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united we stand
¿Es verdad que Willie Colón falleció?!!!?
3 AnswersCelebridades1 decade ago¿Que piensan de esto, Paris Hilton salio de la carcel?
Paris Hilton, esta en su mansion de Sunset Strip Boulevard en Holywood, por que debido a una "condición médica" tuvieron que darle mansion por carcel. Solo tiene que estar 21 dias en su casa, nadando en la piscina, teniendo fiestas eternas con sus "amigos", siendo atendida hasta para limpiarle el cu lo, viendo television, haciendo compras por internet con la tarjeta de papi, y diciendo estupideces como "That's hot". Que castigo tan severo no?
7 AnswersOtros - Sociedad y Cultura1 decade agoIf you don't like a person, and it's her birthday do you still have to say " happy birthday"?
We dont like each other,but we work together so we have to mantain a cordial relationship, but I really dont like her at all, she is a double faced b i t c h! When ever she has the chance she would stab you in the back. Should I say happy birthday?
29 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoWhy are some north americans so obsess with racism?
Skin color, economic position, class, etc. Why do you have terms like "withe trash", "******" etc. Dont you realize that there is no race that can be called "pure" this days? We all have at least one drop of all the races in our blood!!
I am tired of reading, things "like you racist biatch", because someone writes "black people". I a mean everything you say can be called racist!
4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago¿si estoy usando mesygina (inyectable) y quiero cambiar a yasmin (pildora)?
Debo esperar a que venga mi periodo normal o simplemente cuando me toque la proxima inyeccion empiezo a tomar las pildoras?
Yo se que la mejor respuesta me la daria mi doctora, pero me sale muy cara la consulta, solo quiero una opinion de alguien que haya estado en esta situacion, o si hay algun ginecolog@ aqui. gracias...
1 AnswerSalud de la mujer1 decade ago¿Como describirías a un panameño?
8 AnswersOtros - Sociedad y Cultura1 decade agoPara las que toman yasmin...?
Hola estoy pensando en tomar esta pildora, por que el metodo que estoy usando ahorita no me gusta. Mi pregunta es: ¿durante el tiempo de descanco de 7 dias hay que usar algun metodo de barrera o se pueden tener relaciones sin ningun problema?
2 AnswersSalud de la mujer1 decade agoIs there any product available in the market that really works against stretch marks?
I know that once they become white there is nothing you can do, but I've heard that when they are still red an itchy there still something that can be done to stop them.
5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoIs it true that Angelina Jolie has leuchemia?
6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoQue piensas de los inmigrantes ilegales que entran a un pais no para trabajar, si no para...?
traficar con drogas, matar, practicar la prostitucion, etc...
5 AnswersOtros - Sociedad y Cultura1 decade agoWhy Richard Gere was almost sent to jail for kissing Shelba Shetty in public because they say it was an?
extremly vulgar conduct, when people in India, goes to the bathroom (number 2 or 1) in the middle of the street?
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago¿Existe alguna vacuna para que los gastos no sean portadores de la toxoplasmosis?
¿Tengo un gatito cachorro y se que estos animales son portadores de la bacteria que causa la toxoplasmosis, mi hermana esta embarazada y he escuchada que esta enfermedad es peligrosa para las mujeres en ese estado, que puedo hacer?
2 AnswersGatos1 decade agowhere can I watch Cho's video?
7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWho do you think, is going to win the Champions League 2007?
11 AnswersUEFA Champions League1 decade agoWhat should I do?
In my office resently the administration assigned the parking spots for everyone, the problem is that mine is next to the sub-manager's spot and this morning when I got to the office I saw that she parked here "huge" BMW X5 in her spot and in mine!
and when I asked her she just said that she has to use two parking spots because his car is "too big" and she does'nt fit in one spot, and then she just turned around!. I mean, come on! learn how to drive! The problem is that she is my boss and I cannot tell her that! what should I do!!!!!!
I can't use another parking spot!!!!!!
Plus I hate conflicts and I will really like to work in a peacefull enviromet!!!
16 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoDoes Xenical causes insomnia?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoHow do I know when my ipod shuffle is completely charged?
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoPuedo tomar Reduce Fat Fast junto con Mesura?
3 AnswersDieta y Vida Sana1 decade ago