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Lv 42,948 points

Black Hat

Favorite Answers29%
  • How do I restore Global Warming?

    Lately I have noticed that my house's global warmer is no longer able to keep the building at a comfortable 72°F throughout, and I've been considering replacing it. It's a 2001 model, but the labeling and safety valves have melted, so I don't know what brand it is. As far as warming goes, will a new warmer actually be able to globally warm my house, or could this be a problem with my air ducts? I don't want to spend too much money, so please suggest the cheapest option. I would also like some suggestions for stores that sell secondhand duct tape.

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersGlobal Warming8 years ago
  • How do I receive special education in women's studies?

    I already took a women's studies course once, but now I want to be specially educated in the subject. Where should I look?

    1 AnswerSpecial Education9 years ago
  • How could someone invent an element?

    I'm trying to conceive of how this is possible. It's like. There are 118 possible elements, and there's no no space between them on the table, but scientists keep coming up with them. Just stop it already, am I right?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • What could this mean?

    Last night I had this dream that I was in an alley with a group of people. Apparently, we were all criminals looking to infiltrate this rival clan. Anyway, I was a disguise expert who wasn't very good at disguising. I turned into a tall, fat guy and intimidated the bouncers at the door of a club, and went inside. I became friends with the owner of the club and also his giant horse-dog.

    I started having trouble maintaining my disguise, so I started climbing the levels of the building, but they all looked the same, and the place was built like a maze. When I finally got out through the top, I was on a pirate ship. I looked down, and realized that I was no longer a threatening fat guy, and also my pants were missing.

    I grabbed a towel out of nowhere, and found that my toothbrush was wrapped up in it. It was storming heavily on the sea, so visibility was poor. I wrapped the towel around my neck, and the rest of my clothes disappeared. I jumped overboard and swam to shore. There was a robot on the shore, but that wasn't important.

    The bristles of my toothbrush started vibrating, so I gripped it with both hands and it took off. I worried that maybe it would run out of fuel, but it only fell when I loosened my grip. I came to a parking lot and found my car, but I didn't feel like driving, so I took off again. My towel blew back and covered my genitals, so I felt a little more confident flying naked over the town. I saw my friend smoking with some other guys in the next lot over.

    He spotted me. I didn't want to have to explain the nudity, so I took off. I faked out a few of the guys, but they kept on my tail. The toothbrush's pull started to weaken, and it snapped in half. It continued to suspend me, though.

    I flew a full circle to return to the parking lot, only to find that my car had disappeared and been replaced by some wads of cotton candy. I descended into the lot to eat some of the candy, even though it was on the muddy ground.

    I had just gotten the first bite into my mouth when the guys spotted me again. In a panic, I grabbed the two halves of my toothbrush and took off. My pursuers reached me only a moment late, failing to grab my feet.

    Then I woke up.

    I am not kidding. This is a real dream that I had last night, and I didn't even fill in all the weirdness that happened in that club. I hope we've all learned something from this today. +10 to whoever makes the strongest attempt at interpretation.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago