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  • I'm 16 (possibly pregnant) and the father of the baby wants an abortion?

    Well, like the question states, I'm 16 and I possibly might be pregnant. I'm having a lot of symptoms like vivid dreams, nausea, peeing alot, and just feeling off and funny in general. I have taken 1 test already, and it came back negative. But I was informed it could be too early for that, so I will be waiting another 1 and a half-2 weeks before I take another one.

    Me and my boyfriend (he's 17, almost 18) have been discussing what to do. He strongly wants me to get an abortion, and I feel extremly pressured by him. I think if we kept it we could work through it together and would bring an amazing little boy or girl into this world.

    I know my boyfriend is the one for me, and I can't even handle the fact of losing him. It's either I do what I think is right, and keep the baby, but risk losing him. Or I lose the baby and maintain my relationship with him. Theres no compromise in this situation; either I terminate the pregnancy or I don't. I am VERY torn in this conflict. Does anyone have any advice? Been through the same thing? Anything is greatly appreciated. I just don't know what to do.

    13 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • I'm 16, and I think I might be pregnant?

    Hi, I'm 16 and I think I could be pregnant. My boyfriend (of 7 months) and I have recently had sex. The condoms I bought were too small, but that was all we had. It used to make him uncomfortable because it was cut off the blood flow to his penis, so we did have unprotected sex. Ofcourse he pulled out though, but I know that doesn't always work.

    My boyfriend lives a couple provinces away, so a couple days ago I got back from a trip up there. While I was up there, I got really sick for some reason. I started throwing up, and it was so bad I had to just stay on the toilet with the bucket in front of me. I had diahrehaa as well. I was in there for atleast an hour. At first I was really hot and sweating, then I got extremly cold to the point we're my teeth were chattering. After that I was fine, but my stomach was still always a bit weird.

    About a week later, I woke up in the morning again to find that sick feeling in my stomach. I ran to the kitchen and threw up in the garbage. Since then I've been really noticing pregnancy symptoms, like vivid dreams, morning sickness, peeing alot, etc. And to say the least, I've just been feeling really off and funny.

    I've also noticed an increase in smell. When I was coming back home on the airplane, a woman took out a baby wipe to wipe her hands off. The smell really got to me and I felt extremly nauseous. It feels sometimes like I have super powers!

    Do you think I'm pregnant? Help me

    (Also had to end my story short)

    ~ Tenny

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Any 15-17 year old guys on Kik?

    I m just really bored and want to talk to someone. I m pretty social a lot of the time, I can usually always find something to talk about but I m shy as well. I m a huge gamer girl, I game all the time. Mostly World of Tanks but I ve tried a couple other things too. I like animals and snowmobiling as well. Besides that I m just kinda crazy lol. My kik is Teniqua333, drop me a message :3

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I need help with my Samsung Galaxy S3?

    When I got my phone close to a 3/4's of a year ago, I accidentally messed up the voicemail. Everytime I get a voicemail I go in to try and check it but it keeps asking me for my "voicemail password", which I forgot. Can ANYONE help me and explain how to reset my password? It would be greatly appreciated...thanks.

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Real clash of clans hack?

    I play Clash Of Clans alot but I badly need a hack for getting free elixer, gold, and gems!! Is there ANY hack that I can use that you dont have to do something for a sponsor? That comes up for every hack...thank you!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Where can a 14 year-old get a job in Canada?

    I'm 14 years old and I am ready to take on the responsibility of working somewhere. I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas where I could work besides babysitting and all that (because I highly dislike kids) thanks

  • Did my rat have a stroke?

    For a while now, my pet rat Clover has had a head tilt and she has been walking in circles. We took her to the vet and found out she had an ear infection, so we got medication. I did the prescribed medication for the full 10 days, and there was no change at all. I continued for a long time after that on the medicine but that didn't do anything either...about 2 days ago, I noticed she wasn't coming to her cage like she does when I walk in my room and like my other 3 rats do. She cant hold her FAVORITE treats anymore, and is staggering alot and falling off of things. I took out the platform in her cage so she can't fall of of it.

    Can anyone PLEASE help me! I have been crying for 2 days straight and I do believe she is blind. I dont know what to do and I am dying on the inside because we had such a strong bond with each other. I need answers...please.

    5 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Good love songs?

    I love listening to music and my favorite genre is probably like love songs so does anyone have any really good love songs that some people can probably relate to? Thanks:)

    2 AnswersR&B & Soul7 years ago
  • How to treat oily skin?

    I'm 14 and I have extremely oily skin on my nose, forehead, and a little on my chin. It has gone on for a long time now and I really want nicer skin. I also have a bit of acne on my forehead that isn't going away. Could anyone give me any advice on how to treat this? Home remedies would be the best PLEASE HELP

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • What is this on my skin?!?

    I have lots of red spots all over my body. Especially on my stomach and arms. They are also all around my groin and in my armpits. They have been there now for around 3 weeks and they are dry in the center. They don't hurt at all, but sometimes get itchy. I'm 14 years old and have already had chicken pox. Does ANYONE know what this could be and if they do how serious it is? PLEASE HELP

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • What are some sexual questions to ask a guy?

    Me and my boyfriend are asking sexual questions back and forth and I was wondering what are some good sexual questions to ask? I'm running out of questions so I need more..thank you :)

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Any nice poems for a rat funeral?

    I bought a rat 2 days ago and it ended up having pneumonia and passed away this morning :( I'm going to have a funeral for Minnie and I was wondering if anyone had some really nice poems on rat deaths? And also if they have any advice on getting over an animal death because I have literally been crying ALL DAY...........thanks :(

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Can you breed 2 different types of rats?

    I have a Fancy Dumbo rat and a Fancy Hooded rat...would I be able to breed them? And if they do breed together, what would the pups be called since it would be a dumbo/hooded?

    6 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Would the father rat still eat the babies if they are 4-5 weeks old?

    I bought 2 rats a couple of days ago and today I seen that one MAY be a male because it looks like there is a "slit". I heard that the father will eat the babies and I need to remove the father, but if I put the babies in with the father when they are 4-5 weeks old would he still eat them? PLEASE HELP!! I may be a rat mother to be!!!

    1 AnswerRodents7 years ago
  • Trouble with my new rat?

    I bought a new rat 2 days ago and she was pretty small, maybe 3 weeks. She is very healthy and is moving around a lot and is REALLY active. I bought another one last night and it is very small (maybe 2 1/2 weeks or 3 weeks and the runt?) but anyways she isn't really eating that much and she just lays in her cage not doing anything I can see her breathing heavily and its really starting to worry me! Can anyone give me any advice? I have tried feeding her warm milk but she wont take it and I have also tried feeding her small bits of apple but she also wont eat that.......any help any advice AT ALL???

    4 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Why does hair not grow on some animals?

    Some animals/mammals have hair that grows out like dogs and humans but why doesn't it grow on some animals like rats and bears? I have always wondered this

    2 AnswersBiology7 years ago
  • Is cracking your knuckles, back, and other parts of your body bad for you?

    I crack basically every part of my body. Mostly my knuckles, back and neck. But some people say it is unhealthy and you will grow up to get arthritis, and then other people say that its good for you because it loosens you up and you have less tension. What is the REAL answer for this? I'm so confused and I do not want to get arthritis when I grow up, but it feels good when I crack the parts of my body...HELP!!!

    4 AnswersInjuries7 years ago
  • What are some methods for removing blackheads?

    I have had a lot of trouble with blackheads in my life so far (I'm only 13) and now in grade 8 they have gotten worse!!! They have spread to parts of my cheek by my nose, all over my nose, on my chin, and on my forehead! I need some simple home remedies that will take them away. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Is there any normal excersizes/movements I can do to make my boobs bigger?

    I see my boobs as a little small and I want them to be bigger. I kind of want some ideas of "Home Remedies" that I can do to improve? Is there any types of exercising or ANYTHING like that that will help?

    8 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • How do I get over him?

    I have been really trying to get over my ex boyfriend. We dated for 10 months and it was like a fairy tale. But then he broke up with me because he didn't like some minor things I was doing. He's a jerk to me and calls me weird and I always think he's a jerk but then when he's with other girls or talking about them I get really jealous. What's wrong with me and why am I feeling this way? What can I do to get over him? HELP!!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago