Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and beginning April 20th, 2021 (Eastern Time) the Yahoo Answers website will be in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

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  • Adobe Flash not Recognized in FireFox 37.0.2?

    I have Win8 and Adobe Flash and Firefox 37.0.2. Flash worked fine one day and now FF doesn't recognize. Everything is loaded fine. Did the uninstall and reinstall several times. Even downloaded a previous version of A Flash. Nothing worked. But everything works fine in IE. Trying to watch videos in FF and keeps saying I need to download latest version (which is there already). Also, what happened to plug-ins in FF for Adobe Flash. Nothing comes up when I search for them.

    1 AnswerSoftware6 years ago
  • Nissan Pathfinder 2000 Oil Leaks Disappeared?

    I had tiny oil leaks before and after an oil change and filter. Very tiny and wasn´t losing oil when checking the levels. Mechanic power washed the front end of my under carriage with a degrease chemical and told me to return in a week. Going to see him tomorrow, but it´s been a week and not 1 new oil leak drop! Don´t get me wrong I´m happy, but what coúld have been the problem? I´m I right to be happy or is there a problem hiding somewhere?

    I don´t know about cars much but an trying to learn. Also want knowledgeable opinion before I ask him so I know he is on the up and up with me.


    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • how to get the scrolling news bar to return to the highlighted story?

    I used to be able to scroll through the Yahoo news bar and when I would choose a news story then read it, I would "Click" the back button and the scrolling news bar would return to where I left off. Now it returns to the very beginning and I must re-scroll through the news bar to find where I left off scrolling. This is annoying as the story I had just read has moved to another space on the bar. So basically I am starting over and over and over in my scrolling each time I read a news story. This is annoying and takes me 3x longer to get through the days top news stories.

    Also when I scrolling DOWN through the stories below the scrolling news bar, same thing happens...I click on a story and when I click the back button I find myself at the top of the list and have to scrolling down through all the stories I scrolled thru before.

    So my Q is....anyway I can get my scrolling preferences back to how they were, or has Yahoo screwed this up as well?

    BTW....I do not have a MY Yahoo page set up as multiple people in our home use this computer. So this pertains to just logging on to Yahoo home page via Firefox.


    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products7 years ago
  • Horse's frog has clear yellow jelly-like ooze?

    Upon cleaning his hoof after 7 days of straight rain, I may have dug a little too deep and nicked his frog which was soft from being packed in dirt and mud. aAyway, it bled a tiny bit. I cleaned the hoof entirely and set him in a dry stall so the hoof could dry out. After 1 hour I rechecked it and it was oozing this clear yellow jelly-like substance.

    I disinfected it with a little iodine and left the hoof to dry. This is day 2 and the wound is healing, but that clear yellow jelly-like ooze is hardening. There is no heat/infection that I can see. The horse is not limping at all, but when I touch the area on the frog, he flinches a little. I try to push on the wound to see if the jelly stuff comes out like pus, but it doesn't. It just seeped out and is now hardening.

    I've seen pus before, but not this. What is this stuff?

    7 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • why is my download speed much slower than my internet speed?

    Before I download I check choose my server and test my speed. If I am getting a download speed of 1.5 or more I proceed to downloading a video. However, it takes 4 hours to download a video that is 40min long. During the download I again check my download speed from the same server and it is still the same as before I started.

    I am desperate to find out why this is happening. Prior to Dec. I was able to download a 40min show in 30 min sometimes 20min with the same type of speed reading.

    Can anyone enlighten me? Is it my computer? Is my ISP causing this on purpose? They claim they are not and I pay for unlimited download availability.

    Please help....I'm going crazy with this!

    5 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • how many rows does an original 2000 Nissan Pathfinder radiator have 1 or 2?

    I have this auto an SE Manual 3.3 model. The previous owner replaced the Rad with another but it only has 1 row. Everyone tells me a 2 row is better (as I am having some overheating issues). I need to replace it again, but I only see 1 rows on the market. Did the original factory Rad come as a 2 row?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Why does Ping Change only when downloading Video?

    While just surfing on the internet I have a ping of 185meters and my download and upload speed (during a speed test) seem fine. However as soon as get onto an site to download videos, the speed test shows my ping to be over 1000 meters (sometimes 3000 meters) and the download is so slow, it takes HOURS for a 1 hr. program to download. This just suddenly started to happen. Prior to this everything has been going along just fine.

    Any reason why this has happened and how can I get around this or fix it? Thanks

    P.S. School is out where I live and thus maybe there are alot more kids on the internet in my area playing games? Don't know if that would effect me and why only when I download videos and not while surfing?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • My Horse has come up w/a limp with no signs of injury or trauma, Help!?

    There is no swelling, bite marks, breakage, nothing that suggests trauma or injury. He was shoed last week. But this started yesterday and limp has gotten worse thru-out today day. I gave him 30cc of an anti-inflammatory and have since placed him on stall only rest. He's been in the paddock where I could keep an eye on him. I plan on seeing how it goes tomorrow and then calling the vet. Can anyone give me some advice until then? I won't be able to sleep tonight.

    Here is something strange though, I rode 2 weeks ago and he seemed "off", so I stopped. I noticed he was limping on his rear left leg and had a hard time propelling up a hill. I noticed a scab on the front of the foot. I assumed he injured himself on the fence, but it wasn't punctured or anything. Thus I believed this was the cause of his swelling. I wrapped it and a few days later the swelling stopped and he was fine. A few days later the front left foot (current problem) started. I am wondering if this could be related.

    Anyway, only serious replies please!

    Thank you.

    7 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • DVD-r vs. DVD+R Drives Please help!!!!?

    I have been burning on my PC with XP for 4 months with no prob using DVD+R. I didn't know there was a difference and I just bought a spindle of 100 disc as DVD-R. And I can't record my downloaded videos to the DVD-R. Is this because my PC's Dvd Driver is not set up for the -R? If so, is there a way to remedy this so I can burn on both -R and+R? If so, how?


    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • DVD Flick Error message Need help!!!!!!?

    I've been using this program for 4 problem. Then it just would not function. It would encode for about 3 hours and then it wouldn't burn to disc. So i uninstalled and reinstalled and now first time after the reinstall I get this error message:

    C:\doc and setting\ username\Realplayer downloads\"name of video".flv could not be opened. The file may be corrupt or it's format may be unsupported.

    But when I click on the downloaded video, it plays fine on my player. And all my video that I burned earlier were in the exact same .FLV from the exact same websites.

    Any help wold be appreciated. If I can't fix it, then can someone please recommend a FREE, EASY to USE similar program for XP and .FLV files? I have a bunch I really need to burn.


    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Help! Cannot delete Temp files at all!?

    I've tried cleaning temp files in XP with Glary Utilities and I even did a search on my system and tried deleting them manually and I cannot do it. Nothing works that I have been trying.

    I was able to delete a bunch but then is are about that just won't delete at all.

    Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Can I use Panama Jack cooling gel on my Horse?

    My horse came up lame this A.M. After feeling around I found that the pain is in the inner hind hock. When he puts weight on it (an it takes ALOT of coaxing), the muscles from his rear all the way down spasm. I read about painting on a cooling agent. Can I use Panama Jack on it until I get down to town & back & until I can get the doc to call me back? My vet store is small and not very well stocked. So I am looking for anything to use in the meantime should I need to.

    Horse was fine going into his stall last night. I just noticed his lameness at feeding time this morning. Probably he did it while getting up after sleeping. He always sleeps lying down.

    Thanks for your help!

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Need advice on Soapless shampoo dog batheing.?

    I have a dog recovering from severe mange. All the shampoos doc gave me make her itch like crazy. So I am looking for a natural way to bathe her. Normally I wouldn't, but she is starting to smell. She is almost recovered from Mange, but her hair looks tacky. I don't want any kind of shampoo. I heard using cornstarch will get the dirt out. I then thought I would rinse out the corn starch with cold chamamille tea. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Audio Sound suddenly has dropped.?

    I have XP and Realtek 97 loaded on the computer. Sound is great (no chipmunck voices). At first, the sound was very loud on the computer. I was able to listen to internet radio from across the room. Then suddenly, the volume has dropped and is half as loud as before. I have NO clue what happened. Any ideas and advice on how to get the louder version back?


    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • LG Projection TV Convergence issue....please help!?

    Anyone know how I can DIY to fix my tv prob? I have an LG HDTV Rear Projection tv. All of a sudden I turned it on and I have a picture that looks like it is in 3D. I went to the Convergence menu and did the 9 pts. But I found that my red would not move into perfect position on all points. The cross was also very skewed. I took off the front cover and tried making the adjustment on the ray/voltage screws but that only turns the colors on or off. It does nothing for putting the colors back into line with eachother. Also, suddenly there appearts yellow curbed lines on the picture. And the red color seems to be looking like a flowing wavy banner.

    Is there something more I can do that I am not or is my convergence chip bad? And if so, where is the convergence chip?

    Thanks for any help, but I live in Costa Rica in the country and getting someone here to fix the damn thing is costly and an all day event..that is if anyone knows how to fix it around here.

    Thanks a bunch!

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Why would I need to replace my copper grounding pole and wires?

    Had an electricity strike close to the house and everything is going crazy. An electrical Engineer told me to replace the copper grounding rod and the ground wire(s). So my question is.....

    If it's just a copper pole (a piece of metal), then why would that have to be replaced?


    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • How long to let medicine work?

    I've been battling a problem with my horse for 2 months. Spent alot of $$ on a vet who has not been able to help much. EX: He came, looked at the heaving/wheezing horse and told me to give penicillin and an antihistamine shots for a week. I ask him if I should give him this one med. I had in the fridge. He said no. So the poor thing got 10 shots that week. DIDN"T WORK! So after paying his $200 bill, I called again. Well, now he says to give him the Medicine I had in the fridge because (it was the best Med. on the market)......WHY THE HELL DIDN'T HE LET ME GIVE IT TO HIM TO BEGIN WITH?????? Soooo...another 8 days of shots. Still not working.

    So desperate, I look on the internet and come across Lung Worm. He has all the symptoms. Then, an old cowboy who has worked with horses for over 25 yrs. sees him and asks if he has worm problems. Yes, I reply, seems the pastes don't always work and I am having trouble trying to find ones that do. So he tells me his horse had same problem and it was Lung Worm. So he gave me 2 meds to use and he said it took care of his problem.

    The 1 med (Fenbendasol 10%) was a 3 day treatment and the other is a 3 month treatment (all natural thyme/eucyluptus liquid) to be used together. After day1 my horse showed significant improvement. After day 2 same thing ( I was sooo excited to was working). Now after day 3, he is back to heaving and wheezing, (albeit not as bad as before).

    So my Q is this:

    1). after 3 days of the 1 medicine, (and it is a 3 day treatment), shouldn't he be better? At least act like he did after day 1 & 2?

    2). Should I just sit it out and wait until the entire 3 month treatment is over to see if it worked?

    3). Does it take longer for meds to work even if the treatment is over?

    4). Could the fact that he has had this problem for going on 3 months now that the lung worm has scarred his lungs and he will never be better?

    Maybe I'm just so at my wits end that I'm not being patient enough.

    P.S. The treatment he is now on, is all oral and no more shots...thank god.

    Please help

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Bumps After Horse Injections?

    We had to give my horse an injection of 20ccs. As always, my husband washed and rubbed alcohol on the areas we were injecting on his neck. We were to give 10ccs on each side of his neck. And as always, we rubbed the area after the injection thoroughly to work the medicine into the muscle. We even change needles before we inject on the other side of his neck. However, this time, only on 1 side of the neck, the injected spot produced a raised bump or area. So the 2nd day, we gave it to him again and the same thing happened despite our massaging the area after injection. Now he has 2 bumps on the same side of his neck. But not on the other. So....

    1). Why is this happening

    2). will the bumps eventually go away

    3). Is this dangerous to him

    4). Is the medicine getting through his body correctly

    5). Why isn't it happening on the other side of his neck

    6). How can I prevent it from happening again.


    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Installing XP Again over a Pirated Version?

    So the if I buy one and reload it, will it override the Pirate version and keep all my files I have created? Or will I lose it all (excel spreadsheets, photos, word files, etc). I need to buy Win XP so I can reload it because after a crash 2 yrs. ago a friend gave me his disk to reload and I later found out it was a pirated version. Now I would like to reload a legit version.


    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago