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Yahoo: alex_insomniac MSN: AIM: RadicalMotion I'm Alexandra, I'm 19, a senior in high school, and I currently work at Burger King. I'm going into cosmetology and hair styling after I graduate. I have a lot of social networking sites so if you want to get in touch, just ask. =] I really enjoy answering the questions that I feel I can contribute to, and if I answered one of your questions I hope it helped. =D

  • Is my puppy late on his shots?

    - His shot date was due on the 4th on April, meaning the absolute last day he could get them was April 11th.

    - They told me to bring him in on April 11th, so that it would be cheaper or that he wouldn't have to get one more set or something like that because he would be four months old.

    - I brought him in on the 11th. He had an allergic reaction the last time, so they couldn't give him both shots on the 11th. They told me to bring him in by today, April 18th for the second.

    - I can't bring him in today, or any other day that their shot clinic is open because I'm a high school student and I work immediately after.

    Were they wrong, assuming that he was due on the 11th and not on the 4th, so he's actually overdue now?

    Am I pretty much screwed and going to have to re-do this whole set of shots?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • WalMart Photo Center messed up pictures, anyone had this happen?

    I went to WalMart to get hard copies of my prom pictures. I printed 162 total.

    When I got home and started looking through them, I noticed some of them seemed cut off, so I compared them to the digital copies, and, turns out, they've all been cropped around the edges to fit the 4 x 6 size.

    I did not crop the pictures on the machine. Rather than scaling the pictures down and resizing them, it cut them off. I'm assuming that this happened because the digital copies are quite large.

    I called WalMart, they said I could bring the messed up ones in with the receipt and they would reprint them.

    My issue is, are they actually going to reprint all 162 pictures for me?

    And what's going to happen to the ones already printed?

    Will they take them or will I keep them? I wouldn't mind them taking them except I'm not comfortable not knowing where those pictures will end up.

    Also, what size should I resize the pictures to so that this won't happen again? Should I shrink them to 4 x 6 on the computer or make them slightly larger?

    Thanks for taking the time to read and respond. I'm really frustrated right now.

    11 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Corgi puppy got shots yesterday, is this a reaction?

    Now his left eye is a a little puffy and both of his ears feel swollen and have flopped down. Is he okay? Should I take him to the vet ASAP?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • LG Optimus or Huawei Ascend?

    I'm switching to Metro in April. I love Verizon, but they're too expensive.

    I want an Android phone, those are the only two Metro has.

    I hate that both of them are touch-only with no physical qwerty but obviously I have to get over it if I want an Android phone with Metro.

    What do you guys think?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How should I cut my bangs; suggestions?

    Here they are now...

    Basically, I hate them and have for a while. I can't figure out how I want them parted/cut/etc. in order for them to look decent and now I pretty much just wear my hair up so I don't have to deal with them.

    But I'd like to start putting more effort into how I look than that.

    How do you lovelies think I should get them cut?

    Pics help ;D Obviously, lol.

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Nationwide issues that don't get as much coverage?

    I'm entering a writing competition and the topic is "One of the most important issues facing the nation in the news today."

    The obvious answers would be health care, the economy, poverty, the deficit, so on and so forth.

    But I would like to write it on an issue that is just as important but not getting "front page" coverage, but I'm blanking on ideas.

    What do you guys think?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What and how much food should I feed my Corgi puppy?

    I'm bringing home a Pembroke Welsh Corgi in a couple weeks. He'll be eight weeks old, and since this is my first puppy, I want to make sure I do everything I can to raise and take care of him properly, which includes the preparations before he comes home.

    I want to make sure I feed him good, all-natural dog food as well as the proper amount.

    I'm absolutely not getting any grocery store brand of dog food.

    I'm leaning toward Origen or Wellness at the moment. Both types of food are available in my area. For Fromm dog food, I'd have to drive about 40 miles away, and I just can't do that.

    I know that corgies tend to have weight problems as well, so I want to make sure I'm feeding him the proper amounts.


    What brands of dog food would you recommend for a corgi puppy?

    About how much food should I feed him as a puppy?

    About how much food should I feed him as an adult?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Viva Glam Cyndi and Gaga. Buy before they're gone?

    I've been debating with myself over whether or not I should get these for the past couple days. I really, really want them, but I would only be able to get them on Ebay for 20+ bucks. I don't have a MAC store near me and it's sold out online.

    They're Limited Edition and I believe they're being discontinued in February, which means I don't really have much time left.

    Convince me to get them.

    Convince me not to get them.

    Best answer goes to who I feel put the most effort into an informative, reasonable answer that has been sufficiently backed up with good reasons.

    Thanks guys!

    1 AnswerMakeup1 decade ago
  • Best foundation primer?

    I have a bit of acne and oily skin.

    I'm using Bare Minerals matte foundation.

    The lady at Ulta recommended Philosophy's primer because it has acne fighting agents so that's what I got today. I figured it couldn't hurt.

    I was debating between Smashbox Photo Finish and Urban Decay's foundation primer as well.

    I was just wondering what you guys think works the best?

    5 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • What do you guys think of the changed zodiac signs?

    Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.

    Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.

    Pisces: March 11-April 18.

    Aries: April 18-May 13.

    Taurus: May 13-June 21.

    Gemini: June 21-July 20.

    Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.

    Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.

    Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.

    Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.

    Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.

    Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17.

    Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.

    Apparently, I'm no longer a Libra, I'm a Virgo.

    My boyfriend went from a Virgo to a Leo.

    My sister went from a Gemini to a Taurus.

    I'm not all crazy about the astrological signs, but every once in a while it's fun to read horoscopes and read up on your sign and all that good stuff.

    What do you think? Like/dislike?

    Are you going to stick to your original sign or suit yourself to the new one?

    Does your new sign suit you better?

    I'm old fashioned and don't care about the new positions, since the zodiac has existed up until now without the change. I'm a Libra, and I'll be staying one.

    13 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Hair blogs, YouTube videos/gurus, forums, etc.?

    It's pretty easy for me to locate TONS of amazing makeup forums and blogs and YouTube videos/gurus, but I'm having terrible luck on ones for hair.

    And as much as I'm loving learning about quality makeup (and craving wasting a couple paychecks on it as well) my focus is hair, and I feel like I need to do more to supplement it.

    Help? I'm looking for things that have how-tos on color, cuts, styling, up-do's, products, just about anything and everything.

    The more the merrier ;D

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • What makeup-related product should I get? Recommendations?

    This Friday is payday and I'm planning on going to Ulta to replenish my Urban Decay Primer Potion, and I was hoping to expand my collection with something else.

    I was thinking about maybe a foundation, but I never wear foundation so I wouldn't know where to get started as to which kind to try out first, what color to get, or what kind is best for my skin type (and I'm not even sure what that is). I'd like to try MAC foundation but we don't have a store around where I live, and we don't have a Sephora anywhere close either, and I'm not going to order a color online off a whim.

    I was also thinking maybe a liquid or gel eyeliner, Clinique's face washing products.

    Or it could be something completely different like brushes or eyeshadow or mascara or anything.

    What do you think would be a good product to get?

    You can list absolutely anything! Have fun with it.

    Reasons would be great too, but I will look into reviews and all that too if you don't feel like it.

    5 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • How to create a slightly higher eyebrow arch?

    I was just wondering if anyone could tell me where and/or how I should tweeze my eyebrows to create a slightly higher arch and a bit less of the "rounded" effect I have going on.

    Too lazy to upload to Photobucket ^.^;

    5 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • What do you want to know about straightening your hair?

    I'm going to make my how-to video (hopefully) tonight on how to straighten your hair for my Youtube channel.

    I've seen this question come up a lot on Yahoo! Answers, so if you were looking for a video on how to do that, what would you want out of the video?

    What would you want explained in particular?

    What kind of questions would you want answered?

    What kind of information would you like to hear about?

    Anything at all that you would want out of a how-to on hair straightening.

    Any suggestions you would like to make?

    I want to make sure I cover as many bases as I can so I can produce the most informative, helpful video that I can. =]

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Opinion on cosmetology schools?

    I'm looking to start cosmetology in the late summer of next year, and the main schools I'm looking into are:

    Empire Beauty School

    Aveda Institute

    The Salon Professional Academy

    Paul Mitchell Beauty School

    From that list, Empire and Aveda are looking like my favorites. Empire seems to offer so many opportunities for aspiring cosmetologists. Aveda seems to be really great as well and seem to have a really good reputation, I just don't like how they stick you to Aveda products. I want to be more well-rounded in my knowledge of products.

    The Salon Professional Academy seems okay, but it's not a "premier" school like the other three, and I've heard a lot of negative things about Paul Mitchell schools.

    What do you guys think? I seem to have the most problems getting opinions on Empire, if someone could offer some really good information on them in particular.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • I need help with a YouTube name?

    The name I usually put on all my accounts "alexinsomniac" or some variation of that with a period or underscore is taken.

    I'd like to still use a name that has "AlexInsomniac" in it, but maybe add something here or there. I just can't help think of anything and I think you guys would be better at coming up with stuff than me.

    You can only use letters A-Z and the numbers 0-9. I'd prefer not to use numbers if I can help it.

    Thanks so much guys!

    4 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Do Florida cosmetology schools accept the Bright Futures Scholarship?

    My math and reading SAT scores are 70 points off from meeting the 100% scholarship eligibility from Florida Bright Futures.

    The thing though is I'm not going to a university or a typicaol college. My dream job is to go into cosmetology, and I'm looking to go to one of the premiere schools in Florida such as Empire Beauty School, Aveda Institute, Paul Mitchell Beauty School, and a couple others that I'd like to check out.

    Does Bright Futures cover cosmetology school tuition?

    I've heard that some schools don't accept it.

    I'm trying to find out because if the school I want to go to doesn't accept it, then I'm not going to waste the money retaking the SATs.

    Thank you so much for your help. =]

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Mashed potato recipes?

    My boyfriend really can't stand normal mashed potatoes, and the way my gramma's always cooked and therefore the way I've learned, was to have mashed potatoes and a veggie with almost every meal.

    The only way he likes them is these prepackaged things that are cheesy mashed potatoes that he overcooks so the cheese is a bit burnt.

    So basically what I'm asking is does anyone have any mashed potato recipes that they think I could try that would accommodate his picky habits?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Should I apply to colleges if I don't plan on going right away to see if I can get in?

    I'm a high school senior and I want to eventually go to a four-year university, but my dream career is to be a hairstylist, and I plan on going to cosmotology school first and getting that taken care of.

    I have a list of a couple colleges I'd like to apply to and I want to know if I can get in, which is why I want to apply.

    Is it okay to do this or should I not apply and wait until I actually plan on going?

    Does it make a difference or does it not matter either way?

    I'm a seriously stressed and confused senior at the moment, thank you for your help.

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Is there something I can give my rats for respiratory infections?

    I have 7 rats, and several of them are beginning to develop respiratory infections.

    I've dealt with this before, I took my first rat to the vet and I was given antibiotics. The problem is, I have several rats getting sick and it's around 45 dollars per pet to take them treated.

    So, I was just wondering if there was anything I could do OTHER than take them to the vet. I will if it's all I can do, I was just hoping for suggestions.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersRodents1 decade ago