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What kind of food can I send half way across the country?
My boyfriend is half way across the country right now and he is having a difficult time making ends meet. He doesn't have anything super good or nutritious at his place to eat. I really want to send him a care package of food but I'm not sure what I can send. I know I can send some baked goods like cookies or brownies, but I don't want to send just sweets. So what are somethings that I could send him?
(He is a food lover so he isn't super picky with what he eats. Plus in his situation I think he would just be thankful to have something wholesome.)
5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years agoHow to know if this is going to be a relationship, or just a fling?
So I have been hanging out with this guy for a bit over a week now. One day I texted him and we just started talking and now all of a sudden we hang out all the time. When we do hang out, we we very physical. I mean we tickle each other and cuddle and all that. A few days ago he kissed me on the lips. And then he did it a couple more times since then. And I'm not sure if this is going to turn into a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, or if he is just planning on it being a fling. He seems into me, like he likes me more than just some girl he can make out with. But I'm only 17 and this would be my first relationship, so I'm not sure what to think of all this. Should I confront him, or just let things keep going the way they are?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoI am starting birth control. What should I know and expect?
I'm sixteen and I am starting a birth control pill because of my periods. I'm not sexually active and I don't plan on being for quiet some time, this is only to help me during my periods and was prescribed by my doctor. The brand name is TriNessa and I am only to take one every day.
I'm nervous about side effects and I just don't know what to expect. My doctor assured me that I would be fine on the pill, it would probably just make me feel nauseous for a few days until my body gets use to it. But can any of you tell me what I should really expect, if I might feel different, anything? Please and thank you!
5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoHow can I relieve painful menstrual cramps?
I'm sixteen and I have had my period for about six-five years. This past year my cramps have been terrible. Some days I would have to leave school early because they were so painful, other days I would have to lay in bed for hours. I have tried everything from simple Advil, to teenage Midol, I even resorted to taking some left over Hydrocodone I had from a surgery a few months before. I will take hot baths, eat bananas, put on a heating pad, I have done everything recommended, but nothing really works. My guardian refuses to take me to a doctor, to see if birth control will work, or something else, she makes me just deal with the pain. But I can't anymore, it's gone from annoying cramps to agonizing cramps that can last for 6 hours or more.
Please help me, is there something else I can try? I am desperate and in a lot of pain for five days.
3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoWhy do I have dreams of my family killing me?
I haven't had many, just a few. One where my brother is choking me, and another where my Aunt is choking me. In both dreams they were so angry, I could see on their faces that they just wanted me dead. I had the one about my Aunt last night and immediately woke up feeling sick to my stomach and out of breath. What could this mean?
A little background to help you out..
- I live with my brother and Aunt; my parents died so she is my legal guardian.
- I am the youngest in the house.
- I fight A LOT with my Aunt. She is constantly wanting to start something with me and she always verbalizes how much she hates me. Constantly making accusations of me being selfish and a liar.
- My brother is my world, I love him to death. But I feel like he doesn't care too much about me. Like he is here with me, but he doesn't want me around and I am just a bother to him. I feel like he wishes for a better sister sometimes.
5 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years agoHow old must you be to get your drivers licence in Kansas?
I believe it is 16, but someone told me the law changed and now you must be 17 to receive it. So 16 or 17?
1 AnswerInsurance & Registration9 years agoLooking for Herbal Cigarettes for a short film?
My friend is shooting a short film. And one of the characters smokes, but the actor does not smoke. He doesn't want to cut the characters smoking, so he is looking for some type of Herbal Cigarette that doesn't taste like a normal cigarette. He looked online and saw so many different brands and flavors and he doesn't know what would work best, in the interest of the actor.
So what are some brands and flavors and look like real cigarettes, but are herbal and don't taste like real cigarettes?
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years agoI think I became dependent on NyQuil to sleep. What should I do?
I had some really bad allergies, and they came with cold like symptoms. Runny nose, coughing, little things like that. Whenever I have a cold I always take NyQuil because it works like a charm. So I started taking NyQuil this past week to help me sleep. I took it every night for a week. The week after that I had finals. So for three days I thought "well, I'm incredibly stressed and can't sleep. Maybe if I just take some NyQuil I can sleep."
So that is a total of about ten days or taking the stuff. Now when I go to bed, I can't sleep. I toss and turn, no matter how tired I am, and I keep feeling like I could sleep if I just took some NyQuil. It's like I'm craving it. I tried taking some sleeping pills like Advil PM and Tylenol PM but they didn't work. I don't know what to do.
Have I become dependent on NyQuil? How can I sleep again without feeling like I need to take some of it? Please help, thank you!
(Note: I didn't do this carelessly. I know that NyQuil is unsafe after a certain point and can be dangerous if used improperly. But I figured it would take two or more weeks to develop any signs of dependency or abuse.)
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years agoI have some questions about emancipation of a minor?
Okay, so I am going to try and give you as much information as possible but sum it up..
So my father died when I was 5 and my mother when I was 13. My Aunt moved in after my mothers death. Things were fine for awhile.. but soon they got out of hand. It has been three years, and I am now 16. Her and I do not get along at all. She verbally and emotionally abuses me. I can't stand it anymore. I feel trapped and some nights I stay at school until 5pm just so I don't have to go home to her.
So here are some questions I have...
1) I have heard of emancipation. Can I get emancipated from her when I am 17? Do I need any specific legal reason?
2) Do I still get to keep everything? My mother left her house and her car in my name and my brothers name. If I get emancipated, do I have the legal right to still live in the house and keep the car and have her move out?
3) If I am emancipated, I technically have the rights of anyone 18 and older. Which means my socially security will be taken away. So is there any way for me to access my bank accounts like the one my mother left for me when she passed? There is an age restriction of 18 on them, but if being emancipated "turns you into an adult" will I be aloud to access them for house payments and what not until I get a job?
Please answer in as much detail as possible. Thank you.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoWhat will happen if I take Hydrocodon with an Energy Drink?
If I take two Hydrocodon pills and drink and Energy Drink with it (monster) what will happen? Please list bother positive and negatives. Such as if it will make me sick or not, any bad side effects, or if it will keep me awake for awhile.
And I'm not a very big person. I am only 5'2'' and 110 pounds, so will that play a factor in the effect?
Please and thank you!
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years agoWhat are some real world examples of lack of responsibility/justice?
I need examples from newspapers/magazines about lack of responsibility/justice. I can't go out and buy magazines or get a newspaper, so I am looking things up online from magazines and newspapers and printing them out. But I don't know any examples. So can you help me?
I'm looking for something like, a student was bullied at school and no one working there took action. Or a court case that had evidence compiled against someone saying they were guilty, but they were found innocent.
Any ideas? Please and thank you!
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoWhat happens to the orbitals in a bond between two hydrogen atoms?
I am working on chemistry homework and the question asks: Describe what happens to the orbitals in a bond between two hydrogen atoms. Where are the bonding electrons to be found most of the time?
I can't find it in my notes or in the book. Can you help me?
1 AnswerChemistry9 years agoHow do I get rid of my sweet tooth and eat better?
I'm not addicted to sweets and sugary food. I don't have melt downs if I don't eat a twinkie ever two hours. But I do have a crazy strong sweet tooth that is killing me. Every time I open up the cabinet for a snack I jump on the ho-ho's and the cake. And it isn't just because I love sweets, it's also because healthy food takes more effort to make and I'm all about fast and quick.
I'm only sixteen, so I don't want to go on a diet and lose weight. But I do want to start eating better. So can you guys help me? What are some things I can do to stay away from the sugar and make healthier choices?
(Note: Clearing out my house of all junk food is unfortunately not an option. I live with my Aunt and brother, so I can't just get rid of food because I have to consider them as well.)
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoCan you explain to me how college works?
I know this is kind of a weird question, but I am a sophmore in High School so I am thinking a lot about college and I don't have anyone in my family to ask. So I just have some questions...
1. Do you have grades in college? I constantly worry about my grades so I can get into college, but there isn't really anything after college except a job, so do they give grades or what?
2. If you don't pass a course, what happens? Do you retake it or take something else to fulfill the credit hour?
3. Do they have extra classes? Like you have your required courses but then you can take some other classes that you wish to take?
4. Is getting your degree more based on if you completed enough hours in school and taken enough classes?
I'm really just confused on the way college works in general, so if you have any more to add, please do so!
4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoHow can I report someone if they are abusing disability?
My cousin was in a car accident back in October and hurt his back. He has been collecting disability ever since and still have a few more months to collect it. But he is only receiving it because he cannot work due to his back. Now he has a job, that pays a lot, and he is still collecting disability and lying to his doctor saying he is still hurt. I wouldn't have a problem with this, but he needs to learn a lesson. He is a thirty year old man and he has broken into his mothers house and stolen her credit card and money on several occasions and he is constantly cheating everyone around him like he is untouchable, He needs to learn that he can't go through life having everything handed to him.
I would like to report him for abusing his disability. How can I do this?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoMy cats are territorial and are trying to kill each other! What do I do?
I have two cats, a six year old and a three year old. Recently our front door broke and swung open, so the three year old got out. Now my six year old is getting very territorial and is attacking him because he doesn't recognize him. This has happened once before and we kept them separated all day, and then that afternoon they were fine. But it has been nearly ten hours and they still aren't getting along. My six year old hisses and attacks the three year old in a very scary way and I'm afraid they are going to get severely hurt. What can I do to help reintroduce them and help them recognize one another again?
2 AnswersCats9 years agoWhat are these, and why do they keep appearing on my face?
I never get acne. I am blessed with smooth and clean skin. But lately, on my nose, under my nose, and in the little crevices of my nose, I've been getting these bumps. In the past 6 months I have had about four of five of them. They are little bumps, and they are sore to the touch. When I look at them, I don't really see any white or black spots so I'm sure they aren't white or black heads. They are just the color of my skin, but after awhile they do turn red.
I have tried everything to keep them away. I wash my face twice a day and moisturize and they still appear. So I assume that I might be over washing my face, so I cut down to only four times a day but they still appear. I have tried three different kind of face washes. Nothing really helps.
I do have oily skin, and I'm sure that has something to do with it.
So could you tell me what these are, why they keep popping up, and how I can get rid of them for good!
(Note: They never really go away. All of them leave little scars or leave my skins uneven. So even when they do fade away they still leave something on my face and it's not very attractive.)
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years agoMy cousin has Scarlet Fever. How can I make her feel better, and keep myself healthy?
I was suppose to visit my cousin this weekend, but she came down with strep throat this week which turned into scarlet fever. But I found out that after 24 hours of treatment with antibiotics, people with scarlet fever are no longer contagious, so I'm going to visit her tomorrow! So here are some questions to make her feel better and keep me healthy..
1. What are some foods I can bring to make her feel better?
(she lives an hour away, so super cold things might melt.)
2. What are some things I can bring her to make her happy and get her mind off of things?
(I was thinking about bringing her some flowers and a stuffed animal. Any other suggestions? Maybe a game to help her keep her mind busy?)
3. What are some precautions I should take to stay healthy?
4. What are some no-no's when I'm around her?
(Should I not hug her just in case she still is contagious? Are there any foods or drinks I should make sure she stays away from?
Please and thank you!
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years agoWhere can I get a candy gift basket delivered in one day for a Birthday?
I went out of town last night on short notice due to a family emergency and I will be staying out of town for longer than I expected. I thought I was going to be home Monday for my brothers birthday, but I won't; he'll be turning 18. So is there any place that I can call early in the morning that will deliver something by the end of the day if I explain the circumstances to them?
(I was thinking of Price Chopper or Dillons.)
1 AnswerOther - Holidays9 years agoCan you help me find my family?
My fathers side of the family stopped talking to me when I was five and my father died. Now I desperately want to find his family and get into contact with them. I know nothing but their names.
Is there a free website I can use to find out addresses and phone numbers? Or is it just a lost case?
Please help me. It's been 11 years since they have spoken to me and I need to find them or contact them.
4 AnswersGenealogy9 years ago