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  • I wonder why none of the presidential candidates talk about poor people?

    In all of their speeches, the candidates as well as their running mates refer to middle-class Americans. I simply wonder, if for these politicians, poor people have simply ceased to exist or they have all graduated to the middle class category?

    Really, if you think...shouldn't these candidates, whose heart beats for America, at least, even if its for perception sakes', also involve poor people in their scheme or vision of things for this country?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Yahoo Messenger Conference - Voice Chat problem?

    I was wondering as to how to go about doing a voice-chat with the invited participants in Yahoo messenger conference setting. Although I can invite my contacts from my Yahoo messenger contact list to participate in text chat on Yahoo Messenger conference, sadly the voice chat feature is either disabled or not available.

    If Yahoo help or anyone else can suggest as to how to enable voice chat with invited contacts in Yahoo Messenger conference, I would really appreciate. Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • How to set up Users sessions in Terminal Server in Windows 2003 that does not have Active Directory?

    If we want to have remote users, which are not part of Active Directory or AD is not implemented on the Server, log onto the Terminal Server thru common logon and once they gain acess into the Terminal Server...they can log on to the application or the application automatically launches n they can then validate into that app. with their respective IDs and passwords.

    How can this scenario be implemented without the use of Active Directory? Any helpful suggestion/advice would sure be appreciated!


    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Preacher's A**!?

    Its an old joke but still wanted to share with ya all...:)

    A Preacher was trying to raise some money for his parish. So on being told that he could make some dough by racing horses, he decided to get one. But by the time he reached the auction site, all the horses had been sold out and he had to settle for a donkey (a**) instead.

    When the race was held next time, lo behold...Preacher'animal came third. So the next day the local newspaper ran the headline: "Preacher's A** Shows!".

    In the next race, it came first...this time the headline ran:

    "Preacher's A** out in the front!"

    The Bishop was not at all amused by this kinda publicity, and so directed the Preacher to get rid of the animal. Preacher did what he was told and sold the animal to a Nun in a nearby convent. This time the headline ran:

    "Nun has the best a** in town!"

    This again made the Bishop he directed the Nun to get rid of the animal too. The Nun sold the animal to a farmer in a nearby village.

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • An American & a Russian?

    During the cold war, an American & a Russian were discussing freedom in their respective countries.

    "We in America enjoy the real freedom!", said the American, "I can stand in front of the White House, and shout that President Reagan is a fool, and nothing will happen to me!".

    "No, big deal" replied the Russian "I can stand in front of the Kremlin, and shout that President Reagan is a fool, and nothing will happen to me either!"

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • American society?

    Why is humility or modesty not one of the virtues of the American culture or society? Is it because of too much relaince on individualism or is 'coz of too much competitive spirit? This, is IMO, the greatest difference between American (West in general) and the rest of the world! What do you think?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Rich people...?

    Why do people with loads of money or wealth are sometimes referred to as filthy rich or stinking rich?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Nehru-Gandhi dynasty in India...?

    I think Nehru-Gandhi dynasty is a bane for India, these guys have been a hurdle on India's path to progress...can't Indian people see that these parasites have contributed nothing towards the well-being of India...rather Sonia Maino & her brood treat this nation as their personal fiefdom. And on top of that, we have their lackeys -- Congress party members-- who have set new records in much so if Sonia or her two good-for-nothing kids spit out some phlegm, these Congress people will readily lick seems if this much of appreciation & idol worship had been shown towards the nation by these lackeys, India would have been elevated to the status of a developed nation long back!

    Whats ur opinion about this dynasty who tends to rule India by proxy? (with the moron PM just acting as a bench-warmer for Raul beta..)

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Creation vs. Evolution Debate....all the way to US Supreme Court...?

    IMO its nothing but a colossal waste of time, money & resources...see even if the Court decides tomorrow in the favor of either of the viewpoints....will it make a difference...will it make this country, this planet any better....I don't think so...and frankly speaking all those propagating this debate should let the rest of us common folks get on with lives....I care two hoots about where I came from...I have other pressing concerns to worry day-to-day living...I guess its more due to the litigious nature of us Americans that we rush in to litigate about anything that catches our fancy thereby driving costs of doing business, costs of living and other sundry things up. Don't we realize that while the rest of the world is moving ahead with new ideas (eg. stem-cell research) we are still debating these kinda irrelevant issues..what do u ppl. think?

    6 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • How may of you have heard of fmr. Sen. Mike Gravel as a Democratic Presidential candidate?

    I watched him in the debate in South Carolina...and frankly speaking I was very impressed...IMO both Clinton & Obama are more of a media hype...and I m quite wary of them...wouldn't it be good if we had someone who was more down-to-earth and could represent us (the common folks)...than all these other media-sensations.

    On the other hand on the Republican side...Dr. Ron Paul seems to be a good candidate...ideally it would be gr8 if these two guys end up getting the nominations from their respective parties....but to be pragmatic I don't think it will happen.

    What do u all think?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • We (America) claim to be the most modern nation on the face of earth...but isn't it surprising...?

    ...that we can't afford healthcare to our own citizens. The govt. gladly subsidizes big fat corporations (agri-businesses like big farmers etc.) but won't even think of subsidizing health-care....ppl. go up on streets...with their credit as well as lives ruined...what do u think?

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Can someone tell me the name of a movie in which Denny Glover & Whoopi Goldburg played a married couple?

    They face discrimination when they move into an all-white neighborhood.....the storyline is something like that...its an old movie and one of my friends mentioned it to me...but couldn't recall the name?


    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • They say: Smile is the second best thing you can do with your lips! So whats the FIRST BEST thing?

    More creative the answer is....more its chances of being selected as the best answer! Good luck.

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Car problem -- Nissan Altima '94:Drivability issue?

    Couple of days ago, my car while going smoothly suddenly stalled in the middle of the road...nothing was wrong, it seemed 'coz I didn't see any warning signs like Engine light or Battery sign showing up. After trying to restart it again-n-again, it finally started around 10 minutes later. But after driving couple of miles, this problem resurfaced and again I had to wait for sometime before I get going. I took it to the mechnaic next day, after parking it over-nite in a strip-mall parking space...he was unable to diagnose the problem as after he started the car it kept on goin without ever stopping...n it didn't give any problem till the end of the day when the problem surfaced again.

    I was wondering if the orcales over here at YA could probably help me in understanding what the problem might be...'coz at least to my understanding its not the battery as all the lights are working it the starter or alternator that might be the cause of the mal-function..TKA for any advice!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • A friend of mine, living in a European country has faced racial discrimination couple of times.?

    She has asked me for advice on how to deal with such kinda sensitive issue. The latest incident with the her took place while traveling aboard a bus, when a guy therein shouted racial slurs at her.

    The only advice I am thinking of offering her is to report the incident to authorities n take precaution while going around. What all options do you guys think she might have? Any suggestions or advise from the local Oracles over here would sure be aoppreciated. TIA!

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Problem with radio-cd player in Nissan Altima '94. It doesn't work..doesn't turn on..any suggestions pls.?

    I guess some wiring must be loose or what do u think other problem might be? Before I take it to a mechanic, I want to know what the problem is...any insight from ppl. well-versed in dealing with this kinda problem would sure be appreciated. do I take the whole system out of the dash-board to look @ it more carefully and probably with help from YA ppl. here who knows I might be able to fix it myself. Look forward to ur response. TIA!

    8 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • I am thinking of buying an old Apple I Book G3 Laptop 20/30 Gig HD with 128 MB RAM for 150$. What do u think?

    Here's the approx. configuration:

    Apple I Book Laptops G3 -- 20/30 gbHD, 128 MB -- 600/800MGZ W/ airport card


    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in destiny (karma)?

    Now...plz. don't give me that mumbo-jumbo about a man being master of his destiny...I agree to a certain extent, he/she is...but there are many things in life that you don't have any control being born, the way you are bought up, the kind of values that are inculcated in you, the relatives you have...or many times you found urself in situations you never would have imagined in ur wildest of dreams...or the way your experiences in life change you...

    My point basically is...theres something going on, which is already pre-ordained and u will reach ultimately reach where you are destined to go...

    6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • The third decade of 20th century was called the Roaring twenties, what were the subsequent decades known as?

    Also, what were the reasons behind these so-called swinging sixties, what I guess was due to the hippie culture...

    14 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago