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  • FAFSA Independent Status for Second Bachelors Degree?

    Anything I find is for taking out loans for a second degree. I just want to know if getting a second bachelors degree qualifies me to file for Independent status. There is a need based scholarship I want to apply for since my parents are unable to help me pay for this degree (didn't for my first degree either), and my income alone would qualify me. But as it currently stands, my parents EFC is too high for me to qualify, but they do not make enough to help with my education.

    FAFSA states that independent status is gained with a graduate or professional education. I will technically be a graduate going back for a second bachelors. I just really need a way to qualify for this nursing scholarship. I cannot take out more private loans for school, I can hardly afford mine now as it is.

    So does a second bachelors degree qualify me to file as independent or will I have to find another way to do so?

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid3 years ago
  • Why have I stopped losing weight and why am I so tired?

    I started losing weight the first of May last month, and I lost 10 pounds that I had gained in the past few months or so. I was really excited. But around 10 days ago I started to feel very fatigued and since the initial weight loss I have not lost any weight. I m still watching what I m eating and trying to fit some exercise in here and there but the scale is not moving and I keep feeling more and more fatigued. Anyone else have this happen to them?

    Also I m 19, female, currently 246 pounds and I m eating 1600 calories a day with about an hour long strength and cardio workout 5 days a week.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • My mom found my blade??

    Please don't tell me I'm being stupid or doing it for attention, I'm too old for that ****. But I accidentally left my blade in the bathroom last night and this morning it was sitting on the sink. My mom left for work and didn't say anything to me but she looked mad. I know she's going to bring it up when she gets home and I don't know what to do. She's not understanding at all so I can't just come out and tell her. I could lie and say I accidentally brought it home from work but I know she probably won't believe me. What should I do?? Do I leave it in the bathroom and try to lie? Do I throw it away?

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Why am I not losing weight?

    I'm 5'3, 245 pounds. I starting working out 4 weeks ago at 250 pounds, and I also started eating healthier. Whole foods, 1500 calories a day. I work out for at least 45 minutes a day. Cardio and weights. I lost 5 pounds in the first week, but after that I haven't lost anything. It's really discouraging and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. My clothes fit even tighter now too. I don't see the point in killing myself at the gym and eating really healthy if I'm not even losing weight. I just want to give up. Why am I not losing weight??

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Why am I not losing weight anymore?

    I m 5 3 245 pounds. I started working out and eating healthy when school started 4 weeks ago, and I lost 5 pounds in the first week! I was so excited to have lost that much, even though I knew it would probably slow down a bit. But I didn t expect it to stop all together. Now I ve been at 245 ever since that first week.

    I weigh a lot so it s not like I shouldn t be losing weight, and I workout for at least 45 minutes a day, eating about 1500 calories of healthy whole foods. I don t know what I m doing wrong, but I m starting to get really discouraged. What s the point of working out a lot and being healthy if I m not losing any weight? I m not losing inches either. If anything my clothes are even TIGHTER than they were before. I don t know why I can t lose the weight.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Eating better and working out but no weight loss?

    on June 1st I decided to change my life and start losing weight. I started eating less calories, and started eating more healthy foods. I also started going to the gym everyday. But I haven't lost any weight. I'm so large that any kind of activity should have made me drop weight decently fast, but instead I haven't lost anything. I am now incredibly discouraged. How am I supposed to be motivated when I see no progress when I should have seen a bunch. And why haven't I lost weight?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • How to convince my mom to let me have a side shave?

    I mean, Im 18 so I could do it if I really wanted to but I know my mom would be really upset if I did. She thinks they look trashy and that I wouldnt be able to get a job if I had one.

    I just cant stop thinking about it and I really want to do it and I feel like now would be the best time while I can still be a dumb teenager. What should I say so she is not so adverse to the idea?

    3 AnswersHair6 years ago
  • Logo tongue ring?

    I want to design my own tongue ring logo since im seeing my favorite band in a few months but I dont know how to either make my own or find someone who makes them. Any tips appreciated

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • Should I tell my best friend I'm suicidal?

    I just really want to tell someone and get it off my chest, and I trust my best friend more than anyone.

    Im in college now. I'm failing at everything. I cant make friends, I'm failing two classes, I had a job but quit because I couldn't handle it. I dont know what to do anymore. My future is kinda hopeless and I need to talk to someone about it. But she has her own things she's going through right now and I don't want to bother her or pile more worry on her shoulders. I also don't want her to freak out. I'm not about to act on them, but my suicidal thoughts are getting worse and I need someone supportive to talk to and I know she would understand.

    Also, if I just tell her, what do I do if she freaks out? I wouldn't be able to stand not talking to her, and I want to be able to trust her with this. Sorry its so long

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I don't have the energy to deal with my own problems?

    This is honestly going to sound so lame but most of my friends are pretty messed up. Just in a mental way, like dealing with depression and such.. and I have always been the friend they could go to to vent and get advice, but I feel like none of them care that I have problems of my own. I've been struggling with depression and anxiety since about 7th grade and I'm in college now. I feel like I put all of my own problems on hold to be there for them. I mean, who do you go to when the friend you always go to is having a mental breakdown? You would have no one, so I'm there for them always. I've been too busy shouldering everyone elses problems for years, and now I can feel mine slowly crumbling around me, and it won't be long before I break.

    I've just always been that fun friend that can make a joke out of anything, and its my job to make everyone smile, and I guess that friend isn't supposed to talk about her problems. If I try to bring them up i feel like everyone just brushes it off because I joke about everything else. I don't like talking about it because I shoulder their problems. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?

    Sorry this is so long but I don't know what to do. I can feel my problems starting to suffocate me and I have no one to turn to and I don't know what to do.

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Should I tell my best friend about suicidal thoughts?

    Please, I do not want a lecture, I just need advice. And please nothing about religion.

    I've been having suicidal thoughts but I will not act on them. They are just taking a huge toll on me emotionally and it would be nice to be able to share how I feel with my best friend, especially since we are going to be roommates in two weeks. Im just not sure I should worry her with my problems. I mean, i'm not going to act on my feelings so is it even worth her worrying? And she's going to be really busy so I wouldn't want her to freak out about me when she should focus on something else.

    So should I tell her? Or not worry her with my problems.

    And what if I tell her and she freaks out?

    11 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Im afraid of having a roommate?

    I'm actually not scared for the stranger reason.. I'm rooming with my best friend because we both thought it would make us more comfortable. But I've been having problems recently that she doesn't know about. I am so afraid of what she will think if i have a breakdown in front of her. I want to tell her that my depression is getting worse but I don;t want her to worry or freak out. I'm afraid she wont be my best friend anymore after she realizes how many problems I have. What should I do?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Why should I keep living?

    I'm 18 years old and I don't see the point anymore. I'm going to college as an exploratory student. That means I have no idea what I want to do. So I am going to have to pick a major I don't even like probably. My parents are making me get a job too.

    I have severe social anxiety and I have been depressed for years. I just don't see why I should keep living. I'm going to have a shitty life, with a shitty job, and so much debt that I have to live with my parents until I'm 30. Nothing interests me anymore. Not even living. Why should it when life will just be miserable?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • I want to tell my friend I'm suicidal...?

    I just really want to tell someone and get it off my chest, and I trust my best friend more than anyone. But she has her own things she's going through right now and I don't want to bother her or pile more worry on her shoulders. I also don't want her to freak out. I'm not about to act on them, but my suicidal thoughts are getting worse and I need someone supportive to talk to and I know she would understand.

    Also, if I just tell her, what do I do if she freaks out? I wouldn't be able to stand not talking to her, and I want to be able to trust her with this. Sorry its so long

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • asking someone a huge favor?

    OK this probably won't be what most people expect it to be but I just need some advice without judgement please? I've been struggling with depression for years now and I've thought of suicide after my high school graduation since 8th grade. I graduate on Saturday and I really need one of my friends to watch me that night, I just don't know how to ask. I don't feel comfortable coming out and telling her why, and I don't know how to ask without telling her. What should I do? And please don't say talk to an adult or anyone else. They never care or help

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • how to not eat w/o my parents noticing?

    My parents have always made me eat my entire dinner and i need a way around it. Im trying to lose weight and I want to start skipping dinner. Before anyone tells me that's its bad for my health I just want people to know that some picky eaters (myself included) would rather starve than eat vegetables or fruit. They taste gross and i need to lose weight somehow. So how can I not eat without my parents noticing/ getting worried?

    9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • What show/movie is this from?

    it came out a few years ago an it was on tv it was about a group of guys

    then went into the mountains and only one man came back but he was sick and had really bad frostbite and there was a man in a wheelchair and he became a cannibal

    and kills almost everyone... please tell me this sounds familiar to someone!

    1 AnswerOther - Television8 years ago
  • Would my mom never talk to me again if?

    I hate living at home. Im 17 and I need to leave. So after this year I'm planning on running away/ moving out without telling my mom where I'm going. Then I didn't plan on talking to her again until I feel like we have spent enough time apart so about 3 years? So I can live my own life without her hovering in it. Would she hate me and refuse to talk to me? Is it a really bad idea? I don't know what to do anymore. When I was 8 I got mad and told her I hated her out of spite but now I really mean it even though I don't want to. Is this just teenage rebellion?

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • My family is making me feel unloved?

    I'm the youngest of 2 girls in my family but I am 17. my sister is 19 and in college. I've never felt really loved by my parents but lately it's gotten worse. I'm a bit forgetful at times but with seeing my sisters new freedom I don't think I should have to check in with my parent all the time. Then try get very mad and ground me or say stay home because I want to spend time with you but they never do, and when I do spend time with them they just criticize me. They have been giving her so much attention and it's killing me. I'm starting to hate all of them and I just want to be with my friends but I can't when my parents ground me! what should I do???

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • My family is making me feel unloved?

    I'm the youngest of 2 girls in my family but I am 17. my sister is 19 and in college. I've never felt really loved by my parents but lately it's gotten worse. I'm a bit forgetful at times but with seeing my sisters new freedom I don't think I should have to check in with my parent all the time. Then try get very mad and ground me or say stay home because I want to spend time with you but they never do, and when I do spend time with them they just criticize me. They have been giving her so much attention and it's killing me. I'm starting to hate all of them and I just want to be with my friends but I can't when my parents ground me! what should I do???

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago