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Lv 43,584 points

Kate K

Favorite Answers16%
  • Where in WA is a nice place to live?


    My partner and I are looking to move to WA. He has previously lived up north (which I'm not game to try coz of the heat LOL), and I have heard many great things about WA.

    We have 3 kids, so would like to move somewhere friendly with nice schools and is relatively safe.

    We have considered Hopetoun, but understand there is not a lot of employment since the mine closed there. Somewhere similar to that, but perhaps a little closer to Perth (due to needing to use the airport every school holidays).

    We want somewhere quiet and peaceful and are not big fans of the city - we are moving from Melbourne. My partner thinks even Canberra is over-crowded (hahahaha) so anyone have any suggestions?


    10 AnswersWestern Australia (Perth)1 decade ago
  • post stroke depression?


    Had a right frontal CVA in May. Come August I started having severe anxiety and panic attacks as well as major depression.

    I have had the inkling this is because of my stroke, but my neurologist would not discuss the possibility with me, just giving me a flippant wave of the hand when I asked.

    My GP has referred me to a psychiatrist and in her referral she noted the CVA. Because of this, I decided to jump on some medical journal sites and have discovered there is extensive research on post stroke depression, and it is fairly common even for those of us who have not had any physical side effects from the stroke. It most commonly flares up between 3 - 6 months after the stroke, and a main feature of it is anxiety.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I would like to hear other people's experiences and how they managed it. I am on anti-depressants (more for the anxiety as it was quite severe and was causing sleep disturbances) and will be seeing the psychiatrist in 2 weeks time.

    I also posted this in the general section, as I would really like to get some NORMAL responses.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Anyone suffered post-stroke depression?


    Had a right frontal CVA in May. Come August I started having severe anxiety and panic attacks as well as major depression.

    I have had the inkling this is because of my stroke, but my neurologist would not discuss the possibility with me, just giving me a flippant wave of the hand when I asked.

    My GP has referred me to a psychiatrist and in her referral she noted the CVA. Because of this, I decided to jump on some medical journal sites and have discovered there is extensive research on post stroke depression, and it is fairly common even for those of us who have not had any physical side effects from the stroke. It most commonly flares up between 3 - 6 months after the stroke, and a main feature of it is anxiety.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I would like to hear other people's experiences and how they managed it. I am on anti-depressants (more for the anxiety as it was quite severe and was causing sleep disturbances) and will be seeing the psychiatrist in 2 weeks time.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Anyone with Coeliac Disease?

    I was wondering if there is anyone around who has Coeliac Disease. I have recently been tested, and would like to know what to expect if it turns out I do have it.

    I understand I will have to go on a gluten-free diet, but I was wondering what differences you experienced in your body/health before and after diagnosis, and what difference the gluten-free diet made. Also, how long until the symptoms disappeared after commencing the gluten-free diet.

    Thanks very much

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Revolting new "game" my toddler is playing?


    My little man has discovered a fun new way to get mummy's attention - poo art!!! About 4 or 5 times now I've gone to get him up from his day nap and there is his nappy lying on the floor and a lovely big poo all over his blankets.

    Yesterday was the worst one ever. Not only was his nappy on the ground, but so was some of his poo. There was poo on the wall, on his face, hands, legs and feet. It was GROSSSSSS!!!!!

    Anyone got any tips or advice on how to prevent this in the future? It's starting to get beyond a joke and I believe is hazardous to his health (maybe a little dramatic, but I couldn't think of another word to use there LOL).


    Thank you everyone :)

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 18 month old temper tantrums?

    HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe... My 18 month old son is absolutely lovely, but I need some advice on how to deal with his little temper tantrums.

    He has developed the habit of making this horrible whining noise (picture Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber LOL) which sets my teeth on edge. He will do this ALLLLLL afternoon. Also, if you take something away that he should not be playing with - he completely spits the dummy and has one humdinger of a tantrum! I have tried giving him something else to play with, and also tried the "cuddle till they stop" method - which just sets him off even worse!

    I love him so much, and this new behaviour is so hard to deal with, as I feel myself wondering why I had another kid! LOL

    Please help! Thank you :)

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Supernatural Season 4 airs Oct 6 in Australia?


    I was wondering if anyone could confirm this? I just read it on the channel 10 forum, but I'm worried about getting my hopes up!!!

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • why am I such a bi##h in the morning?

    Hi all

    I am a grade - A bi**h first thing in the morning. I have absolutely no patience or tolerance and seem to snap over everything. It is making my life hell, as I hate starting the day like this, and feel like a monster (it's almost like Jekyll and Hyde).

    I have done the deep breathing, the counting to 10, the walking away from a situation that is annoying me etc.

    I have physical symptoms that crop up (and this is when I instigate my techniques, but then almost as soon as I've calmed down I'm in a bad mood again) - I get dizzy, confused, light-headed, have an extreme intolerance to noise and light, and then I can feel the anger/irritation welling up until I explode.

    I have hyperinsulinemia (high insulin which causes low blood sugar) and am usually Ok once I get food into me, but I have 2 kids in school, and some mornings it's so hectic I don't get time to eat until I drop the kids at school.

    HELP! Any ideas why I'm like this, or in the very least, some new techniques to try so I can have calm, peaceful mornings again. Anyone else been through this?

    Thanks :)

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • how long should I wait to introduce a sippy cup?


    My son is 7 1/2 months old, and has been holding his own bottle for a week or two now.

    It's been so long since I've done all this that my memory is a little hazy!! LOL

    How long should I wait before I introduce a sippy cup? I'm fairly sure he'll be able to hold it and use it, but I don't want to introduce it too soon.

    Oh, and he's not sitting up on his own yet, although he does sit up when he's got a support pillow. Should I wait till he's sitting up of his own accord? He's trying really hard, but hasn't quite got there yet.

    So... what do you think?

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Help! Frustrated with reading time!!!???

    My 6 year old is completely frustrating me at the moment.

    She is bringing her reader home from school and although I KNOW she knows her alphabet, the sounds of letters and a few easy words she is playing dumb.

    I try to be patient and drop hints but after about 15 minutes of me telling her the answer, and then asking her to repeat it, and her just staring blankly at me and PURPOSEFULLY (and yes, it is purposeful because she gives me this "what you gonna do about it" look as she says it) saying the wrong thing, I start to get extremely frustrated.

    To make my point I'll give you an example - the word is CAT

    Me: this says "cat". What does it say?

    Her: Dog

    Me: C'mon now. Listen please. "cat". C - A- T (sound out the letters with the sound they make) spells "cat". What does it say?

    Her: - stares at page. Looks at me, stares at page, looks at me - "don't know".

    Me: See the picture? What's that in the picture?

    Her: a cat

    ... to be continued in added details

    10 AnswersPrimary Schooler1 decade ago
  • other parents interfering in my parenting techniques?

    I'm at a loss with what to do.

    Today my girls broke a fairly major rule in our household, and therefore they were brought home and the punishment they received was not being allowed to play with any kids in the area for the rest of the day.

    About an hour later the 2 kids they were with when they misbehaved turned up at our house with their mum. I explained to the other mum that my girls were being punished so were not able to play today.

    She told them if they behaved that I might let them come over later. I have a slight social disorder, and therefore I didn't speak up and say anything.

    About 2 hours later the kids turned up again (without their mum) and asked if my girls were allowed over now. I said "no. I explained before that they aren't allowed to play today, maybe tomorrow".

    The mum seemed nice enough, and her children are OK (a little over the top at times - but what kids aren't!), but I just feel so uncomfortable about the predicament I was put in.

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • 3 month old teething?


    For the past 2 weeks my bubs is drooling heaps, getting red cheeks and rubbing his gums with his fist. His sleep has also been quite disrupted and he's on a feeding frenzy!

    I've been able to see the shape of his teeth through his gums since he was a few days old - especially his incisors! Now, however, his 2 bottom teeth are actually white through the gum...

    Am I getting a little ahead of myself in thinking that he is teething? Anyone else's kids teeth this early?

    Thanks! It's been 9 years since I've had a teething baby, so I've kind of forgotten everything! LOL

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • oral thrush - heeeeelp?!!?

    my little man (3 months old) has oral thrush. He has had a course of antibiotics which have done doodly squat!!

    I have been using apple cider vinegar which helps a bit, but I was wondering if anyone had discovered a home remedy that works?


    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How do I put a link to the pic of my bubs in the details of a question?

    OK, so a few people are having proud mummy moments and putting pictures up of their kiddies.

    MY TURN!!!!!!!! Except I can't work out how to put a link in this danged thing!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Dangly earrings - lesson learned!!?

    Hello Hello

    I have just had a painful reminder that it's not a good idea to wear big ole dangly earrings when holding a baby who is learning to "grab" everything! YEOOOOOUCH!!!!

    What are some lessons you've learned from your bubs??

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Legal Rights - any help would be very much appreciated?


    I was wondering if anyone could give me a little advice on where I stand here. Firstly let me say that I have contacted Legal Aid - they're taking forever to get back to me and a decision needs to be reached fairly soon so I thought I'd give this place a try!

    I am in Australia. I want to move interstate. I have a child to a previous relationship (which ended in 2000) who is 9. She still sees her father (when he can be bothered). We have a court order that was set out in early 2001 which states he sees her 2 days per week (for 3 hours) and every second weekend.

    My ex moved interstate when our daughter was around 3 years old. Obviously this had a major impact on his access - it became almost non existent.

    When my daughter was 4 he moved interstate again - and even further away. My daughter and I ended moving to the same state - although not because he had moved there.

    When my daughter was 7 he moved overseas for a little over a year.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I asked this in WA, but no responses - Anyone from Kununurra??


    I only got one response to this earlier so I thought I'd try again!

    I may be moving to Kununurra and I want to hear from people who live/have lived there what to expect.

    I've been told it's REALLY hot, but people tend to exaggerate, so I was hoping someone could tell me exactly what it's like there.

    Many Thanks!

    3 AnswersGeneral - Australia1 decade ago
  • Anyone from Kununurra??


    I may be moving to Kununurra and everyone keeps telling me I'm going to melt in the heat there. Is it seriously THAT unbearable??

    Any tips on living there would be appreciated too.


    1 AnswerWestern Australia (Perth)1 decade ago
  • Confused?!?


    My father left when I was 3 and I didn't see him again until I was 16. He showed up once a year for a few years, but the last time I saw him was about 8 years ago.

    His mother has died, and the funeral is next week. I only saw her once after he left.

    I'm 28 now with kids of my own and I'd like to go to the funeral and see the family I never got to know, but I'm also not sure if this is the right thing to do or not.

    I feel really weird about it. I spoke to my father today and he said he'd like me to come (that's the first time I'd spoken to him in 8 years and I had to get the funeral home to pass a message on coz I don't know his number).

    How would you handle the situation? I just need to hear other people's opinions about the situation.


    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How have other parents dealt with daughters with thick dark hair on their legs?

    My daughter is 9 and recently her (already dark) hair on her legs has gotten quite course and darkened. We tried bleaching the hair but it turned red! It is still quite obvious and the poor little thing is getting teased about it at school and is quite upset.

    She is at the beginning of puberty, so I want to be able to set her up with something she can maintain throughout her teen years without treating her like a teenager.

    Man! I know that sounds confusing, but I don't know how else to explain it. To be honest I'm slightly freaking out! haha! She seems so young, but I was only a year older when I started menstruating!

    I'm not really pro shaving at this age, and although I don't want my daughter to be hung up on outward appearances, I also don't want her to be subjected to teasing just because she is too young to shave her legs.

    Anyone got some good advice for me?

    19 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago