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Is everyone else sick of celebrity chefs?

Went through the TV program today (slow day at work) and counted six programs all with their own celebrity chefs. Seems that just about anyone who can hold a knife is on TV telling us how to cook.

And don't get me started on Gordan Ramsay - foul mouth twit!

So are there too many chefs on TV and should we cull a few?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Agreed too many amateur "cooks" who want to pretend they are chef's.

    Bring back Floyd and least he knew how to entertain. Always seemed to be half drunk by the time the show ended. And lets not forget the time he almost set fire to his hotel room in Tassie.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    sure I agree, Ramsey's software are the nearest ingredient to genuine kitchen existence there is. i imagine those oter courses are accessible because someplace alongthe way, (no offense please) our mom were to busy to reveal us ( the final public) cooking skills. i like Kitchen Nighmares, that to me is exhibiting what its about.. filthy refrigerators, lazy chefs, and packets upon packets of packaged and frozen crap to serve the diners. As for the recipes of those Foodnetwork stars. positive they offer the impact of being captivating , yet very few have any style in any respect and those who do are typically some mixture of flavors which at the on the spot are not satisfying to the pallet.

  • JJ
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I kind of like George Foreman. He can really work a grill.

  • 10 years ago

    I am! Im sick of celebrty everything!

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