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  • Where would Putin strike first?

    With regards to nuclear weapons/ military tactics. Would he go straight to massive nuclear warhead, or fly a few planes over America? Strike America first, the UK or defenses in the seas? If he struck the US first, would he bother with the UK e.g. london?

    Either way, do you think all this will die down and we'll just have to accept Crimea into Russian hands?

    3 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • My mum only seems to care about my looks?

    I'm not the sort of girl that wears makeup all the time, or dresses in the latest fashion...jeans and a tshirt does me. But whenever i wake and see my mum in the morning she always forwns or cringes at the sight of me then says "your not wearing that today" "why cant you dress like other girls?" or "why cant you just make an effort?" (Referring to makeup)

    It's really getting me down and it's been going on for several months now. When i tell her how i feel she either snaps at me or says "i just want you to look pretty" or "if you ever met someone they'd see how pretty you look"

    Its not like she doesnt have a daughter who isnt interested in fashion and makeup etc.. - she has my older sister for that.

    Sometimes i'm not sure whether to actually dress myself up and wear makeup - but i just feel uncomfortable and not myself. If i ignore her then she just shouts at me :/

    My dad takes her side because he wants my mum to be happy, he just tells me to do as i'm told to make her happy.

    I just want to be myself but i get shunned by it by my mum (and my sister if she's there to take sides)

    Sorry if this is a but jumbled up - i really need some advice

    Many thanks :)

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Ukraine and Russia, how will the UK be affected?

    With all this talk of war between Ukraine, Russia and the USA on the internet community, where will the UK be in all of this? Obviously supporting the US, but what will Russia's approach be to us? Does Putin even give a toss?

    Also, is there any chance of nuclear war, and if so can Russian missiles reach us?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • I'm 15, 5"7 height and weigh 104lbs is this a healthy weight?

    Hi! I'm a 15 year old female, who weighs 104lbs (47.3kg) and I'm just wondering if this is a healthy weight?

    Many thanks :)

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Terrified of nuclear war and death?

    Hi, I'm 14, and the thought of an unexpected nuclear war really scares me. I guess with all this stuff in Syria going on is really putting me on edge. But i get these sudden bolts of fear that run through me, and make me go to check BBC News to make sure that nothing bad has happened.

    It's usually at night before i go to sleep when i get a ton of fear running through my head. The idea of death scares me, as we dont know whats going to happen. I have no idea how to cope with these sudden bouts of fear. :(

    Help much appreciated, many thanks.

    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Do you think the US will strike on Syria?

    The uprising conflict in Syria has obviously sparked the news, but will the commotion die down, or will this just be another war that we are getting our hands into?

    Do you think this will result in a nuclear war?

    And how will Russia or China react?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • How to control emotions?

    Im the kind of person who bottles up their feelings. But whenever i try to express them e.g when im upset with someone and try to talk to them, i always end up crying or not being able to talk face to face.

    I'd like to be able to control my emotions better...because i'm getting fed up always being so sensetive and weak.

    Many thanks :)

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Scared about getting braces?

    I'm getting braces tomorrow, and I'm pretty worried about the procedure :(

    I dont like the idea of the wire being threaded through the brackets...and the dentist cutting it to size inside my mouth. Also, does it hurt during the procedure?

    Thanks :)

    6 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • How to not fear flying in a plane?

    I've flown in a plane a many number of times, but I always get panic attacks and worried that it might crash. (It's at its worst when the plane is taking of and landing)

    I'm flying to Denmark (from UK) tomorrow, and it's a 2 hpur flight.

    How do I prepare myself for it? How do I not be scared?


    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Hamsters foot knawed off?!?

    I went to feed my hamster, and saw her dangiling by her water bottle, her foot was stuck! I hooked her out..and shes knawed her leg! Her foots still there...but its just bone. All you can see is a long stick of bone on her leg...what do i do? Does muscle grow back? Will she knaw her bone through? Any foods i can give her to help?

    Thank you for your help, i appreciate it!

    4 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Leopard Gecko heat mat question?

    My leopard gecko has a heat mat that's around 30cm by 30cm, I'm getting him a bigger vivarium that's double the size of the heat mat, do I need a bigger one?

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • Twin block retainer questions?

    Okay, well I'm getting my twin block retainer tomorrow (think that's what it's called, for an overbite)

    And I'm really worried and have some questions :3

    How does the orthodontist put it in?

    Does it hurt when he puts it in and after?

    Does it look weird when in?

    When will the achiness stop?

    Thank you for your time, much appreciated! :)

    1 AnswerDental9 years ago
  • Is I okay that I spend my money on my pets?

    Well, I get pocket money sometimes once a week, and when I do, I save it for my animals.

    I have11 mice (I breed) dog, rabbit, hamster and gecko, and I just love to save up and buy them things :)

    My mum says I should buy something for myself, but i hate spoiling myself :P

    Is it okay? I mean....its like I'm buying for myself, because watching the animals enjoy their new things is just as good as buying games or something ^^

    Thank you :3

    8 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • I still have 12 baby teeth? Will he take them out?

    I'm 13 and going to the oertherdontist on mondayto see if I'll get braces, but I'm scared that he won't wait until all my baby teeth fall out :( Will he take my baby teeth out? Surley he can't take the ALL out? And does it hurt? :( I was supposed to be getting a brace this year.

    My baby teeth are in good condition, I've never had a filling or anything, so I wouldn't see any reason to?

    Much appreciated :)

    1 AnswerDental9 years ago
  • Can I use pain paper for my hamster and mice?

    Can I use plain paper for the flooring material? I know that they will most likely rip it up, but I'll put heavy things on each corner, paper seems cheaper, and easier to clean. But is it okay? It won't be soft or like proper ground like the old material I use.

    Thank you :3

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • How much protein does a hamster need?

    Just so I know I'm getting a decant bit of food for my hamster. It would be nice to have it in % please :)

    Also, what is a vegetable or type of food that has plenty of minerals in it for a hamster?

    Much appreciated, thank you :3

    1 AnswerRodents9 years ago
  • Is a plug-in okay for my mice?

    You know those scented things?

    My mice smell very bad, I can't really 'spot clean' beacuse they pee and poop all over their cage. I have 6 males (not living together) so I'm guessing they smell the worst. Their wheels are clean.

    Is there any good ground material that helps conquer smell? Any homemade bedding? (paper, tissue..,?)

    Much appreciated :)

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Any interesting, healthy foods to give my mice?

    I've tried my mice some cereals, carrots, lettuce, boccili. But is there anything more healthy and interesting to give them? I give them a live mealworm as an occasional treat.

    Are strawberries okay? Any recipes?

    4 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • My rabbit is shaking and lieing down? Help?

    Well, my rabbit is 3 years old, and was running around in the garden.

    I noticed her go back in her cage and lie down near her ramp ( she's never lied down there before)

    So I went over to check on her, and noticed that she was breathing rapidly, and her stomach was gurgling a little. She seemed to move position whenever her stomach Made a sound.

    We have slug pellets on out garden....I'm not sure if she ate those....but I don't think so....

    She goes in her litter box bit nothing comes, so I'm guessing she's constipated?

    I've cleaned her hutch out, put in new straw etc. Etc.

    But she just seems so weak :(

    I'm booking the vets tomorrow, (no vets open on Sunday) you know what's wrong with her? Anything I can give her?

    Thanks for anyone's answers :)

    5 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • How do I find my hamster?

    I walked into the garage (where my hamsters cage is). Ad found it on the floor! With my cat lounging at the other end of the room! He had knocked it over, the height of the tale it was on is about 4-5 ft, when I checked, his bed was empty,. But, I'm not sure that the cat ate him :(. There's no sign of blood anywhere, and there's no dead body or fluff. So....I'm guessing his got a serious concussion, hiding in the garage somewhere. I've put his little house on the floor as well as some food and peanut butter. I've looked everywhere, he's a Russian dwarf.

    We have humane mouse traps in our garage, will he go into one of those? Do you think he is alive?

    :( any advice is much appreciated

    Thank you :)

    5 AnswersRodents9 years ago