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  • Is anyone keeping track of the death count on American home soil in the war on terror?

    Peaceful and loving Islamics

    Dead - 19 (Sep 11)

    Wounded - 1 (Fort Hood)

    Arrogant Americans

    Dead - 2,957 (Sep 11)

    Dead - 13 Wounded - 29 (Fort Hood)

    obama dithers again, even now Iran is gaining in technology for nuclear weapons while obama dithers.

    Does it seem like obama is solving the problems in America or opening a door for someone else?

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • obama and the Nobel Peace prize?

    Is this an exercise in, "tell a lie that is big enough, and repeat it often enough, and the whole world will believe It?"

    Meanwhile, where will the prize money go? Troubled Chicago neighborhoods?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Serious question: Would you support a government of slavery?

    I hope no one thinks this is racist, I assure you that I am only trying to get people to think and I believe we should be together regardless of color or creed.

    Back when there was slavery in our country, the master made sure that the slaves were taken care of with housing, food, health care and the slaves provided labor.

    Why are we now looking for a new master in the government? The democrats tried to get all Americans housing which has brought the U.S. economy a crippling blow. Government health care is on the way which will cripple the medical industry insuring only that our doctors will not be well paid anymore.

    The only thing left is jobs. When large corporations continue to fail and lay off employees, industry completely drys up, farming lands are ruined, stores no longer receive goods, services can no longer be afforded.

    This will be the last straw to break that which holds America together, the land of the free and land of liberty to a new master that will enslave the entire population, not out of desire but out of necessity. The government will assign the wages if any, assign the jobs, assign the housing (free, but no ownership anywhere), and decides who will get health care if there is any available.

    I do believe that Republicans are fighting for our liberty against this terrible disaster right now in Congress resisting a government take over of health care.

    People of all color and creed, do not think that it is better to have a government to take care of you.

    Please consider the possibility I have laid out for you that you could be putting all of us, not just the rich or poor, black or white, republican or democrat, all of us in chains to work for the government at their bidding. I remember stories that were told about the slave days that there were good masters and bad masters. The government can be the same. Good on some days, bad on others. I seriously doubt we will be going to any courts to have the judge listen to our pleas.

    Please consider standing with the Tea Party's or any other organization that against a government take over of our lives. All of our lives.

    If there is to be a future civil war, this will be what the fighting will be for. Not to free the slaves, but from becoming a slave.

    Be sure to vote out any one who is for government control of your life in 2010. Even more so in 2012.

    God bless you all.

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What should we do with Patrick Gaspard?

    He is obama's top aide that is an ACORN operative, a former union official and community organizer?

    Hopefully anyone who answers has seen the undercover tapes made while at ACORN offices so that you know what kind of scum was being perpetrated using American tax dollars.

    Do you think even further that this could go all the way up to the top?

    Will key personnel all of a sudden start to have strange untimely deaths?

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is obama a divider rather than someone who brings people together?

    This past week it seems that the meeting with Israel and Palestine is now going to make relations worse between the two and Iran is trying to use obama as leverage to get higher grade nuclear material which all the other 5 nuclear nations are clearly against not to mention the more outspoken divisions in the U.S. are growing.

    Does anyone have examples of how obama has brought anything together?

    Any examples of how he gets Republicans together with Democrats to make effective bills to pass for Americans?

    All I have heard is that he never even meets with Republicans.

    14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are you glad that the GOP publicly stood up to obama the liar?

    obama goes through a list of debatable subjects and then calls the opposition liars. He knows fools will listen to him if he calls them liars.

    Isn't is right that he gets called a liar back?

    Will anyone remember this when the people go into "doctor assisted counseling sessions" to figure out what to do with grandma when the government can't afford to give her the surgery she needs to live? Yeah, it won't be a government panel, it will be a family panel SET UP by government.

    There is limited funds to be used by government for health care. Someone has to go. Sounds like death panels to me.

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • When will our government give the American people a chance for this document to see its day in court?

    This is not about winners or losers, it's about legality.

    If this is a valid document, shouldn't the law be followed.

    And I'm not big on letting Biden be president, but it is the law. We will have to live with it.

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you have a Secret Service agency to make sure no one does a background check on you?

    I wonder how much that costs?

    Is that legal for obama to do?

    What is so secretive that needs a government agency to protect and then question American citizens?

    Don't we have to allow that to get a job?

    Something stinks here?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is this proof that obamacare will not work?

    If this is just a glimpse of a COMPETITIVE government public OPTION, then what will be the competition be?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why do people think it is okay to disrespect cops and to cuss them out?

    Even if it is on your own property? I understand freedom of speech, but I think this is the difference between choosing respect over abuse.

    I am hearing that this is a defense to what happened with Prof. Gates and the police officer. A tirade from the mouth of a citizen is supposed to be tolerated by the police?

    What is so difficult with presenting an I.D. and then saying, "Well, all seems to be in order officer. Thanks for checking on me. Have a good night."

    So, as to my original question, should you be allowed to treat the police as you choose without a consequence?

    Does it show what kind of a human being that you are?

    Or, should we let men and woman do their jobs and give a lot of respect to those who are protecting us?

    16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is obama the one who is "stupid"?

    This can't be Harvard level education.

    How would an officer know the ID of a person who answers the door to a home when there is a known burglury in progress? Doesn't it make sense to ask the person who answers the door for ID?

    This is ridiculous!

    And who is jumping to conclusions? The home owner/burglar crying racism! obama by not knowing very much other than know how to say racism.

    I truly feel united by this fool and i can see where he is taking this country by saying that this is a "FACT" mind you, that this is all that white police do to black people. The history of it all. Please note the black police officer at the house when the home owner/burglar was being arrested.

    35 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else go to a Tea Party event this July 4th?

    I did and had an inspiring eventful time.

    There were 3 speakers that I most enjoyed.

    One was a lady that was from Honduras and spoke of how the U.S. will not fall victim to what was happening in Honduras and also hoped that the U.S. will not look the other way to unlawful government activity.

    Another was a local business owner who spoke at the April 15th Tea Party and gained 1,000 new customers since then but also received a few threats.

    The last was a Ohio Representative that was the first in Ohio to actually reduce a city municipal tax by bringing the local community together to stand up together in protest of high taxes despite the odds.

    Then there was the great firework show.

    Tell us about your event and how it affected you.

    If you are a liberal, please keep the positive vibes going and instead of bashing, tell us about your inspiring government event or speaker.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does the community organizer think that he knows more than Putin?

    Sounds arrogant to me.

    I wonder how Putin is taking all this. He doesn't look like the kind of guy that would necessarily take orders from anyone even if the order is to just be cooperative. Putin and Bush seemed to have had a relationship of personal respect for each others distance which Bush gained by earning it.

    Here comes obamalamadingdong and tells Putin, "hey old man, your holding up progress, get out of the way."

    I wonder how hard Putin must be laughing right now.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Didn't barney frank say that there is no crisis at Freddie Mac?

    Well, he's been saying that since 2005, but now they are getting another 6.1 billion bail out.

    Maybe if we'd only knew that barney franks idea of a crisis is spending the night with a woman when it should be spending way too much money.

    Where is the vetting? Oh wait, here comes al fraken.


    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do we need a new government consumer agency under the power of the Fed?

    Under Obama's plan, a council of federal regulators, including the Fed, would help monitor the market for risk. But the Fed would ultimately be held accountable for ensuring that companies don't make overly risky bets.

    Last week, several senators suggested tasking the council of regulators with the job instead and criticized the Fed for its role in the recent crisis.

    "The reality is they (the Fed) had the knowledge and authority to address the mortgage problem long before it became a crisis, and they didn't act," said Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J.

    Chris Dodd says the establishment is already all but guaranteed to happen.

    Barney Frank says this is anything but over-regulation.

    Did Americans create the problem or the Fed and why should we trust them again?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you believe obama when he says his medical plan will be "fully paid for"?

    When here is the result of his first plan... (don't be biased because of the source. It is a quote or statement from the administration).

    My point is, not "everyone" is getting this wrong. Almost half of America is telling voters to WAKE UP because we DID know unemployment was going up! We DO know things are getting worse!

    And now to add 41 million people to a medical system that is already burdened and not paid for will all of a sudden be a system that is the "best" or "better" system than we have and it will be "fully paid for". Seriously, does anyone believe this? Or will Biden be coming out again saying..."I guess we got it wrong again!". Do the math.

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago