sentence of death would not change. The state would not be required to provide local law enforcement agencies with additional grant funding

    I'm voting NO.

    Just wanted to know how your voting and why

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Verlander Schmerlander!?

    Not a question. Just wanted to know your thoughts on game 1 of the World Series. With the Giants taking Game 1 in a big way, do you Tiger fans still think they will win the WS? Oh and what was up with Verlander? A lot of Detroit fans said the Giants will have a hard time hitting him.

    3 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • Bright blue vein?! Any thoughts!?

    I just noticed a vein on my right breast. It is neon blue. It's just one. I have never noticed this before. I know I have never seen a vein on my body this blue. I mean it's neon blue. Anyone have any insight to what may cause this? I have a Dr Appt on Fri., but it's kind of freaking me out. I heard that it could be a pregnancy symptom, which, would be a blessing. But if not, that's ok too. Just hope it's nothing too serious. Any thoughts? Thanks

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Neon blue vein?! Any thoughts?

    I just noticed a vein on my right breast. It is neon blue. It's just one. I have never noticed this before. I know I have never seen a vein on my body this blue. I mean it's neon blue. Anyone have any insight to what may cause this? I have a Dr Appt on Fri., but it's kind of freaking me out. Thanks

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago