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Erica H
How do I get my cat to let me sleep?
8 AnswersCats7 years agoWhat happened to the Avengers' girlfriends?
Don't tell me anything about the movie because I haven't seen it yet but I just looked at the cast list and Pepper Pots is the only girlfriend to make it to this movie! What about the Hulks girl? and Thor's? I know Captain America's love interest isn't around but what about Liv Tyler and Natalie Portman??? Anyone know why they were left out?
3 AnswersComics & Animation9 years agoHow do I cope with my sister being favored?
I am having the worst time dealing with my little sisters wedding. My family is treating her much differently than when I was getting married. Everyone is so involved.. so willing to help and give her ideas, they are giving her support for everything that she's doing. For example, I asked my family to come with me three times to pick out wedding dresses and go to the fittings. No one went with me, my maid of honor was the one and only person at that boutique. My family is going with her to her bridals (When I went it was just me and the photographer, do you know how hard it is to get into a wedding dress by yourself on location?), fittings, walk through, everything. They also gave her a lot more money than they gave me, and my aunt nearly ruined my wedding by going around telling my whole family horrible things about my husband that she learned from my husbands brother ex girlfriend. (sorry that last bit was confusing.) I am so upset I pretty much am holding back tears every time I'm around them. I don't want to tell anyone because I don't want to make my sisters special day about me. I know I can't change anything, and whats done is done. I'm asking how to cope with my feelings, because I want to be there for my sister i just can't figure out why everyone is there for her and never was for me.
2 AnswersFamily1 decade agoShould we compensate exonerated citizens?
I'm writing a research paper on exonerated citizens. Please share your opinion, should we compensate those who have been wrongfully imprisoned? If you think we should please tell me why and how you would compensate them, if you disagree please explain why. Thank you!
3 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade agoCan Someone please Translate?
I am writing a paper for my english class & need a particular phrase translated so I don't use this law as a source to support my argument incorrectly. Please no rude comments I know this may be fairly simple but I am just trying to verify what I already think. this is the law:
Section 28. Whoever disseminates to a minor any matter harmful to minors, as defined in section thirty-one, knowing it to be harmful to minors, or has in his possession any such matter with the intent to disseminate the same to minors, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than five years or in a jail or house of correction for not more than two and one-half years, or by a fine of not less than one thousand nor more than ten thousand dollars for the first offense, not less than five thousand nor more than twenty thousand dollars for the second offense, or not less than ten thousand nor more than thirty thousand dollars for the third and subsequent offenses, or by both such fine and imprisonment. A prosecution commenced under this section shall not be continued without a finding nor placed on file. It shall be a defense in any prosecution under this section that the defendant was in a parental or guardianship relationship with the minor. It shall also be a defense in any prosecution under this section if the evidence proves that the defendant was a bona fide school, museum or library, or was acting in the course of his employment as an employee of such organization or of a retail outlet affiliated with and serving the educational purpose of such organization.
The part I need translated is the last few sentences: It shall also be a defense in any prosecution under this section if the evidence proves that the defendant was a bona fide school, museum or library, or was acting in the course of his employment as an employee of such organization or of a retail outlet affiliated with and serving the educational purpose of such organization.
Thank you.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhen Does a holdover notice apply?
Utah; I live in Ogden, Utah and am having a problem with my landlords. My lease ends August 31st, 2010 I spoke to the Landlords on the 5th Of August 2010 and told them I would be leaving when the lease was over. I have already paid a last months rent deposit. The lease states that the deposit is to be used for the last months rent payment. When I told my landlord I was leaving he got very upset and kept saying that he was counting on that money that he had obligations to pay and now he is trying to say I owe him 60 days notice and therefore required to pay for Augusts rent and the deposit would be used in September. I have not signed anything extending my lease and the only thing that mentions any kind of notice is in the holdover clause which states
"Should lessees request to remain in possession of the demised premises with the consent of lessors after the natural expiration of this lease, a new month to month or lease tenancy shall be required between lessors & lessees which shall be subject to adjusted rents and all the terms and conditions hereof but shall be terminated on 60 days written notice served by either lessors or lessees on the other party"
I don't think that he can hold me to this as I have not signed anything extending and wouldnt the 60 day notice only apply once the new lease period started? I think he's going to attemp to evict me for non-payment but I have already paid and I need to know what to do! thanks.
1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoWhich Reality T.V. show do you hate most?
I'm writing a paper for school about reality t.v. so if you guys can tell me which reality t.v. show you hate the most and why that would be awesome.
2 AnswersComedy1 decade agoWhich Reality T.V. show do you hate most?
Writing a paper for school about reality T.V. can everyone please share their most hated reality T.V. show and why?
6 AnswersReality Television1 decade agoCan you paint nylon fabric?
I bought these Chinese lanterns made of nylon and the color is not what i want. it is going to be a huge pain to ship them back and exchange them. can i spray paint the nylon to the color i want??
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoanyone know of a cheap Honeymoon?
I have about a thousand to work with. its not much and i only have from march 14th to the 17th to work with it. any suggestions would be great.
17 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoWhen is the Tmobile cancellation fee due?
i cancelled my contract at the end of the month but i havent recieved any information on when or how i pay this fee. i know its 200 dollars but i dont know how or when it is due. does anyone know this kind of stuff?
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoCan i get out of this car deal?
I got a car on 6/30 the salesman let me take it without it being financed. within five days the clutch was gone. also no bank will finance it because the dealer is asking 2,000 more than its worth so it will not be approved. a car dealer at a different location told me that any dealership has seven days after the paperwork is signed to finance a deal. if they cant get it financed the deal is dead. i signed a retail installment & security contract, a CUDL gap adendum and a contract of sale. these are all dependent on financing which i am NOT approved for by anyone. they refuse to come get the car. am i stuck or what are my options?
5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoCan i get out of this deal?
had this car less than a week. the clutch is GONE. i havent done any reckless or crazy driving just to and from work. i just barely signed the papers on friday (for the second time) the dealership keeps saying my loan wont go through because they keep screwing up my address. (just noticed that the address on the new contract is wrong as well.) can i get out of this?
3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoWHO WOULD YOU RATHER DATE?
jim halpart or edward cullen? (jim rules)
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoHOT AND COLD GUYS :(?
have you ladies ever had a guy who runs so hot and cold your always lost and confused? :( how do you handle it...
14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHANNAH MONTANNA..... A MOVIE?!?
seriously this is pathetic. does anyone actually want to go and see this garbage? the girl hasnt done anything important!!!!! they make movies about ghandi and presidents. but seriously all miley cyrus has done is ruin radio.
6 AnswersMovies1 decade agohow many of you are still friends with your x's?
so just wantin to hear stories, my best friend is my ex boyfriend. anyone else?? stories
2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago