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First and foremost, "Pud" is pronounced differently from the definition Urban Dictionary gives [ ]. It's slandering the good name of Puds everywhere. -Yahoo! ate my TC badge. -I'm not around much anymore because I have a date with your mothers. -Do you love Alex Pettyfer? Yes? Then I love you. -The Books and Authors category needs to stop being so sexy.

  • Sidekick LX and its 'Emergency Calls Only' habits...?

    I have an unlocked Sidekick LX 2009. Clearly, it is T-Mobile, but I have an AT&T sim in it. I get shady reception at my house, but once in a while I'll get a few bars and the phone will register the sim and allow me to text and make calls. HOWEVER, in full service, it'll do nothing but say Emergency Calls Only! and be useless. So...why? Bill is paid. Tried the airplane mode trick thing, only works with a few bars. Doesn't respond to any of the doodad key-pressing tricks. Speaking to T-Mobile or AT&T never does anything.


    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • A reoccurring dream involving a hill?

    In every dream I can remember as of late, there's always a brief blip of me standing on a wooden platform, staring at a hill. I'm never allowed to climb the hill or even go near it. Sometimes there are trees fanned out over the hill, other times it's totally clear. In my dream last night, I asked my boyfriend why I couldn't go over there. Nothing has ever happened in this particular dream besides me just staring at it until then. He gave me an answer, but I never could understand what he was saying.

    I know enough about dreams involving mountains or hills that they symbolize struggles in reaching an objective, but what about all the other nonsense? The foliage changing, simply staring, being able to speak, and then not being able to hear what my boyfriend was saying?

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Will I be charged if I use a non-data plan sim in a/an prepaid/unlocked phone?

    In scenario one, say I got something like an LG Phoenix. Same as the Thrive, just one is a contract-only sort. If I put my sim that is not looped with a data plan in the Phoenix, will AT&T be able to pick up on that and start charging me a plan with data? If so, would the phone being unlocked be a way around that?

    Scenario two: I got an unlocked T-Mobile phone. Put my AT&T sim in it. Still won't be charged, yes? I'm aware that the only features I'll be able to use is texting and calls.

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • I have an issue with a lobe piercing...?

    I got my lobes double pierced about 4-5 days ago. One piercing is healing normally yet the other is not. It was done by gun (yes, I'm aware that was a stupid move) and, of course, the earring got hung up. The piercer had to do a little pulling to free it. Anyway, it's still swollen as if it was just pierced. It hasn't really bled, but yeah.

    Like a year ago, when I got the first holes done, the guy at the tattoo parlor said to keep Neosporin on it for 3 weeks and then vitamin E oil on it for another 3 weeks. I've been doing that with the new holes too.

    The Mother says it's infected and wants to pour peroxide on it. Good idea? It seems infected to me as well, but could just be damaged from the gun, eh?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • Vegetarian diet--help me?

    I've been a vegetarian for over a year, but I dumbly only eat non-meat junk food really. However, I'm trying to switch over to a healthier diet, though I'm not 100% sure I'm doing this correctly. Show me the errors in my ways?

    Daily, I'm not a big breakfast eater, but when I do, it's something like plain oatmeal or a bagel.

    For lunch, like a salad or a mock tuna sandwich.

    As a snack, sometimes I've been eating a palm full of mixed dried fruits and nuts.

    Supper, I generally eat pasta or steamed vegetables.

    I also exercise at least an hour a day.

    So am I on the track here? My variety intake is sufficient?

    21 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Death + dog + eating heart out + Christmas dream interpretation?

    Bear with me.

    I had a dream last night that it was Christmas and inside of a box was a dog exactly like my poodle, and I named her New Lulu. It made me sad though, because apparently in the dream, my shih-tzu was already dead and New Lulu reminded me of her. I then proceeded to eat a hole in New Lulu's chest where her heart should be, then walked away for her to die alone. Something else happened involving glass that I can't quite recall, but I woke up around the time a doctor (not a veterinarian) told me New Lulu had to be put down, seeing as though I ate a vital organ and she was still breathing.

    I've been having death dreams quite frequently, yet they've all been about me dying. My hamster died some time ago and since then they've been about animals dying, but never me murdering one...This is especially strange because I've been a vegetarian for over a year now.


    3 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • I dropped my laptop in the midst of it charging...?

    ...and it didn't break or anything, just the plastic band (or what I'm assuming is decor) at the tip of the charger chipped on one side. I didn't realize that, so when I picked it back up and plugged it back in, it zapped and turned the computer completely off. After unplugging the charger from the wall, taking the battery out of the computer and removing the chipping of the charger, I tried plugging it back in the computer. It clicked and fit perfectly fine like before.

    So obviously the computer would turn back on (as in I'm using it right now) and the charger only chipped on a unimportant piece, it would be okay to try and plug it in again, right? Or would it be safer to just buy a new charger since it did zap?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • B&A: How many books have you read so far this year?

    Me, Myself, and I: 24.

    BQ: Are you really into a certain genre right now? Which one?

    BQ2: Last book you read?

    BQ3: Are you a Hunger Games fan? Are you happy with the casting of the movie?

    BQ4: Pudding?

    16 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • B&A: character creation game, perhaps?

    LONG QUESTION, AHOY. You can skip the first three paragraphs (including this one).

    I figure if I start asking questions more, you all will be inspired to branch out of character/writer interview questions and leave them alone for a while (seriously, let them die for a day or two). Frankly, B&A, you’re declining ingenuity is worrying me.

    I asked this question about a year and a suspended account ago, but we’ll give ‘er another go again since some seemed to like it (by the way, (Lady) Marian’s albino T-Rex character who touched himself still takes the cake).

    SO. Get a pencil (or a fountain pen. I know how much you guys love fountain pens.), a rogue sheet of paper and your finest top hat. Tear the paper into seven pieces. On each piece of paper, label them all 1-7. Lob all seven doodads into the hat and shuffle them around. Set your hat to the side and whip out another sheet of paper. Much like you would on a college ruled sheet, go down the lines and list these words and colons:

    Hair color:

    Eye color:




    Favorite past time:

    Charlie Sheen trait:

    So your object here is to pull a number for each category and see what you come up with. However, you cannot use the same number twice. Say, if you were to pull a 2 from your hat, you’d write it down next to whatever category you’re on and set it to the side. You do this ‘til all of the pieces of paper in your hat have been fished out. Now, some people got lazy here and used a random number generation, but where’s the fun in that?

    Have all your numbers for your categories now, right? See whatcha got and tell me.


    Hair color: 1. Brown, 2. Blond, 3. Purple, 4. Red, 5. Blue, 6. Black, 7. White

    Eye color: 1. Blue, 2. Pink, 3. Green, 4. Brown, 5. Hazel, 6. One green-one brown, 7. Black

    Flaw: 1. Egocentric, 2. Traitor, 3. Stupidity, 4. Laziness, 5. Licentious, 6. Sarcastic, 7. Drunkard

    Perfection: 1. Perfectly Perfect in Every Way, 2. Well balanced, 3. Incorruptible, 4. Alex Pettyfer, 5. Eloquent, 6. Athletic, 7. Has Japanese name

    Occupation: 1. Full-time Nerdfighter, 2. Detective, 3. Accountant, 4. Therapist, 5. Writer, 6. Musician, 7. Director

    Favorite past time: 1. Air guitaring, 2. Reading, 3. Watching “homemade films”, 4. Video gaming, 5. Getting manipedis, 6. Sketching, 7. Writing

    Charlie Sheen trait: 1. Tiger Blood, 2. Power of Mind, 3. Zeal, Focus and Violent Hatred, 4. Winning, Duh, 5. Warlock, 6. Cancer of Happen, 7. No Option of Defeat

    So, B&A-ers, go forth, fingers poised over keyboard, and stop asking character interview questions.

    16 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • For fear of not knowing, is ",,," the new ellipsis?

    You see, I see this all over the place, and I'm just curious if I've been in a coma and missed something.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • My dwarf hamster has a tiny, tiny bald spot on her lower neck...?

    I see her scratch there a lot, so it's mites, yeah? My first thought was that it's from fighting with her cage mate (yes, they're the same litter and sex) but I never see them fighting, or even go around each other much for that matter (it's a large bin cage).

    But, with the mites, I never see the other one scratching. I just noticed the bald spot a few minutes ago, so maybe the other one hasn't gotten them yet and the baldness is just starting to occur? Anyway, she's seems normal save for the balding.

    I don't know how old either one of them are, but I'm going to guess anywhere from 3 to 5 months.

    1 AnswerRodents1 decade ago
  • Readers: Can you read comfortably with music playing?

    Or any background noise for that matter? My mother and other people I know can, though I'm unable to fathom how (possibly because I'm just shy of having ADD).

    BQ: Whatcha readin'?

    BQ2: If you could (or already can) read with background music, who'd be the first artist on your playlist?

    BQ3: Do you enjoy pudding? What about tacos?

    22 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • With two hamsters in one cage, is it recommended to...?

    ...add another food bowl and/or water bottle? For the sake of decreasing the chance of fighting, being the reason. I read that somewhere, but now I can't find it again (that or I'm seriously overlooking it).

    I'm speaking of the dwarf hamster variety here, by the way.

    7 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • How can I get Stacy to see she's just not the girl for me?

    I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Stacy's mom.

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Hey B&A crackhead writers, come hither? (you already know there's BQs)?

    If the program you're using allows you to, do a "find" in one of your writing filings (scenes, chapters, compiled MS, whatever) and either tell me the statistics (if there's one thing in the world I love, it's statistics) of the words ending in -ly. Or, if you do not have that option, are you surprised by the amount of highlighted text?


    BQ: Are you a happy camper?

    BQ2: How yah doin'?

    BQ3: Taco or chimichanga?

    16 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite Marcus Sedgwick book?

    They sound interesting, but I've never read 'em.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • The Part of You That No One Sees is...?

    I got:

    The Part of You That No One Sees is Afraid

    You are passionate, romantic, and emotional.

    You put love first in your life, even though you have often been disappointed by it.

    You expect to be swept of your feet, and you never expect infatuation to die out.

    Underneath it all, you are scared that you aren't lovable.

    Your insecurity has ruined many relationships, as you are unable to see the love that's really there.

    You are secretly afraid of being alone. Confronting your insecurities is incredibly painful.

    Accurate for the most part, I suppose. What'd you get? Is it accurate? Are you happy with the results?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why a pseudonym? What would be your reason for having one? +BQ'S?

    If you want/do go under a pen name, why? For the anonymity itself? Because it's better than your real name? So you won't feel vulnerable? Is it because you base minor characters off of people you know and slander them?

    So that last one is mine...

    BQ: If you could high five any number of contacts right now, who?

    BQ: Are you sitting cross legged right now? Are you standing?

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago