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Favorite Answers38%
  • Advice on starting a FREE website?

    One of my friends would like to start a website for their business. It's only a small business so there is no point in paying for it so we are really looking for something free!

    I've had a quick look on google and a lot of the "free" website won't give you your own domain i.e "" they will give you ""

    Is there any way to get your own domain?

    Any help appreciated.


    3 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Building a house? How much will A basement cost?


    I'm looking at building a house on a plot of land in the UK. It's in a field if that helps.

    Now I'd like to have a basement and was wondering roughly if anyone was able to give me an approximate cost on how much extra it would cost to build a basement. I know it's difficult to say without seeing the site etc but just a rough estimate would be great.

    Not sure of the size yet, maybe 800 ft² roughly.


    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • 21 to drink in the US? Stupid or what?

    I'm from the UK where the drinking age is 18 and I've always wondered what American's opinion of the 21 age to is? Do most people think it's ridiculous and should be changed? Or do most agree with it?

    I just don't understand the logic behind it. You are legally allowed to get married and have kids at 18 so therefore the Government has deemed you to be mature enough to be responsible for another human life, yet somehow you can't handle a beer?


    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Severe Pain in one of my testicles? please help!!!!!!!!!!?

    I had been experiencing some pain went I went for a pee for a day or two so I went to the doctor 2 days ago. I explained all my symptoms to him and he said i had Urinary tract infection. Now I've been taking my antibiotics for 2 days but the pain in one of my testicles hasn't gone away. It's got a bit better but it's still very sore. It also looks a bit swollen. Is this normal or have I got something to worry about? I really don't want to have to get a physical examination unless I have to.

    Any help appreciated.

    1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade ago
  • What to write in online dating email? Please help!?

    What to write in online dating email? Please help!

    I'm trying to write an email to someone who I like the look of on a dating website. Any ideas what to say? I haven't a clue?


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Who cares if Obama smokes?

    I'm from the UK and I saw on the news that apparently Obama used to/still smokes and I didn't believe it, so I did a little research and came a cross this which I just though was completely ridiculous:

    Surely people don't care whether their leader has the occasional cigarette as long as their country is being run well?

    Thoughts please!

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • 21 to drink In America? Stupid or what?

    I'm just back from the US for the second time this year and I was just wondering what most people think about having to be 21 to drink?

    In most of the world including the UK where I'm from it's 18. Now I'm just wondering why it's such a high age to have a drink.

    If I recall in the US you can be married and having kids at 18, yet you can't have a drink? Surely that's insane that you can bring a child into this world and be responsible for it's survival yet you aren't seen to be responsible enough to have a glass of wine?

    Anyway, what is most American's feelings on this? Is it too high? Too low? Has there ever been talk of whether to lower the age or not?


    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What age can I smoke in Toronto?

    I'm from the UK and I arrived yesterday for the film festivle, really nice city (although I've been before) went out for a meal with collegues orded a glass of wine and was very rudely asked for ID. Handed it over only to be told that you ahve to be 19 to drink here????? Rather that 18 in most other parts of the world.

    Anyway, what age are you allowed to buy cigarettes here?


    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Would I like to Live In San Francisco? Locals help much appreciated?

    I was discussing with my friend the other day what we planned to do in the next 5 years or so and we both quite like the idea of Moving to San Francisco (we live in the UK now).

    We would be looking at moving in about 5 years time so we would be 23/23 and would either buy a house or an apartment. Anyway I was just wondering what it's like to live in? I've never been so only really seen it in movies etc, but would this be quite a nice place for us to move?

    Also are there a lot of Brits there ?

    Is San Francisco quite safe?

    What are the people like there? I know that's quite a difficult question because you'll get friendly and horrible people everywhere, but for example New York has a reputation for being very unfriendly does San Francisco?

    Thanks so much for any help.

    8 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade ago
  • Why do guys wear boxers under their swim shorts?

    I was just wondering because it looks weird?


    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What should i do? Please some advice?

    Dentists or people in the know please help?

    Basically i don't like my teeth at all. I've had them laser whitened (use the bleaching trays often too) but i still hate them. I would ideally like veneers but my dentist says due to my overbite veneers would look ridiculous. So she said i need to get my teeth braced and my overbite sorted out before i can have veneers.

    I would ideally like my teeth like Simon Cowell white, now could i have composite bonding done all over my teeth (like covering the front of each tooth with composite bonding) or is veneers the only way i can get the perfect teeth.

    Also is it worth considering lumineers?


    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • PLEASE HELP! When am i safe to drive?

    I was out last night at a wedding and i was drinking so i am wondering when i am safe to drive. I had a total of approximately

    3 vodkas

    1 glass wine

    1 vodka and orange

    3 vodka and red bulls.

    I had drank 4 pints of water this morning, had breakfast and a cup of tea. I feel ok, slight sore stomach but i feel completely sober.

    Does anyone know when i will be safe to drink. It's been about 14 hours since i last drank.


    8 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Please help! What 80s film is this? It has the song mashed potato?

    I watched a film a few years ago on tv and i can't for the life of me remember what it's called.

    It was set on a mountain with people skiing. I remember that at the end they are all in ;like the main cabin or something and the song at the end is mashed potato.

    Can anyone remember what it is?


    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Are veneers cheaper in the UK than the US? Any input from dentists would be appreciated. ?

    I've been seriously thinking about getting veneers for a while now and i'm going to book a consultation with my dentist to see what they think soon.

    Anyway I've been looking about at the dentists who do veneers in my area and they are approximately ��350. However, in America they seem to be about $1000 each, which is about £500. Is there any reason for this.

    I know you normally get what you pay for with veneers, but they all seem to be quite cheap? Also anyone who has had them done feel free to share your experience


    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • Can i have my bottom teeth veneered? ALL HELP APPRECIATED?

    I've been thinking of getting veneers for a while now. I've never really liked my teeth, it's not they're really bad it's just they aren't "perfect". I know i would be looking at about $1k per tooth.

    I would like to get 8 on the top, but i was wondering if i could have them done on the bottom as well. I've noticed a lot of people haven't had the bottom ones down.

    Also if anyone could give me some +s and -s of getting veneers it would be appreciated.


    6 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • PLEASE HELP DENTISTS!Can i never eat anything hard again?

    Basically i would like to get 8 veneers on my front teeth and 6 on my bottom teeth. I've been reading up on them for a few months now and anyway i came across something that said they break so easily that you cannot eat anything hard, suhc as apples, ever again. Is that actually true?


    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • John barrowman, does anyone know where to get an audio book version of his autobiography?

    I was just wondering if anyone knew where to get a downloadable version of his audiobook.


    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Help with veneers? Dentists or people with veneers help appreciated?

    I recently had my teeth laser whitened and was quite pleased with the result, but they've got darker (despite using whitening toothpastes, drinking much less tea and nearly stopping smoking). Anyway i think the only way to get really white teeth, you know the "Hollywood smile" would be to have veneers. (picture at the bottom)

    I was just wondering what sort of veneers i would need to get, is it porcelain?

    How much do they cost?

    How long do they last?

    Is it painful getting them done (my teeth are quite sensitive anyway) ?

    Thanks for the help.

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Christmas films, any suggestions?

    I am really wanting to get into the Christmas spirit because there doesn't seem to be much hype about Christmas this year, so could you suggest any Christmas films to watch. Any will do, kid's ones or adult ones


    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • zoom (laser) teeth whitening?

    I've been thinking about having my teeth whitened for a while and to be honest they aren't bad at all, but i would just really like to have that "Hollywood" smile.

    I have heard of this Zoom system, which is basically having your teeth lasered, it is meant to give faster and much more dramatic results than bleaching. I was wondering if anyone else had had this done and whether it was worth it or not?


    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago