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What would the letters C and M stand for if listed at the end of a name on an old census record/?
I am doing family history research and I came upon a name on an 1820 census record. It listed his first and last name, and the C. M. at the end. What could they stand for or mean?
2 AnswersGenealogy1 decade agoHow do I clean a suede coat that has mold on it?
Besides taking it to the cleaners? I discovered mold in my winter closet and it has gotten on the jacket.
6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoI have mold in my apartment?
My neighbor had a flood in her apartment. Now the mold that developed into her apartment has come into into my apartment. My landlord will pay for the associated costs--they have contracted professionals to fix the source and clean the mold in the apartment but how do I clean the mold off of my leather coats, shoes,purses and my furniture? I assume the cleaners will be able to take care of my clothes- I am concerned and I want to make sure my things are cleaned properly. So, what is the process? The professionals will only clean and kill the mold in the apartment-I have to clean my things and submit the bills for reimbursement for the cleaning of my what do I do?
2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoWhat is the song that played last night on Cold Case?
What is the name of the song that played last night at the end of episode? Who sings it as well? Thanks.
1 AnswerDrama1 decade agoHow do I get my myspace playlist to start automatically?
I created a myspace playlist but it wont' play on my page. It shows up but it won't play unless I manually click on the play button! How do I fix this?
3 AnswersMySpace1 decade agoQuestion about retirement benefits?
Does a company have a legal obligation to honor all terms and conditions associated with an employees retirement which were in effect at the time of that retirement? Also can someone explain ERISA?
2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoYellow Jackets are taking over my Hummingbird Feeder!
The yellow jackets are feeding at it and they are scaring away the hummingbirds. I didn't have this problem until a few days ago.The birds come up but fly away because they can't eat due to all the yellow jackets on the feeder. What can I do?
4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoAirline Insurance?
I purchased a ticket online to fly to Florida for Easter to spend with my boyfriend( we were working on getting back together)-Well today he tells me he has found someone else! I bought airline insurance to protect me if I had to cancel-but I dont know what the "acceptable reasons" are. Does anyone know how I may can either get my money back-or maybe fly somewhere else? Or what the acceptable reasons are? I emailed them (I only asked what the reasons were and how to do it-not why I have to cancel) but haven't heard back yet. The insurance was bought when I got the ticket but I don't think it's from the agent I bought the ticket from. I didn't purchase the ticket direct from an airline web site. I bought it from ultimate I don't want to lose my money, but I know I may anyway.
3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago2001 Nissan Altima?
I posted a question here about this once before. But now I have what the codes were for the light and why it is still sputtering. Auto Zone said the codes were- 1- #4 cylender misfire (I had the plugs & plug wired changed) could that be just a bad plug or wire that may have been bad when they were bought? 2- A clutch torque? Something about preventing my car from going into overdrive properly and that it affects my proffiency.
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoAny mechanics here who know about Nissans?
My 01 Altima runs great but when I have to stop for a red light or stop sign, it acts like it wants to cut off. Almost as if it isn't getting fuel to the engine. I had the plugs and plugwires changed but it didn't help. I have to put the car into neutral and have one foot on the brake and on the accelerator. I am thinking it could be the converter? I am scared to drive it much but I need my car! The check engine light is on and has been for a long time. I went to a mechanic about it (before this problem) and he stated the chip itself was bad. Would think have anything to do with it? Anyone have any suggestions?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoPerformance Heads?
I have an interview with a company that specializes in high performance auto heads. I have a little bit of knowledge-but need to know quite a bit more.
Is there someone out there who could explain the function and the importance of these in layman terms?
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoI need to print an email -but there is a box with an x in it-?
I had an email sent to me, but in the message, there is a small box that has an x in it. I need to get that information that the box contains, so how do I get that content to show??
4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoSurvey Results for Witches?
I asked questions for the Witches on here and decided to list my results for those who might be interested.
1- Average age is 35- I am 43
2- Average yrs studied-26- Me- 6yrs
3-Tools to educate-Books-
For me, Reading, reading, My High Priestess-LISTENING LISTENING OBSERVING OBSERVING ,but we never stop learning...
4-How introduced-Reading books-own tied...........
Me-family members
I just wanted to see how many people here on answers closely matched my own aswers, beliefs. I only had the question on here for a short time as I wanted to keep the anwers at a reasonable lenghth. I would like to say thank you for helping me in my studies by listings
Thank you for also for your honesty and taking this to heart and no smart remarks-but 1
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoFor the people who are Witches?
I am doing a survey and would like to know the following:
1-your age
2-how long have you studied it
3-what are training tools-books, online, and so forth
4-what got you interested in studying
I just need simple answers please-it's for a project I am working on
19 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoNeed some legal advice from knowledgeable people!!!?
My nephew's on again off again girlfriend is taking my sister to court saying that my sister has harrassed her. The only time my sister has contacted her was to ask about her granddaughter. She won't let my family see the baby-just to be spiteful and NC doesn't have grandparents rights. Her family knows the law really well - they have all been in trouble and know what to do. That girl failed to mention that she called my sister a lot and has even met with her telling her that she will let her see the baby. Then when her family found out-the papers came. My sister has letters that she wrote to my nephew, who by the way, has an order agaisnt him!! It's like she just wants us to think things are okay-then she uses those things against us. My nephew got into trouble for breaking the order and for threatening her family in jail. It was his frustration that caused this..I know the threats was wrong-he said he would beat their a** It's driving us all crazy!!
9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoCan someone list an Atkins Diet Induction Menu?
I want to start the Atkins diet and I need to find foods that I can eat for the induction phase. If you have a complete menu for at least a week I would really appreciate it. I don't want to have to buy the Atkins Diet food products or suppliments.
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoI own a 2001 Nissan Altima. How do I remove the c/d radio player to install a new one?
I have gone online and all the intruction manuals I have found are those you have to buy. Any free ones out there??
5 AnswersCar Audio1 decade agoI have a peace lilly whose leaves are dry and brown along the edges. What can I do about it?
It almost looks as if the leaves are burnt. Really dry and brittle even though I water it.
8 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWhat annuals are good to plant in areas that sometimes form puddles of water when it rains.?
It's on one side of my porch steps, the other side doesn't retain the water and I have lots of flowers there. I just would like this side to have flowers as well.
6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago