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  • I need toknow how to get grandparents rights or atleast half custody?

    my grand kids have been living with there other grandparents since sexually abuse was brought on my ex son in do i go about getting they are on a federal reservation which makes it even harder.hey want to come home as the tell me they want to come home every time i see them.there are three Other Sexual abusers in the family but because they are indian it is harder then heck to get it.we have spent over ten grand and got nowhere please no smart remarks just serious help

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • sexual acts on children?

    son in law did acts sexual acts against my 3 yr old granddaughter they took them and now instead of giving them back to the bi-ological mother who has joint custody they are going to give them to the grand parents with 3 sexual affenders.what can be done.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how to remove spyware?

    i got a spyware called total shield and i can not remove it i don't have the money is there a way i can do it with out cost?

    16 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • how to tell if cattle is sick?

    my daughter lives not 50 feet from cattle that make a wheezing and a coughing sound and move really slow.They were flooded but are not no more.the sound like someone with very bad colds.I need to find out before my granddaughter who had open heart surgery goes to visit..

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • I need a lawyer before my daughter goes crazy litteraly?

    I need to find a lawyer my ex son in law He has keept them away except 4hrs a month wich she gets to see them.She went from taking care of her kids to not at all. the dad in the begining was not a hands on dad.He spent maybe 4 months of two years around my grand son and when there daughter was born he had not been home in over two months.He took them to the reservation and won custody with out even notice to my daughter.All sorts of lies are out there we are looking for a lawyer with a heart and knowledge of the reservation.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • helping my daughter find her way?

    my daughter and her husband split after two years.he has taken the kids to a reservation and is still going off on her about she did this and she did that but he refuses to come clean with what he was caught red handed doing.And to top it off he is still going at her almost two years after.Saying someone on her side of the family hit there son and he knows its our family.Yet his sister was carrying him around by the waist and i seen her hit him swat on the ***.She can't let go and he wont let go.She gets to see her kids 4 hrs a month.because he is indian and the reservation gave him the kids without proof or fact behind anything he said.he admitted to cheating and she did it back.Now the kids are paying for it.And she is a mental mess.How do i get her to relize that not everything is her fault and that she needs to focus on herself and trying to get them kids back.if we can find an attorney not afraid of the windriver reservation.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • playing games how do you stop them?

    my ex son in law is playing games with my daughter.She was allowed to see her kids all the time and talk to them every-night and then her ex took her and put her in a hotel for three days with no contact with anyone but me and he would call her at all hours and call her a tramp who** and so forth no she is so depressed she feels she don't deserve to be here how do i help her realize that he is playing games with her kids and his family is helping him do it.Being on a federal reservation makes it hard we have spent over 5,000 trying to help her and the judge and them are good friends any idea's before he accomplishes what he wants.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • found a shih tzu out side my 8 ft fence whinnin.I opened the gate and he came right in.well its been hrs and?

    I just dont know what to do he needs cleaned horrible if the thing expects t o stay inside till we find its owner.But if w find the owner should i tell them to take better care of the pet for i have a poodle and golden retriever.And would never think to let him go to such exptreme's even when i didnt have the money to trim them i did it anyway.or should i just give it back and let the fact i bathed him and treated better then thye obviously have.

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I need to know if anyone knows of a good lawyer to get grandparents rights.In wyoming?

    My son in law or ex has used my grandchildren for the last two years as pawns.And Even went so far as to take my daughter and put her in a hotel telling her she would get to see the kids only to call her and run her down.He even admitted to tricking her into get them.She stands no chance because it is on a federal reservation.So Papa and mema want to go for grandparents rights and try to get to see them more then twice a month and talk to them 2 twice a month for 30 Min' is a long story but needless to say he wasn't there for the first two years of my grandsons life and the little girl was 3 months old he has played us for fools and im done.I want to get rights that are not on a reservation where they are best friends with the judge.How do i go about it.Please no rude remarks because he admits to tricking her.she has no money to get them so we want to go about it this way any idea's out there.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Need help with grandson?

    My grandson is full of anger and is now taking it out on everyone and everything from his sisters to school mates.It started when his little sister had open heart surgery then not 3 months later mom and dad broke up and dad said all sorts of horrible things to the little guy.I have had custody since july and haven't been able to help him and its tearing my heart out.I love all my grandkids and treat them equal.But he is so full of anger especially after he spends time with his dad and i don't know how to help anymore.I have him in counseling and he is being set with a big brother to try and give him a another out let but i need to help get control now for he used to be a sweet tempered little boy.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • picture taken at territoral prision

    I took this picture at a prison built back in the 1880's and there is a face clear as can be in it.When we were walking around someone touched my hair and asked me for help i turned around and no one was there and in the next instant a solid door slammed on my daughter on the arm this door was held open with a door stop.As we walked around the person so to say stayed by me and kept touching me.My daughter couldn't hear the person but i heard them like they were right next to me.Have i lost my mind as my parents used to tell me or is there something more out there.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do i tell people No my family friends and husband are gonna kill me!?

    I have three daughters and none are doing good.I am always trying to help and being told to ckuf off or drop dead but in the same breath its mom we need this can you keep kids while i get divorced. they drink and call me drunk my husband was not a father at all in fact he only grew up about 4 years ago when his brother died of an overdose.Then you have my brother and his wife who have just asked me to take her mother who has had a stroke and needs constant care to keep her while they go to strugis while i have three kids under 6. I said yes but was screaming no!I have very high blood pressure my dr says he is surprsied im still alive.My problem is i cant say no and i cant stand it when my husband acts like he is god.Its been 25 years of me raising this family to have him sit here and yell at me.I feel like running away and not coming back but i have my grandbabies to consider now.So that is out of the idea we were to move but i have to stay till the custody of kids is done.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • could you take youre grandchildren?

    okay my daughter is working 12 hrs a day. Her husband of 7 years is home with the kids.The problem is you can smell there home from the street.Ugh gross.But my grandbabies are always a mess and coming over here because they are hungry.They range in age from 6 to 2.My daughters says take them till i can find a new job so i can be with them more.But her husband isnot the most stable man and i dont want to be the cause of him doing something stupid.But my first priority is my grandbabies welfare and this is n ot the best situation for them to be in.Filthy, hungry, and they are real jumpy since dad has had them.So I know it is right but why do i feel so guilty for doing the right thing.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • planned her wedding did the work!?

    My girlfriend just got married and I have planned her wedding from start to finish. There were a supposed to be her sons to help set up for the reception i did it all and took the pic"s for the wedding. No thank you no kiss my ***.She took credit for it all.I would not be so upset but i cracked a rib not 3 weeks ago and my sternum was dislocated and she knew this. How do i get over the resentment.And just let her take the credit from start to finish?I know it sounds childish but even a thank y ou would work.I came home last night barely able to move and she calls me up asking me where this is and that is and why i did this this way and that. no thank you again.Mind you this is her 6th wedding....How do i let her know she took advantage of me with out making her mad.I hate hurting ppl's feeling so its not me to complain but i feel i was used unjustly and dont know how to let her know h ow i feel...

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • what should i do my dr acted?

    I went to my DR today well he is part of my dr.s office anyway I hurt my ribs and one of my breastes is larger then the other right know and he helped me take off my shirt and then he was checking them and he then persided to ask my bra size and tell me i could be in movies with how big they are and then he blantly told me he needed to sit there for a min. because he is rather large indowed to and i could feel if i like. then he brushed my breast again and rubed him self. Now at 42 im not shy but i also feel uncomftorble with the action.Should i or shouldnt i let someone know.I dont want to get any one introuble but if he can do this to me what of someone younger ... I still feel alittle creeped out by it.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • best and quicks truthful answer?

    My dad dont call me.He told my older sister he wishes he would mot have adopted us three me and my brother be cause we dont know how to stand for his last name all in the sake my little sister wants to do drugs and have **** pay for it. sorry i havent called him dad since my mom died and told me i couldnt go to the scattering of her ashes. long story make it short do i send him a card to let him no even though he doesnt feel the same he will always be my dad he is the only one i have known from 4.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • daughters pregnant and doest want it?

    my daughter is pregnant and has tried to throw her self down stairs,d rinking lifting heavy things and makes no mind she dont want it.Im thinkig about offering to take it.She has two other child that her husband run off with and she rarely gets to see them i think she doesnt want it because of the hurt over the other two.should i offer my help she has hinted or should i wait till she flat out asks me.

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • she's pregnant the clamp fell off?

    my daughter had her tubes tieded and clamped and she had to have emergency surgery about 11 months ago and they took one of her ovaries and the other had attached to the bowel now she is pregnant.She is not sure if she wants it or not.She has two she is already fighting for.But the problem is she likes to say things to make me cry literally. like she's gonna abort it or give it away so we never see it because if she cant have her two kids why have this one.I told her it was a gift from god but she is just into mind games I think. im just lost...Why would you do that to a parent.I have stayed out of her life and helped when needed and not asked for the thousands of dollars i have loaned her.So why hurt me i didnt take her kids and run her ex did.why punish me?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • help family mess?

    my family fell apart when my mom died in 2000.well my neice and nephew came up last yr. i caught my nephew doing something to my neice so i told my sister no one believed me and now he has been caught with pic of her privates on his phone and she just came from cps and my sister found out he has done far more then what even i saw.She only has custody because my other sister is on meth.So she took them now she dont know what to do and i am stuck in the middle please call dad please call there mom.My dad who i call bill told her he wished he would never have adopted us three kids because we dont know how to handle things like a jennings would. im lost confused and frankly sick of them thinking less of us then we are.We need to help these kids but they want us out of there lifes. all we want to do is help the children and to heavens with the rest of them.are we being to harsh.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • she wants my help then gets mad?

    she is trying to get her kids back and is always asking for help and asking me what i would do.Then she gets mad and tells me to stop.Which way do i go i ignore her and im a horrible mother to her she thinks.I help her when she ask's and im interfering.But she can borrow thousands and still make me feel like the heel.I cant win for losing.How do i get her to relize she did this mess she needs to fix it with out bringing me into it.

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago