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  • What is the point of high school?

    I am about to finish my first year of high school, and I don't see whats so great about it. Sure there are a couple of privileges that you did not get in jr. high and elementary. But overall what is the point. I mean it seems that the teachers are more jerkish, you start to see the real personalities of the people around you how there are so many social rankings and cliques and people that are not as good as they say they are, and if you are a student like me that cannot pass a test a for all he is worth you feel as if the world is out to get you. Could it be that high school was made for us to see how dirty and grim the world is and how the world is partially based off social rankings. If anyone views this question as dumb forgive me. But I just don't see the point.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • Why don't I have a social life nor a great academic life?

    I have a very boring life. Every weekend my "friends" go out have hangout every weekend without even thinking about me. I am always alone at my house with know to talk to but my two little sisters, while everyone else is out having a good time. I try and try to be more outgoing instead of being my usual introverted self I am ignored by the girls and the boys at my school. What makes it so bad is that these are the only children I am really exposed to. In my academic life, I struggle so much. Every time I think I passed a test I only end up failing. I study and study but still get no more than 73. Which is considered to be shameful/laughable.It makes me very bad also that both my parents were in honors but yet I can't ever make it. Can anyone give me an answer?

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Should I try to be more outgoing?

    I am a very usually introverted person that is I ignored by most of my peers at school. They either find me annoying, boring, quiet, or just emotionless. I mean sometimes I try to voice my opinion, but they usually fall on deaf ears. They have been several times I have tried talking to other people and I was ignored.

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • Why does Naruto have so many badasses and who is the main badasses/or Anti Hero.?

    I been watching Naruto and lately I have noticed that there are so many badasses. Sasuke, Itachi, Kakashi, Gaara, Temari, Shikamaro, Shino, and Neji. With all badasses who is the main Anti hero

    3 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • What is Triple h's gimmick, and is suppose to be intimidating?

    I realize Triple H is suppose to be the game/the king but what I don't understand is what type of king. He seems to be a Barbarian King in my opinion or medieval or something? Also with all the skulls is it suppose to be intimidating.

    2 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • What is the difference between super cars and sports cars in GTA V? Also which cars would players usually get of the two?

    I am new to the game GTA V and I really don't understand the difference. I also haven't gotten the online version yet so I was wondering which I should get?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Why does this girl staring/looking at me looking at me?

    Last year this girl didn't look at me at all. But now that we are in the same class together she won't ever stop. the strangest part about it that we don't talk very often unless she out of the blue says hey to me (which has only happen 2 times). I used to think it was because she liked me, but I find out that she has a boyfriend and they are in a pretty serious relationship. From what I can tell they seem to enjoy each other. I am kinda starting to think the girl could be or maybe even hate me and is just staring at me to bother me or something. I've tried staring back but she seems doesn't ever stop looking so I eventually turn my head. I am kinda of a shy guy so I don't understand.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Between Vegeta, Piccolo, and Tien, who is the primary badass or Anti Hero of dragon ball z ?

    I am confused who is truly supposes to be the true badass in Dragonball z. I mean at times it seems like Vegeta, because of his attitude and just the fact that he was able to rival Goku, but they are also times when when he was scared, for example during the Frieza saga, Legendary Super Saiyan Movie, and a tad bit during the Cell saga( when he first went against Cell in his perfect form). Then it seems like Piccolo is the true badass whenever he comes and saves gohan, or just because doesn't ever seems to break his serious tone. That goes for Tien as well I rarely see it as a time he is not serious

    8 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • How do I stay motivated in school?

    I can't seem to every stay motivated when it comes to my schoolwork. It can almost seen in my grades that I get back. But when I do actually try I still don't get grades that are any good. So my question is how do I stay motivated?

  • Teen growth?

    How tall should a 15 year old male be?

    2 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • Weight Lifting?

    Hi I am 15 years old and I weigh around 289 pounds. What do you think Is the maximum amount of weight that I should lift so that it doesn't affect my growth?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago