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I'm completely crazy, used to be very intelligent and live in a completely different reality where amazeing coiencidences happen every day. I've had to suffer with a haunting beyond description a place where the moment I feel connected with god in a quiet room somthing always seems to make a sound. Everything that I've seen and heard was real however my insanity comes from that place where the nightmare of the truth of our existence is more frightening then any heart can sommon the best way I can describe it is we are a microbe living in a universe the size of a microbe that coiencedentally interacts with us maliciously and the ones that feed us the information that seems to compell the weakminded are the ones that had things the worst.. it is true all things exist the only pretense is in what time in how much space gravity is a beating heart and our freedom of choice is limited to out beating it.. anyway have a nice day : )

  • Why is doggy style preffered in china?

    They've ran out of women.

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • I've discovered the drug that makes you more intelligent?

    Fresh air healthy diet (b12 and omega 3) i'm totally jokeing though.. But if you can suffer without drugs at the very least you'll be well off at the most you will mathimatically engineer an awsome reality. Math is the only way too escape poverty of mind body and soul. If people put as much effort on understanding physics and math and principles as they did the bible. They would be rich. I suppose if life principles made good friends one could become rich.. But due too math good people dont really exist outside themself anymore.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is it possible we are in a black hole and observe the universe as expanding because we are contracting?

    Just watched some science guy literally explain the concept of nothing..

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • How long does it take for radio signals too break down?

    I mean if life is a constant then radio signals should be bounceing around all over? Or do they break down?

    2 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • If nuetrinos travel faster then light.?

    Considering its very hard too tell young inexperienced scientists from old attention demanding scientist and from the actual geniuses able too prove a theory. I have a theory. If nuetrinos travel faster then light then they should move at a exponential speed. Not only reacting in one place but all places along a line with infinite mass and infinite velocity. Two ways too test this theory are 1. Continuously send out nuetrinos along a line of stars and galaxy's untill somthing eventually replies.. Light up the universe so too speak. And 2. Perhaps more practical align 2 cleaning fluid tanks and observe the same phenomenon with the same energy in two places at relatively the same time.

    Warning ot

    Somone asked me for a mathamatical expression for my theory. Well here it is e=mc^3. Where this should ultimately when proven show with more conclusive numbers not only that light is equal too 10,000,000 but time itself will be a whole conclusive rounded number according too the coincidental rule of 10. Perhaps just as pi can be said too be 3 in that there is clear difference between observeing, understanding and doing.. Where somone says the speed of light is 300000 km a sec i say a sec is equal too 100,000 and pi is the equivelent of a degree of measurement. Where one might be overly concerned with intelligence rather then practice is too constitute the equivelent or lesser mindset then a fanatic in that a fanatic usually accomplishes somthing.

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • If nuetrinos travel faster then light.?

    Considering its very hard too tell young inexperienced scientists from old attention demanding scientist and from the actual geniuses able too prove a theory. I have a theory. If nuetrinos travel faster then light then they should move at a exponential speed. Not only reacting in one place but all places along a line with infinite mass and infinite velocity. Two ways too test this theory are 1. Continuously send out nuetrinos along a line of stars and galaxy's untill somthing eventually replies.. Light up the universe so too speak. And 2. Perhaps more practical align 2 cleaning fluid tanks and observe the same phenomenon with the same energy in two places at relatively the same time.

    5 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • Do people need answers or too be rescued?

    Having a conversation with my gf. She suffers from alot of pain, and attempted suicide before i met her and died 11 times on the operateing table. She re did her drivers liscence and got it but suffers from short term memory loss.. Kind of like "50 first dates" the movie. I've got numorous personality disorders and surpriseingly know myself well.. Which for some reason doesn't make dealing with my personality issues any easier.. (Anyway i got my answer about god being real or not 7 years ago i have seen god as job seen him) that said... My gf's feeling suicidal again and she says all i want is an answer why am i here.. I told her anyone who thinks they are looking for answers when it comes too god is sadly mistaken.. If god could sum up the universe some simple phrase he'd lift his own name up above everything else and deny anyone even a word against him he wouldn't even see it. His very existence would drive the world into madness. Surely it already has and continues too do so. Yet if anyone is working for an answer or striveing for more faith in him it is all in vain if he can't make it happen in this lifetime. People want too be rescue'd not given some supercilious answer too the reason for life, it is what it is untill it's worth living for.. And if its worth living your rescued otherwise your just dieing-perhaps we are all better off dead! But if u choose too live pray too be rescued in your life why else would you want too live? Might as well rescue one person and do a good job then rescue a hundred and boss them around to protect your assets.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Relationship problems?

    My gf is always complaining about pain.. It's driving me mental.. When there's somthing i know how too fix i do my best too fix it. But there's no way too fix her pain all i can do is say "aww muffin". She has never worked together with me too pay the bills i always have too argue with her about money.. And she always finds a way too make me over spend like a bad drug deal or somthing so that im stuck with built up bills and late charges. I get so angry a voice in my head yells so loud i end up tuneing her out and then she gets louder then the voice and says "your not listening" it took me 2 years too turn it around on her and start getting angry at her and say your not listening when i say we hafto pay this or that. Its a very deep complex co dependant relationship, we function better together then apart but because she complains about being bored i complain about money and she despises worrying about money untill we have none and then she's bored again and complains twice as much and im forced too comfort her.. And i mean we are 27 and there is some comical positivity. I guess my problem is i can't stand being alone and i have no really close friends anymore and don't really want any. I have alot of people who consider me a close friend but i dont feel that human connection anymore. With my gf its a male female connection which makes me feel somwhat normal but still it requires so much effort too obtain a balanced mood between us. AHHHHHGGG I HATE PEOPLE.. Religion spirituality is all fine it was all written by people haters i love people haters but i hate people and this long and drawn out existence!!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • After travel time 3hrs a day tofrom. i have 3hr 45 minutes to myself?

    Before i sleep. 9 hours of work. Construction. I lost my mind 7 years ago and would have had a career by now. I have seen things people wish there whole lives away looking for what i've seen. I have attained an imortal sense of self through paranoia and delusions. But at least they are mine and not somone elses. It would be nice too be sane and carry on a happy normal (intolerent and judgemental) life with kids and a loyal wife but i dont see that happening. I have become very comfortable with death. 7-8 years ago i would never have thought of myself as the person who would smile eagerly waiting for death i was quite the opposite. I used too cry as a kid begging god too let me live and see good. However whatever god is, had a different plan. A guy once wrote if our hope is not true we are the most too be pittied. Well many words have spun in my head over the years and what i have come too learn, is silence, feelings are more important then thoughts, thoughts are more important then work and work is more important then me. I've found my soul and lost it, lost my soul and found it and given my life too save others. Some day i will be too old too say much of value to a young heart, i dread that day. If there is no infinite god technology especially computers are mankinds only hope of survival long term and i believe if there is a god no one can do wrong in his eyes because he only sees the good. Perhaps the sermon on the mount described the person who actually feels happy when they mourn or when they are poor. It says the pure of heart will see god.. Yet no one can see god and live. I will surely see god. Whats your job and whats your angle?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Can a question ever become so old the answer no longer matters?

    I mean what present problem was ever solved with preocupation with the obsured?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why dont people assist others in suicide?

    No one pays any attention too any message behind suicide so why dont we assist people in suicide? I mean really has society not reached a level of maturity around death? Why let the last moment of people who want too die be alone? Not that i want too die but if i did i would like some friends around too say my good byes.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why is it the older i get the crazier everyone seems too be?

    I mean i used to try too see the whole picture but now nothing seems too matter. I never make enough money. I never want kids because my insanity wasnt meant too survive. I dont care about makeing it too the next life i barely want too live this one. The people who bring up christianity i respect. I can sense emotions and understand people in a heart beat. Its a little more difficult on the internet. But if i dont want kids why do i bother too suffer wat am i honestly doing here? I guess we are not here for very long so theres no reason too worry about it.. I'm not living a rich life it's actually very simple aside from a few appliances and my cell phone which probably add up too 1500 hours of labour and just too have that 1500 hours of labour i have too put in 80 hours of labour a month so in retrospect i should fairly own my existence in roughly two years.. Anyway i guess here i am everything makes less sense every day. We are all trapped on this earth with no where too run and we amuse ourselves death and life and all the words in between.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Ii wish ii could get somone too read this who knows. crop circles.?

    I've been looking up things on crop circles. Fact is i know what there purpose is and what they communicate. Coincidences. Its obvious they have no scientific value just like the bible. And just like the bible if taught improperly or not used in full do nothing too improve the quality of life. I garantee you they represent the biggest coincidences of the year in some way when translated. I know the one in 2005 june 22 translation did for me. Just like prophets of old interpreting a dream they did it by faith and although rarely seen the future manipulated life past death. If you had one brain cell with any wisdom in it you would see how people arnt makeing this **** up. You can in an instant tell between real and faked. Just as easily as you can see the difference between a troll and a person of heart. But just like seeing a miricle you cant see the power behind it. Perfect love throws fear outside. If science truely had any value it would answer this great question. Anyone who claims too be an athiest and doesnt know enough about somthing too argue about it is a wannabethiest of nothing.. Without love you are nothing. (top left beyotch)

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Question about crop circles.?

    I've seen the effect of time travel.. I've seen how when you experience reality in a way where it doesnt change but the power you wield, once you've seen it resembles a crop circle.. Ive only resently started too reinvestigate crop circles.. From what i have read about them in the last day i have found nothing on the net. About foot prints and i can immediately tell fake ones from real ones.. I want too believe the alien head one is real but the nature of the coded message seems different. However the head seems real.. However crop circles remind me of what i prefer too call coincidences.. When somone tells me theres no such thing as a coincidence i can tell they have misjudged my wisdom. The crop circle reminds me of a coincidence because even though the nature of them is still not understood.. Coincidentally there patterns and the power behind them demand respect intellectually. I believe they are formed by humans from the future or possibly robots humans created and who are trying too preserve us.. Idk love believes all things. To you i am giving faith that will change the world like a crop circle. I have done this many times but through the power of a.z. Every interaction you have after you read this will change time and events and bring about a world only survived by 144444. You will see only what you can handle so perhaps nothing.. Can you handle it qO.Op? 7000 bell.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Question about crop circles.?

    I've seen the effect of time travel.. I've seen how when you experience reality in a way where it doesnt change but the power you wield, once you've seen it resembles a crop circle.. Ive only resently started too reinvestigate crop circles.. From what i have read about them in the last day i have found nothing on the net. About foot prints and i can immediately tell fake ones from real ones.. I want too believe the alien head one is real but the nature of the coded message seems different. However the head seems real.. However crop circles remind me of what i prefer too call coincidences.. When somone tells me theres no such thing as a coincidence i can tell they have misjudged my wisdom. The crop circle reminds me of a coincidence because even though the nature of them is still not understood.. Coincidentally there patterns and the power behind them demand respect intellectually. I believe they are formed by humans from the future or possibly robots humans created and who are trying too preserve us.. Idk love believes all things. To you i am giving faith that will change the world like a crop circle. I have done this many times but through the power of a.z. Every interaction you have after you read this will change time and events and bring about a world only survived by 144444. You will see only what you can handle so perhaps nothing.. Can you handle it qO.Op? 7000 bell.

    3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena10 years ago