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Lv 610,081 points


Favorite Answers19%

Irish-Scottish-British on one side, half-Roma on the other. Family traditionalist witch, Celtic polytheist, lesbian, twenty-three, disabled but lucky. I used to be a Christian, and have no interest in reverting. Same with atheism. I love having contacts of all faiths and interesting questions.

  • Does someone have the right to choose to die?

    Brought here by my previous question. Does anyone have the right to tell someone that they cannot choose to die?

    Assuming no mental health problems, no criminal record, and completely of sound mind.

    If not, why? Why would you/the government/anyone, have the right to force someone to live?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What would you do/say if you knew a fetus would want to be aborted?

    Now before you jump down my throat, think about it. Most people who are pro-life think the soul is present at conception, which is a fairly modern theory in any case, but--if you believe that--what would you say if you knew the fetus wanted too be aborted.

    And how would you react if they weren't and five six years later blamed their parents for not aborting them?

    Statistically: every year 4-8 percent of congenitally disabled children 12 and under commit suicide, and another 14-20 percent attempt it for the first time.

    Of children in chronic children's wards, or those with congenital diseases, 87% wish that they'd never been born.

    Statistics from last year, from my volunteering packet given in January of this year, in the chronic children's ward of a major medical centre, which was given as part of an annual course to help connect with the children as a volunteer.

    That's just disabled children, but it's not just a disabled children issue. English writer Lynn Beisner in column she wrote in the London Guardian stated she wished her mother had aborted her because it would have made her mother's life better.

    There's also this incorrect idea that in order to say that one has to be suicidal or hate one's self to say that, but that's not true either. There are many people without depression or mental illness who feel the same way.

    I often see people say abortion is bad because the child doesn't have a choice. I think this is a silly argument because no one asks the five year old if she wants to get a shot or surgery-- the parents make that decision. But going with the idea of "the fetus can't make a choice...what if they did?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What is the best book pertaining to religion that you've read?

    Why do you consider it the best and how did you find it.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • In your opinion, has R&S changed in the past year or so? In what ways.?

    I used to be a regular here, and I'm wondering if there have been any changes in the time I've been gone. Any other regulars disappear, any new tolerances, any old trolls that are gone -- any new religious perspectives to the old place?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Did I handle this situation properly?

    I was in the hospital recently, and during my stay there there was some roommate switchover. This never bothers me. New roommate and I talked for a bit, and when her minister came in to pray with her and such, I closed the curtain to give them some privacy, and stayed quiet, reading Crime and Punishment for the bajillionth time.

    When her preacher left, she thanked me and asked if she could pray for me. I told her of course, and lowered my head respectfully while she did, and thanked her for it afterwards. A few days later, I had come back to the room after surgery, and my family was visiting, and we had split the curtain off again so nobody would bother her.

    I then asked my grandmother to do some prayers for me, and say a few blessings and the like. I didn't think anything of it, and thanked my Da when he brought me new books, a new deck of cards so I could do divination, and one for my new roommate as well (The Case for Christ, she had never read it and I had it.)

    After my family left I re-opened the curtain, and said new roommate looked terrified. I asked her what was wrong and she admitted that she had figured out that I didn't believe in God (I'm a pagan) and hearing the blessings and prayers made her frightened of demons and a little scared of me.

    It was a little hurtful, I admit, because I thought we had made friends over the days that had passed, and she got very offended when she figured out that the prayers I had done for her were not to her god.

    So, because she was so uncomfortable, I asked to move rooms and I told her she could keep the book. When my Dad found out, he was a little mad and said I should have stayed in the room, even if she was uncomfortable, my grandmother agreed, and my best friend agreed with me.

    What do you think? Should I have stayed in the room knowing it made the new roommate uncomfortable, or did I make the right decision to try and make her more comfortable while she was in a stressful situation (the hospital) to begin with?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has a question asked here made you think about your faith differently or ask a question...?

    You otherwise wouldn't have asked?

    What was the thing that made you think or question?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Am I the only person whom assuming witchcraft = Wicca bothers?

    I see this a lot, especially online, but sometimes in real life. I understand the mistake usually, but sometimes I feel like knocking my head against a wall and writing "Witch =/= Wiccan" on someone's forehead.

    I had a particularly stressful day, but am I the ONLY person this bothers?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question for my Wiccan friends: Is magic/spellcraft required?

    I thought I knew the answer to this one, considering I have few Wiccan friends in real life, but I admit I only know ensey bits about Wicca from this site and my friends, and on another forum who has been a Wiccan for four years said this:


    While it's true that not everyone who practices magick is Wiccan, all Wiccans must perform magick to truely be considered Wiccan -- Wicca is derived from a word that can be loosely translated to "Wise" or "Witch". Wicca is truely a religion of witchcraft. The practitioners often refer to Wicca as The Craft, referning to the rituals they do rather than the theology. I know, I've had friends who aren't Wiccan practice magick with me."

    ...So IS magic/spellcraft required to be Wiccan or not?

    (Labgrrl? Phoenix? Prariecrow? Bueller?)

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the bill to ban circumcision passes in Mass. how will it affect Jewish practise?

    Will a brit milah suddenly no longer be practiced, since it only leaves room for medical circumcision of those over 18?

    Note: I do not want this to turn into a debate on circumcision, I only want to know how it will affect Jewish practises in Massachusetts.

    Here's the proposed bill :

    (As always, no thumbs down from me)

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it so many people seem to see death as a bad thing?

    I mean, obviously it's bad for those left behind, but that's not what I mean -- I mean their own death. Why is it something so many people seek to avoid? Obviously I don't mean it in a 'causing your own death' way, but so many people view it as "evil" or "frightening" and I don't understand why.

    [As always, no thumbs down are given by me]

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the longest break you've taken from R&S? How did it effect your faith?

    Did taking a break effect your views of your beliefs? Make them stronger, weaker? Did you find it easier to question here or away?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it that some religions view the holy books as something that need to be protected?

    I know a lot of people find their holy texts very important and very sacred, and hold rules for it, like not letting it touch the ground, and not having it changed or destroyed, etc.

    What I don't get is why. If it were destroyed, are you saying that it would be beyond whatever deities power to restore it, or reveal it again? If it is changed, why wouldn't whatever deities just fix it again?

    Am I missing something here? It doesn't make any sense to me.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jewish and Native American R&Sers: How do you feel about the fact that the American Girl company...?

    Has broken from their traditional focus on Christmas and released bith A Nex Pierce doll and book series (Kaya) and a Jewish-American immigrant doll and story set (Rebecca).

    I know for my Jewish roommate had always wished for a Jewish American Girl when in Elementary School.

    Do you feel that this is an attempt to more accurately reflect the US's varied religious and cultural history, an attempt to be PC, or something else?

    Rebecca's Sabbath Set:

    Rebecca's Hannukah Set:

    Kaya's Bedroll & Shield:

    Kaya's Teepee:

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are there any easy/non strenuous hikes in Gold Country or the Sierra Nevadas?

    I've gotten very used to easy hikes around the Bay Area, and I'd like to keep up with the excercise if I end up moving in around Auburn or Placerville or into the foothills. Are there any nice, easy walks for someone who is A) somewhat afraid of heights/falling, and has balance/coordination problems?

    5 AnswersSacramento1 decade ago
  • Pagans who have transitioned from groups to solitary-- how do you deal with the changes?

    I've recently moved and with that comes the transition from small group (cal it a coven if you must) to being alone. How have others dealt with this transition? Do you find it difficult?

    It's not that I've never done solo workings before, it's just that holy days and such I'm accustomed to having my family around me celebrating, and it seems very lonely to do it alone.


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Problem with my mouse, MacBook Pro?

    I have a MacBook Pro, running 10.5.5 and my touchpad mouse is not working. I can move the mouse around with it, but cannot click, no matter how firmly I press the pad.

    Is there anyway to fix this?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Catholics: Do you think saints canonized because of anorexia should be removed?

    Should saints canonized because of Anorexia Mirabilis be removed, due to the harm their veneration can cause?

    Should girls that choose these saints during their confirmation, be discouraged from it?

    Saint Catherine of Siena,

    Saint Angela of Foligno,

    Saint Margaret of Cortona,

    Marie of Oignies,

    Saint Veronica

    All suffered from Anorexia Mirabilis, some were even canonized extolling their aestheticism, what do you think?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should saints canonized because of Anorexia Mirabilis be removed, due to the harm their veneration can cause?

    Should saints canonized because of Anorexia Mirabilis be removed, due to the harm their veneration can cause?

    Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Angela of Foligno, Saint Margaret of Cortona, Marie of Oignies, Ieven Saint Veronica -- many of these women were canonized due to, at least in part, a form of anorexia, does this set a bad standard before possible anorectic girls?

    I have no intention of making a peace pact between my body and my soul, and neither do I intend to hold back. Therefore, allow me to tame my body by not altering my diet; I will not stop for the rest of my life, until there is no more life left.You should not think my body is so mortified and weak as it seems; it acts this way so that I should not demand the debt it contracted in the world, when it liked pleasure...Oh my body, why do you not help me serve my creator and redeemer? Why are you not as quick to obey as to disobey His commands? Do not lament, do not cry, do not pretend to be half-dead. You will bear the weight that I place on your shoulders, all of it...I not only wish to abstain from bodily food but I wish to die a thousand times a day, if it were possible in this mortal life of mine.

    --Letter from St. Margaret of Cortona to her confessor later used as evidence of her sainthood by the Vatican.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Should saints canonized because of Anorexia Mirabilis be removed, due to the harm their veneration can cause?

    Should saints canonized because of Anorexia Mirabilis be removed, due to the harm their veneration can cause?

    Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Angela of Foligno, Saint Margaret of Cortona, Marie of Oignies, Ieven Saint Veronica -- many of these women were canonized due to, at least in part, a form of anorexia, does this set a bad standard before possible anorectic girls?

    I have no intention of making a peace pact between my body and my soul, and neither do I intend to hold back. Therefore, allow me to tame my body by not altering my diet; I will not stop for the rest of my life, until there is no more life left.You should not think my body is so mortified and weak as it seems; it acts this way so that I should not demand the debt it contracted in the world, when it liked pleasure...Oh my body, why do you not help me serve my creator and redeemer? Why are you not as quick to obey as to disobey His commands? Do not lament, do not cry, do not pretend to be half-dead. You will bear the weight that I place on your shoulders, all of it...I not only wish to abstain from bodily food but I wish to die a thousand times a day, if it were possible in this mortal life of mine.

    --Letter from St. Margaret of Cortona to her confessor later used as evidence of her sainthood by the Vatican.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago