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Problems only a certified Microsoft technician can do?
So I bought PC Cleaner Pro. My computer is running like molasses, I did the free scan, and when I actually bought it and "fixed it", the problems are still there. Called them the support, they were able to look up on my computer I had a bunch of files and errors that no one can do except "Microsoft certified technicians". The cheapest is $225 to get them to do over the internet.
Is that all true? I am POed and feel cheated that the PC cleaner didn't work at all and I am going to try and get a refund. $225 is a lot and I couldn't find the official site that is supposed to do that.
It probably is all true, and a link to the website would be nice.
4 AnswersSoftware9 years agoAny way to improve sodastream cola taste?
I took a chance with sodastream to save money. Turns out, it's in to the "all natural" and health thing as apposed to taste. I just wanted cheaper soda pop. They use regular sugar and not much of it. The root beer is the best I ever had, but the cola tastes a little bitter compared to Pepsi or Coke. I'm playing around with the cola syrup amount and trying to add corn syrup to make it taste better. Anybody have any combo/ratios to make it taste better.
Couple of other quick things, I am using the normal cola variety in the 16oz container. I think there is an even healthier "all natural" one that comes in a larger container. I am using sodastream brand syrup, because that's what is available. If there are other brands of syrup I can buy on the cheap, that would be great.
And please, no health nanny comments. I'll use other sweeteners if it makes it taste better, but corn syrup is what is used in Coke and Pepsi which is what I am going for.
1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks9 years agoRecovery time and amino acid supplement?
I'm trying to reduce my recovery time after workouts as I I get very sore and limits my ability to work out from 2-3 days a week. Reading on the internet that amino acid supplements work after a workout so I'm trying it out. The container says 17 grams after a workout, but is that a fair universal number or should us smaller people need less? I'm kind of scrawny 150 lbs at 5'10", could I cut the amount down at all? This stuff is kinda expensive. Is there anything else I should be taking? I also read that the supplement isn't necessary and to just eat lean protein after the workout, I figured it was worth a shot anyway
I'm well aware of cooling down, stretching, and proper nutrition is important after workouts but I hate being so sore I can barely move all the time so any advice would help. Thank you
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoFiberglass resin for hardwood weapons?
Would treating hardwood weapons/practice weapons like staffs, escrima sticks, and bokken with fiberglass resin work on the fine grain woods these are made of? Anybody ever try it or see it? A Lot of them like Appalachian Hickory or Japanese White Oak are already pretty tough, but every little bit counts. Also, something like Lignum Vitae is very hard and heavy, but very brittle which might need all it can get.
2 AnswersMartial Arts9 years agoNames of Warren Jeffs-type cult leader and activist/rescue woman?
First off, I this is not an anti Mormon thread. I am not touching that whole debate.
I did several searches through Yahoo and I could not find what I was looking for. I'm trying to look up some scary cult leader that was a lot like Warren Jeffs or passably as subordinate of some kind. A radical fundamentalist CLDS/Mormon guy who owned and operated over an entire town of people. He was arrested and convicted I think between 10-20 years ago.
I remember the mugshot of this guy. He didn't look like a charismatic cult leader at all. He was a creepy, little, dirty, slimy jerk that looked more like he just got arrested for some any given normal blue collar crime like dealing drugs or trying to buy a prostitute.
The town he ran I think is still there, still operating the way it was. The girls have to dress like the kids from 'Little House on The Prairie.'
Then there is an activist women who helps girls escape from this sort of thing. She was part of one of these types of communities, either Warren Jeffs or the other guy I am asking about. She was doing the news and talk show circuit a few years back. I remember her saying that she remembered 2 little girls who tried to escape, but later she said they were found drowned. Scary stuff, though I don't remember her or any source confirming that story
Again, I made several searches on Yahoo but I couldn't find anything.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoHow practical is a Indian Katar knife design?
I am not talking about 2-3 inch push knifes, I am talking about it's bigger Indian Godfather. I was curious how a Katar dagger stacks up in usability in self defense compared to bowies, tanto, and other more mainstream dagger design in similar weight and size classes. I notice how push knives seem to be owned and carried in fair numbers compared to small full tang boot knives. However, there are relatively few companies or private smiths and blade makers that make large push knives/Katar designs in comparison to bowies, tantos, daggers, etc. I would think Katar would be easier to use and train, as they can be used with boxing punches.
Is there any practical reason these have not caught on in demand other then people just not interested?
6 AnswersMartial Arts10 years agoSeveral questions on blacksmithing and knifesmithing in Michigan.?
I've had thoughts about taking a few classes at Tillers in blacksmithing and knifesmithing. Lets just say if I enjoyed myself and I thought I could be decent at it, how would I go about practicing or furthering in lessons? I've seen a lot on "classes" as apposed to apprenticeships and such. I've heard of people who are partially self taught after taking lessons through practice, trial and error. How difficult is it to set up a forge location? Those little propane furnaces aren't too imposing, but are there they look like they might not be usable in a residential home or even outside where I live. Would I have to rent out a business location?
Just any general steps it takes to be able to be a decent blacksmith or bladesmith.
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts10 years agoAR/M4 jams due to lubricant or design in the military?
There are 2 questions here, but they relate to each other.
Stories of jams in military M16/M4 rifles and civ.ARs are numerous due to it's DI gas system. But from all I have heard most of it is due to love and care of the rifle including what kind of lubricant, how much of it, and where you put it are tremendously important. Is the military gun grease and common technique of application adequate? I have met and read of people who say their civ. ARs can run many, many rounds even dirty with a very good lube or grease and good knowledge of how to use it.
I have also heard that there are some people complain specifically about civ. Colt ARs compared to other brands. I know well that Colt has lofty standards as being mil-spec and there are people who shun any civ. ARs except them. However, combined with stories of military M4s jamming in warfare I think it is a fair question to ask if the AR/M4 design is good, but if there are certain design flaws besides possibly due to Colt designs and not DI gas system.
These are questions from a civilian who has gotten in to guns only in the last year or so and going to buy his own AR. I am not flaming the AR system, Colt, or GI gun grease. I'm just very curious and these thoughts come to mind.
6 AnswersHunting1 decade ago7.62*39 Brass cased ammo in bulk?
All the firing ranges in my area ban ammo with steel cases. I could rant and rave about that, but I will stick to the topic. What manufacturers make 7.62*39 in bulk that use brass?
5 AnswersHunting1 decade agolouisiana wing sauce new recipe?
Went to the store and bought a new bottle of Louisiana Wing Sauce. The bottle was totally different, the neck was far bigger, the basin was narrower, the color was more orange then red. Got it home, tasted it. It was thicker but it didn't taste nearly as good as it had. It was much too bitter. I know some people wanted it more sticky and thicker, but that doesn't mean anything if it tastes like thickened vinegar. Yuck. I compared the ingredients and the nutrition info and the old and the new are still the same. I went to their website, and the bottles advertised are the same as the old. What's going on here?!
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoAre Lightfield shotgun slugs fragile?
I read a couple reviews saying their 3" and 3.5" easily shattered when they made contact. Any truth to that? I think the company says they are supposed to be long range, but what happens when you bait in a deer or use them in defense? I was thinking about using it for the latter in 3" in my Mossberg 835 in the Michigan woods, but I think I might stick with Brenneke.
2 AnswersHunting1 decade agoCan I buy a 20 inch barrel for a Mossberg 835?
Pretty much what the title says. I know they make a "tactical turkey" gun with a 20 inch barrel, but I can't seem to find anybody that sells it separately.
2 AnswersHunting1 decade agoconcealed knife restrictions for permit holder in Arizona?
How big and what kind of knives can be carried concealed with a license if you have a permit? Are you still restricted to a 4 inch folder or can you carry a double edged dagger if you wanted to?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agowhere can civilians buy Winchester Ranger T ammunition?
Being a matter of company policy and not law, it is pretty hard to get Ranger T ammunition. Anybody know of a website besides to buy them?
3 AnswersHunting1 decade agobetter practice with Glocks or get a 1911?
I have been thinking about buying a full sized .45 handgun. A Glock 21 or a 1911. A friend let me use his Springfield Loaded today, and I was extremly impressed. At 10 yards, I had tight groupings at where I aimed and even had good shots on "instinct" shots. I looked like I had been using handguns for a lot longer then 5 months.
My gun is a Glock 19. My only gun and my carry weapon. I shot a Glock 21 a few weeks ago and had the same kind of results. My aim, both carefull shots and instinct shots are not nearly as consistant with the 1911. Because of the grip and hard trigger pull, my hand likes to jerk to the left (I'm right handed).
Should I keep practicing with my Glock or should I save up a little more for a Springfield 1911?
11 AnswersHunting1 decade agoDuplicating results of Japanese katanas?
I was watching the History Channel the other day and there was a special on ancient weapons. They mentioned Japanese katanas and the woman being interview said that there was no way to duplicate the specific details of a katana sword made by Japanese sword makers. It isn't the first time I heard that and it sounds kinda fishy to me. Are there none Japanese blade makers or companies that get the same results that get the same balance, weight, dimensions, hard edge retaining hamon, and very strong back from modern tool steels and forging techniques? I heard the mud cultivated steel Japanese sword makers used are still being used today and are inferior to modern steel for bladesmithing.
Also, this probably should be another question but if anybody is bored I have heard different ways on how traditional Katana are made. Either the "two steels" are made from skill full tempering and heat treating or lamination of high carbon strong steel is spread ove a bar over low carbon steel. I think I heard people mention that the Japanese made the same way as Damascus layering/folding, but I think that might be confusing the creation of a bar of steel with a homogenius level of carbon that has been folded many times to remove impurities.
Feh, I like axes!
2 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade agosudden increase in blood pressure?
For several weeks, I have been exercising and eating right. I just got back home from vacation, where my diet and exercise lapsed and I had my BP checked out and it was much higher then normal. Besides not getting as much exercise and eating junk, I started taking CoQ-10 before going on vacation. I accidentally bought the 400mg by mistake and have been taking thinking it was 100mg. Did I undo all my efforts to bring my BP down or is this temporary and as soon as I get back on the salads and jogging it will go back dow? Could the high dose of CoQ-10 have anything to do with it?
1 AnswerHeart Diseases1 decade agoHigh blood pressure at MEPS and 3 day test after?
I had a rather high blood pressure (152/95) when I went for the MEPS. However, my recruiters says if I can get my blood pressure down and I get my pressure retaken 3 days in a row and its a lot better I still have a chance. That was a week later and through hard exercise and a drastic cut in calorie, salt, etc; I got it down to around 144/92. I think they want to see it at least 139/90 so that's my goal.
I have several questions in this. Do I still have a chance?
If so, how much longer can I give myself to train?
Is it true a lot of magnesium will lower blood pressure temporarily when take, if so how much should be taken and how long before the BP test?
4 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoHeart health questions for younger people?
I'm 26, 150-160 pounds soaking wet, and I found out at the Doctor several days ago I have high blood pressure. I ate a lot junk, lots of fried food and soda. Didn't exercise that much and maybe a little family history-couple had problems, a lot didn't. I've cranked up the exercise to 1.5 miles a day jogging, push-ups, crunches, etc. I've been calorie counting, watching fat and sodium. Plain cheerios and mixed greens have become my best friends. I've been sticking to a limited amount of soda, 20 oz, but I drink a lot of water and a little juice. I have been taking magnesium, potassium and fish oil supplements. Is there anything else I should be doing, particularly since I am young? It seems I can get a good amount of basic vitamins from all the cheerios and mixed greens so I don't want to overdo it with a 100% everything multivitamin. Potassium and magnesium seems a little harder to get enough of, and same with the amount of proper fat/oils so I take the fish oil pills. There seems to be a bunch of different heart health supplements out there, I'm scared I'll take something and it turns out its unhealthy.
5 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agoCan I try again to join the military?
I tried to enlist in the Navy about 4 years ago. I have no idea what it is called, but I call it being rejected on medical grounds. The reason was I had a bad case of eczema when I was around 19 (about 3 years prior). It's been 7 years since I had to get prescribed medication, is it worth a shot to try to enlist again in one of the four branches or am I disqualified for life?
2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago