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Lv 43,375 points

Melissa R

Favorite Answers7%
  • Is Edgewater, NJ a good place to stay?

    Looking to visit NYC, and Edgewater seems like a good place to stay with a ferry ride away. Is it a good/bad area and is it as easy as it seems to get into NYC?

    3 AnswersNew York City8 years ago
  • Can anyone recommend a reasonable hotel in the NYC area? Looking to go for New Year's and see the sights.?

    My husband, myself and my two daughters (10 and 12) would like to go see the ball drop and see a few sights while we are there. Rockefeller Center and Carlo's Bakery are the top requests from the girls. I don't mind staying outside the city as long as transportation is easy. Any ideas or suggestions? Any help would be great, thanks!

    2 AnswersNew York City8 years ago
  • Looking for ideas for a 8 yr olds soc hop birthday patry?

    We'll have music, root beer floats, bubble gum blowing contest... but I just wanted something that will make it truly memorable and unique. I haven't decided what to do for invitations yet either... any ideas would be terrific! Thanks!

    10 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Homemade beer... what do you use to filter?

    I've used coffee filters, but they are so small it takes forever to filter it. Is there anything I could use instead of the coffee filters to get out the gross stuff that's at the bottom? Any ideas would help. Thank you

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • What would be a good gift for a little boy that is around 4yrs old?

    It's for a little boy at my daughter's preschool. I know nothing in terms of hobbies etc. Any ideas would be great!

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Painting Vinyl Shutters??

    I hate the color of my vinyl shutters that I just bought two years ago. I hate to replace them all, and I was wondering if I could spray paint them? Will the paint peel or wash off the shutters? I know you can now paint siding. Any tips would be great. Thanks!

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • A Horse Themed Party for 6 year old...ideas?

    For my daughter's 6th birthday we are going horseback riding. But I wanted some activities/games for the kids to play while they wait for their rides. We're going to have country music playing, bandanas, etc. But does anyone have any ideas of what else we could do? Any ideas would be great! Thanks!

    12 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How often do you bathe your baby?

    A friend of mine just recently had a baby. In conversation she mentioned she only gives her son a bath twice a week(he's four months). I gave my kids a bath everyday. I think they start to stink after two days. The thought of them sitting in their waste and not bathing them everyday grosses me out. If you use baby oil on their skin after, they do not dry out. I was wondering if anyone else bathes twice a week, or do you do it everyday like I did?

    28 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is there anything that your parents did that you hope you do differently for your children?

    My parents are wonderful, don't get me wrong. But growing up my mother (who is stick thin) was constantly harping on my sister and I about our weight. My sister had bulemia and I'm not the thinnest girl around. I had two girls and I just try to tell them how beautiful they are. My oldest is a little chunky, but I never say anything to her about it because I know how it made me feel. But did you ever say to yourself, "There is no way I am going to do that with my child."

    21 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Childcare Tax Credit Question?

    I am taking care of my cousin's infant starting in March. Since it will only be her and my two children, I do not need a license. But will she be able to claim the childcare expense on her income tax return next year. If so, is there any way I will get into trouble if I do not claim the income? I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything I shouldn't be doing. Thanks.

    8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Music from the 1940s?

    I am having a birthday party which the guest of honor is turning 80. I wanted to have background music from the 1940s. I have Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Glenn Miller, etc.but can you think of anyone else that was popular in the 40s that would be good? Any ideas would be great, Thanks!

    8 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Baskets for the Bathroom at a wedding...?

    I would like to put baskets in the bathroom at a wedding. I have a few ideas, (nail file, gum, hand lotion, etc.) But has anyone seen something really unique and cute in a basket? Any ideas would be great. I am looking for mens and womens bathroom ideas. Any help would be great.

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Finance charges and fees at the dentist?

    My dentist charges me a $75 no show fee and 18% annual interest on my account. I thought it was illegal to charge interest on medical bills. Is he legally able, or is he just lining his pocket. By the time my insurance company pays the bill, it's over the 30 day period, so I always have to pay.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Gift Basket for silent auction?

    Any ideas of what theme I could do? It's for a benefit dance, so I want it to be a nice basket everyone bids on. I have done this for three years, I've done a romantic basket, a kids basket and a movie night basket, but I'm drawing a blank this year. Have you ever recieved/bought one you were in love with? Any ideas would be great. Thanks!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Open Bar...?

    I think an open bar will be too expensive, but I was wondering if maybe we could have a table set up of wine. Has anyone been to a wedding/party where that was done? Is it nice or tacky do you think? Or have open bar until dinner is served. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

    19 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • A surprise birthday...?

    I am wondering the proper way to state that the birthday is a surprise. I don't want to put Shh... it's a surprise. Would you write:

    Mrs. Jane Doe requests the pleasure of your company at a surprise party in honor of Mrs. Jane Smith's birthday.

    I am going for formal, so the wording has to be right, but I'm not sure how is should be. Thanks!

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Home of the Free because of the Brave...?

    I wanted to share this, it's not a question, so don't report me. This is the end of a beautiful poem about a civilian and a soldier on Christmas Eve. Just something to make you think, and a small thank you for our servicemen and women and their loved ones who will be spending this holiday apart. Thank you for keeping America safe.

    "But isn't there something I can do, at the least,

    "Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?

    It seems all too little for all that you've done,

    For being away from your wife and your son."

    Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,

    "Just tell us you love us, and never forget.

    To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,

    To stand your own watch, no matter how long.

    For when we come home, either standing or dead,

    To know you remember we fought and we bled.

    Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,

    That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • 1940s theme party...?

    I am having a birthday party for my Grandmother in Feb. I am having 40s music, and I want something that completes the theme. Decorations, unique party inviations, etc. I am asking in the wedding catergory because I thought maybe someone has had a 40s theme wedding. Plus, people usually have really good ideas. I want CLASSY, she's a classy lady. No gangster theme for her(although I think it would be really fun) but it's not her. Thanks.

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Party Ideas? 1940s theme?

    I am having a birthday party for my grandmother who is turning 80. I am having 1940s music, something classy and fun. Does anyone have any ideas of decorations or unique invitations? Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Doesn't this say it all?

    I asked this question in the military catagory, and so many people liked it, I thought I would continue to share it. It is the end of a beautiful poem where a soldier is talking to a civilian on Christmas Eve. Enjoy

    "But isn't there something I can do, at the least,

    "Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?

    It seems all too little for all that you've done,

    For being away from your wife and your son."

    Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,

    "Just tell us you love us, and never forget.

    To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,

    To stand your own watch, no matter how long.

    For when we come home, either standing or dead,

    To know you remember we fought and we bled.

    Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,

    That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."

    God Bless the soldiers who will not be home with their families this holiday season.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago