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Own a cockatiel.

  • Remind me a of 90's PC puzzle game?

    It had a desktop icon of the earth and had a bunch of mini games. The only ones I remember were a game where you were a guy collecting something on the top of ladders and there were monsters chasing you and you could fall off the ladders with a yellow umbrella, some game with dominoes, solitaire (I think), some puzzle game with bubbles for a background, and another game with a foal for a background that played Beethoven. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Will Zanmate protect my browsing?

    I'm at college and to access the internet I downloaded some software that I guess allows the college to track my internet browsing activities. I recently added the Zenmate extension onto Google Chrome. Will this privatize my web browsing activity? I believe the software I downloaded is called SafeConnect

    1 AnswerGoogle7 years ago
  • Movies about evolution?

    I recently watched Godzilla (2014) and I really liked the whole primordial theme/atmosphere they had with the monsters. Are there any more movies that have that same atmosphere dating back million/billions of years? Think 2001 Space Odyssey or The Land Before Time; evolution type movies are what I'm looking for, but not documentaries, just fiction.

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • How do I not?

    Just wondering. Also, if you can answer, how do you not?

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • I need a good horror movie?

    Insidious was the first horror movie I've ever seen. I liked it mostly because there wasn't any gore. Any movie suggestions with little to no gore? Also as little sex as possible, por favor.

    11 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Can someone tell me how to not look dumb?

    So if someone says something sarcastic, and I don't pick up on it, and they correct me, how do I not look dumb? Normally I say "I know" real dead-pan and straight-faced and that just makes it worse.

    For example:

    Person: Sally-Jo Rae is 34, she just hides it really well.

    Me: Wow, I had no idea. She must use some awesome women's product to stay young.

    Person: I'm joking. She's actually 23.

    Me: I know... '_'

    So what could I say there instead so that I won't look like a total moron?

  • Do you think science/medicine will ever find a low-risk, highly successful cure/treatment for acne?

    Highly successful, as in it gets rid of all acne in most patients.

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Help with swimming technique?

    I want to take lifeguard classes, which are in May, and on the very first day we need to swim 300 meters without stopping in order to continue the course. I took swimming lessons when I was six, and now I'm 17 so I decided to practice the front crawl/freestyle at the YMCA. I found that I can only swim 50 m until I need a quick breather. Is it normal that I can only swim a short distance without stopping? On land I'm more of a sprinter, not much of a distance runner, but still, I figure something must be wrong with my technique. I searched YouTube and found that maybe I'm not rotating my body as much with each stroke, I might bend my knees too much, and I might be breathing too early. Will correcting these mistakes help my endurance, or am I just weak? Should I just go for breast stroke?

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving8 years ago
  • Need a good huckleberry recipe?

    I'm going to my friend's house in a few days and I'm going to make angel food cake. I have self-picked huckleberries and I was thinking I could use them in a topping of some kind. Should I just add whipped cream and the huckleberries as a garnish, or should I somehow incorporate the huckleberries into the whipped cream, or should I make some other topping?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Can someone "get" dyslexic?

    I'm reading a book about kids who have dyslexia and, ironically enough, every time I read the word "impossible" I see "impossibru." It only happens when I first see the word, then it goes back to looking normal. Is that dyslexia, however mild? I have no history, nor anyone else in my family that I know of, with dyslexia.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Why didn't the skiers in Frozen just climb down?

    I haven't seen Frozen, nor do I want to, I just want to know why they didn't simply climb across the wire and climb down the lift pole? That seems to be a very simple solution, causing the entire movie to be implausible.

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Is California a good place to get a job as a doctor?

    My dad is a doctor but the only reason why he does not want to move to California he claims is because of poor quality jobs for physicians. Something about the healthcare system is bad and there are too many doctors or something. My mom doesn't believe it. So would it be okay to move to California from a job perspective, or would he have trouble finding a job/ lower income than we do now? We make a fair amount of money but are not rich by any means.

    4 AnswersHealth Care8 years ago
  • Check my Spanish please?

    We had to make a script talking about the environment in Spanish. My partner and I chose whales. Could you check to see if there are any misspellings to grammatical errors? Thanks.

    I changed our names so you can't find us. Nice try.

    Samuel: Aiko, hay un problema con el medio ambiente, con el mar especialemente.

    Shanay-nay: Dime más sobre las ballenas que están varados en las playas. ¿Son jovenes o viejas?

    Samuel: Las ballenas son jovenes y están varados en paises como Australia, España y Argentina. Si no les ayudamos, ellis mueran.

    Shanay-nay: Desde las ballenas necesitan agua salada ¿mueran de deshidratación?

    Samuel: Si que las ballenas estan muriendo porque de deshidratación.

    Shanay-nay: Probablemente la muerte de las ballenas resulte en la extinción de las ballenas.

    Samuel: Necesitamos proteger las ballenas para evitar su extinción.

    Shanay-nay: Yo dudo que las ballenas esten en extinción.

    Samuel: Es urgente que las ballenas están protegan para quardar la populacion.

    Shanay-nay: Quiero que todas las ballenas esten sanas y contentas y espero que todas vivan siempre.

    Samuel: Ojala que sea cierto.

    5 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Read these two poems?

    I see people do this sometimes and I think it's a little corny but I'll do it anyway. I wrote two poems; just tell me if you like them or what you would change.


    There's a little white house

    in the fields of grass

    where the wind blows.

    It's white with a black roof

    and a door with a knob.

    Once, people lived there.

    A bed with sheets

    A kitchen with a spoon

    A fire with a hearth.

    Now only sun whispers and stars shouts

    touch the creaky floor.

    You will never go to the little white house,

    For no one


    where it is.

    As your life blows by

    and you grow so high,

    The shutters

    will remain

    shut tight.

    The World Inside-Out

    It is not through serendipity that I have learned to sing.

    It is not through serenity that makes the brass bells ring.

    It is not by our ability that cities rise and fall.

    It is only from Eternity that our hearts beat at all.

    For our mouths may sing and our hearts may beat, yet from our eye and moist lips sweet,

    pour flames and ash and boiling heat

    and golden sand, which turned ears meet.

    Men study mountains

    To diagnose diamonds

    And sell warped maps

    That lead to dry mounds.

    The Moon, no longer wax or wane, instead

    A grin or brow make plain.

    The Sun has made the geese its guide

    And learns its steps from changing tide.

    If cherries are sold as apples,

    and apples sold as babbles,

    Is there resolution

    to the ghosts with which I grapple?

    Can a sane world go insane

    by the definition of its language?

    Or am I stuck here all alone

    With the penguins and my baggage?

    5 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • How to choose a college?

    What is the difference from one college to the next? Besides costs, location, beliefs, and courses, is there really any difference as to which college I attend? I'm a junior, and the only two that I'm considering are a local private university and Westmont in Santa Barbara. The private university because it's close and I have siblings there, and Westmont because my parents/grandparents went there. Is it okay for me not to consider any other colleges for these reasons (aside from the afore-mentioned variables such as cost, etc.)?

  • Current ongoing events?

    I have to make a visual for my English class about current events that have been ongoing for a while. I'm taking an AP test and to increase my credibility/ logos appeal I need to include current news events in a couple of my essays.

    So what are some news events that have been ongoing that people in other states (who are going to be grading my essays) know about? Please do not suggest the Boston bombing or North Korea, those are kind of obvious. Thanks!

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Help me remember a book?

    Here's what I can remember what it was about: This Native American girl is stranded on an island. Apparently her people all left and didn't tell her or something, but she's all alone. The only things I can remember that happened to her were that she was swimming or fishing or something and she got attacked by an octopus. I'm pretty sure she killed it later on. Also there was a shark that was a problem. I could be making this up, but I think her brother comes and gets her in the end. Does anyone have any idea what I am talking about, or was this just a dream I had?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Movies that are set in ancient Egypt?

    I just finished watching The Mummy series for the first time. While I can't say I was overly excited with the plot or the acting, the idea of ancient Egypt really fascinated me. Are there any good, more modern movies that are set in the ancient Egyptian time period? I'm not looking for a documentary or anything like that. I'm interested in movies around of after the turn of the century, since those ones will likely be more realistic and engaging. Thanks for your suggestions!

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • 1960's Movie about words?

    My mother was telling me about a movie she saw when she was a girl - something called Words Words Words or something like that. Apparently in the movie a girl dreams about words. She described hating it at first because it was so long, but after a while she became mesmerized. Maybe it was an educational film. Does anyone know what my mother is talking about? She said she saw it in 1963 or 64. Thanks. Oh and if you don't know where could I research it? Maybe in some online movie archives?

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago