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  • Looking for a good midi program with step editor?

    I'm looking for a good midi program to install on my computer. I want it to allow for multiple tracks (8+ would be ideal, but no less than 4). I want it to have a step editor so that I don't need to play an instrument to record the music; I can just start placing notes and making them longer or shorter as well as changing the pitch. Also I want it to have a large collection of instrument sounds including drums, distortion guitar, atmospheric effects, crystal bells, strings, etc. Ideally it would be versatile enough to write a metal song, classical, medieval, as well as trance and dub-step. It would be a bonus to be able to record vocals and edit/clean/polish the sound so my own voice doesn't ruin it (haha) but that feature is not a requirement.

    Does anyone have a suggestion that is under $200 (under $100 would be even better)? It doesn't have to be professional top quality, just something that sounds good. Thanks in advance!

    Other - Music3 months ago
  • What are general developments for children entering kindergarten?

    I have 3 year old twin boys. I'm looking for a general idea of what they should know developmentally before entering kindergarten, so I can spend the next year and a half getting them ready. They currently know all letters and can spell a few words. They can sometimes writes the letters, but usually we need to use dots for them to follow. They know all their colors and basic shapes. They can recognize numbers to 9, but can count to about 20 (with a couple misses in there).

    But to be prepared for kindergarten, what should they know countingwise, mathwise, and spelling/readingwise? Are there other landmarks they should be at before entering kindergarten? Thanks for any help!

    5 AnswersPreschool1 decade ago
  • Christianity and children?

    Does anyone else, mainly Christians, find it a bit disturbing that there are children's books telling tales such as David and Goliath (where David is seen as a great role model for killing a bully), Daniel and the Lion's Den (feeding human flesh to animals because they are a different religion), and Noah's Ark (mass genocide directly by God because of his own mistake..."God was sorry he had made mankind"...)? Anyone out there find this maybe not the best set of stories to teach the kids?

    ~Blessed be!

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Theological question here...?

    When God told Adam and Eve that they would die the day they ate from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, do you believe that was God's punishment, or was it God's way of telling them what happens when you lose the innocence they had? Kinda a warning like "if you touch the stove when it is on you will burn your hand"? Opinions?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where can I find restaurant nutritional information?

    Does anyne happen to know of a website that I can look up nutritional information (calories, carbs, sodium, etc) for restaurants? Specifically I am looking for Filippis Pizza Grotto. I looked on their website but did not see a place with this information. I'll email them but I don't know how long it will be before they respond, so I wanted to ask here just in case someone knew of a good website. Thanks, and blessed be!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    9 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • What can we do to inspire your faith?

    Aside from "convert to my religion", what are some practical things that people of other faiths can do to help strengthen your faith? This question applies to people of all belief systems from Atheism to Spiritism, from Christianity to Islam, from Buddhism to Wicca, and all others.

    Blessed be!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there a belief system...?

    called a-deism? I know there is atheism (against theism), agnostic (a-gnostic, or not having knowledge), and so with the existence of deism, I was wondering if there was a belief system that was counter to that. If so, how is it different than atheism?

    Blessed be!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think Obama will do...?

    ...that falls in line with your religious beliefs (or lack thereof) and what do you feel he will do that is in opposition to your religious/non-religious beliefs?

    Blessed be!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which Peanuts character...? represents your religion/spirituality/set of beliefs? Why did you choose that character?

    Have fun with this one, and blessed be!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do American Christians think the world is nearing its end...?

    ...because their lifestyle might need to change some, due to the economic and political issues in the country? Is vanity a trait? Like, oh my gawsh! I couldn't buy this dress! I'm like, SO going to die!!

    Just curious.

    Blessed be!

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, if people asked questions would anyone be amused?

    Or would anything be assumed? Or would the Christians be crucified by the non-Christians? Or would the pagans be burnt at the stake by the Christians? Or would the Muslims do whatever they are accused of? Or would Buddhists eat crackers?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit...?

    I hear pagan religions that call upon the four elements, and sometimes also call upon spirit. I've heard various terms, such as guardian of fire/air, etc. Spirit of water/earth, etc. According to your beliefs (for those of you who honor/call upon/pray to, etc) what is it you personally call them. If you use the term Guardian of water, what do you use for spirit? Guardian of spirit? Or just Spirit? I'd just like to understand how the 4 elements correlate to spirit that is sometimes also used. Thank you.

    Blessings in the Light of Christ!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Actors in the Bible?

    Does anyone know of any Bible passages that tell of actors in the Jewish/Hebrew culture? Not so much musicians, but those who acted out roles or stories? Thank you.

    Blessings in the Light of Christ!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Green Wicca advice (or home remedies)?

    Does someone who is practiced in the art of Green Wicca (or someone who just has some good home remedies) have advice on what I can give a 1.5 year old to help ease a sore throat? I ask specifically about Green Wicca (possibly due to my ignorance, heh) because I think Green Wicca deals with using herbs and such for things and I thought there might be something you could suggest. Any other home remedies would be appreciated as well. Thank you.

    Blessings in the Light of Christ!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is VT?

    I see several people with the tag of VT. What does that represent? More importantly, what does it mean to you (those who use this tag)?

    Blessings in the Light of Christ!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What would you say to us?

    Hello gay and lesbian friends. If there were listening ears among the heterosexual world, what would you want to tell us to help us be more accepting and understanding of your orientation? What would you like us to know about your choices in order to help abolish the negativity toward homosexuality? "Quit being so judgemental" won't get you best answer, but real solutions to this just might! As a note, I have no problem with homosexuality, but I'd like to hear what you all want us to understand.

    Blessings in the Light of Christ!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

  • What is the truth behind DNA?

    Is it just me, or does anyone else believe that DNA does not really exist but rather is a conspiracy theory set in motion by generations of scientists? By creating these silly, complex diagrams, they cause us to believe anything they tell us...all because they call it science! Well I tell you, it will soon be uncovered and shown for what it truly is...a conspiracy between scientists, Saturnians, 67% of the world's governments, David Lee Roth, and Gargamel's famous cat, Azreal! Join me in revealing DNA to be nothing more than a conspiracy theory being covered up until they put in place the motions to unite the universe under their foul rule!

    Ummm...blessings in the Light of Christ!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Rebellion against God?

    Would you consider it rebellion against God, or denying God, or something else of the sort if you were to change your views on God? What constitutes true rebellion or denial of God? Is it turning from what you believe about God or is that "spiritual growth"? Tell me...what do you consider to be rebellion against or denial of God?

    Blessings in the Light of Christ!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where is Joseph?

    Once Jesus is twelve and goes to Jerusalem with his parents, we read nothing more about Joseph in the Bible (protestant, at least). Are there any records or thoughts on what happened to him? Did he die while Jesus was a teen or young man? Was he just not important enough to include, even though he raised Jesus as his own son? Thoughts?

    Blessings in the Light of Christ!

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why should I bother caring anymore?

    Can anyone give me some encouragement as to why I should bother caring anymore? Caring about anything? Just going through a tough time right now and want to know why I should bother at all. Thanks everyone.

    Blessings in the Light of Christ.

    ~Embracing my Pangelism

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago