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  • I have a pimple INSIDE my nose... How do I proceed?

    This has never happened to me before. I have a pimple growing on the inside of my nostril. It feels rather large too. This morning when I woke up that side of my nose was sore and it felt like there was a pimple growing there but I couldn't see anything.

    As the day wore on I became more and more aware that something was growing. Yet nothing was on the skin on the outside. When I got home from work I snuck into the bathroom and well, yes, I used my finger to examine things and there's a pimple growing inside my nose!!!

    It's reasonably painful.

    What do I do?

    20 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Why does my flatmate talk to himself and barely sleep?

    We helped a friend out by giving him a place to stay, and he has been living with us for several months now. He is an ex-heroin user and is on Subutex (Buprenorphine). My partner and I have never been into the stuff, and met him after he moved into the apartment next to us and was at that time on Methadone. This was several years back and he somehow found my partner's number and asked if we could put him up for a short time, while he found somewhere to live

    In the last 6 months of living with us he has shown that he is unable to perform basic tasks of self-care. He has been getting progressively worse and worse, especially over the last month and a half. He often fails to dress properly, and will often go out into the street wearing just his boxers (underwear) which he will wear for days and days without changing. Other times he will change his outfit every 30 mins before reverting back to his underwear. We supplied him with a spare mattress and linen ($350 spare linen, which he has never washed) "until he buys his own in preparation for moving out". But he has made no attempt to purchase any basic necessities, even clothing. There are two spare bed frames in the garage that we told him he could choose from, but he has made no attempt to set them up. We provide him rent and food for free and although he has stopped working a 3-day a week job he is still in receipt of a pension that should be enough to save up.

    He also talks to himself, which has increased significantly of late. The things he says are random but he expresses malice towards others. He probably doesn't realise people can hear him when he is doing it. I haven't seen him do this when he is around a group of people, but he does do it when he might be down the hall and only me and my partner are home. When he does interact with others his contributions to the conversation are consistently off-topic and he will make random partial statements. When we ask what he means he will repeat exactly what he has said, as though he expects us to know what he is on about. Eg. the group might be talking about a tv show and he will say "might try the microwave next", referring to a plan he has for making a meal that he has traditionally used an oven for. The odd part is that although he makes these statements he would otherwise appear to be paying attention to the conversation. He always stands when he is around others, even if we're all sitting on the lounges. Sometimes he will try to sit down but will stand up moments later and cross the room as though he isn't comfortable.

    He rarely sleeps, and can never sit still or commit to a task for long. He often walks from room to room doing random tasks of no consequence, often also going out the front door before returning a minute later. And will do this for hours. He has also started taking money, cigarettes, food, clothes, etc from our room. When we confront him about this he insists he wasn't stealing, although it is evident that he intentionally did it and was just ashamed. I believe that sometimes this may be more of a security thing, whereby he collects things from around the house to save for a rainy day (often on his random walking from room to room missions). But in other cases its just outright stealing.

    His appetite is increased at night. He will spend half an hour making a small snack like a toasted sandwich, employing many utensils. Eat said snack. Walk into his room, and then half an hour later repeat the process. And again and again throughout the night, while talking to himself at random about random things. I once asked him to please keep the noise level down at 2.45am as I had not been able to sleep because he was consistently banging pots and pans, then stomping through the house, slamming doors. He apologised and then the next night did the same thing while talking to himself about how I had told him to keep the noise down; only the way he said it was very malicious and then he proceeded to make more noise as though he intended to wake me I heard more mumbling and then loud scraping noises. The next morning I found that our rice cooker had been intentionally scratched quite deeply with a knife or similar sharp object. The large knife from the kitchen was also missing. When I asked him what had happened to the rice cooker he became aggressive and defensive and insisted he had not done it. I didn't react and said I believed him then walked away. After about a minute he started shouting loudly at me from the kitchen. My boyfriend then confronted him and the matter was resolved. I have not confronted him further about this. I honestly believe that if I had not walked away he would have attacked me.

    I am often afraid to be alone in the house with him as I know he dislikes me and I feel that this is not because of anything I have done but because he generally dislikes women. He often makes cynical comments to other women and goes out of his way to

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I'm sunburnt and the pool party is tomorrow!!?

    I went out today for lunch and was only out for a couple of hours but the backs of my shoulders got sunburnt. I have marks from the baby-doll dress I was wearing (straps and a line from where the top stopped just above where my shoulder blades start). It's already starting to hurt after just an hour and getting redder. It's pretty bad.

    Tomorrow is Christmas and my fiance and I are throwing a pool party (we're in Australia btw, not as crazy since there's no snow). I'm not trying to impress anyone or look super sexy but this sunburn is gonna look really odd with my string bikini and make my pale skin really stand out. I don't have any bikinis that will adequately cover the sunburn and can't think of any that will work because of the back cut of the top I wore today.

    I've already applied vaseline intensive care lotion in copious amounts (contains aloe vera and vitamin e) and intend to keep applying throughout the afternoon/evening. The pool has a giant shade/UV sail over it and I'll be sure to protect my skin from the sun's effects with SPF 50+.

    Is there anything I can do to lessen the appearance of sunburn?

    Will my color-stay/waterproof foundation do the trick or will it look odd?

    Is there anything else I can use?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Too much testosterone?

    I'm living with my boyfriend and 3 flatmates, who are all male. I usually get along with guys better than I do chicks, but I've noticed that the guys in my house are all trying to jostle for some kind of alpha-male position. It's stupid. I doubt they realise they're doing it. But the level of shouting and combative conversations of "i'm better than everyone else because..." stories, and threats of violence, and constant statements like "show them who's boss" is all getting too much.

    In addition to this animosity I'm constantly left to do _all_ the cleaning (and it's a biiig house), and half the time I try and open my mouth to speak I'm basically told that my opinion is mooted by the fact that I'm female, or whatever I'm trying to say is just dwarfed by someone interrupted to talk over the top of me. Trying to be more assertive just doesn't help my situation. I earn more than anyone else in the home, pay half of the house rent, but am constantly told that my job isn't hard because it doesn't involve manual labour. But I'm pretty sure I got to where I am in my career because I always give 120% and beyond.

    I cannot for the life of me compete with the level of man-ness that has more or less engulfed my home and I am starting to hate my fiance for turning into some kind of chauvinist jerk as he attempts to assert his dominance over the other males in the home.

    I'm considering kicking at least one flatmate out in the coming weeks, and I hope this helps. As he is residing in what should be a study we won't have room to get another flatmate in to replace him.

    I guess my question is: Is there a way to reduce the level of stereotypical male animosity that my household is experiencing? I've never encountered this kind of phenomenon before and am completely lost as to how I should solve this.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Brisbane - Cheapest place to desex male cat?

    My cat won't stop howling, peeing, and defecating everywhere. Ever since we moved house (larger house) he's gotten so much worse. He is about 3yrs of age, breed is turkish van cross with manx (recessive). I've tried EVERYTHING imaginable to at least control the mess he's making. After cottoning on to the fact that he makes a mess near the doors, windows, etc where I presume he sees other cats. I've even tried confining him to a single room with a balcony (balcony is where the kitty litter is but he defecates in random places there to).

    He's also learnt how to open doors (and we have circle door handles so this is some feat for a cat), and then close the door after he goes back in, so we think he's not been out. He's a smart cat, he also plays fetch, shakes, rolls over, high-5s, etc. But he can't be contained anymore.

    The last straw was tonight when I got home from work to find he'd defecated in the wardrobe... with diahorrea. Lots of it. And while cleaning it up it dripped on me and I had a nervous breakdown, slumped to the floor and cried uncontrollably surrounded by cat mess.

    I have discussed putting him down because it's at that point where I can't handle it anymore. But my boyfriend (who rarely has to clean the mess, I should add) is totally against this idea.

    The other two flatmates abhore the cat.

    My next last option is to de-sex him. Due to high cost dental bills (for the boyfriend, not the cat) I'm looking for the cheapest place in Brisbane to desex him (the cat, not the boyfriend).

    I'm in the Carindale/Mount Gravatt area. Any recommendations?

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • Humanitarian Intervention - a dominant theoretical approach?

    I'm doing some reading on Humanitarian Intervention and am interested in any good recommendations.

    I am particularly interested in what prompts State A to intervene in State B's crisis, and why State C may choose to ignore things. Are there any dominant theorists for the subject?

    I know that post-structuralism is often used to deconstruct images of humanitarian crises that demand intervention. But how we jump from "starving boy on a poster" to actual intervention is where I'm a bit lost.

    2 AnswersInternational Organizations1 decade ago
  • Gaim not Connecting to Login Server - Do I Have the Correct Settings?

    I'm running Yellow Dog Linux on an G3 iMac, and wish to use Gaim as my yahoo client (PPC architecture not supported by the official Yahoo Linux client.. sigh). Yellow Dog is based on Red Hat, and the version of Gaim I am running is built for my system.

    I've upgraded Gaim, but still cannot get it to connect at login.

    Can anyone confirm that these are the correct server settings?


    Port: 5050

    If so, could there be any other reason why I cannot connect?

    The only error I get is when I launch Gaim via a bash prompt:

    mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding

    There isn't any problem with my account name or password (which are correct anyway) as I do not even get to the authentication stage of the login. It just sits and does nothing at "Connecting...."

    1 AnswerPreferences and Settings1 decade ago