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Into Games (RPG),Anime, animation,jokes,space,science,The mind and of course family and friends.

  • Appeal uk import charge?

    Sent a laptop to family in the US to get fixed, got slapped with a £120 VAT when it came back.

    Lost the receit in a wet coat, card or bank transation isn't good enough??

    Royal mail needs the receit as well to get the export number??

    Is there any option that works??

    2 AnswersUnited Kingdom6 years ago
  • Business- Advertising budget % today?

    There was a classic quote from the 90's, ''If you don't spend 40% of your budget on advertising, you go under''.

    Is it still the same or has the times changed with internet advertising?

    2 AnswersSearch Engine Optimisation7 years ago
  • What is a good way to make a nightmare happen?

    Turned 30 this year and still haven't had one. Never any dream of an unpleasant nature. What is the best way to have one? Tried getting into a book,movies in the dark before bed,reading allot about those topics for a full week and still nothing.

    Allot of people tell me it must be great to never have one, but after time you feel left out of the conversation when ever it comes up.


    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • What do you call the 3 realms of energy beyond normal senses?

    I'm Clairsentient and found these 3 realms that co-exist as part of everything. The best way to narrow them down is ones an absent shadow of everything (space n mass) one is the flow of time threw mass, and the odd one, Its like the ''shadows shadow'' but once you find it its easy to do almost at will. the 3rd odd one i call Existences Mirror, its all white and the size of 3 have to stay in a sharp frame of mind to be in it but everything behaves like zero gravity white rice with no mass n made of all energy representingg all there is.

    The net is full of money grabbing sites to help with dead loved ones so its hard to find a lead on such a subject. The best i can find so far is the Chakra types from long recorded history on cultures.

    Thanks for any pointers!

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • IOS/Android,what word document files are easy to open and read?

    What is the most common file type used to read documents on phones? Going to make a cooking recipe to download :D. Cheers!

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Whats the smallest paint brush for oil/acrylic painting?

    Yo everyone! I'm just asking if there is anywhere i can get a paint brush that's smaller then 7x0 ?? I have to cut a few bristles off to make em small enough for painting what i need them for (eye edges for example).

    2 AnswersPainting8 years ago
  • Morning markets in France? What do you call Swap meat,Flea Market,Car boot sale in France?

    Hello everyone, on holiday/vacation in southern France and looking for some morning markets were people sell random things like a yard sale or stalls. Tryed a good site in French but all the dates are after we leave the country.

    Anyone know what they call the markets here in France? If you translate Swap meat into french you get the wrong kind of market lol. Cheers everyone!

    4 AnswersOther - France8 years ago
  • How to make a chain rust overnight?

    Hello everyone. I need to make a chain rusty for a cosplay. Its a cheap dog chain lead, tried bleach but still the same next day.

    Any good old tricks?

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Recover overwritten word document Windows 7?

    Hello everyone! Was just moding a CV/Resume for a different job and have overwritten one i need to keep. Been looking threw some Ehow pages for the last hour but nothing seems to match Windows 7, most the options aren't there. I've tryed the run command with Winword/a as Ehow says it but the red note comes up saying no?

    Does anyone know how to do it in Windows 7? one good tip says to look in the TEMP file under windows/C and show hidden files, yet the hidden options won't show up.

    Cheers everyone :D

    5 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Keeping loud birds out of a large tree?

    Hello everyone! Me and a friend each have a large tree outside the garden in a park, or shared land you could say. The birds come as urly as 4am and keep allot of us up. Its hard to have a sleep in on a day off.

    Took a look around the net and most people say a fake owl or reflective things. I wanted to know from any of you if this stuff works and is worth it, or do you have another way?

    Cheers and Thank-You :D

    2 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Acrylic painting, what tools do you recommend besides brushes for smooth even look?

    Hello everyone :D. Still new to painting and trying new tricks. What tools do you like to work with for desired effects?

    4 AnswersPainting8 years ago
  • Reading hand signs, what is it called?

    Does know what they call the profession of reading hand signs, as in what frame of mind the person is in? Is it part of Psychology?

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Doctor Who DVD files collection, will it ever end?

    I'm asking because it seems there will be no ''complete collection''. Was meant to be 20 issues and now its going and going and going. There is allot of mixed old stuff in them and it's become an extra bill instead of something good to watch. Problem is we want to have the complete collection and get a custom display case for it.

    So...does anyone know if its going to end?

    3 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • Good acrylic paint brand for smooth and birght?

    Just got into acrylic painting after years of drawing cards. Just did a portrait with Boldmere, its great but what do you recommend for smooth solid bright colours? I want to try many brands, tho on a budget i want to get it right so i can make the family portrait request bright and sharp.

    I Value you're opinions and experience over what most the net says. Thanks everyone!

    4 AnswersPainting8 years ago
  • Windows 2000 It is now safe to turn off you're computer?

    The reason i'm asking is because my computer does this before the login screen comes up. The help site from Microsoft needs you to get into it first!

    This is the link, but i cannot get into it, as the message pops up at the login screen.

    Anyone had this?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Need some help. First UK passport, section 4 parents?

    Hello everyone. I'm filling out my first UK passport threw Marriage after moving to the UK from the USA many years back. The odd thing with it is section 4, it states (PDF copy) ''If both parents were born after 31 December

    1982, or were both born outside the UK, please

    give the following details in section 8 of the

    application form. Either:

    • the full name, town, country of birth and date of

    marriage of your mother’s or parent 1’s parents

    and your father’s or parent 2’s parents, or

    • details of your parents’ claim to British


    To get all that info will be a bit hard with my family in bits. The confusing part with the form is that the book says it is needed if this is your first time and the .Gov web page they give ( said that it is only required if i want to claim on my grandparents british side.

    The worst part for me is even if i could get in contact with my dad, there is little chance he will have the info on him. Is there USA office i can write to with with documents to get my grandparents information?

    4 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Unbrick Sony memory stick pro duo?

    I got a PSP off a friend of a friend the other month with two Pro duo memory cards and they seem to be bricked. I have a good idea how they got bricked. But nothing reads them.

    The reason i'm asking this question is when use Gparted with puppy linux it searches a little longer for the cards, the usb card reader flashes forever and when i pull it out the screen goes black with lots of txt.

    Puppy Linux can't find it but knows its there, if i leave it overnight nothing seems to happen.

    Is there a program that can get into it?

    1 AnswerCamcorders8 years ago
  • Laptop power cuts off?

    My wife's mate has a Acer Aspire 935 laptop and the power just cuts off every 5 minutes. It has been droped a couple of times. It is not software as far as we know. what hardware problems do we look for? A loose power adapter on the motherboard?

    Cheers for the tips :D

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • How do you get the Blue screen of death in Windows?

    Allot of people in the family got it and we can't pin down why? When you use Puppy linux (link below) you can browse your HDD and just delete the problem files, then safe mode should work.

    But the best tip i get from google is Malware. Most likely from online arcade sites the kids were on all the time. So we always save the files to an external hard drive and re-install Windows or just replace it with Ubuntu

    Anyone know? Cheers for the help.

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Black Butler/ Metal slug 2 art connection?

    Allot of the time i get it right...seeing animation and were i've seen artists work before. Every-time i watch Black Butler i see a huge resemblance to Metal Slug 2 when i used to play it all the time. Does anyone know the connection of artists? I've checked what i can on Wikipedia, but allot is left out.

    cheers for the help :D

    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts8 years ago