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  • Suggestions on baby girl names...?

    Found out today that it's official--we're pregnant!! We've been talking about baby names for a while, but we're not quite settled on a girls name. We know we're going to use Noreen for a middle name (it's his Grandma's name) but he likes Abigail Noreen and I think Lily Noreen sounds nicer. Any opinions, or other suggestions to go with Noreen. Our last name has 2 syllables, if that helps.


    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Decorating suggestions?

    My hubby is being deployed for a year, so to save money I'm going to be moving back in with my parents. The room they have for me was originally a small office, and it's in the basement with no windows. I like a lot of strong color, but I'm afraid to paint this small, windowless room anything strong b/c I'm afraid it will look like a cave. The rug in there is a muted blue-green color.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks and Happy New Year!!

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Maybe Baby...................?

    Hubby and I have been TTC for 10 months. I haven't seen AF since Halloween (start--ended 11/3 or 4) and now I have some, lets call it pressure, low in the nether regions and I am super tired all the time. The tiredness and lack of period are really all I have for obvious symptoms. Took a test last Wednesday and got a BFN, but I guess I'm looking for opinions as to whether it's worth taking another test soon, or should I wait longer, or do I just sound delusional w/no chance of preggers at all??

    Thanks for all advice!


    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Answer some Random Nonsense...?

    Bored at work, only have 1/2 an hour left, need to kill some time. So tell me....?

    What's your favorite color?

    Are you married/dating anyone?

    Is your partner taller/shorter than you?

    What did you eat last?

    How many people in your family?

    Least favorite food?

    Thing you're most afraid of?

    Thanks for indulging me!

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Funny Fantasy Football team name!?

    I need a humerous name for my fantasy football team. I'm playing in a league run by a group of Navy guys--I think I'm the only civilian, as well as being the only girl. HELP!?

    7 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Tattoo on shoulder blade?

    So I've finally found the tattoo that I want, and I'm waiting to make sure that I'm completely positive about it, but I want to out it on my shoulder blade, left side. My hubby says that the shoulder blade is where guys put tattoos, and my putting one there would make me seem manly.

    It's a very feminine tattoo. He wants me to do my lower back, but the shape of the tattoo I want doesn't really work there.

    So do you think the shoulder blade tattoo is too "masculine"?

    "Mine" is the 3rd one down on the left, page 5.

    Tattoos1 decade ago
  • Encourage cat to use scratching post (and not my couch?!)

    My husband and I adopted an 11 wk old kitten on Monday, and last night she finally felt comfortable enough to really explore the house. Well, exploring turned into climbing the couch! So I brought her scratching post downstairs for her to scratch on, but she's not interested in it. Any suggestions on how to turn her claws to the post instead of the furniture?

    *first time cat owner, can you tell?*

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Cat needs for over night?

    My husband and I are kind of renting a cat (kitten really) for an overnight, and if the kitten and our 2 yr old dog get along alright, then we want to adopt the kitten. What do we definitely need for just overnight for the kitten?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Dog peeing in the house?

    Ok, my beagle bassett mix has been completely house trained for over a year now (she's almost 2) and she hasn't had an accident in our new house since we moved in back in February, and even that had mitigating circumstances. So we've stopped shutting her in the kitchen b/c she hasn't been having any accidents in the house.

    Suddenly, over the past 2 days, she's peed on the living room rug twice! I'm looking for suggestions of why she's started having accidents, and suggestions of how to retrain her to stop again?!

    Thanks in advance!!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Stupid Question...?

    I keep seeing people describing names as "chavvy," and I don't get it--what does chavvy mean??

    (I realize this isn't exactly a baby names question, but this is the category where I keep seeing that word)

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Is this common?

    So here's the backstory--hubby and I decided that we would start the TTC process, so after my period ended (May 10) I didn't go back on the pill. I figured that I would still get my period as usual, maybe a little early, but I haven't gotten it at all, and it's about 2 wks late now. My question is: Is it normal for your period to skip the month you stop taking the pill? BTW, I have taken 2 Pregnancy tests, and they were both negative.

    Thanks in advance for any help!!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Vote on my baby girl names? Please?

    Okay, so my hubby and I are TTC, but I have a funny feeling that we're going to have a girl first, and we already have a boy's name settled on. Please go to this link

    And vote?


    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy test prep?

    I know that you're supposed to take a pregnancy test in the morning when the hormone would be most concentrated, however, I was wondering if there is anything I could do (specific drink, etc) that would produce similar results? (because I forgot this morning and my husband is too anxious to wait for tomorrow morning.)

    Thanks to all for your help!!

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • 2 Middle Names--Too Pretentious?

    My husband and I are having a baby, and of course, dealing with the naming situation. My parent's don't feel the need to have grandbabies named for them, but I would like to honor them. His mother would throw an absolute fit if we don't name children after at least people in her family, if not after her. So I'm thinking that the best way to do this is with 2 middle names--I will not use my MIL name as a first name when it can be hidden in a middle name. We agree on the first names of Abigail and Ethan, so I was considering Abigail Patrice Noreen (both of our mother's middle names as middle names) And Ethan Richard Gary (My husband and father's first names as middle names) Are the multiple names too much??

    Thanks in advance!!

    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Which sounds nicer?

    Definitely going with Abigail...caught between Abigail Noreen (his mom's middle name) and Abigail Patrice (my mom's middle name) Which sounds better to y'all??

    24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Who Sings this song??

    the chorus goes "go on and fall apart, fall into these arms of mine, and I'll catch you...Everytime you fall, go on and lose it all, Every doubt, every fear, every worry, every tear, I'm right here..." Please help!!


    7 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Do Not Call list?

    How do I put my new home phone number on it? Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerLand Phones1 decade ago
  • 2 middle names trying too hard??

    My husband and I have been discussing baby names. If we have a boy, we want to use my husband's first name as the baby's first name, and my father's first name as a middle name. If we have a girl, I wanted to use a previously unused first name and my mother's middle name, but he said that his mother would be offended if no names from her family were used. I don't like any of the girl names from her family, and I'm not very fond of her either, which is partially why I don't want to name a baby for her. So we have compromised on using her middle name as a second middle name. Are we trying too hard to please??

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • weight loss??

    I know this sounds kinda ridiculous, but I need to lose 5-10 lbs by August 31. Any good tips, methods, etc? Thanks in advance for all of your help!

    26 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago