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Lv 1149 points

Haywood J

Favorite Answers4%
  • New to modded wii and need help?

    I can't for the life of me figure out how to have unlimited access to ALL of the power ups on mario kart?

    Can someone tell me? Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii10 years ago
  • Boston terrier bed wetting problems...?

    About 4 months ago, I found a boston terrier roaming the streets for hours at a family member's house. I felt sorry for him and brought him home, at first I was amazed at how obedient he was. The main problem was he kept picking fights with my other dog, which I was later told was a dominance thing. Well, the fighting has stopped now but so have his manners. He randomly started peeing in the house every time we leave, even if we just step outside for a few minutes and he has already been let out himself. I've tried scolding, I've tried spraying with water, I'm tried tying him up outside after pointing at it and saying "NO!"... I've tried spraying the area with vinegar and those nasty pine smelling pet odor sprays... nothing works!! About a week ago he started going in my bed. It's never when I'm not home, as he goes in the floor now, it's when I'm in the bed asleep. I wake up every day to soaking wet sheets, and once to a soaking wet floor right in front of the bed. I tried banning him from the bedroom, and all that did was give me a soaking wet couch. I have no clue what to do, I have already fallen in love with him, so finding him a new home is out of the question and I refuse to have him outside for any longer than a few hours, way too hot in my opinion. OH, I tried to crate him too, well actually playpen him, but what am I supposed to do, put him in a crate even if I'm just stepping outside to check my mail? I'd never remember to do that, especially since we smoke outside. PLEASE HELP!!!

    1 AnswerDogs10 years ago
  • janome dc2007le sewing machine help?

    I recently inherited this machine from my mother-in-law. I am new to using a sewing machine, so I have no clue what to do, or what could be causing this. Every time I try to use it, the thread from the needle gets pulled under the feed dogs and tangled around the lower bottom. It's very hard to get the knot it causes out. I've adjusted the tension to what it says in the manual to use and changed the needle. I've even taken it apart and vacuumed the dust out. It seems like doing all of that only made it worse. I'm really frustrated, please help me. I have absolutely no clue what else I can do to fix it.

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts10 years ago
  • Panama City Beach, Fl?

    We're planning a trip for mid April. Will it be warm enough to swim in the ocean?

    3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • ankle fracture 2 yrs later?

    I fractured my ankle 2 years ago in a bad car accident. I had surgery and they put one screw the hold the bone together. I still have constant paint in my foot/ankle when I bend my foot (like you do when walking). It hurts so much that going even standing long enough to cook is a feat. I told my doctor about this pain, on top of my foot, where the leg and ankle meet, and he said it was normal to feel pain for even a year later. I still have an awful limp, and being so off balance is causing horrible back pain when I walk, and I trip and fall all the time. The fracture was on the inside of my right ankle, but my foot hurts on the left side of my right foot (where leg meets). Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? I'm so sick of being in constant pain and a doctor telling me it's completely normal. I can't believe it is.

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions on what my dream could mean?

    My mother-in-law died 2 months ago. She and I weren't what I'd call friends, but we were pretty close. Ever since she died, I've had random dreams about her. One night a few weeks ago I had this terrible nightmare that I was sinking in her grave and she was standing over it watching me with the saddest expression on her face. She was speaking, and I could hear her but I couldn't comprehend what it was she was trying to tell me. Then last night I dreamed that I walked by my bedroom and peeked in and she was standing at the foot of my bed, facing away from the bed and she was on a stand like a porcelain doll. She wasn't blinking or breathing and her lips never moved but I kept hearing her voice speaking to me. I couldn't understand what she was saying for quite a while but finally I understood she was saying "dead". I then started crying in my dream and asked her several times "what about dead?" She was answering me, but yet again, I couldn't comprehend what she was saying for a while. I finally understood, as I was looking at her immobile face and watched as a tear rolled down her face, I heard her voice, loud and clear as if she was standing beside me in my real life. She said "I'm not dead." I woke up at that point, terrified. This has been bothering me for a while and I've done a lot of research but haven't been able to come up with anything. Does anyone have any idea what these dreams could signify? Thank you ahead.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Need help with refrigerator?

    A few days ago, our refrigerator started getting warm and I have no idea why.

    It still kicks on and off, I was told I needed to have freon put in it, but I also read that there should be no reason for my refrigerator to get low on freon. It is an older fridge, 6 or 7 years old.

    I can't feel air blowing in the freezer anymore either.

    Please help me.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Missed period, dying for early answers!?

    I missed my period last month, took two hpt, first one was a faint positive, second one was negative. Waited a couple days and took another, another negative. Haven't taken one since then, and now my period is 2 days from being late again. I had some dark brown spotting and back cramps, which is odd because my period cramps are always lower abdomen. I also feel like my stomach is empty even after I've eaten. Headaches, fatigue and severe motion sickness, which I've never suffered from before. Could I be pregnant? Could my weight have something to do with the hpt's not picking up my hcg levels? I'm going to give it another 2 weeks then see a doctor, but curiosity is hard to deal with! I've tried looking my questions up on the internet but haven't had much luck, since no one is in the exact same position as I am. Any answers are appreciated! :)

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago