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Is being a Foreign Service Officer (FSO) similar to being a Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV)?
For anyone who has done Peace Corps or is a RPCV, have you joined the Foreign Service? If so, is it similar to being a Peace Corps Volunteer?
I am currently a PCV in service and am planning on applying for the FSOT but want more information in terms of what FSO's actually do. I know there are different sectors but was hoping to find more information as to the similarities or differences between PC service and being a Foreign Service Officer. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
3 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates7 years agoWhat laptop would you recommend for surviving the elements and for traveling?
I will be moving to an underdeveloped country surrounded by sand and need a durable laptop. Any recommendations? Thanks!
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoWhich would you get: the 2012 Toyota Prius C or 2010 Toyota Prius?
I'm about to purchase my first car and am torn between the 2012 Toyota Prius C or a used 2010 Toyota Prius. Both get similar MPG's of a combined 50. One is used and more spacious, but the other is new and gets higher city MPG of 53. Both cars are of similar pricing.
If you own any of these cars, what has been your experience? Which would you purchase? Thanks!
2 AnswersToyota9 years agoWhich netbook is better? The ASUS Eee PC 1001PX Seashell or Toshiba NB505? Which would you purchase and why?
I want to purchase either one of these netbooks just to use for class room lectures, emailing and surfing the web. Which netbook is better? The ASUS Eee PC 1001PX Seashell (Atom 1.66 GHz - 10.1″ - 1 GB Ram - 160 GB HDD) or Toshiba NB505 (N508BL - Atom 1.66 GHz - 10.1″ - 1 GB Ram - 250 GB HDD)? I am debating between the two. If you have either one please tell me what you think. If you had to choose, which one would you pick and why? Thank you!
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoWhere to stay in New York, New York for an affordable price?
I'm debating whether to attend Oprah's Live your Best Life Series event that will take place on May 7th to the 9th in New York, New York. The cost of the hotel is a bit pricey and I was wondering if anyone knew of an affordable deal for hotels/flights. I am a college student at Sacramento with loans so $175 a night to live next to Gotham Hall at 1356 Broadway at 36th Street, Jacob Javits Convention Center Event entrance on 11th Avenue between 35th and 36th Street, and Radio City Music Hall at 1260 Avenue of the Americas is expensive. Anyone have advice as to where I should go to find good deals? And how much is transportation (i.e. taxi cab, subway). This will be my first time going to New York, New York.
2 AnswersNew York City1 decade agoHow do you get off of a lease?
I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with two other girls. I share a room with one girl and the other girl bought her boyfriend to live with her. He isn't on the lease and he bought his cat along. The cat ruined the carpet and there are already damages to the apartment. I told the landlord and her boyfriend is getting evicted and is being charged $500 for a pet deposit. My question is this: I want to sign off of my lease. I understand that my 2 roommates can sign me off or I can find someone to take over my lease. The problem is that no one wants to share a room with a complete stranger. I've received interested calls but they all want their own room. I was going to sign her boyfriend on the lease but only if they agreed to sign me out. They do not want to sign me out so I did not sign the boyfriend on the lease. Now I am stuck paying rent when I've already moved out. Has anyone gone through a situation like this? What would you do?
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoHow do you decide on a career? I am stuck between wanting to be a Psychologist or a Lawyer. What would you do?
I am a double major in Psychology and Human Development and a minor in English. I am torn between wanting to be a Psychologist (either Clinical Psychologist or Counseling Psychologist) and a Lawyer. I am not sure what I want to do with my life and am a bit nervous of the future. I have a lot of interests in Mental health care, law, and education. Does anyone have experience in any of these fields? And what made you decide on your current career? Any advice, suggestions, and descriptions of your work would be very helpful. Thanks!
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoWhat is the best book to use to prepare for the GRE? Princeton, Barron's, Kaplan, or other books?
This will be my first time taking the GRE and I am wondering which book is better in preparing you for the exam. I've already bought a Princeton 2010 GRE book but was wondering whether I should purchase another book (such as Kaplan, Barron's, or some other book). Which books, study habits, and test techniques helped you? I am wanting to get an M.A./Ph.D in Psychology as I am a double major in Psychology and Human Development with a Minor in English. Thanks!
5 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade agoI am living with my ex-boyfriend and I think he is sending me mixed signals. What would you do?
My ex and I were together for 2 years and we are still in college. Of our 2 year relationship, he has broken up with me 4 times. It was always him who broke it off. He came back to me once and we came back to each other for the past 2 times. Now that he has broken up with me for the 4th time, I feel that I should just move on. Unfortunately, we live together. He has his own bedroom, and I have my own bedroom. Every time he comes home, he knocks on my door to see if I am home. Recently though, he's been trying to pick fights with me and he brags about going out on dates with other girls. I always tell him that I don't care if he goes out, that I don't want to hear it and that he is just wasting his time telling me things of how he is going to go to a party. In the end though, I know that he is lying and just bluffing. He also keeps bringing up why the relationship didn't work when I didn't even ask him. I am planning to move-out and he is being very helpful in finding someone to take over my room. My question is, why is he trying to make me jealous and picking fights with me? The worst was when he picked a fight with me right in front of my friend and she had to just stand there hearing us argue. I tell him that I don't want to argue anymore and I walk to my room. His best friend tells me that he obviously still has feelings for me and that I was the best girlfriend he's been with because I helped him take out his in-grown toe nail, I would take care of him after he had his seizures (he is epileptic), and I would cook for him because I knew that if he got too stressed he would get a seizure. Also, his mom text messaged me for the first time after she found out that we broke up and wished me a Happy New year. Why would his mom do that? And should I just tell him to confess his feelings, be a real man and just tell me the truth? Or should I just walk away and move on? I still have feelings for him but how much is too much? Is it even worth a 5th time? What would you do and has anyone been in my situation before? Thank you.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat would you do if you found out that your boyfriend was planning to break up with you?
My boyfriend and are are both college students and in the course of our 2 year relationship, he has broken up with me 3 times. We live together but have our own rooms. His best friend recently called me telling me that my boyfriend was planning to break up with me. Sure enough, I come home and he changes the locks to his bedroom doors and throws all my things that were in his room to my room. My boyfriend doesn't know that I know the truth about what he is planning to do. I promised his best friend that I will act normal since if my bf finds out that his best friend told me then their friendship might be ruined. My bf told me that he would explain why there are sudden changes and explain why he doesn't respond, "I love you" anymore. I try to hug him and he gets tense, and when I try to kiss him he moves away. His best friend told me that the reasons of why my bf is breaking up with me are stupid reasons and that he doesn't know how great he has it with me. When I asked his best friend whether he told this to my bf, he replied no (and this to me was another red flag because it showed me that he couldn't be honest with his best friend who is nearly like a brother to him). The reason why my bf is not breaking up with me now is because we both have final exams and we both are stressed with our studies. My bf said he will explain everything after my last finals. My bf has never been dumped before and he's always dumped me. I find that when he is really stressed out, he dumps me. He says he needs his space and I am giving it to him, hoping that this proves that I understand him. I've always felt like he kept wanting to change me and I know that this was a red flag but for some reason I ignored these little signs. I just feel that he sends so many mixed signals and doesn't know what he wants. I don't understand my emotions as I in one hand am determined to keep the relationship but I also want to just face the truth and move on. My friends and even his best friend are telling me that he is not appreciating me and is taking me for granted. What really bothers me is that he promised to work on the relationship and I really felt like we were finally on the right track but now hearing this I am utterly in pain.Right now I am trying to concentrate on studying for my final exams but it's hard when I know that I might have to face this dilemma next week. We both have a tortoise that we both bought together and now I don't know what will happen to him. I'm confused, hurt, and frustrated and my question is, should I initiate the breakup first? Should I move out? What would you do if you were in my situation? And have you ever experienced this before in your life?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoShould I get the Creative Zen 8GB MP3 Video Player or the SanDisk Sansa 8GB Fuze MP3 Video Player?
I am a college student who has never owned an MP3 Video player before. I am torn between these two MP3 players because they both have a built-in microphone so that I can record class lectures and notes and both also have a FM radio which I think is terrific. I think the prices for both MP3 players is decent (especially if it's my first one). Has anyone tried to record class lectures with these MP3 players? And has anyone tried to exercise with these two MP3 players as well? Which is better, which would you buy, and WHY? Thanks!
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhat are the do's and don'ts of caring for Russian Tortoises and any valuable advice?
I just purchased my first Russian Tortoise and am wondering what is the best way to care for them. I purchased a four month old female who is very active and hyper. What are the best foods to feed her, do I give her baths, how long should I leave the UVA and UVB lights on, should I take her to walks at the park, and does she need a friend (same species but male or female), do Russian Tortoises get lonely if they are alone? Looking for an exotic reptilian veterinarian is hard so I was wondering, are there any valuable sites out there for just Russian Tortoises and how to care for them? If you have any valuable advice, please share your knowledge as I want to be the best caretaker for my first Russian Tortoise. Thank you!
2 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoWhy does God make us go through hurtful times with the same person?
So my boyfriend of a year and 7 months broke up with me for the third time about two weeks ago and we are currently in college and living together. He has his own room, I have my own room (thankfully). He broke it off saying that I couldn't trust him, was insecure, that I limited the relationship, that he feels a whole army of my friends and family are against him, and that the relationship was full of stress. He is epileptic and every time he had a seizure I would massage his head, I would take care of him, cook for him, clean for him-almost like a wife. I met his whole family and friends and they consider me a keeper and a daughter. Of the times he broke it off, I did ask God for guidance to what my heart yearned for. My question is, do you believe that everything happens for a reason? And why does God make life so hard? I believe that everything happens for a reason, but this is hard. I've tried moving out but I can't terminate my lease and my ex was ecstatic when he found out that I couldn't move out.I wonder, will he regret it? He says he won't but at this moment, I have no clue. At this time, I still pray for the well-being of my ex, his family, and of everyone. I've gone back to my ex to see if there is another chance and he keeps rejecting me. I don't feel as bad as I know that my every action is probably already planned. So, why does God make us go through such hard, hurtful turmoils in life? I know that I need to move on, but I just wondered why.
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoMy boyfriend broke up with me three times, hasn't told his mom, and I'm wondering, will he regret it?
So my ex-boyfriend and I are both in college. He is premed, epileptic, and he is now my roommate (we both have our own rooms and neither one of us is going to move-out). We were together for a year and eight months. I've met his whole family and friends and they all say that I am a keeper and even consider me their daughter. I've done a lot for him such as: cleaned his apartment, cooked for him, massaged him after he had a seizure, etc. He broke up with me (about a week ago) saying that I didn't trust him, that I'm insecure, and that I limit the relationship. He says that I have these issues I have to work on and that he is not willing to stay with all the stress and wait for me to change. He no longer wants to be in a relationship and that the relationship is so uncertain and that he is just too stressed out in the relationship feeling trapped (if he gets too stressed he gets seizures). He also said that he feels a whole army of my friends and family are against him. I went through some emails he sent me and the letters he wrote me and they were filled with love, yet he says that there was no love and that he doesn't feel that he has lost anything except the lost opportunity to start something good with me. I've talked to my friends and they say that those are all excuses. My question is, why do guys seem so indecisive? Will he ever regret it? My friends say that he will regret it because it's hard to find a girl who will stay with someone with his medical condition and for what I've done for him. Not only that, but he hasn't even told his mom that we broke up. I'm also wondering, why is he not telling his mom? His own friends tell him that he is making a mistake and will regret it. But even with all that, he still says that the stress was overwhelming. I told him that stress is part of life. I feel like calling his best friend (who doesn't know yet that he broke up with me) and letting him know the news first and to tell him that despite everything, I still love him. It's really hard to know that the person who said they would always love you no matter what is once again, breaking my heart. I still feel like fighting for the relationship because I want it back but he seems to act like he already moved on. My question is, do I not fight for it or give him his space and let him realize what he's lost. What's weird is that he is now keeping tab on how long I've been out and I just wonder, why does he care? I feel like he is sending mixed signals and I have no clue what to do. So, do I sit back and let life take it's course or do I fight for what I feel, knowing that I might get hurt again? And for guys out there, what in the world is up with this? What do I do?
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoMy boyfriend broke up with me for the third time. He is my roommate, what do I do?
We've been together for a year and 8 months. He broke up with me for the third time. He said that I have issues, that he is premed and that this year was going to be the toughest, that he feels a whole army of my family and friends are against him, that he doesn't want to be in a relationship, and that the relationship is uncertain (I told him that the uncertainty is part of life). I've talked to my friends and they tell me that those are all stupid excuses. I've been the dedicated girlfriend. He is epileptic and his family and friends like me and even consider me a keeper and their daughter. I've cooked for him, massaged him when he wasn't feeling well after a seizure, cleaned for him. I was considered "the" perfect girlfriend. Problem is, we are roommates. He has his own room, I have my own room. We are both in college and he has a car. The apartment is right across campus which is convenient for me because I don't have a car. He has a car and can move any where he wants. I'm wondering, has anyone been in my situation and also, will he regret it?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat is the secret to an everlasting love?
My heart skips a beat whenever I see an old couple holding hands and taking their evening stroll. Seeing how intimate they are after so many years of marriage. Love is hard but I've always wondered, what is their secret? I can say that I am a hopeless romantic with dreams of happiness filling every space in my heart but to be honest, love is hard. Maintaining a serious relationship is hard. I'm not complaining but I just want to know, how do those old couples out there who have been married for decades stay happy? Because I want what they have- that intimate connection of love lasting so many years.
6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoI accidentally dropped my ring in the toilet and now it's stuck. I don't want to call a plumber. What to do?
It hasn't gone through the pipe system yet. It's actually stuck on the OPPOSITE direction of the pipes into the little space on the edge of the toilet seat. I have an Eljer toilet model and was wondering what I should do. I don't want to call the plumber because I can't afford one. No one used the toilet and I believe it's still stuck. Thank you!
4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoWhat does sex mean for a commited guy who has been with their partner for almost two years? What would you do?
I have been with my boyfriend for almost two years. We are both in college and both virgins and yet we haven't had sex. We have tried but I would stop him. He says he wants to move the relationship to the next level and that he wants to create a bond with me. My boyfriend and I have waited for the right person to lose it to and we both feel that we want to lose it to each other. I was raised in a traditional family with the belief that you shouldn't lose your virginity until your marriage night. I want to move forward but I'm feeling really confused. You see, I want to lose it with my boyfriend and make sure that we get married. I know there are no guarantees in life and I guess that is why I am so scared to move forward. I really don't want to get hurt but then I don't want to live with the "what if's" if I hadn't had taken that one step to make the relationship that much solid. He says it isn't fair to keep him waiting if I don't plan to move the relationship forward & to let him go.
17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWould you regret it if you broke it off with someone who did so much for you?
So my boyfriend broke up with me and we haven't talked to each other for 2 weeks although we agreed to be friends. I cooked for him every night, massaged him when he wasn't feeling well, was even considering to secretly pay his rent because that's how much I loved him. Then suddenly, out of no where he breaks it off telling me that I made him feel inferior and self-conscious, that he has jumped off of a cliff and has held on tightly to a rope and that all he wants to do is let go. I met his whole family and they like me and state that I am like a daughter to them. Then he states that first it was problems with my family, then me, that I'm letting others influence me then the next thing he knows I'll be cheating on him. I will never cheat on him and when he said that he hurt me so much. I just don't understand. People say I am like the "perfect" girlfriend and that I'm so nice. He says that he doesn't believe in breaks but he gave me a break. I wrote him a letter. But what should I do?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoMy boyfriend broke up with me and I'm trying so hard to forget about him. I miss him. What should I do?
My boyfriend broke up with me unexpectedly & we are both in college. He told me that it seems that new problems keep popping up and that it only gets worse as time moves on. He said first it was problems with me, then my family, then I'm letting others influence me, and the next thing he knows I will be cheating on him. I was so mad when he said that I would be cheating on him because I would never do such a thing. He also said that he just wanted to stay friends. When I told him that I did too but I wanted to be more, he replied, "I want to be more than friends too but I can't stand this cycle." I think he was confused about his feelings. He also stated that he fell out of love with me weeks ago, but last week he sent me flowers telling me that I am the "love of his life." I cooked dinner for him every night and even massaged him when he didn't feel well. I felt that he was blaming everything on me and he said that I made him feel inferior and self-conscious. His family likes me.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago