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Why are my questions all being deleted as soon as I ask them?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years agoLeg tattoo question?
I have a fresh tattoo on my leg. I have to wear long pants for work. Should I put a bandage over it to keep the ointment from rubbing off?
1 AnswerTattoos6 years agoAre there any suicide text lines?! Give me the number?
1 AnswerPsychology6 years agoSuicide text lines! Somebody gave me a number and it doesn't work!?
They told me to text 741-741
But it doesn't work.
Somebody tell me how to make it work.
1 AnswerMental Health6 years agoIs it bad that I don't do hookups?
I'm just too shy and have to trust someone before I can sleep with them or have sex with them. Except I also feel like I'm missing out in meeting people.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoWho am I supposed to be if I can't be myself?
At nearly 30...Im realizing that I can't be myself because people don't like me. I know this because in the past two weeks, my last two friends have written me off.
Im beginning to think it isn't even worth it to attempt forging new friendships. Why should I? Once people get to know me...they don't like me. I push them away.
I can't help that I'm "clingy", "needy" and insecure.
4 AnswersFriends6 years agoIs it time to kill myself?
Basically: I slowly make everybody I know hate me. Im an incredibly clingy, insecure and "needy" friend who eventually pushes away anybody unlucky enough to know me. This has happened to all of my friendships. And not being able to maintain friends, I've obviously never even attempted to be in any kind of intimate relationship knowing I'd just rip that to shreds.
I've been telling myself for a long time now that all I need is the right trigger to push me into suicidal action. At the'll be the deaths of both my parents because at that point, there will be nobody to care whether I live or die. And plus, I just can't put them through having to grieve me.
3 AnswersFriends6 years agoIs this the sign of a good friend?
I have a friend in the military. We met in '09 and became inseparable until I moved away. Since 2011, I've only seen him once, when he came home for Christmas, we met up and spent 5 days together. Though the whole time since he joined, we text as often as possible, usually for 6-8hrs at a time.
Im a very insecure person and have a habit of letting my insecurities take those cases, I tend to lash out and say mean, depressive, sometimes hateful and always negative things. And despite all of this...he has never just thrown in the towel and given up on me. Just the other night, I asked him why and said "because I want to help you"
Also worth note is that I like this guy, dare I say, love this guy...and HE KNOWS it. He knows I have feelings for him. In fact thats how we became friends...because I hit on him. Though he denied me, I constantly wonder if in fact he likes me too...but is afraid of his feelings, and at the same time realizes just how much we connect. Its such an odd situation.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoDoes getting a tattoo hurt? How would you describe it?
6 AnswersTattoos6 years agoIs movie watching a lost art?
Im somebody who can watch a film and allow myself to become immersed in it. I can put down my phone and leave it alone for the the duration of a film...I dont need to check it for texts, emails and OF COURSE the cursed Facebook (which I hate and dont even have an account on.) For me...its fun to get lost in a film, get involved in the subtleties of scenes and experience what it might have to offer.
Yet trying to watch films with most of my friends is frustrating. Their devices are whats important to them. And due to them CONSTANTLY having to check turns into "what just happened?" every 15min. Whats even more irritating is that these people agree to watch with me in the first place, acting as if they're interested...when in fact they apparently aren't. So I ask myself: "Why even sit down to watch a film if you don't plan on watching it?"
If people would put Facebook away for 2hrs...they'd be able to enjoy movies.
4 AnswersEtiquette6 years agoIf the Southern Confederacy and Confederate flag DON'T represent racism and slavery...then what does it represent?
You DO realize that the whole reason states even seceded was because of anti slavery legislation right?
13 AnswersPolitics6 years agoDoes world travel make a person better than any other?
My best friend joined the military 3yrs ago. So far he's been to Texas for basic training, Mississippi for tech school, stationed in Germany, now in Korea and scheduled for Japan. In the past 3 years he has been more places, met more people and had more experiences than I have in my entire 28 years of life.
I fear that this will kill our friendship due to the fact that he's had a much more experienced life than me. I feel like he's probably gained culture that I simply don't have and is thus a more enlightened person. And I know that, in my life, I will never leave American soil much less the East Coast.
Is this an irrational fear? To feel inferior to those who travel?
3 AnswersMilitary6 years agoWhat does it mean when two married people can't have a conversation without it becoming a screaming match?
My parents have been married for 30 years and are now at a point where they can't really talk without it becoming a fight. My father is 10yrs older rhan her and has failIng health. I have a half sister by my father, who is 12 years older than me. And apparently there is still ALOT of unresolved drama from before my time. My mother's 2 sisters have a strong dislike of my sister, again from past events which I know little of. And I believe my aunts fuel my mother's contempt.
My father drinks heavily and spends all of his spare time playing online poker. My mother spends literally hours on Facebook and I believe is addicted to food. their own ways...they struggle with addiction.
Im exhausted from living around this. Its probably been this way my whole life...and now an adult...the effects of such a volatile environment are showing on me. I'm beginning to drink heavily myself. I have a very short temper. I feel that I'm virtually a ruined person. I can't afford to move out. I dont know what to do or worse...IF there is anything I even can do.
3 AnswersFamily6 years agoDo guys in their 30's wear briefs?
I'm briefs guy. I'm 28. I can't be the only guy my age who wears them.
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years agoWhat do the earwigs want?
Im trying to sit outside and enjoy my summer but there are nasty friggin earwigs! They crawl all over my table, my chair, me...UGH! Is there any way to get rid of them?
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden6 years agoHow can I stop being a miserable person?
6 AnswersMental Health6 years agoWhy does Yahoo keep changing answers...always making it more confusing?
I just want to be able to ask a question, select a category and hit submit. But as of today...I find my questions being automatically placed in categories not meant for my questions.
C'mon yahoo...subtract, don't add. If its not broke dont fix it.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years agoNew Yahoo Answers format? Am I missing something?
I want to ask questions for specific categories but can't seem to figure out how to select a specific category...I've tried now twice to ask a question for philosophy and its been automatically placed in singles and dating...can't wait to see where this question ends up.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years agoDoes happiness actually exist?
12 AnswersPsychology6 years agoIs happiness real? Does it actually even exist?
7 AnswersPsychology6 years ago