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Lv 31,965 points

admiral Ferret

Favorite Answers23%
  • Why is the Diablo 3 community so antisocial?

    So I've played EverQuest, Diablo 2, 3 Guild Wars 1 + 2, World of Warcraft, and for a short time, World of Warplanes..

    I have to say, Diablo 3 has the most antisocial community of all of them.. by far.. and I would say it's the way the game is set up, but it's not that much different from Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, with the exception that instead of a room, we're in a main menu.

    And not just from the general chat, but I'll join rooms and have people join my rooms and I always greet them, and a good 80% of the time, they don't say anything at all, and the rest either say "hey" and nothing else,... and maaaybe 1% will actually converse and chat like a normal person..

    Anyone have input on why this is?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • With a degree in Media Arts and Animation, what shoul I be searching for?

    I've been graduated for a few months now, and I've been job searching, but I am not finding anything. I think maybe I'm searching for the job wrong. I'll look into "3D Modeling" "3D Environment artist", "3D Artist", "Media Artist", and nothing is coming up at all. I was told upon graduating that a lot of these jobs don't advertise, but I've looked in York, Harrisburg, Lancaster (PA) Baltimore (MD), Saint Paul and Minneapolis (MN), and I find it odd that there are no companies in any of these cities at all are advertising.

    What I would really like to do is 3D environment modeling or prop modeling for advertising or whatever, but I'm simply not finding anything. Aside from basic search engines I have used







    and maybe some others. So if you have any suggestions on keywords or things to search for, it would be greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts8 years ago
  • Can ONE computer run on TWO wired internet connections at the same time?

    At my job, they're wondering if we can run two internet connections on the computers at the same time.


    We have a connection for our items database, but it slows everything else down. They'd like to have two wires going to connect to two separate internet connections on one computer. I'm fairly certain it can't be done, but as I'm not a computer technician, I'm not 100% sure. Any help would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Would I need a business license to start a personal website advertising myself as an artist for hire?

    I'm a few months away from graduating from an Art Institute. I've use a few free websites to publish my work and advertise (facebook, blogspot, behance, youtube and deviant art), but I would like to have my own, personal paid-for website to use on my business cards.

    It would promote "Admiral Ferret Studios" which is a personal creation, it would only have my portfolio work, my resume and information, but I wonder if I need some kind of business license to create it that way. I wouldn't consider it a business, more as an artist for hire page, but it may be looked at differently lawfully. Any information could be helpful, please leave a source if you would. Thanks in advance!

  • What guild in Ravnica are you joining?

    As most Magic: The Gathering fans are aware, the upcoming Return to Ravnica set features 5 guilds, and at the pre-release (for those of us going) individuals will choose a guild to join, get that respective guild's promo card, and a guild booster pack (among other things).

    So who would you be joining?

    Izzet league

    Cult of Rakdos

    Azorius Senate

    Golgari Swarm

    Selesnya Conclave?

    For me personally (and I feel I'll be far from alone) it's the Cult of Rakdos all day, closely followed by the Azorius Senate.

    On a second question: Which of them seems the least impressive?

    As a fan of the new release, I do think it's actually extremely balanced on all sides, though I feel Salesnya is going to fall to the sidelines.

    Card Games9 years ago
  • Are Pro Tour MTG players conceding?

    I was just watching some Magic: The Gathering Pro Tours (about 6 different games) and noticed that no game ended with a player reaching 0 life, 10 poison counters, auto-win or decking out. Most of the games were ending when one person would draw a card on their turn, or there was a scenario where a player got his creature destroyed from 2 shocks and that game ended. Another instance was someone trying to destroy a creature, but he used Spell Skite to redirect the destroy card, and the game ended.

    Are these players just surrendering the game or what?

    2 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • MTG How do you feel about Undying?

    I just like to get some people's opinions! - I love the game and I don't get to play it as often as I wish, (not too many people are out of their "magic" closet at my school)..

    So how do you feel about undying?

    Personally, I think undying should eb what persistence is, coming back with the -1/-1.. Persistence sounds more like a +1/+1 ability.. that being said, I don't really think a stand alone creature should come back from death stronger than before? Doesn't make much sense to me personally (and I think it's a little OP)..

    I don't hate anyone that likes undying or uses it, I'm just looking for fun discussion!

    5 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • How to get my PS3 remote working with my computer..?

    I've downloaded a sixaxis driver (11679_Sixaxis_PS3_Win32_Driver_For_PC.rar to be exact),

    and my computer does recognize my remote being in it.

    The problem is that it doesn't actually work. Under its respective driver, I can see that it's reading is "ok", but in going to calibrate the remote, it simply doesn't interact with the computer. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerPlayStation9 years ago
  • Do people actually have fun with online fighting games anymore?

    Started with Naruto (extra long title) for the PS3, I thought it would be fun to play online with other people... Then I started to notice that just about every other battle consisted of Deidera, Sasuke and Itachi. .. . using the same (I call them) cheap tactics. OOOOOOOOOOOOO (special) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (special) OOOOOOOOOOO...........(Note, I haven't played Naruto in a while so: "O" = shuriken throw) How is this possibly fun!?

    So I gave up on the Naruto squad and came to Marvel Vs Capcom 3, at first it was great, a whole variety of characters I fought, no (and again, personal term) cheap tactics, some wins some losses, great fun! ... then about 3 days later, I realized..... about 1:4 games consisted of me fighting Dante, Akuma(or Ryu) and Amaterasu .... doing the same..old.... thing.... later on, when I finally saw it, I was happy to see Sentinel being used, I put a lot of work into making him a good character for me, because I generally like heavy-hitters... but then I see the following with him: Sentinel Force, Sentinel Force, Sentinel Force, Sentinel Force, O (laser), O O O, Sentinel Force, Sentinel Force, , OOO.....Not to mention there are characters on this game I haven't even seen people play yet, and I've been playing this game (loosely) non-stop for the past 2 weeks online.. (Thor, Doctor Doom, Spider-Man, Hsein-Ko, Haggar, Tron, and Felicia) .. That's a lot of people playing a lot of the same characters.

    Which by the way, for the record, I do understand that I play it a lot, so I'm going to eventually run into the same character, similar tactics, etc. but I'm not talking about "eventually".. I'm talking about.. every other battle being almost exactly the same fight..

    Again I have to ask.... Is this really fun??

    I understand it's all personal preference, for instance, I personally prefer to play my main squad (Wesker, Sentinel, Zero) maybe only 1:3 matches, I switch it up with my Secondary squad (Taskmaster, Zero, X23), then I'll have fun just randomly choosing whoever I think seems fun at the time, which is when Phoenix, Modok, etc. come in... I don't always win, but i play to have fun.. and maybe that's all people enjoy is a cheap win..

    Thoughts? Opinions?


    I don't need to hear "you suck, get over it", "Learn to beat them", "I can't believe you lose to ____"..... I don't need feedback attacking me, this is an honest question of peoples' opinion on what they think of online fighting games.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • DDR for the ps3, couple questions..?


    I was hoping for a good DDR game for the ps3..


    The only DDR game I've found for the ps3, did not look at all impressive, few songs, all of which seemed to be either outdated, or modern (rather lame) pop culture American music. (ie. New Kids on the Block, Justin Bieber, Jordin Sparks, etc.) .. When I play DDR, I've always preferred a more up-beat techno song myself.


    Is this really THE only DDR out for ps3? / can I get other songs without buying the game?


    I saw someone playing some version of DDR in an arcade, he was playing a dubstep song. I don't know the song or what the DDR game was, question being: Does anyone know what game it was, and if it's available to buy?

    1 AnswerPlayStation9 years ago
  • How do walls work in Warhammer 40k?

    I've recently come across a Stronghold for Warhammer 40k. Me and my brother were curious as to how the wall works? How would we go about destroying it?

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation10 years ago
  • WoW Players > Priest > PvP > Disc or Shadow?

    Hey everyone, I've been playing a priest for a long time and have mastered all three talent trees.

    Note: This isn't a question on what I should play...

    Question: At first, I really had fun DPSing with Shadow, and it was going quite well. I found out though, I can make a decent Disc/Holy DPS build. I personally think it's *funner* (not necessarily better for DPS) .. Has anyone else made a good Disc/Holy DPS build? Do you think it's funner to play than shadow? (preferences)

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What qualifies Steven Hawking to be the considered the smarted person on the planet?

    I understand, from a little research that this question has been posted quite a bit in a few different ways. I also know about Steven Hawking and his studies and fields.

    I was watching the news this morning and some of these guys are really intelligent as far as economics and politics, etc. So it got me thinking, obviously Steven is an incredibly brilliant man, but his fields of study are all in mathematics and physics, etc. So why is he brought up as the smartest person? Why not Michio Kaku or Kevin Murphy?

    The only thing we (my family and I could gather) is that because physics is such a 'difficult' field of study. Do you think there should be a title "smartest man on Earth"?

    I'm just looking for personal thoughts on why him (feel free to add in research/websites, etc.)

    6 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • What to do with my Eldar Army (tactics)?

    I ran out of money before I could finish building my army, but here's what I have so far:

    6 x Fire Dragons

    6 x Striking Scorpions

    6 x Howling Banshees

    2 x Wave Serpents

    4 x Warlocks

    8 x Gaurdians

    5 x Dire Avengers

    1 x Wraithlord

    1 x Avatar of Khaine

    1 x War Walker

    10 x Rangers

    I don't have money at the moment to buy more soldiers, I have an army built already, just need to buy them, so keep advice on where to go next at a minimal please (though some advice is always welcome)..

    I battle mostly against my brother who plays with Necrons (which are seemingly built against Eldar, but anyways..)

    My question is how to maximize my army's potential.

    I have them all decked out with the best of what they can do (including weapons and abilities, etc.)

    What I've been doing in the past is keeping my army at a distance, letting my Bright lances, star cannons, and rangers pick off his oncomming army, and assaulting whatever makes it through with my elite fighters and such.. but he has the ability to teleport his army with his Lord. and it gets me destroyed frequently.

    Any ideas? (Step-by-step tactics would be awesome)

    Advice in general is accepted!!

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • I have 18 days until I turn 20..?

    I haven't really had done anything "special" for a birthday .. for a while, but 20 is a big birthday isn't it?


    - My general life is school and games. In fact, my whole life is school and (video/card) games.

    - I have 2-3 friends that might be able to join me.

    - I don't drink or anything like that so please no "throw a keg party" Oo'


    (tried to keep this short-and-to-the-point .. I know how you answerers are about long questions lol.)

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • A question arose in my class several months ago...?

    The teacher asked us if we thought you could live as a wealthy (upper-mid class or higher).... if you can't speak English.

    I really don't feel you could go very far in America if you don't speak English.. and that's what I told my class, and afterward I got bombarded by my *entire* class! Including the teacher about how *I* was wrong... am I really the only person that thinks this way?? Really?

    -Just out of curiousity, what do you think? "Can you do *well* in America without knowing English?" ((provided s/he doesn't have a translator to follow him/her everywhere s/he goes..))

    Note: I've done no research on the subject matter, this is purely out of my own curiousity!


    ((sorry it's so much to read lol))


    I'm an 18 year old, male, graduate. This question was raised in my 12th grade math class.

    4 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago