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Lv 42,824 points

Gonzo the Great

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  • Australians what can we do to help the Indian Cricket team?

    Most of us who love cricket want to see a good, well fought game. Sadly the Indian’s abysmal performance has prevented this. It’s getting to the stage it’s not even worth buying tickets.

    So ahead of yet another thumping lets be creative and come up with ideas to help them.

    Sending them home with a 0-4 whitewash like against England last year wouldn’t be good.

    A couple of quick ideas to get things going.

    - Let them get practice by playing against the Australia women’s team. Who knows they might surprise everyone by actually win!!!

    - Buy them individual copies of Cricket for Dummy’s?

    Your idea's please!

    7 AnswersCricket9 years ago
  • It's just not cricket!?

    Okay so we can all agree the Indian team is worse then useless. But is there any reason for this sort of behaviour?

    I remember when cricketers use to be gentlemen. I guess this guy doesn't understand that word?

    6 AnswersCricket9 years ago
  • Is everyone else sick of celebrity chefs?

    Went through the TV program today (slow day at work) and counted six programs all with their own celebrity chefs. Seems that just about anyone who can hold a knife is on TV telling us how to cook.

    And don't get me started on Gordan Ramsay - foul mouth twit!

    So are there too many chefs on TV and should we cull a few?

    4 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago