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  • How do u post a YouTube video in yahoo 360?

    So far I can only post the link or a garble of html script, how do I post the actual video instead?

    Step by step idiot proof instructions would be greatly appreciated!

    6 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • Which tv programme was just so bad that it was good?

    Eldorado & Prisoner Cell Block H are two of my faves in this category - what are yours?

    6 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Mixing oils or acrylic colours/shades?

    This is driving me completely INSANE!

    I'm currently working on a painting of an abbey ruin and I need to mix a colour that looks like old stone, darkish in colour where the air/pollution has darkened the stone.

    Here's a pic of what I'm TRYING to paint...

    No matter what colours I mix together I can't seem to get the right shade! It's doing my head in! The painting is close to completion apart from adding this colour and some fine details/highlighting effects.

    Anyone have a clue how to replicate the colour of old tarnished stone and for it to actually look like the texture of stone?

    I've taught myself to paint but there is only so much I can work out on my own, any hints/tips would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • Merina Coil - do you have one and if so, what have been your experiences with it?

    I currently have a copper t coil and have experienced various problems with it including excessive blood loss and, most recently, bleeding for in excess of 6 weeks.

    Although my current coil has a life expectancy of 8 years, I've had mine for 5 years and it has been suggested by a Dr for me to have it removed and replaced with a Merina.

    I don't fare well with hormones, the combined pill gave me such serious headaches that I used to be on the verge of blacking out. The progesterone only pill left me feeling out of sorts and at the mercy of vicious mood swings. The Dr explained that the Merina doesn't have the same effect as the oral contraceptives as the hormone is delivered directly to the uterus and very little of the hormone is absorbed into the blood stream. She thinks I won't experience the same side effects as the oral pill but I would like to hear from people that have used, or are currently using the Merina and what their experiences of it are (good or bad)

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Alternative perspective?

    God is eternal. The actions of men and women cannot diminish God. God does not require your worship or your acknowledgment to exist and flourish. God existed before there was anything else, and will surely not cease to exist because of anything we could do or not do.

    God’s existence is independent and eternal. We do not influence it. We cannot bolster it. We cannot weaken it. God does not exist for us, or because of us, or for our sake. God exists because God exists.

    God does not require your validation to exist. God has no need, as some religious leaders suggest, to go running after worshippers begging for their allegiance and making bargains of what he/she will trade them for their worship.

    It is the worshipper who requires God, not God the worshipper. Though, it may be a blow to your ego, you are not the cog on which the wheel of the Universe turns. You are not a sale made in a celestial supermarket war between good and evil.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Chav Jokes (if you don't know what a chav is don't bother!)?

    Q. What's the difference between a chav and a coconut?

    A. one's thick and hairy, the other's a coconut.

    Q. Two chavs jump off a cliff, who wins?

    A. Society.

    Q. What does a chav girl use as protection during sex?

    A. Bus shelter.

    Q. What do you call a 30 year old chav girl?

    A. Gran.

    Q. What do you call a chav in a box?

    A. Innit.

    Q. What do you call a chav in a filing cabinet?

    A. Sorted.

    Q. What do you call a chav in a suit

    A. "the defendant"

    Q. Why did the chav cross the road?

    A. To start a fight with a complete stranger for no reason what so ever.

    Q. What do you call a chav girl in a white tracksuit?

    A. The bride.

    Q. If you're driving and see a chav on a bike why should you try not to hit him?

    A. It might be your bike.

    Q. What's the first question during a chav quiz night?

    A. What you looking at?

    Q. Why are chavs like slinkies?

    A. They have no real use but it's great to watch one fall down a flight of stairs.

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Things you can only say at Christmas (*rude*)?

    1. I prefer breasts to legs.

    2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.

    3. Smother the butter all over the breasts!

    4. If I don't undo my trousers, I'll burst!

    5. I've never seen a better spread!

    6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.

    7. Are you ready for seconds yet?

    8. It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?

    9. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!

    10. Don't play with your meat.

    11. Stuff it up between the legs as far as it will go.

    12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?

    13. I didn't expect everyone to come at the same time!

    14. You still have a little bit on your chin.

    15. How long will it take after you put it in?

    16. You'll know it's ready when it pops up.

    17. Just pull the end and wait for the bang.

    18. That's the biggest bird I've ever had!

    19. I'm so full, I've been gobbling nuts all morning

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Has the Human Rights Act gone too far?

    Feel free to agree or disagree with what I am about to say, but when the Human Rights Act is protecting criminals and not the victims - is this a step too far?

    In my opinion, when someone such as a murderer, rapist or paedophile commits a crime, it is inherently an INHUMANE act - therefore, should the Human Rights Act be applicable in these cases?

    I thought the Act was to protect the victims not the perpetrators but perhaps I'm wrong. I'm tired of hearing about criminals receiving massive compensation payouts because of some technical breach of the above act - is it time the legislation was amended?

    24 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why does racism only work one way?

    How on earth have we reached the point where there are "No Whites" zones in the UK? Why is this allowed to happen? Where are the people jumping up and down screaming "that's racist!" and doing something about it?

    Or does the race card only work one way?

    What happened to equality - does it, or will it ever exist?

    26 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What the b'jesus is up with Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours?!?

    Have I missed something?!

    Sounds like she is not long for this world... what is her diagnosis?

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Desperately Seeking Diego?

    Looking to trace my GG Grandfather Diego Genovese born 1840 from Messina, Italy. I'm really trying to track down what part of Messina he comes from as there are 108 towns in the province! He emigrated to Liverpool in the 1860's but I can't for the life of me find out what ship he came over on, he was a mariner by trade so I am assuming that he worked his passage over rather than being a paying passenger (although this is only an assumption!) I have trawled passenger lists but to no avail... can anyone help?

    1 AnswerGenealogy1 decade ago
  • It's my birthday!?

    Happy Birthday to Woo

    Happy Birthday to Woo

    Happy birthday dear Woooooo

    Happy Birthday to Woo.

    Can you come up with a witchy-themed birthday lyric for me?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why do people consistantly and persistantly confuse....?

    ....race with religion?

    I'm sick of people being flamed for mentioning Muslims and being told they are being racist.

    Muslim isn't a race it's a religion so please get your facts right. If people want to debate about religions then so be it, just don't start jumping up and down screaming "RACIST" at every available opportunity - it's getting boring and isn't even accurate.

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should charity begin at home?

    Should everyone just mind their own business and get their own houses in order before interfering in other countries affairs?

    I say this because its 2006 and in the UK we still have homeless people, children living in care, people that are too poor to live any sort of reasonable life, no care for our elderly people and people dying because our hospitals can't keep up with demand.

    Would it not be more sensible to sort ourselves out first and then look at helping other countries?

    Yes, by modern standards we are a relatively affluent country, however, sometimes I still think we're still living in Dickensian times when it comes to some of our unresolved social issues.

    And, before anyone jumps on the PC bandwagon about "at least we have running water and food" etc etc ask yourself this - if your child needed an organ transplant, would you bypass them to give the only available organ to someone from another country? Or would you put your own before someone else?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are we the only country that...? willing to compromise its own traditions and cultures in favour of everyone elses?!

    I'm a firm believer of "When in Rome" and yet we seem to be the only country that I know of that has compromised its cultures and traditions to such an extent that we have completely lost our identity.

    I object to this.

    If I visit another country I have to adhere to their rules, laws, traditions and culture or face the consequences. Why doesn't the same thing apply in the UK?!

    If people wish to reside in this country and want to be considered as equals does it not follow that they should adhere to our way of dress, our traditions and our culture? Since when have we been able to go to another country and dictate their way of life?

    Political correctness hasn't succeeded in integrating the different cultures in the UK, it has only succeeded in segregating people and I, for one, am sick to the back teeth of it.

    Either people want to be a part of this country or they don't.

    83 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why Can't I uncheck the "mature content" box on my 360 blog?

    I've inadvertantly made my blog "Mature Content" which means that 10 of my 11 blog posts can't be viewed by the public.

    I've tried to edit the individual posts under edit and then "show options" but the mature content box is ticked and it is also greyed out so that I can't uncheck it. What do I need to do to allow me to uncheck the Mature Content box??!

    5 AnswersYahoo Pulse1 decade ago