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Lv 612,213 points


Favorite Answers67%

Tainted Jedi... Trying to find the Light again and avoid falling completely to the Dark Side... Artistic and creative... Interested in all sorts of science, technology, & Sci-Fi/Fantasy. "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." - Yoda (EP1) - "You don't need a reason to help people..." - Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy 9) - "There is no honor in attacking the weak." - Worf (to Alexander in ST:TNG) - "Power is fleeting love is eternal." - Princess Lyssa (Krull) - "Better late than never!" - Vultan (Flash Gordan 1980) - "How do you prove you exist? Maybe we don't exist..." - Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy 9) - "I'm like a bad penny. I always turn up." - Indiana Jones (Last Crusade) -

  • What is this wierd "" option that keeps appearing in the "Save Options" dropdown list?

    I keep seeing an "Add to" option in the save options (Save to... watchlist, Yahoo Bookmarks, My Yahoo, and dropdown list. What is this thing supposed to be?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years ago
  • Do you think Y!A should add a "Renew Question" option?

    Do you think Y!A should add a "Renew Question" option under the Edit drop down for your open questions? Currently the options are:

    Add Details

    Extend Expiration

    Put Question to Vote

    Delete Question

    Email me new answers

    I think they should replace the "Extend Expiration" with "Renew Question" that (for another 5 points) will keep the question open (i.e. extended duration) and ALSO put it into the current que so that people can see it on the list of recent questions.

    Right now, simply extending the expiration of a question and keeping it open doesn't do anything for trying to get more people to answer it since the (depending on the section) the question only gets pushed further and further down the recent questions list and only get seen again if people actually advance through the pages to look at older questions, which (by the looks of things) people ever rarely do.

    So do you think a "Renew Question" option should be added or not?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Non-Christians and Music Collections...?

    A question for all the Non-Christians...

    Came a cross an interesting song on YouTube called "Enemy" by Flyleaf

    (note: the song is about 3:30 long, but the vid has 2 minutes of dead time after it)

    ...but then looked up Flyleaf *akk*choke*akk* they're a Christian "alternative metal" band WTF!

    The term "Christian Metal" (alternative or not) is a F#!king oxymoron and should never be used in the same sentence, but I digressed, so on to my questions...

    When you stumble on a decent song you like (from the radio, show, movie, YouTube, etc.), but then find out the group is a Christian "alternative rock/metal" band... what do you with this conundrum?

    Would (or do) you still buy a CD/MP3 even though you know that your money is essentially going into the same "propaganda machine" Christians like to use to try and recruit/convert new followers that oppose your own religion or lack there of?

    Would (or do) you actually listen to the song(s) out loud or only listen in private to avoid being labeled a "fellow Christian" by those that know the artist/group?

    On a similar note... On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does it annoy you when a Christian says "Oh, I love that song! It's about Jesus/God." about a love (or soft) song that doesn't have anything about worship or god or jesus in the lyrics and isn't done by a Christian artist/group. With 1 = don't care and 10 = annoys you or pisses you off enough that the song is ruined for you and you don't like it as much (or at all) anymore. List some songs (and the artist/group) that you like(d), but were diminished/ruined because of this.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Do you think a "reporting rewards" program would help Yahoo stop spammers and clean up Y!A?

    Out of boredom I decided to go spam-hunting...

    I must have had a "OCD attack", because without realizing it's now almost 2 hours later. I just kept chasing spam through various questions and profiles. I must have reported over 300+ spam answers from 14+ users. I wish I could get paid (or at least get more points) for spam-hunting.

    I was thinking if you rightfully and successfully report an answer that violates Y!A rules you should get at least 1 point for it. As a matter of fairness, you should lose 2 points if you make a false report that is successfully appealed by Yahoo Administrators.

    Do you agree? What do you think would be a good way to motivate people to help clean up Y!A?

    I hate asking, but in this case I think it's warranted... Star and answer this question so that it can draw as much feedback as possible from your contacts. I think Yahoo will take better notice and make changes to improve things if there a lot of responses to this.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Muslims, to what extent do your beliefs influence where you dine out?

    This is mainly for those living outside of the Middle East, where the majority of restaurants/diners/fast food places are not muslim-owned, have non-MIddle Eastern cuisine, and at least one pork-related product on the menu...

    *Do you avoid ALL non-Muslim restaurants/food places (sticking strictly to local spots that are Muslim-owned or have purely pork-free Middle Eastern cuisine) or do you eat at other restaurants, but avoid certain menu items?

    For those that venture out and eat at other types of restaurants/food places, what "degree" of pork content is "acceptable" in your opinion? For example...

    *Do you avoid Asian cuisine outright, since (with the exception of Sushi restaurants) some of the same utensils and cookware (like a wok or flat grill) may be used to cook more than one type of meat (including pork) without being washed between orders? ...or are "trace" amounts of pork fat in your Fried Rice or Beef & Broccoli dish okay?

    *Do you avoid KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) completely or just the baked beans side dish?

    *Do you avoid McDonald's completely or just the McRib?

    *Do you avoid Burger King completely or just the Bacon Cheeseburgers?

    *Do you avoid pizza places like Domino's, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, etc. or just the pepperoni, sausage, "Canadian Bacon", ham, and Bacon bits?

    *If you don't eat at any of the above examples, what non-Muslim/non-Middle Eastern restaurants do you eat at?

    and finally when it comes to Chick-Fil-A in particular...

    *Do you avoid just the sausage/bacon breakfast items or do you avoid it completely?

    *If you do avoid Chick-Fil-A outright is it simply for dietary compliance or more of a religious boycot of a company owned and run by Christian fanatics?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, which "enemies"...?

    ...would you find more attractive [Assuming they've used their real pic as an avatar (or on 360) at one point] if they were on "your" side?

    In other words...

    Atheist, which "fundies"...?

    Christians, which "non-christians"...?

    Muslims, which "non-muslims"...?

    Wiccans/Pagans, which "non-pagan/wiccan"...?

    etc. etc. etc.


    2) Do you have (or have you had) a crush on an "enemy" member of R&S?

    3) Would you (or did you) tell them about your crush?

    On a more serious note related to the subject...

    4) How many of your relationships ended because the biggest reason was religious differences?

    5) Of these breakups was the longest you were together before the split?

    6a) Have you (or would you) ever started a relationship with some one you knew was a different ("enemy") religion?

    6b) Why did (would) you?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which do you find more satisfying when you win "Best Answer"...?

    1) Winning because the asker picked your answer.


    2) Winning by getting 100% of the votes

    (not counting "1-vote victories").

    If #2, how many votes does it take to get that thrill? Does 2 do it for you? or 3? or 10? Some other number?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Linkin Park fans, a few questions for you...?

    I just got the Linkin Park CD "Minutes to Midnight"...

    Before I got it the only songs I heard off of it were "Leave Out All The Rest" and "What I've Done" but I had no idea what any of the other songs on it were.

    So, my questions for you are...

    1) Did you feel any disappointment after getting "Minutes To Midnight"?

    2) Do you feel "Minutes to Midnight" was too soft for Linkin Park's established style and previous work?

    3) Other than the obvious "hits" (the fore-mentioned "Leave Out All The Rest" and "What I've Done") what songs from "Minutes To Midnight" did you actually get into and really like?

    4) How would you rank Linkin Park's albums, from best to worst work?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Do you think the underlying cause for this accident (see below) was the old "Navy-Marine Corp Rivalry"?

    Being ex-Navy, I've seen the old "Squiddy and Jarhead" clashes, but always thought it was pretty stupid. I ran across Marines that were cool and didn't believe in the rivalry, and I've also run across Marines that gave attitude and BS just because I was Navy.

    On the other side of the coin I've had buddies like me that didn't have problems with Marines and I've also had buddies that hated Marines just because they were Marines,

    So, I'd like to hear opinions (particular from sailors and marines) on this accident...

    I can't think of any other reason why they did what they did except for pride and the old rivalry... the marines didn't want *their* jet landing at a *navy* base, and their actions seemed to simply stem from that and ended up killing 4 people.

    So, what do you all think?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • If you had to organize these artists/groups by genre into your MP3 player, where would you place them?

    Looking for ideas on how to more efficiently organize songs on my new mp3 player...

    For those with mp3 players, how many genres do you use to organize your songs?

    Is it just broad groups like simply "Rock", "Metal", etc. or more specific labels like "Classic Rock", "Hard Rock", "Soft Rock", "Heavy Metal", "Death Metal"?

    What genres labels would these artist/groups have in *your* mp3 player?

    Avril Lavigne


    Limp Bizkit

    Linkin Park


    Simple Plan




    Ozzy Osbourne

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Politics and god, in regards to Election Day results...?

    If you feel comfortable doing so, please state your religious/non-religious group to which you identify with.

    In your opinion, do the results of Election Day voting give any insight to which political ideologies god may actually be supporting what do you infer of "god's plan" based on the results of the candidates and propositions that won?


    With Obama's win (he's pro-choice) and the loss of California's proposition on abortion notification imply that god is pro-choice, in your opinion?


    With the passing of California's Prop 8 and similar props in Florida and Arizona banning gay marriage, do you infer that god is against the "redefinition of marriage", but okay with civil unions (and considers this topic a low priority) considering the rather narrow passings?


    Could the McCain's loss imply that he no longer supports the Iraq War? How do you rationalize this change from the past 5 years during the Bush Administration? Does Obama's win (who wants to pull out of Iraq ASAP and dive back into Afganistan) in your opinion imply that refocusing on Afganistan is the way terrorism was supposed to be defeated?


    What other Election Day results can you think of that may imply or reveal particular political stances of god?


    Came across an interesting question, but since it was asked early Monday morning it got lost in the shuffle and didn't get any other answers. I'd be interested in seeing how others in this forum would answer and what their opinions on this would be.;_ylt=AtEv6...

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have you ever seen a movie that was based on a book you never read...?

    but then after seeing the film you wanted to read the book. What films have you seen made you want to read the books they were based on?

    For me it was...

    CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR (with Daryl Hannah)

    Made me want to read the book by Jean Auel, the book was way better than the movie.


    Made me want to try again to read the book by J.K. Rowling. I had tried reading the first book before the film came out, but couldn't get into it until after I saw the movie, after rereading the book it got me hooked into the rest of the series and other movies. The books are better than the movies, but I also still like the films.

    I, ROBOT (with Will Smith)

    Makes me want to read the book by Isaac Asimov, but still haven't gotten around to reading the book.

    THE DA VINCI CODE (with Tom Hanks)

    Most recently The Da Vinci Code came on TV and it made me thing about maybe going out and getting the book by Dan Brown.


    I haven't actually seen the film or read the book, but it looks interesting. I figure on seeing the film first, but wonder if it will make me want to read the book.

    12 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Survey: Has anyone else experienced this...?

    The last Best Answer I got had 3 Thumbs Up, but I only got the normal 10 points, instead of the 13 I should have gotten. The same happened on the Best Answer before that, 10 points not 11 points.

    So, who else has gotten robbed by this recent Y!A glitch?

    And, no the points aren't THAT important to me, it's just disappointing and annoying. Just wanted to see who else feels the same about getting robbed like this. =P

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Doctor Who... am I missing something (WARNING! Possible spoilers)?

    The last episode I saw was on last Friday (the season finale) and nothing happened to The Doctor. He wasn't hurt, killed, or subjected to anything that would indicate he is going to regenerate into a new form, implying that they're going to replace David Tennant as The Doctor.

    The episode was the second part of the story involving the Vasha-Narada (flesh eating shadows) infesting the library planet. In the first part I got the impression they were killing off Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and were going to replace her. Plus they introduced Professor River Song (Played by E.R.'s Alex Kingston) who was the one that summoned the Doctor to the library. He doesn't know her, but she knows ALOT about him, including his real name.

    By the end of the 2nd part everyone "survives" in the library. Donna Noble and the Doctor leave in the Tardis without incident and are alive and well.

    So, why are so many people asking if David Tennant is being replaced? Am I behind the times or are they?

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Anyone else seeing their ancient avatar or jumping regions?

    I keep seeing my old avatar (a personal created image) pop up in my status box on Y!A every now and then when the page switches. I don't even have it in the set of pics in my profile and stopped using it almost a year ago. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Also, is anyone else getting shuffled to other regions? I'm in the states and I'll be on Yahoo (not juts Y!A) when I get on, then get shuffled to other regions (mainly Yahoo! UK&Irland). Anyone else jumping regions too while on Yahoo?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Relationships and religious convertions...?

    I noticed the answer one of my contacts had posted to this...;_ylt=Avkaj...

    Knew she converted to Atheism at some point, but didn't know she was Christian when she married (as her answer implies) an Atheist.

    Got me wondering about other R&S regulars on here... So, people...

    1) How big a part did relationship(s) with a "Significant Other" (BF/GF/Spouse) play in your convertion to your current belief system or (for Atheist) non-belief system?

    2) Which "Significant Other(s)" was the biggest influence in your convertion?

    3) When in a romantic relationship with someone of differing beliefs do you find yourself trying to CONVERT THEM to yours or ADOPTING theirs the longer you are together?

    4a) If you lean to CONVERTING, do you ever feel guilt for making them abandon their beliefs?

    4b) If you tend to ADOPT, do you ever resent them for having to abandon your original beliefs?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheist, have you ever been suddenly and temporarily overcome by a really silly superstition?

    Last friday I was on YouTube and read a stupid "chain letter" in the comments section of a video I came across. This one was the "...and if you don't send this to 10 other people you will die in 7 days..."

    Now, I know it's completely stupid and bogus superstitious nonsense, but when I read it I got the heeby-jeebies and felt cold and then things felt creepy for several hours. Normally, things like these just disgust me at how stupid some people are about these things, but even after the heeby-jeebies subsided I still had brief creepy feelings all week until this weekend... obviously didn't die on Friday and still alive on Saturday. Still, it made me wonder...

    Atheist tend to have considerable knowledge and a strong sense of logic, so superstitions are often brushed aside. My question for you is this:

    Has your knowledge and logic ever faltered enough to temporarily instill fear/belief in some superstition? What was it and how long did it take for you to recover your senses?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A little biblical heavy metal trivia...?

    Okay, so I haven't had access to my CD collection in years. I was browsing through YouTube listening to songs I hadn't heard in a long time and came across this one and it got me thinking...

    "Creeping Death"

    1) What biblical story is this song based on?

    2) Did you realize it was based on a biblical story the first time you heard it?

    3) Were you already familiar with this song and its biblical connection before I posted this question?

    4) I'm curious to see the type of R&S fan-base Metallica has... if you feel comfortable with it, please state whether you are (or are not) a fan of Metallica and whether you are a Non-Christian or a Christian.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you ever get a "warm&fuzzy" feeling when you check your email...?

    only to find out that all your new messages were just notices from Y!A about new questions asked by people on your contacts list? =P

    Does anyone else forget that Y!A sends these alert notices and have your hopes dashed that you didn't actually get anything new from people you actually know?

    [I'm not taking about email notices when someone answers your questions (I always disable those) I'm just talking about updates on questions posted by your contacts.]

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Ex-Christians a few questions...?

    Being the holiday season and all, I'd like to know...

    1) Do you still celebrate a "Secular Christmas" (i.e. gift giving on the 25th, but no religious observations/rituals of Christianity) or have you abandoned Christmas all together?

    2a) If you do not celebrate a "Secular Christmas" what holiday tradition have you adopted in its place?

    2b) If you do celebrate a "Secular Christmas" is it because you have not found a "replacement" tradition or do celebrate it just to maintain some semblance of connection to your Christian family/friends?

    3a) If you celebrate a "Secular Christmas" do you still say "Merry Christmas" or do you try to use "Happy Holidays" to try and divorce the religious meaning from the version of Christmas you celebrate?

    3b) If you now celebrate a new holiday, do you still find yourself saying "Merry Christmas" out of habit? Do you feel foolish about it or do you get mad at yourself for paying tribute to your old faith over your new one?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago