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im probobally one of the most active secular contributors to the R&S section. an atheist who tries to be honest in his answers and absolutely does not tolerate people lying to perpetuate their beleifs. im an advotate of evolution, reasoning, logic and truth. everything i say is honest and sincere. i have no agenda of any sort and will always give the best answer i can. of course i know there are alot of people out there who wont like my answers....maybe thats why i do it. emails: or!/profile.php?id=1619106569

  • Left shoulder pain, remedied but comes back quickly. What is it?

    Hello all, got a health question for you.

    For the past few years I have had a problem with my left shoulder and tightness. It causes pain and uncomfortablity when I sit in the form of a randomly occuring pulse of pain. Its more of a nagging and annoying pain than anything. recently (less than a year) I have found a way to remedy the problem but it quickly comes back.

    I can manage it somewhat by laying on a flat surface and interlacing my hands behind my head (as you would on a lazy summer day in the grass). My right elbow can touch the ground no problem, meaning it can fully extend outwards, but my left arm and elbow points upwards towards the sky. Now if i try to relax my arm I can slowly move my left arm and elbow to match my right but it causes sometimes severe pain.

    Heres where it gets strange for me, once the muscle is relaxed it cracks and the muscle relaxes, almost to a point where it seems asif i had no problem at all. Unfortunately within 30 minutes or so the muscle is once again tense and causing me throbbing painand i must once again try to relax my arm and starting the process all over again.

    My problem areas are the left shoulder, almost behind my shoulder blade, the ledt side of my nexk which always seems to be tight and my left collar bone which can be tender when i massage it.

    What could be my problem?

    Any help would be appreciated and you most definitely have my thanks in advance for any responses.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Can we build a full scale digital model of our solar system?

    Clarification: Using 3D modeling software, just like we have in video games, can we construct a 1:1 sized model of our soalr system? (Pluto's orbit and inwards only)

    Additionally, can we then give the model some sort of physics system?

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Tor F, people who call themselves CLASSY are NOT?

    if you were classy then you would BE classy and you WOULDNt need to call yourself classy.

    agree or disagree?

    i know this has nothing to do with the category.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can you prove gods existence?

    can someone prove gods existence to me? im quite curious to see if you can.

    johnny.zondo is my username.

    lets debate!

    my question is this: do you think anyone will respond to my challenge?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what would god order?

    im gonna score some fast food. your answer will determine what i get. place and actual meal...

    so...give me your reccomendations for what god would eat...would he get beef or chicken? fish? chicken nuggets?

    its gotta be drive through though...


    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • do any of my Atheist/Agnostic friends play Eve Online?

    if you do send me a message: Johnny Zondo!

    see you in-game!

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christianity, is it?

    A choice for:

    a - logical thinkers

    b - lazy thinkers

    c - non thinkers

    and why?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • lunchtime. can i get anybody anything?

    okay so im a fan of Carls Jr. (called Hardees on the east clast i beleive)

    either the Double Western bacon Cheeseburger combo or the Bacon CHeese 6 dollar burger (no tomato or onion)

    what fast food do you (sadly) admit to love and what will you be having for lunch? or what DID you have for lunch?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • new Atheist Discussion Group?

    i saw someone post a comment regarding an atheist discussion group. ive been going to a forum called the Atheist Network for a few years now. its a great website and has a whole lot of awesome people.

    i go by the name of "revolution2049" on it. so if youre interested in joining heres the link

    ow of course it wasnt my intention to advertise for them...but i saw there was a question about websites/forums and though i would make this qiestion/comment. i doubt that the original asker would have seen my comment at the very bottom.

    of course so i dont get reported i have to ask a question.

    heres one. on the AN forum christians are not banned unless theyre there to do nothing but cause problems or harass/insult people. in christian forums theyre banned for simply being an atheist.

    why, if you christians claim to be tolerant, do you ban people for little to no reason on your message boards? what happened to tolerance? doesent it apply online?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Will my +1 mace defeat god?

    we all know god is succeptible to both ice and fire attacks. but im only a level 2 Norseman with a +1 mace and a 2 strength 2 stam leather belt.

    is this enough to defeat god?

    i also have 2 large potions of invincibility and 2 small potions of WoW sarcasm in my inventory.

    any assistance is greatly appreciated!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Sunshine (the movie) in theatres?

    so accordingto IMDB the scifi movie called Sunshine came out in theatres in July 27th. so where the poot is it? why cant i find it in theatres?

    is there something im missing?

    i really do want to see it!

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • are the starving people in Africa good evidence that god exists?

    obviously this is meant to be sarcasm.

    i suppose this is geared towards those people who insist god is great 9whichever god0 and merciful and does all these good things.

    remember can try to blame it away on some terrestrial problem...or even try to say sin is the cause of it all...but your gods lack of action speaks independently.

    whatever god can sit back and not care about whats happening there....well....if he is real...his inaction is a really, REALLY bad sign.

    ...the more you know.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • christians, what magical powers does satan have?

    im curious to know what powers, abilities or whatever you guys attribute to satan.

    he seems to have so many abilities...the power to posess someone, the power to make bad things happen (implying the ability to move physical objects with some force other than physical movement (using hands to push)) not sure but christians seem to give satan so many attributes...i was wondring if you guys could give me a list of everything he is able to do

    heres the kicker....

    1. who gave satan the ability to do these things?

    2. why doesent god deny him these abilities

    3. why does god allow him to continue to use these abilities

    4. why was satan created with these abilities in the first place

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • do i classify as a troll? (curiosity overhwlms me)?

    seriously now. i try to answer honestly...i DO on occasion (more than id prefer) make certain anti-theist comments here and there..but now i throw myself to the mercy of the R&S community

    do i classify as a troll?

    answer honestly guys, thanks!

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • T or F? The christian culture has left the people in a giant hole they cant dig their way out of...?

    looking at all the questions geared towards christians by nonchristians (wether religious or not) does it look like the christians have found themselves dug into a hole that they cant get themselves out of?

    so many claims that contradict other claims, co many comments that contradict dogmatic code...

    wouldnt it be wise for the christians to simply wipe the slate clean and try this little outdated social experiment all over again? maybe take out the bad stuff and throw in some good stuff (like equality among all people regardless of race, sex or creed)

    just a thought.

    so...true or false? and would it be a good idea to push RESET on this pointless christian game?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • serious question.?

    Christians: do you admit being an advocate for a person who willfully and knowingly sends people to be tortured for all of eternity?

    do you find that act to be justifiable for the nonreciprocation of belief?

    do you think this act would be done by an all loving being?

    do you beleive your actions here on this planet warrants eternal pain and torture?

    how do you justify your continuing belief and professed love towards a diety that would do such horrible things?

    how do you justify saying that he is worthy of love, faith, and worship?

    do you find these acts to be horrible? if so then why would you side with such a horrible diety?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • did you know gods real name is...?

    seriously? Pooty McPooterstein

    pooter for short.

    and you wonder why he prefers the title "god"

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • im going to make a scalp ointment for christians!?

    its gonna be called "Logic-Aid"

    helps prevent brain lockups, promotes the use of Logic, Reasoning and Common Sense.

    Directions: Squeeze genrous amount into hands, rub into scalp. Blow dry.

    now heres my question. um....if we went to score some chinese food....what would you oreder?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why do you hear about christian parents absuing their kids, but never atheist parents?

    this is a sort of question AND challenge.

    i responde to a question recently about when should people begind beating their kids, besides the obvious sick humor behindthe question and its obvious answer (never) it got me thinking of a story i read recently

    apaprently a man took his child, less than a year old, and stuck her in the microwave. she was burned. from what i understand bad, but not too bad.

    the woman insistred to the police that her husband was innocent, as it was Satan controlling her husband.

    now heres my question. we hear alot of stories of super religious parents doing horrible things to their about atheist parents.

    heres the challenge. if you can please provide me a story youve read about or heard on the news/online/newspaper (credible source, not somethin you heard from a friend) about some atheist/non-theist parent abusing their child or doing something horrible as in the story above.

    im just curious to see if there are any stories.

    i doubt it.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago