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I am a Pagan Priest who follows the Sumerian Grey Path. I am also a Witch, but not Wiccan, and a practicing licensed Interfaith Minister. I am co-founder and head Priest of a Spiritual Learning Circle in Ohio, and I co-sponsor and participate in planning and running the yearly Pagan Pride festival for my community. I believe that all religions have a kernel of truth to them, but none is completely right. I have been practicing my faith and my craft fo almost thirty years, and share my knowledge freely with anyone. I have a wide variety of interests and skills which help me to understand just as wide a variety of situations. I have an eclectic taste in reading and a wide base of knowledge. I also work for a living as I don't believe in letting my community pay my way as some ministers do. I keep irregular office hours, but when I am away from my paying job, I am working for my community or online working for the betterment of the world at large through education and understanding

  • Would you say that I am a sociopath?

    I really don't like people, usually only the ones I have associations with on a personal basis in a small group or community are the only ones I like. I do love, but not like most people define the term. I love a person by taking care of them. I am married and yes this is my third marriage, but of the three, I was cheated on in two and left by my spouse instead of the other way around. I am greatly intelligent having tested when young as having an IQ two points higher than Einstein, and have some of the restlessness and arrogance from that intelligence. I have had many jobs because of the need for challenges in my life, and because those jobs tended to get boring once the skill set needed was mastered. I am socially inept to the point that most people believe I don't have a conscience, instead I use honor, reason, and logic to guide me sometimes wrong but most times right in most situations. I tend to tell the truth seeing as how the truth can be a more potent weapon than any lie ever could be, and often get into trouble for speaking the truth when it is uncomfortable for another to hear. When confronted with opinion, I opt to believe fact, reason, and logic rather than the opinion stated. I research the opinion given, and often am amazed at how little trouble I have either proving or disproving another's statements. Something which I contend others should do when dealing with me.

    The reason I am posting this is personal. I stand accused of being both a pathological liar, and a sociopath. I am a Priest in my community and my reputation is being ruined by the opinions of others who refuse to research supporting facts I provide for my background in many areas of my life.

    I have many stresses including medical, work, financial, and family which are causing depression and anger management problems to the point I am lashing out at those causing the stress with angry words. I have been told by a therapist that I am indeed telling the truth on the issues I have stated above, and that in order to deal with the stress and depression I must find some resolution at least with those parts of my stress I can such as the family and friends who refuse to acknowledge any guilt in any part of my depression and subsequent anger issues. So I ask: Am I a sociopath?

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • When someone comes to YA for real answers and help, why do so many here treat them like fools?

    Many times I have tried to genuinely help others here, only to see the mass of sarcastic, lame, and sometimes hysterical(not in a good way) reactions to honest questions. This forum was intended to help others around the world with real information and wisdom. Perhaps some should think about the possibility of the questioner being serious about his query, and not jump immediately to the conclusion that he/she is a troll, or just having fun.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Followers of All Religions Who Can Actually Know The Truth?

    The only way to truly know what is right as far as religion goes is to die and see for yourself. Going on faith is ok, but don't we need to accord others their right to their faith in case we are wrong? It would seem like the best idea. Instead of condemning others for being false, why don't we just allow that we don't know, and wait to see for ourselves.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does the christian belief system violate the international declaration of human rights?

    recently heard the full description of these, and from what I heard, most major religions try to violate at least part if not all of these. Especially the ones about beliefs and tolerance of others faiths.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, no offense intended, need a reasonable answer?

    If as some modern Ministers and Priests claim, the Bible of the Christian religion is known to have mistakes and contradictory passages, but to get to the truth you need companion books that were written not by the supposed Saints or Apostles, but by authors many centuries later, how can this be considered a true representation of your god's words.

    Consider that your faith is not being challenged here, only the veracity of the books that you cite.

    Please do not answer with verses or quotes from either source. Think and give me your answer without resorting to reference to either source.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Isn't it interesting that when a Christian asks a question for non christians?

    to answer, the only answer they accept is the one given by another christian?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the true definition of a cult is?

    If the true definition of a cult is the following of one man or the teachings of one man, and the Pagan religions follow the teachings of many, who then fits the title of cult and why?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If your only source is what is written in the Bible?

    if your only source is the bible, and you don't want to believe history and historical records, how can you reasonably refute that the books of the bible were written many years after the death of the last so-called Apostle and how can it be the inspired word of god when the bible has been changed over a thousand times since it was written originally by many who had personal or political reasons to change verse and text to follow their own beliefs and further their own agendas.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What would you like to ask?Why do so many Christians believe in the Bible?

    Considering that the books of the bible were written hundreds of years after the death of the Apostles and were written by men who had never met these Apostles, why is such credence given to a book that has been mistranslated and purposefully miscopied for centuries?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago