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  • Should I go see her? My step mother is dying.?

    She actually adopted me. She was married to my father. She was not a nice person. She was abusive. I swore I would never see her again. Her grand daughter and I were raised in the same hell, and she still has a relationship with her. We were raised as sisters, and I love her. Her daughter also has a relationship with her, she is a very sweet girl. She begged me to call her. I called for my niece. There is still a tiny part of that little girl in me who wanted her to love me. And I am not the kind of person who can know someone is suffering and not care. So I care even though I don't think she deserves for me to care. She cried when I called. She begged to see me and my children. I am torn. That little girl in me wants to see this woman and she wants that woman to love her. But the woman who has done her best to heal is scared to look the demon in the eyes again. What do I do?

    5 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • My daughter who is 3, almost 4 is driving me insane. What should I do? I am at a loss.?

    She just keeps screaming. Not like that I am in pain, please help me kind of scream. But the, "I don't want to eat supper! I don't want to sit in my chair! Ahhhhhhhhhh" Then when it looks as if she is not going to eat any more, I say, "Ok, if you are full you can get down out of your chair." Then it's, "Nooooooo! I don't want to get out of my chair!!! Ahhhhhh" She is not like this all the time, but tonight it seems like she just wants to be disagreeable. I have ignored the bad behavior, rewarded the positive behavior. Put her in time out. I have even spanked her at her request. She is making my brain vibrate. Come on toddler moms, please tell me what the secret is!

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • For a probable broken big toe, should my husband go to the Dr?

    He kicked a box at work. Now his toe is purple all over and very painful. Can they do anything for a broken toe? My husband says they can not. However, I know people who have broken toes, not the big toe, and the Dr was involved? So to go to not to go for the toe? That is the question.

    2 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Should my 3yr old son have gotten caps or fillings?

    My son had cavities on his front two teeth. They capped them instead of filling them. I assumed that was the best thing to do, if that's what the dentist told me was best. But everyone has said, "Why didn't the dentist just fill the teeth instead of doing caps?" I know I can't change it now, but I'm curious.

    2 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • Is this discrimination against an autistic child?

    One of the ladies I talk to online has an autistic son. He is 13, 5' 9" and weighs 195lbs. He was to have surgery today. She kept him from eating and everything the day before to prepare him for surgery. When they got there he got undressed, and in the little gown. Then the Dr came in and said he couldn't do it, because he had never worked with a child that large with autism. He said he feared for the safety of his staff. They sent her home. They had all the information in his chart already. They knew, or should have known that he was autistic, and that he was that tall and that big. It seems that is that particular Dr was uncomfortable they would have had time to reschedule based on the facts they had. Not to mention one of the Dr's said most Autistic children of that size were already in a group home and not at home with parents. This was a hospital in Ohio. Just curious as to what she should do. I have a son who is autistic as well. He is 3. I can not imagine him being treated that way. Any advice?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • For those of you with a toddler with autisim, have you tried changing their diet to gluten/dairy free?

    Did it help? My son is on the spectrum, and I just wondered what your experiences were. He is almost 3. I have daughter as well, his twin, she is not on the spectrum. And how did it go over, if you did try the diet? His diet is so limited now, already. He is not a fan of new things.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • My son was diagnosed as being autistic. Are there programs for monetary support?

    My son was diagnosed as being autistic. I want to do everything I can to help him. He has a therapist coming to the house once a week. I would love to put him in a preschool for a couple of days a week but I can not afford it. Actually, I should say, we have twins, my daughter is not autistic. However I would love for her to go to a preschool as well. I might be able to afford to tighten the belt for one, but not for both. My son really needs it because it will help him to learn to be more social. My daughter needs it as well, because she just LOVES to learn, and I would love for her to make little friends. Where do I find this information? We live in Tennessee if that helps. Thank you in advance.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else need a better way, or know a better way to communicate with there toddlers?

    I have two and a half year old twins. My son is not talking alot. So we have him involved in speech therapy. An occupational therapist/speech therapist comes over to work with us once a week. Today when he came over he had a wonderful idea that I thought I would pass along to all of you Mommies and Daddies. We are going to try and First and Then board. You use a poster board and make squares going down on one side that say "First" and on the other side squares going down that say "Then." You have pictures you can velcro to the poster board of different things that represent food, play time, clean up, bath time, nap time, home work, and bath room time or just anything you want to add. It gives your child a sense of schedule. First we get cleaned up, Then we will eat breakfast. The next pictures might be First we Clean up, Then we have Play time. He said that one child he works with is a non verbal autistic baby girl. So instead of her screaming until Mom figures out she wants juice she goes and gets the juice picture on the board and hands it to her. I have high hopes. Even though my children are not autistic there are times I too am playing a guessing game while my children are screaming their little heads off. So I am looking forward to having a tool that might make them less frustrated and better able to communicate with me. So simple it's genius!

    If you know any cool little tricks that make life a little easier while trying to teach your toddlers I would love to know. Also what kind of things are you and your toddlers doing for fun here lately?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do you teach your stubborn child?

    My son is 2 1/2. He is in speech therapy because he doesn't talk much. It is helping because he has started saying a few words. But getting his attention is pretty difficult sometimes. He likes to do what he wants to do and isn't really interested sometimes in what we are trying to teach him. He does get it, but even then, he makes you beg for it. So I was just wondering about some teaching techniques that have worked with your children.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What is the best, less crowded, beach vacation spot in NC close to Fort Bragg?

    My sister lives just outside of ft bragg. So I was thinking of something close to her. I would like to rent a house. I did ask this question before. It only got one answer, from someone telling me that all beaches are crowded this time of year. So if anyone who lives in NC would tell me where the least crowded areas are, close to the beach, that would be nice. I understand there will be other people there, I just want a less popular area. Any suggestions? Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Does my sister have the right, legally, to force her daughter to spend time with her in the summer?

    My niece is 14 years old. She doesn't want to go with her mom because she lives in another State and she will be away from all her friends. She wants her mom to come there. My sister has done that the last two summers so that my niece can go to all the camps that her dad set her up for. Has anyone had this issue before? According to the custody agreement, my sister gets her for the summer. Now that my niece is 14, does she have the right to say she doesn't want to go? I know that she will be angry with her mom for a little while if she makes her go but at least she would know that she doesn't call the shots, and that her mom wants to spend time with her. Any words of wisdom?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What is the best, not too crowded, beach vacation spot in NC close to Fort Bragg?

    I am looking for a house to rent that is close to, if not on a beach in NC, close to Fort Bragg. My sister lives just outside of Fort Bragg. I would love some thing private, but not terribly exspensive. Anyone have any great experiences you would like to share? We are going in August.

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Does your mother in law make you crazy?

    Mine does. Haha. We rented a house together. The house if huge, with an apartment down stairs, which is where my mil and fil live. They watch our twins when we are gone to work. She is a very nice lady, and she takes great care of my children. But, she keeps decorating my house with her stuff! It makes me want to rip it all down and throw it outside in a huge bon fire. Think that will cause family problems?? I am just kind of going crazy, and I needed a place to vent, so I didn't do something or say something that would cause issues. What would you do? and Tell me what's making you crazy lately?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Can anyone suggest a good cell phone plan? I have one in mind...?

    Boost Mobile has a plan for $50 a month for unlimited talk/text/web and pic mail. That sounds like a good deal, but I was wondering if anyone has boost mobile and how the service has been.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Should I have taken my son to the ER tonight or the Dr in the morning?

    I have 18 month old twins who now love to climb. It gives me little heart attacks every time they climb on anything. But tonight my son, Sam wanted to climb in the kitchen chair. So I suggested to my husband that he just pull the chair over to him and make sure he doesn't fall. Well, both of my children also like to kind of jump off when Daddy is close by to catch them or guide their fall. So my son jumped, my husband guided him down, and he twisted his little ankle. He cried for just a second and we had them both ready to head to the ER. Then as we were gathering the things we might need he began walking/limping on that leg. I immediately picked him back up when I saw he was having trouble. There is not swelling that I can see, and as long as he is off of it, he does not seem to be in alot of pain. On the way their in the car he went to sleep. I got to imagining in my head all the things they were going to do to him. Holding him down, turning the leg and ankle, and him screaming. I figured, if it wasn't broken I should wait and take him to the Dr in the morning. Now I am home, he is asleep, and I am beating my self up for not going ahead and taking him.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Should I have taken my son to the ER tonight, or to the Dr in the morning?

    I have 18 month old twins who now love to climb. It gives me little heart attacks every time they climb on anything. But tonight my son, Sam wanted to climb in the kitchen chair. So I suggested to my husband that he just pull the chair over to him and make sure he doesn't fall. Well, both of my children also like to kind of jump off when Daddy is close by to catch them or guide their fall. So my son jumped, my husband guided him down, and he twisted his little ankle. He cried for just a second and we had them both ready to head to the ER. Then as we were gathering the things we might need he began walking/limping on that leg. I immediately picked him back up when I saw he was having trouble. There is not swelling that I can see, and as long as he is off of it, he does not seem to be in alot of pain. On the way their in the car he went to sleep. I got to imagining in my head all the things they were going to do to him. Holding him down, turning the leg and ankle, and him screaming. I figured, if it wasn't broken I should wait and take him to the Dr in the morning. Now I am home, he is asleep, and I am beating my self up for not going ahead and taking him.

    7 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • My 11 month old Sam gags and occationally throws up. What could cause this?

    I have 11 Month old twins, Ava and Sam. Ava never throws up. Sam however will be fine one moment and then he starts gagging. We always freak for just a moment when he starts gagging. Then he throws up a little bit, squirms when we are trying to clean him up, then off he goes to playing again. He doesn't have fever. No runny BMs. I am not really worried about it. I think it is just from the excess of drool with his teething. I have spoken with their Dr and she isn't worried about it either. Just wondering if I might be over looking some reason.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What did you do for your babies first birthday party? Was it a large gathering?

    Sam and Ava's 1rst birthday is coming up in Sept. Being boy/girl twins, I am not completely sure what theme to use. Plus I would love to share their day with everyone we know. But, I don't want it to be too huge because it will stress them out. So I was just curious about what some of you did on your little ones first birthday.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When your baby got teeth, did you still breast feed?

    I have twins that will be 6 months on the 9th. They are teething now. Sometimes I think that when they actually get teeth that I will ween them from breast feeding. They will actually bite down on me now. But then when I am actually breast feeding them, they are so sweet and it's just such a wonderful time for both of them and me. I just don't want to take that time away from them. My son especially will just be heart broken. So when you decided to ween your babies, how long did it take and how hard was it?? I know, there is more than one question.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago